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1   //, created Mon Jul  8  0:41:49 2002 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package;
6   import joeq.Class.jq_Array;
7   import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
8   import joeq.Class.jq_Initializer;
9   import joeq.Class.jq_NameAndDesc;
10  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
11  import joeq.ClassLib.Common.ClassUtils;
12  import joeq.Runtime.Reflection;
13  import joeq.Runtime.Unsafe;
14  import joeq.UTF.Utf8;
15  import jwutil.util.Assert;
16  import jwutil.util.Convert;
18  /***
19   * ObjectInputStream
20   *
21   * @author  John Whaley <>
22   * @version $Id: 1941 2004-09-30 03:37:06Z joewhaley $
23   */
24  public abstract class ObjectInputStream {
26      private static java.lang.ClassLoader latestUserDefinedLoader()
27          throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
28      {
29          // TODO.
30          return null;
31      }
32      private static void bytesToFloats(byte[] src, int srcpos, float[] dst, int dstpos, int nfloats) {
33          --dstpos;
34          while (--nfloats >= 0) {
35              dst[++dstpos] = Unsafe.intBitsToFloat(Convert.fourBytesToInt(src, srcpos));
36              srcpos += 4;
37          }
38      }
39      private static void bytesToDoubles(byte[] src, int srcpos, double[] dst, int dstpos, int ndoubles) {
40          --dstpos;
41          while (--ndoubles >= 0) {
42              dst[++dstpos] = Unsafe.longBitsToDouble(Convert.eightBytesToLong(src, srcpos));
43              srcpos += 8;
44          }
45      }
46      private static void setPrimitiveFieldValues(java.lang.Object obj, long[] fieldIDs, char[] typecodes, byte[] data) {
47          Assert.TODO();
48      }
49      private static void setObjectFieldValue(java.lang.Object obj, long fieldID, java.lang.Class type, java.lang.Object val) {
50          Assert.TODO();
51      }
52      private static java.lang.Object allocateNewObject(java.lang.Class aclass, java.lang.Class initclass)
53          throws java.lang.InstantiationException, java.lang.IllegalAccessException
54      {
55          jq_Type t1 = Reflection.getJQType(aclass);
56          if (!(t1 instanceof jq_Class))
57              throw new java.lang.InstantiationException();
58          jq_Type t2 = Reflection.getJQType(initclass);
59          if (!(t2 instanceof jq_Class))
60              throw new java.lang.InstantiationException();
61          jq_Class c1 = (jq_Class)t1;
62          c1.load();
63          if (c1.isAbstract())
64              throw new java.lang.InstantiationException("cannot instantiate abstract "+aclass);
65          jq_Class c2 = (jq_Class)t2;
66          jq_Initializer i = c2.getInitializer(new jq_NameAndDesc(Utf8.get("<init>"), Utf8.get("()V")));
67          if (i == null)
68              throw new InstantiationException("no empty arg initializer in "+initclass);
69          ClassUtils.checkCallerAccess(i, 3);
70          c1.cls_initialize(); 
71          Object o = c1.newInstance();
72          try {
73              Reflection.invokeinstance_V(i, o);
74          } catch (Error x) {
75              throw x;
76          } catch (java.lang.Throwable x) {
77              throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(x);
78          }
79          return o;
80      }
81      private static java.lang.Object allocateNewArray(java.lang.Class aclass, int length)
82          throws java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
83          jq_Type t = Reflection.getJQType(aclass);
84          if (!(t instanceof jq_Array))
85              throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(aclass+" is not an array type");
86          jq_Array a = (jq_Array)t;
87          a.cls_initialize();
88          return a.newInstance(length);
89      }
91  }