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1   //, created Mon Jul  8  4:06:18 2002 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package;
6   /***
7    * InflaterHuffmanTree
8    *
9    * @author  John Whaley <>
10   * @version $Id: 1451 2004-03-09 06:27:08Z jwhaley $
11   */
12  class InflaterHuffmanTree {
14    private static final int MAX_BITLEN = 15;
15    private short[] tree;
17    public static InflaterHuffmanTree defLitLenTree, defDistTree;
19    static
20    {
21      try 
22        {
23          byte[] codeLengths = new byte[288];
24          int i = 0;
25          while (i < 144)
26            codeLengths[i++] = 8;
27          while (i < 256)
28            codeLengths[i++] = 9;
29          while (i < 280)
30            codeLengths[i++] = 7;
31          while (i < 288)
32            codeLengths[i++] = 8;
33          defLitLenTree = new InflaterHuffmanTree(codeLengths);
35          codeLengths = new byte[32];
36          i = 0;
37          while (i < 32)
38            codeLengths[i++] = 5;
39          defDistTree = new InflaterHuffmanTree(codeLengths);
40        } 
41      catch ( ex)
42        {
43          throw new InternalError
44            ("InflaterHuffmanTree: static tree length illegal");
45        }
46    }
48    /***
49     * Constructs a Huffman tree from the array of code lengths.
50     *
51     * @param codeLengths the array of code lengths
52     */
53    public InflaterHuffmanTree(byte[] codeLengths) throws
54    {
55      buildTree(codeLengths);
56    }
58    private void buildTree(byte[] codeLengths) throws
59    {
60      int[] blCount = new int[MAX_BITLEN+1];
61      int[] nextCode = new int[MAX_BITLEN+1];
62      for (int i = 0; i < codeLengths.length; i++)
63        {
64          int bits = codeLengths[i];
65          if (bits > 0)
66            blCount[bits]++;
67        }
69      int code = 0;
70      int treeSize = 512;
71      for (int bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITLEN; bits++)
72        {
73          nextCode[bits] = code;
74          code += blCount[bits] << (16 - bits);
75          if (bits >= 10)
76            {
77              /* We need an extra table for bit lengths >= 10. */
78              int start = nextCode[bits] & 0x1ff80;
79              int end   = code & 0x1ff80;
80              treeSize += (end - start) >> (16 - bits);
81            }
82        }
83      if (code != 65536)
84        throw new"Code lengths don't add up properly.");
86      /* Now create and fill the extra tables from longest to shortest
87       * bit len.  This way the sub trees will be aligned.
88       */
89      tree = new short[treeSize];
90      int treePtr = 512;
91      for (int bits = MAX_BITLEN; bits >= 10; bits--)
92        {
93          int end   = code & 0x1ff80;
94          code -= blCount[bits] << (16 - bits);
95          int start = code & 0x1ff80;
96          for (int i = start; i < end; i += 1 << 7)
97            {
98              tree[DeflaterHuffman.bitReverse(i)]
99                = (short) ((-treePtr << 4) | bits);
100             treePtr += 1 << (bits-9);
101           }
102       }
104     for (int i = 0; i < codeLengths.length; i++)
105       {
106         int bits = codeLengths[i];
107         if (bits == 0)
108           continue;
109         code = nextCode[bits];
110         int revcode = DeflaterHuffman.bitReverse(code);
111         if (bits <= 9)
112           {
113             do
114               {
115                 tree[revcode] = (short) ((i << 4) | bits);
116                 revcode += 1 << bits;
117               }
118             while (revcode < 512);
119           }
120         else
121           {
122             int subTree = tree[revcode & 511];
123             int treeLen = 1 << (subTree & 15);
124             subTree = -(subTree >> 4);
125             do
126               { 
127                 tree[subTree | (revcode >> 9)] = (short) ((i << 4) | bits);
128                 revcode += 1 << bits;
129               }
130             while (revcode < treeLen);
131           }
132         nextCode[bits] = code + (1 << (16 - bits));
133       }
134   }
136   /***
137    * Reads the next symbol from input.  The symbol is encoded using the
138    * huffman tree.
139    * @param input the input source.
140    * @return the next symbol, or -1 if not enough input is available.
141    */
142   public int getSymbol(StreamManipulator input) throws
143   {
144     int lookahead, symbol;
145     if ((lookahead = input.peekBits(9)) >= 0)
146       {
147         if ((symbol = tree[lookahead]) >= 0)
148           {
149             input.dropBits(symbol & 15);
150             return symbol >> 4;
151           }
152         int subtree = -(symbol >> 4);
153         int bitlen = symbol & 15;
154         if ((lookahead = input.peekBits(bitlen)) >= 0)
155           {
156             symbol = tree[subtree | (lookahead >> 9)];
157             input.dropBits(symbol & 15);
158             return symbol >> 4;
159           }
160         else
161           {
162             int bits = input.getAvailableBits();
163             lookahead = input.peekBits(bits);
164             symbol = tree[subtree | (lookahead >> 9)];
165             if ((symbol & 15) <= bits)
166               {
167                 input.dropBits(symbol & 15);
168                 return symbol >> 4;
169               }
170             else
171               return -1;
172           }
173       }
174     else
175       {
176         int bits = input.getAvailableBits();
177         lookahead = input.peekBits(bits);
178         symbol = tree[lookahead];
179         if (symbol >= 0 && (symbol & 15) <= bits)
180           {
181             input.dropBits(symbol & 15);
182             return symbol >> 4;
183           }
184         else
185           return -1;
186       }
187   }
188 }