Class SummaryToTuples

  extended by joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.SummaryToTuples

public class SummaryToTuples
extends Object

SummaryToTuples Definition of domains: V: Variables. Corresponds to variable nodes in the program. There are variable nodes for each formal parameter, result of a object creation (new/newarray/etc.), result of a getfield/arrayload, return value at a call site, and thrown exception at a call site. There is also a special type of 'global' variable node that is used when loading or storing to static fields. Primitive type variables are skipped. H: Heap. Corresponds to a location on the heap. There is a heap node for each object creation site. T: Type. Corresponds to a Java type (class or interface). There is one for every class or interface used in the program. F: Field. Corresponds to a field. There is one for each dereferenced field in the program. There is also a special 'array' field for array accesses. I: Invocation. Corresponds to a method invocation. There is one for each method invocation in the program. Note that object creation is not a method invocation, but object initialization (a call to the "" method) is an invocation. Z: Integer. Corresponds to an integer number. Used for numbering parameters. N: Method name. Corresponds to a method name and descriptor used for virtual method dispatch. There is one for every method name and descriptor used in a virtual method call. There is also a special 'null' method name that is used for non-virtual calls. M: Methods. Corresponds to a method in the program. This differs from the N domain in that this contains actual methods, whereas N simply contains names that are used for virtual method lookup, and can therefore contain abstract methods. VC: Variable context. Path number used for context sensitivity. Files dumped by SummaryToTuples: : contains the domain definitions, sizes, and map file names. m_formal.tuples : (M,Z,V) Contains formal method parameters. A tuple (m,z,v) means that parameter #z of method m is represented by variable v. In static methods, parameter #0 is the special 'global' variable. For instance methods, parameter #0 is the 'this' pointer for the method. Primitive type parameters do not have variable nodes and therefore are not in m_formal. m_global.tuples : (M,V) Contains the 'global variable node' for each method. Each method has a 'global variable node' that it uses when accessing static fields. A tuple (m,v) means that method m has global variable node v. m_vP.tuples : (M,V,H) Contains object creation sites within the method. A tuple (m,v,h) means that method m contains an object creation site that makes variable v point to new heap location h. m_A.tuples : (M,V,V) Contains assignments within a method. A tuple (m,v1,v2) means that method m contains an assignment "v1=v2;". Note that because assignments are factored away, the only remaining assignments will be caused by casts. This is because variables can only have one type, so we need to use different variables to record the different types. m_L.tuples : (M,V,F,V) Contains load instructions within a method. A tuple (m,v1,f,v2) means that method m contains a load instruction "v2=v1.f;", or if f is the special 'array' field, then m contains an instruction of the form "v2=v1[_];". Loads from static fields are specified with v1 equal to the 'global variable node' for the method. Loads from fields with primitive types are skipped. m_S.tuples : (M,V,F,V) Contains store instructions within a method. A tuple (m,v1,f,v2) means that method m contains a store instruction "v1.f=v2;", or if f is the special 'array' field, then m contains an instruction of the form "v1[_]=v2;". Stores into static fields are specified with v1 equal to the 'global variable node' for the method. Stores to fields with primitive types are skipped. m_calls.tuples : (M,I,N) Contains the method invocations within a method. A tuple (m,i,n) means that a method m contains an invocation site i on method name n. If the invocation is a non-virtual invocation or can be completely statically resolved, the method name is a special null method name, otherwise the method name is the virtual method to do the lookup upon. Non-virtual calls will also appear in "m_sc" with their real targets. m_actual.tuples : (M,I,Z,V) Contains the parameters for method invocations. A tuple (m,i,z,v) means that a method m contains an invocation site i with variable v passed in as parameter #z. Static calls have the special 'global' variable as their 0th parameter; instance calls have the base object as their 0th parameter. Primitive-typed parameters are skipped. m_Iret.tuples : (M,I,V) Contains the return values for method invocations. A tuple (m,i,v) means that a method m contains an invocation site i with return value v. Invocations that do not use the return value or that have a primitive return value are skipped. m_Ithr.tuples : (M,I,V) Contains the thrown exceptions for method invocations. A tuple (m,i,v) means that a method m contains an invocation site i with thrown exception v. m_sync.tuples : (M,V) Contains the variables that are synchronized in a method. A tuple (m,v) means that method m synchronizes on variable v. m_vars.tuples : (M,V) Contains the set of all variables in a method. A tuple (m,v) means that method m contains variable v. m_ret.tuples : (M,V) Contains the set of variables that are returned from a method. A tuple (m,v) means that method m returns variable v. m_thr.tuples : (M,V) Contains the set of variables that are thrown from a method. A tuple (m,v) means that method m throws variable v. m_sc.tuples : (M,I,M) Contains the statically-bound calls in a method. A tuple (m1,i,m2) means that m1 contains an invocation site i that is statically bound to call m2. vT.tuples : (V,T) Contains the declared type (class or interface) of each variable. hT.tuples : (H,T) Contains the type (class) of each object creation site. aT.tuples : (T,T) Contains which types are assignable from one to another. A tuple (t1,t2) means that you can assign an object of type t2 to a variable of type t1 (i.e., t1 is a supertype of t2). cha.tuples : (T,N,M) Contains the virtual method dispatch information. A tuple (t,n,m) means that doing a virtual method call with name n on an object of type t leads to target method m. methods.tuples : (T,M) Contains the methods that each class defines. A tuple (t,m) means that class t defines method m. fields.tuples : (T,F) Contains the fields that each class defines. A tuple (t,f) means that class t defines field f. clinit.tuples : (T,M) Contains the class initializers. A tuple (t,m) means that class t has class initializer method m. m_access.tuples : (M,Z) Contains the access modifiers for each of the methods. 0 = public, 1 = private, 2 = protected, 3 = package-protected f_access.tuples : (F,Z) Contains the access modifiers for each of the fields. 0 = public, 1 = private, 2 = protected, 3 = package-protected

$Id: 2289 2005-07-15 00:45:14Z joewhaley $

Nested Class Summary
 class SummaryToTuples.TupleSummary
Field Summary
static PrintStream out
static boolean TRACE
static boolean USE_HMAP
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static String canonicalizeClassName(String s)
 void dump()
 void dump(String dumpPath)
 SummaryToTuples.TupleSummary getSummary(jq_Method m)
static void main(String[] args)
static Collection parseClass(String arg)
static Collection parseMethod(String[] args)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean TRACE


public static PrintStream out


public static boolean USE_HMAP
Constructor Detail


public SummaryToTuples()
Method Detail


public SummaryToTuples.TupleSummary getSummary(jq_Method m)


public void dump()
          throws IOException


public void dump(String dumpPath)
          throws IOException


public static Collection parseMethod(String[] args)
                              throws IOException


public static String canonicalizeClassName(String s)


public static Collection parseClass(String arg)
                             throws IOException


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws IOException

Copyright © 2001-2008 John Whaley. All Rights Reserved.