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1   /*
2    * Created on Nov 25, 2003
3    *
4    * To change the template for this generated file go to
5    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
6    */
7   package jwutil.graphs;
9   import java.util.AbstractList;
10  import java.util.Arrays;
11  import java.util.Collection;
12  import java.util.Comparator;
13  import java.util.HashMap;
14  import java.util.HashSet;
15  import java.util.Iterator;
16  import java.util.LinkedList;
17  import java.util.List;
18  import java.util.Map;
19  import java.util.Set;
20  import java.util.SortedSet;
21  import java.util.TreeSet;
22  import java.util.Map.Entry;
23  import;
24  import java.math.BigInteger;
25  import jwutil.collections.IndexMap;
26  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
27  import jwutil.collections.UnmodifiableIterator;
28  import jwutil.strings.Strings;
29  import jwutil.util.Assert;
31  /***
32   * SCCPathNumbering
33   * 
34   * @author jwhaley
35   */
36  public class SCCPathNumbering extends PathNumbering {
37      public static final boolean PRINT_BIGGEST = false;
38      public static /*final*/ boolean TRACE_NUMBERING = false;
39      public static final boolean TRACE_PATH = false;
40      public static final boolean VERIFY_ASSERTIONS = false;
42      public SCCPathNumbering() {}
44      public SCCPathNumbering(Selector s) {
45          this.selector = s;
46      }
48      public SCCPathNumbering(Graph g) {
49          countPaths(g);
50      }
52      /*** Navigator for the graph. */
53      Navigator navigator;
55      /*** Cache of topologically-sorted SCC graph. */
56      SCCTopSortedGraph graph;
58      /*** Map from a node to its SCC. */
59      Map nodeToScc = new HashMap();
61      /*** Map from SCCs to Ranges. */
62      Map sccNumbering = new HashMap();
64      /*** Map from pairs of SCCs to the set of edges between them. */
65      Map sccEdges = new HashMap();
67      /*** Map from edges to ranges. */
68      Map edgeNumbering = new HashMap();
70      /*** Select important edges. */
71      Selector selector;
73      /*** Counts the number of paths in the given graph. */
74      Set unimportant = new HashSet();
76      /*** Counts the number of paths from the given root set, using the given graph navigator. */
77      public BigInteger countPaths(Collection roots, Navigator navigator, Map initialMap) {
78          BigInteger max_paths = BigInteger.ZERO;
80          int max_scc = 0;
81          int num_scc = 0;
83          if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.print("Building and sorting SCCs...");
84          Set sccs = SCComponent.buildSCC(roots, navigator);
85          this.navigator = navigator;
86          graph = SCCTopSortedGraph.topSort(sccs);
87          if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.print("done.");
88          if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.print("Root SCCs: " + sccs);
90          /* DumpDotGraph ddg = new DumpDotGraph();
91          ddg.setNavigator(graph.getNavigator());
92          ddg.setNodeSet(new HashSet(graph.list()));
93          try {
94              ddg.dump("out.txt");
95          } catch (IOException e1) {
96              e1.printStackTrace();
97          } */
99          SCComponent scc = graph.getFirst();
100         while (scc != null) {
101             initializeSccMap(scc);
102             max_scc = Math.max(scc.getId(), max_scc);
103             scc = scc.nextTopSort();
104             ++num_scc;
105         }
106         if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("Max SCC="+max_scc+", Num SCC="+num_scc);
108         if (TRACE_NUMBERING) {
109             for(Iterator iter = this.nodeToScc.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
110                 Map.Entry e = (Entry);
111                 System.out.println(e.getKey() + "\t->\t" + e.getValue());
112             }
113         }
115         /* Walk through SCCs in forward order. */
116         scc = graph.getFirst();
117         if (VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) Assert._assert(scc.prevLength() == 0);
118         while (scc != null) {
119             /* Assign a number for each SCC. */
120             if (TRACE_NUMBERING)
121                 System.out.println("Visiting SCC"+scc.getId()+(scc.isLoop()?" (loop)":" (non-loop)"));
122             BigInteger total = BigInteger.ZERO;
123             if (initialMap != null && !scc.isLoop())
124                 total = toBigInt((Number) initialMap.get(scc.nodes()[0]));
125             recordEdgesFromSCC(scc);
126             for (Iterator i=Arrays.asList(scc.prev()).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
127                 SCComponent pred = (SCComponent);
128                 Pair edge = new Pair(pred, scc);
129                 //System.out.println("Visiting edge SCC"+pred.getId()+" to SCC"+scc.getId());
130                 int nedges = ((Collection) sccEdges.get(edge)).size();
131                 Range r = (Range) sccNumbering.get(pred);
132                 // t1 = r.high+1;
133                 BigInteger t1 = toBigInt(r.high).add(BigInteger.ONE);
134                 // newtotal = total + t1*nedges
135                 BigInteger newtotal = total.add(t1.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(nedges)));
136                 if (isImportant(pred, scc, newtotal)) {
137                     total = newtotal;
138                 } else {
139                     unimportant.add(edge);
140                     if (total.compareTo(t1) < 0) total = t1;
141                 }
142             }
143             if (scc.prevLength() == 0)
144                 total = total.add(BigInteger.ONE);
145             Range r = new Range(fromBigInt(total), fromBigInt(total.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)));
146             if (TRACE_NUMBERING ||
147                 (PRINT_BIGGEST && total.compareTo(max_paths) == 1))
148                 System.out.println("Paths to SCC"+scc.getId()+(scc.isLoop()?" (loop)":" (non-loop)")+"="+total);
149             sccNumbering.put(scc, r);
150             max_paths = max_paths.max(total);
151             scc = scc.nextTopSort();
152         }
154         scc = graph.getFirst();
155         while (scc != null) {
156             addEdges(scc);
157             scc = scc.nextTopSort();
158         }
160         scc = graph.getFirst();
161         while (scc != null) {
162             Range r = (Range) sccNumbering.get(scc);
163             if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("Range for SCC"+scc.getId()+(scc.isLoop()?" (loop)":" (non-loop)")+"="+r);
164             if (r.low.longValue() != 0L) {
165                 r.low = new Integer(0);
166             }
167             scc = scc.nextTopSort();
168         }
170         return max_paths;
171     }
173     /*** Initialize the mapping from nodes to their SCCs. */
174     protected void initializeSccMap(SCComponent scc1) {
175         Object[] nodes1 = scc1.nodes();
176         for (int i=0; i<nodes1.length; ++i) {
177             Object node = nodes1[i];
178             nodeToScc.put(node, scc1);
179         }
180     }
182     /*** Record the outgoing edges between nodes in the given SCC. */
183     private void recordEdgesFromSCC(SCComponent scc1) {
184         Object[] nodes = scc1.nodes();
185         for (int i=0; i<nodes.length; ++i) {
186             Object exit = nodes[i];
187             Collection targets =;
188             for (Iterator j=targets.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
189                 Object target =;
190                 SCComponent scc2 = (SCComponent) nodeToScc.get(target);
191                 Pair edge = new Pair(scc1, scc2);
192                 if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("Edge SCC"+scc1.getId()+" to SCC"+scc2.getId()+": "+target);
193                 Collection value = (Collection) sccEdges.get(edge);
194                 if (value == null) sccEdges.put(edge, value = new LinkedList());
195                 value.add(new Pair(exit, target));
196             }
197         }
198     }
200     private void addEdges(SCComponent scc1) {
201         if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("Adding edges SCC"+scc1.getId());
202         Range r1 = (Range) sccNumbering.get(scc1);
203         if (scc1.prevLength() == 0) {
204             if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("SCC"+scc1.getId()+" is in the root set");
205             if (VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) Assert._assert(r1.low.longValue() == 1L && r1.high.longValue() == 0L);
206             r1.low = new Integer(0);
207         }
208         if (scc1.isLoop()) {
209             Collection internalEdges = (Collection) sccEdges.get(new Pair(scc1, scc1));
210             for (Iterator i = internalEdges.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
211                 Pair edge = (Pair);
212                 if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("Range for "+edge+" = "+r1+" "+Strings.hex(r1));
213                 edgeNumbering.put(edge, r1);
214             }
215         }
216         for (Iterator i=Arrays.asList(; i.hasNext(); ) {
217             SCComponent scc2 = (SCComponent);
218             Pair e = new Pair(scc1, scc2);
219             boolean important = !unimportant.contains(e);
220             Range r2 = (Range) sccNumbering.get(scc2);
221             Collection calls = (Collection) sccEdges.get(e);
222             for (Iterator k=calls.iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
223                 Pair edge = (Pair);
224                 Range r3;
225                 if (important) {
226                     // external call. update internal object and make new object.
227                     BigInteger newlow = toBigInt(r2.low).subtract(toBigInt(r1.high).add(BigInteger.ONE));
228                     Assert._assert(newlow.signum() != -1);
229                     r2.low = fromBigInt(newlow);
230                     if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("External edge!  New range for SCC"+scc2.getId()+" = "+r2);
231                     r3 = new Range(newlow, newlow.add(toBigInt(r1.high)));
232                 } else {
233                     // unimportant external call. don't update internal object.
234                     BigInteger newlow = BigInteger.ZERO;
235                     r3 = new Range(newlow, newlow.add(toBigInt(r1.high)));
236                 }
237                 if (TRACE_NUMBERING) System.out.println("Range for "+edge+" = "+r3+" "+Strings.hex(r3));
238                 edgeNumbering.put(edge, r3);
239             }
240         }
241     }
243     public boolean isImportant(SCComponent scc1, SCComponent scc2, BigInteger num) {
244         if (selector == null) return true;
245         return selector.isImportant(scc1, scc2, num);
246     }
248     public Range getRange(Object o) {
249         SCComponent scc = (SCComponent) nodeToScc.get(o);
250         return getSCCRange(scc);
251     }
253     public Range getSCCRange(SCComponent scc) {
254         Range r = (Range) sccNumbering.get(scc);
255         return r;
256     }
258     public Number numberOfPathsTo(Object o) {
259         SCComponent scc = (SCComponent) nodeToScc.get(o);
260         return numberOfPathsToSCC(scc);
261     }
263     public Number numberOfPathsToSCC(SCComponent scc) {
264         Range r = (Range) sccNumbering.get(scc);
265         if (r == null) return null;
266         Number n = fromBigInt(toBigInt(r.high).add(BigInteger.ONE));
267         return n;
268     }
270     public Range getEdge(Object from, Object to) {
271         return getEdge(new Pair(from, to));
272     }
274     public Range getEdge(Pair edge) {
275         Range r = (Range) edgeNumbering.get(edge);
276         return r;
277     }
279     public Collection/*<Range>*/ getSCCEdges(SCComponent from, SCComponent to) {
280         return getSCCEdges(new Pair(from, to));
281     }
283     public Collection/*<Range>*/ getSCCEdges(Pair edge) {
284         Collection c = (Collection) sccEdges.get(edge);
285         return c;
286     }
288     public SCComponent getSCC(Object node) {
289         return (SCComponent) nodeToScc.get(node);
290     }
292     /*** Comparator used to put nodes in post order according to the SCC post order. */
293     static class PostOrderComparator implements Comparator {
295         private final Map nodeToScc;
296         private final IndexMap postOrderNumberingOfSccs;
298         /*** Construct a post-order comparator with the given node-to-scc mapping and
299          * topologically-sorted SCC graph.
300          */
301         public PostOrderComparator(Map nodeToScc, SCCTopSortedGraph g) {
302             this.nodeToScc = nodeToScc;
303             List list = g.list();
304             postOrderNumberingOfSccs = new IndexMap("PostOrderNumbering", list.size());
305             postOrderNumberingOfSccs.addAll(list);
306         }
308         /* (non-Javadoc)
309          * @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
310          */
311         public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
312             if (arg0.equals(arg1)) return 0;
313             SCComponent scc0 = (SCComponent) nodeToScc.get(arg0);
314             SCComponent scc1 = (SCComponent) nodeToScc.get(arg1);
315             int a = postOrderNumberingOfSccs.get(scc0);
316             int b = postOrderNumberingOfSccs.get(scc1);
317             if (a < b) return -1;
318             if (a > b) return 1;
319             // in the same SCC.
320             a = Arrays.asList(scc0.nodes()).indexOf(arg0);
321             b = Arrays.asList(scc1.nodes()).indexOf(arg1);
322             if (a < b) return -1;
323             if (VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) Assert._assert(a != b);
324             return 1;
325         }
326     }
328     /*** Represents a path through the graph as an immutable linked structure. */
329     public static class Path extends AbstractList {
331         private final Object o;
332         private final int length;
333         private final Path next;
335         /*** Construct a path with exactly one element: the given one. */
336         public Path(Object o) {
337             this.o = o;
338             this.length = 1;
339    = null;
340         }
342         /*** Construct a path by prepending an element to an existing path. */
343         public Path(Object o, Path next) {
344             this.o = o;
345             this.length = next.length+1;
346    = next;
347         }
349         /*** Return the length of this path. */
350         public int size() {
351             return this.length;
352         }
354         /*** Return a certain element of this path. */
355         public Object get(int i) {
356             Path p = this;
357             for (;;) {
358                 if (i == 0) return p.o;
359                 p =;
360                 --i;
361             }
362         }
364         /* (non-Javadoc)
365          * @see java.util.Collection#iterator()
366          */
367         public Iterator iterator() {
368             return new UnmodifiableIterator() {
369                 Path p = Path.this;
371                 public boolean hasNext() {
372                     return p != null;
373                 }
375                 public Object next() {
376                     Object o = p.o;
377                     p =;
378                     return o;
379                 }
380             };
381         }
383         /*** Return a string representation of this path. */
384         public String toString() {
385             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
386             sb.append("\t<");
387             sb.append(o);
388             Path p = next;
389             while (p != null) {
390                 sb.append(',');
391                 sb.append(Strings.lineSep);
392                 sb.append('\t');
393                 sb.append(p.o);
394                 p =;
395             }
396             sb.append('>');
397             return sb.toString();
398         }
399     }
401     public Path getPath(Object callee, Number context) {
402         BigInteger c = toBigInt(context);
403         Range range = (Range) sccNumbering.get(nodeToScc.get(callee));
404         if (c.compareTo(toBigInt(range.high)) > 0) {
405             if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Out of range (high)");
406             return null;
407         }
409         Path result = new Path(callee);
411         // visit SCCs in post order.
412         PostOrderComparator po_comparator = new PostOrderComparator(nodeToScc, graph);
413         SortedSet worklist = new TreeSet(po_comparator);
414         Map contexts = new HashMap();
415         Map results = new HashMap();
417         worklist.add(callee);
418         contexts.put(callee, c);
419         results.put(callee, result);
421         while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
422             callee = worklist.last(); worklist.remove(callee);
423             c = (BigInteger) contexts.get(callee);
424             result = (Path) results.get(callee);
425             if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Getting context "+c+" at "+callee);
426             for (Iterator i=navigator.prev(callee).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
427                 Object caller =;
428                 Range r = getEdge(caller, callee);
429                 if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Edge "+caller+" to "+callee+": "+r);
430                 if (c.compareTo(toBigInt(r.high)) > 0) {
431                     if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Out of range (high)");
432                     continue;
433                 }
434                 BigInteger c2 = c.subtract(toBigInt(r.low));
435                 if (c2.signum() < 0) {
436                     if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Out of range (low)");
437                     continue;
438                 }
439                 if (contexts.containsKey(caller)) {
440                     // recursive cycle.
441                     if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Recursive cycle");
442                 } else {
443                     if (TRACE_PATH) System.out.println("Matches! Adding to worklist.");
444                     worklist.add(caller);
445                     contexts.put(caller, c2);
446                     results.put(caller, new Path(caller, result));
447                 }
448             }
449         }
450         return result;
451     }
453     public SCCTopSortedGraph getSCCGraph() {
454         return graph;
455     }
457 }