Uses of Class

Packages that use Section

Uses of Section in joeq.Linker.ELF

Subclasses of Section in joeq.Linker.ELF
static class Section.AbsSection
static class Section.DynamicSection
static class Section.DynSymSection
static class Section.FakeSection
static class Section.HashSection
static class Section.NoBitsSection
static class Section.NoteSection
static class Section.NullSection
static class Section.ProgBitsSection
static class Section.ProgBitsSectionImpl
static class Section.RelASection
static class Section.RelSection
static class Section.StrTabSection
static class Section.SymTabSection

Fields in joeq.Linker.ELF declared as Section
protected  Section SymbolTableEntry.section
protected  Section Section.RelASection.targetSection
protected  Section Section.RelSection.targetSection

Methods in joeq.Linker.ELF that return Section
 Section ELFRandomAccessFile.getSection(int i)
 Section ELF.getSection(int index)
 Section Section.UnloadedSection.parseHeader()

Methods in joeq.Linker.ELF with parameters of type Section
 void ELF.addSection(Section s)
          Adds the given ELF section to this object.
 void ELF.removeSection(Section s)
          Removes the given ELF section from this object.

Constructors in joeq.Linker.ELF with parameters of type Section
Section.RelASection(String name, int flags, int addr, Section.SymTabSection symbolTable, Section targetSection)
Section.RelSection(String name, int flags, int addr, Section.SymTabSection symbolTable, Section targetSection)
SymbolTableEntry(String name, int value, int size, byte bind, byte type, Section section)

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