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1   //, created Tue Feb 27  2:52:57 2001 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Allocator;
6   import java.lang.reflect.Array;
7   import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
8   import joeq.Class.jq_Array;
9   import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
10  import joeq.Class.jq_ClassFileConstants;
11  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceField;
12  import joeq.Class.jq_Reference;
13  import joeq.Class.jq_StaticField;
14  import joeq.Class.jq_StaticMethod;
15  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
16  import joeq.Memory.Address;
17  import joeq.Memory.HeapAddress;
18  import joeq.Runtime.Debug;
19  import joeq.Runtime.SystemInterface;
20  import joeq.Runtime.TypeCheck;
21  import jwutil.util.Assert;
23  /***
24   * HeapAllocator
25   *
26   * @author  John Whaley <>
27   * @version $Id: 2125 2005-01-21 07:13:15Z joewhaley $
28   */
29  public abstract class HeapAllocator implements jq_ClassFileConstants {
33      /*** Perform initialization for this allocator.  This will be called before any other methods.
34       *
35       * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is not enough memory for initialization
36       */
37      public abstract void init()
38      throws OutOfMemoryError;
40      /*** Allocate an object with the default alignment.
41       * If the object cannot be allocated due to lack of memory, throws OutOfMemoryError.
42       *
43       * @param size size of object to allocate (including object header), in bytes
44       * @param vtable vtable pointer for new object
45       * @return new uninitialized object
46       * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is insufficient memory to perform the operation
47       */
48      public abstract Object allocateObject(int size, Object vtable)
49      throws OutOfMemoryError;
51      /*** Allocate an object such that the first field is 8-byte aligned.
52       * If the object cannot be allocated due to lack of memory, throws OutOfMemoryError.
53       *
54       * @param size size of object to allocate (including object header), in bytes
55       * @param vtable vtable pointer for new object
56       * @return new uninitialized object
57       * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is insufficient memory to perform the operation
58       */
59      public abstract Object allocateObjectAlign8(int size, Object vtable)
60      throws OutOfMemoryError;
62      /*** Allocate an array with the default alignment.
63       * If length is negative, throws NegativeArraySizeException.
64       * If the array cannot be allocated due to lack of memory, throws OutOfMemoryError.
65       *
66       * @param length length of new array
67       * @param size size of array to allocate (including array header), in bytes
68       * @param vtable vtable pointer for new array
69       * @return new array
70       * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if length is negative
71       * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is insufficient memory to perform the operation
72       */
73      public abstract Object allocateArray(int length, int size, Object vtable)
74      throws OutOfMemoryError, NegativeArraySizeException;
76      /*** Allocate an array such that the elements are 8-byte aligned.
77       * If length is negative, throws NegativeArraySizeException.
78       * If the array cannot be allocated due to lack of memory, throws OutOfMemoryError.
79       *
80       * @param length length of new array
81       * @param size size of array to allocate (including array header), in bytes
82       * @param vtable vtable pointer for new array
83       * @return new array
84       * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if length is negative
85       * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is insufficient memory to perform the operation
86       */
87      public abstract Object allocateArrayAlign8(int length, int size, Object vtable)
88      throws OutOfMemoryError, NegativeArraySizeException;
90      /*** Returns an estimate of the amount of free memory available.
91       *
92       * @return bytes of free memory
93       */
94      public abstract int freeMemory();
96      /*** Returns an estimate of the total memory allocated (both used and unused).
97       *
98       * @return bytes of memory allocated
99       */
100     public abstract int totalMemory();
102     /***
103      * Returns whether the given address falls within the boundaries of this heap.
104      */
105     public abstract boolean isInHeap(Address a);
107     /***
108      * Initiate a garbage collection.
109      */
110     public abstract void collect();
112     /***
113      * Process a reference to a heap object during garbage collection.
114      */
115     public abstract void processObjectReference(Address a);
117     /***
118      * Process a possible reference to a heap object during garbage collection.
119      */
120     public abstract void processPossibleObjectReference(Address a);
124     public static final boolean TRACE = false;
126     /***
127      * Initialize class t and return a new uninitialized object of that type.
128      * If t is not a class type, throw a VerifyError.
129      *
130      * @param t type to initialize and create object of
131      * @return new uninitialized object of type t
132      * @throws VerifyError if t is not a class type
133      */
134     public static Object clsinitAndAllocateObject(jq_Type t)
135     throws VerifyError {
136         if (!t.isClassType())
137             throw new VerifyError();
138         jq_Class k = (jq_Class)t;
139         k.cls_initialize();
140         return k.newInstance();
141     }
143     /***
144      * Clone the given object.  NOTE: Does not check if the object implements Cloneable.
145      *
146      * @return new clone
147      * @param o object to clone
148      * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is not enough memory to perform operation
149      */
150     public static Object clone(Object o)
151     throws OutOfMemoryError {
152         jq_Reference t = jq_Reference.getTypeOf(o);
153         if (t.isClassType()) {
154             jq_Class k = (jq_Class)t;
155             Object p = k.newInstance();
156             if (k.getInstanceSize()-ObjectLayout.OBJ_HEADER_SIZE > 0)
157                 SystemInterface.mem_cpy(HeapAddress.addressOf(p), HeapAddress.addressOf(o), k.getInstanceSize()-ObjectLayout.OBJ_HEADER_SIZE);
158             return p;
159         } else {
160             Assert._assert(t.isArrayType());
161             jq_Array k = (jq_Array)t;
162             int length = Array.getLength(o);
163             Object p = k.newInstance(length);
164             if (length > 0)
165                 SystemInterface.mem_cpy(HeapAddress.addressOf(p), HeapAddress.addressOf(o), k.getInstanceSize(length)-ObjectLayout.ARRAY_HEADER_SIZE);
166             return p;
167         }
168     }
170     private static boolean isOutOfMemory = false;
171     private static final OutOfMemoryError outofmemoryerror = new OutOfMemoryError();
173     /***
174      * Called in an out of memory situation.
175      *
176      * @throws OutOfMemoryError always thrown
177      */    
178     public static void outOfMemory()
179     throws OutOfMemoryError {
180         if (isOutOfMemory) {
181             SystemInterface.die(-1);
182         }
183         isOutOfMemory = true;
184         SystemInterface.debugwriteln("Out of memory!");
185         throw outofmemoryerror;
186     }
188     /* Both of these addresses are EXCLUSIVE. */
189     public static HeapAddress data_segment_start;
190     public static HeapAddress data_segment_end;
192     public static void initializeDataSegment() {
193         // need to initialize these to be non-null so that they will
194         // have relocations.
195         data_segment_start = (HeapAddress) HeapAddress.getNull().offset(-1);
196         data_segment_end = (HeapAddress) HeapAddress.getNull().offset(-1);
197     }
199     public static final boolean isInDataSegment(Address a) {
200         boolean b = a.difference(data_segment_start) > 0 &&
201                     a.difference(data_segment_end) < 0;
202         return b;
203     }
205     public static boolean isValidHeapAddress(Address a) {
206         return DefaultHeapAllocator.isValidHeapAddress(a);
207     }
209     public static boolean getGCBit(Object o) {
210         int status = HeapAddress.addressOf(o).offset(ObjectLayout.STATUS_WORD_OFFSET).peek4();
211         return (status & ObjectLayout.GC_BIT) != 0;
212     }
214     public static void setGCBit(Object o, boolean b) {
215         HeapAddress a = (HeapAddress) HeapAddress.addressOf(o).offset(ObjectLayout.STATUS_WORD_OFFSET);
216         int status = a.peek4();
217         if (b) status |= ObjectLayout.GC_BIT;
218         else status &= ~ObjectLayout.GC_BIT;
219         a.poke4(status);
220     }
222     public static int[] getScalarObjectReferenceOffsets(Object o) {
223         jq_Class t = (jq_Class) jq_Reference.getTypeOf(o);
224         return t.getReferenceOffsets();
225     }
227     /***
228      * Check if the object references are legal up to a given depth.
229      * 
230      * @param o
231      * @param depth
232      * @return  true if object refs are legal
233      */
234     public static boolean checkObjectReferences(Object o, int depth) {
235         jq_Reference t = jq_Reference.getTypeOf(o);
236         if (t instanceof jq_Array) {
237             jq_Type elementType = ((jq_Array) t).getElementType();
238             if (elementType.isReferenceType() && !elementType.isAddressType()) {
239                 int length = Array.getLength(o);
240                 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
241                     Address a = HeapAddress.addressOf(o).offset(ObjectLayout.ARRAY_ELEMENT_OFFSET + i * HeapAddress.size()).peek();
242                     if (!isObjectAssignableType(a, (jq_Reference) elementType)) return false;
243                 }
244             }
245         } else {
246             jq_InstanceField[] f = ((jq_Class) t).getInstanceFields();
247             for (int i = 0; i < f.length; ++i) {
248                 jq_Type ft = f[i].getType();
249                 if (ft.isReferenceType() && !ft.isAddressType()) {
250                     Address a = HeapAddress.addressOf(o).offset(f[i].getOffset()).peek();
251                     if (!isObjectAssignableType(a, (jq_Reference) ft)) return false;
252                 }
253             }
254         }
255         return true;
256     }
258     /***
259      * Returns true if the given address looks like it points to an object.
260      * 
261      * @param a
262      * @return  true if it looks like a valid object
263      */
264     public static boolean isValidObject(Address a) {
265         return isValidObject(a, 0);
266     }
268     /***
269      * Returns true if the given address looks like it points to an object.
270      * Checks up to the given depth of object nesting.
271      * 
272      * @param a
273      * @param depth
274      * @return  true if it looks like a valid object
275      */
276     public static boolean isValidObject(Address a, int depth) {
277         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Checking if valid object ref: ", a);
278         if (!isValidHeapAddress(a)) {
279             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be object, invalid address");
280             return false;
281         }
282         Address vt = a.offset(ObjectLayout.VTABLE_OFFSET).peek();
283         if (!isValidVTable(vt)) {
284             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be object, invalid vtable: ", vt);
285             return false;
286         }
287         if (depth > 0) {
288             Object o = ((HeapAddress) a).asObject();
289             if (!checkObjectReferences(o, depth)) {
290                 return false;
291             }
292         }
293         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Valid object: ", a);
294         return true;
295     }
297     /***
298      * Returns true if the given address looks like it points to an array.
299      * 
300      * @param a
301      * @return  true if it looks like a valid array
302      */
303     public static boolean isValidArray(Address a) {
304         return isValidArray(a, 0);
305     }
307     /***
308      * Returns true if the given address looks like it points to an array.
309      * Checks up to the given depth of object nesting.
310      * 
311      * @param a
312      * @param depth
313      * @return  true if it looks like a valid array
314      */
315     public static boolean isValidArray(Address a, int depth) {
316         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Checking if valid array: ", a);
317         if (!isValidHeapAddress(a)) {
318             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be array, invalid address");
319             return false;
320         }
321         Address vt = a.offset(ObjectLayout.VTABLE_OFFSET).peek();
322         if (!isValidArrayVTable(vt)) {
323             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be object, invalid array vtable: ", vt);
324             return false;
325         }
326         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Valid array: ", a);
327         if (depth > 0) {
328             Object o = ((HeapAddress) a).asObject();
329             jq_Array t = (jq_Array) jq_Reference.getTypeOf(o);
330             jq_Type elementType = ((jq_Array) t).getElementType();
331             if (elementType.isReferenceType() && !elementType.isAddressType()) {
332                 int length = Array.getLength(o);
333                 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
334                     Address a2 = HeapAddress.addressOf(o).offset(ObjectLayout.ARRAY_ELEMENT_OFFSET + i * HeapAddress.size()).peek();
335                     if (!isObjectAssignableType(a2, (jq_Reference) elementType)) return false;
336                 }
337             }
338         }
339         return true;
340     }
342     /***
343      * Return true if the given address looks like it points to a vtable.
344      * 
345      * @param a
346      * @return  true if it looks like a vtable
347      */
348     public static boolean isValidVTable(Address a) {
349         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Checking if vtable: ", a);
350         if (!isValidHeapAddress(a)) {
351             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be vtable, invalid address");
352             return false;
353         }
354         Address vtableTypeAddr = a.offset(ObjectLayout.VTABLE_OFFSET).peek();
355         jq_Reference r = PrimordialClassLoader.getAddressArray();
356         if (!isObjectExactType(vtableTypeAddr, r)) {
357             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be vtable, has wrong type: ", vtableTypeAddr);
358             return false;
359         }
360         boolean b = isValidReferenceType((HeapAddress) a.peek());
361         if (TRACE) {
362             if (b) Debug.writeln("Valid vtable: ", a);
363             else Debug.writeln("Cannot be vtable, invalid type in vtable[0]: ", a.peek());
364         }
365         return b;
366     }
368     /***
369      * Return true if the given address looks like it points to a vtable for an array object.
370      * 
371      * @param a
372      * @return  true if it looks like a valid array vtable
373      */
374     public static boolean isValidArrayVTable(Address a) {
375         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Checking if array vtable: ", a);
376         if (!isValidHeapAddress(a)) {
377             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be array vtable, invalid address");
378             return false;
379         }
380         Address vtableTypeAddr = a.offset(ObjectLayout.VTABLE_OFFSET).peek();
381         jq_Reference r = PrimordialClassLoader.getAddressArray();
382         if (!isObjectExactType(vtableTypeAddr, r)) {
383             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be array vtable, has wrong type: ", vtableTypeAddr);
384             return false;
385         }
386         boolean b = isValidArrayType((HeapAddress) a.peek());
387         if (TRACE) {
388             if (b) Debug.writeln("Valid array vtable: ", a);
389             else Debug.writeln("Cannot be array vtable, invalid type in vtable[0]: ", a.peek());
390         }
391         return b;
392     }
394     /***
395      * Return true if the given address looks like it points to an object whose type is
396      * exactly the given reference type.
397      * 
398      * @param a
399      * @param t
400      * @return  true if it looks like an object of the correct type
401      */
402     public static boolean isObjectExactType(Address a, jq_Reference t) {
403         if (TRACE) {
404             Debug.writeln("Checking if matching type: ", a);
405             Debug.writeln(t.getDesc());
406         }
407         if (!isValidHeapAddress(a)) {
408             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be type, invalid address");
409             return false;
410         }
412         Address vtable = a.offset(ObjectLayout.VTABLE_OFFSET).peek();
413         if (!isValidHeapAddress(vtable)) {
414             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be type, invalid vtable address: ", vtable);
415             return false;
416         }
417         Address type = vtable.peek();
418         Address expected = HeapAddress.addressOf(t);
419         boolean b = expected.difference(type) == 0;
420         if (TRACE) {
421             if (b) Debug.writeln("Matching type: ", type);
422             else {
423                 Debug.writeln("Not matching type: ", type);
424                 Debug.writeln(jq_Reference.getTypeOf(((HeapAddress) a).asObject()).getDesc());
425             }
426         }
427         return b;
428     }
430     /***
431      * Return true if the given address is null or looks like it points to an object
432      * whose type is assignable to the given reference type.
433      * 
434      * @param a
435      * @param t
436      * @return  true if it is null or looks like an object of assignable type
437      */
438     public static boolean isObjectAssignableType(Address a, jq_Reference t) {
439         if (TRACE) {
440             Debug.writeln("Checking if assignable type: ", a);
441             Debug.writeln(t.getDesc());
442         }
443         if (a.isNull()) return true;
444         if (!isValidHeapAddress(a)) {
445             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be type, invalid address");
446             return false;
447         }
449         Address vtable = a.offset(ObjectLayout.VTABLE_OFFSET).peek();
450         if (!isValidHeapAddress(vtable)) {
451             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be type, invalid vtable address: ", vtable);
452             return false;
453         }
454         Address type = vtable.peek();
455         if (!isValidReferenceType(type)) {
456             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be type, invalid type address: ", type);
457             return false;
458         }
459         jq_Reference t2 = (jq_Reference) ((HeapAddress) type).asObject();
460         if (!TypeCheck.isAssignable(t2, t)) {
461             Debug.writeln("Not matching type");
462             Debug.writeln(t2.getDesc());
463         }
464         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Matching type: ", type);
465         return true;
466     }
468     /***
469      * Given an address, return true if it looks like it points to a jq_Class or jq_Array object.
470      * 
471      * @param typeAddress
472      * @return  true if it looks like a jq_Class or jq_Array object
473      */
474     public static boolean isValidReferenceType(Address typeAddress) {
475         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Checking if valid type: ", typeAddress);
476         if (!isValidHeapAddress(typeAddress)) {
477             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be type, invalid address");
478             return false;
479         }
481         // check if vtable is one of three possible values
482         Object vtable = ObjectLayoutMethods.getVTable(((HeapAddress) typeAddress).asObject());
483         boolean valid = vtable == jq_Class._class.getVTable() ||
484                         vtable == jq_Array._class.getVTable();
485         if (TRACE) {
486             if (valid) Debug.writeln("Matching vtable: ", HeapAddress.addressOf(vtable));
487             else Debug.writeln("Not matching vtable: ", HeapAddress.addressOf(vtable));
488         }
489         return valid;
490     }
492     /***
493      * Given an address, return true if it looks like it points to a jq_Array object.
494      * 
495      * @param typeAddress
496      * @return  true if it looks like a jq_Array object
497      */
498     public static boolean isValidArrayType(Address typeAddress) {
499         if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Checking if valid array type: ", typeAddress);
500         if (!isValidHeapAddress(typeAddress)) {
501             if (TRACE) Debug.writeln("Cannot be array type, invalid address");
502             return false;
503         }
505         Object vtable = ObjectLayoutMethods.getVTable(((HeapAddress) typeAddress).asObject());
506         boolean valid = vtable == jq_Array._class.getVTable();
507         if (TRACE) {
508             if (valid) Debug.writeln("Matching array vtable: ", HeapAddress.addressOf(vtable));
509             else Debug.writeln("Not matching array vtable: ", HeapAddress.addressOf(vtable));
510         }
511         return valid;
512     }
514     /***
515      * An object of this class represents a pointer to a heap address.
516      * It is a wrapped version of HeapAddress, so it can be used like
517      * an object.
518      */
519     public static class HeapPointer implements Comparable {
521         /*** The (actual) address. */
522         private final HeapAddress ip;
524         /*** Create a new heap pointer.
525          * @param ip  heap pointer value
526          */
527         public HeapPointer(HeapAddress ip) { this.ip = ip; }
529         /*** Extract the address of this heap pointer.
530          * @return  address of this heap pointer
531          */
532         public HeapAddress get() { return ip; }
534         /*** Compare this heap pointer to another heap pointer.
535          * @param that  heap pointer to compare against
536          * @return  -1 if this ip is before the given ip, 0 if it is equal
537          *           to the given ip, 1 if it is after the given ip
538          */
539         public int compareTo(HeapPointer that) {
540             if (this.ip.difference(that.ip) < 0) return -1;
541             if (this.ip.difference(that.ip) > 0) return 1;
542             return 0;
543         }
545         /*** Compares this heap pointer to the given object.
546          * @param that  object to compare to
547          * @return  -1 if this is less than, 0 if this is equal, 1 if this
548          *           is greater than
549          */
550         public int compareTo(java.lang.Object that) {
551             return compareTo((HeapPointer) that);
552         }
554         /*** Returns true if this heap pointer refers to the same location
555          * as the given heap pointer, false otherwise.
556          * @param that  heap pointer to compare to
557          * @return  true if the heap pointers are equal, false otherwise
558          */
559         public boolean equals(HeapPointer that) {
560             return this.ip.difference(that.ip) == 0;
561         }
563         /*** Compares this heap pointer with the given object.
564          * @param that  object to compare with
565          * @return  true if these objects are equal, false otherwise
566          */
567         public boolean equals(Object that) {
568             return equals((HeapPointer) that);
569         }
571         /***  Returns the hash code of this heap pointer.
572          * @return  hash code
573          */
574         public int hashCode() { return this.ip.to32BitValue(); }
576     }
578     public static final jq_Class _class;
579     public static final jq_StaticMethod _clsinitAndAllocateObject;
580     public static final jq_StaticField _data_segment_start;
581     public static final jq_StaticField _data_segment_end;
582     static {
583         _class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljoeq/Allocator/HeapAllocator;");
584         _clsinitAndAllocateObject = _class.getOrCreateStaticMethod("clsinitAndAllocateObject", "(Ljoeq/Class/jq_Type;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
585         _data_segment_start = _class.getOrCreateStaticField("data_segment_start", "Ljoeq/Memory/HeapAddress;");
586         _data_segment_end = _class.getOrCreateStaticField("data_segment_end", "Ljoeq/Memory/HeapAddress;");
587     }
588 }