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1   //, created Fri Jan 11 16:49:00 2002 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.BytecodeAnalysis;
6   import java.util.HashMap;
7   import java.util.ListIterator;
8   import java.util.Map;
9   import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
10  import joeq.Class.jq_TryCatchBC;
11  import jwutil.math.BitString;
12  import jwutil.math.BitString.BitStringIterator;
13  import jwutil.util.Assert;
15  /***
16   * Control flow graph for a bytecode stream.  The data structure is immutable
17   * and corresponds exactly to the underlying bytecodes.
18   * 
19   * @author  John Whaley <>
20   * @version $Id: 2465 2006-06-07 23:03:17Z joewhaley $
21   */
22  public class ControlFlowGraph {
24      public static final boolean TRACE = false;
26      /*** Array of basic blocks, ordered by their appearance in the bytecode. */
27      private final BasicBlock[] basic_blocks;
28      /*** Map from basic blocks to their JSR info.
29       * There is JSR info associated with the entry and exit blocks of each
30       * JSR subroutine. */
31      private Map/*<BasicBlock, JSRInfo>*/ jsr_info;
33      /*** Creates new ControlFlowGraph */
34      private ControlFlowGraph(int n_bb, int n_handlers) {
35          basic_blocks = new BasicBlock[n_bb];
36      }
38      /*** Returns the entry basic block. */
39      public BasicBlock getEntry() { return basic_blocks[0]; }
40      /*** Returns the exit basic block. */
41      public BasicBlock getExit() { return basic_blocks[1]; }
42      /*** Returns the number of basic blocks. */
43      public int getNumberOfBasicBlocks() { return basic_blocks.length; }
44      /*** Returns the basic block with the given number. */
45      public BasicBlock getBasicBlock(int index) { return basic_blocks[index]; }
47      /*** Add info about a JSR subroutine.  The JSR subroutine has the given
48       * entry and exit blocks and modifies the given locals.  This info is
49       * associated with the entry and exit blocks.
50       * 
51       * @param entry  entry block
52       * @param exit  exit block
53       * @param locals  which locals are modified
54       */
55      public void addJSRInfo(BasicBlock entry, BasicBlock exit, boolean[] locals) {
56          if (jsr_info == null) jsr_info = new HashMap();
57          JSRInfo nfo = new JSRInfo(entry, exit, locals);
58          jsr_info.put(entry, nfo);
59          jsr_info.put(exit, nfo);
60      }
62      /*** Returns the JSR info about the JSR subroutine with the given entry/exit
63       * block, or null if there are none.
64       */
65      public JSRInfo getJSRInfo(BasicBlock b) {
66          return jsr_info != null ? (JSRInfo)jsr_info.get(b) : null;
67      }
69      /*** Returns the basic block that contains the given bytecode index.
70       */
71      public BasicBlock getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(int index) {
72          // binary search
73          int lo, hi, mid;
74          lo = 2; hi = basic_blocks.length-1;
75          for (;;) {
76              mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
77              if (lo > hi) break;
78              int mid_index = basic_blocks[mid].start;
79              if (index < mid_index) {
80                  hi = mid-1;
81              } else {
82                  lo = mid+1;
83              }
84          }
85          BasicBlock bb = basic_blocks[mid];
86          Assert._assert(bb.start == index);
87          return bb;
88      }
90      /*** Returns the basic blocks in reverse post-order.
91       */
92      public RPOBasicBlockIterator reversePostOrderIterator() {
93          return new RPOBasicBlockIterator(basic_blocks, basic_blocks[0]);
94      }
96      /*** Returns the basic blocks in reverse post-order starting from the given
97       * block.
98       */
99      public RPOBasicBlockIterator reversePostOrderIterator(BasicBlock start_bb) {
100         return new RPOBasicBlockIterator(basic_blocks, start_bb);
101     }
103     public interface BasicBlockIterator extends ListIterator {
104         BasicBlock nextBB();
105         BasicBlock previousBB();
106     }
108     public static class RPOBasicBlockIterator implements BasicBlockIterator {
109         private BasicBlock[] rpo;
110         private int index;
112         RPOBasicBlockIterator(BasicBlock[] bbs, BasicBlock start_bb) {
113             index = bbs.length;
114             rpo = new BasicBlock[index];
115             boolean[] visited = new boolean[index];
116             visit(visited, start_bb);
117             --index; // so we can use preincrement in nextBB
118         }
120         private void visit(boolean[] visited, BasicBlock b) {
121             int n = b.getNumberOfSuccessors();
122             for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
123                 BasicBlock b2 = b.getSuccessor(i);
124                 if (!visited[]) {
125                     visited[] = true;
126                     visit(visited, b2);
127                 }
128             }
129             ExceptionHandlerIterator ehi = b.getExceptionHandlers();
130             while (ehi.hasNext()) {
131                 ExceptionHandler eh = ehi.nextEH();
132                 BasicBlock b2 = eh.getEntry();
133                 if (!visited[]) {
134                     visited[] = true;
135                     visit(visited, b2);
136                 }
137             }
138             rpo[--index] = b;
139         }
141         public boolean hasNext() { return index < rpo.length-1; }
142         public BasicBlock nextBB() { return rpo[++index]; }
143         public Object next() { return nextBB(); }
144         public int nextIndex() { return index+1; }
145         public boolean hasPrevious() { return index >= 0 && rpo[index] != null; }
146         public BasicBlock previousBB() { return rpo[index--]; }
147         public Object previous() { return previousBB(); }
148         public int previousIndex() { return index; }
149         public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
150         public void add(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
151         public void set(Object o) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
152         public void jumpToEnd() { index = rpo.length-1; }
153         public String toString() {
154             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
155             for (int i=0; i<rpo.length; ++i) {
156                 sb.append(rpo[i]);
157                 if (i == index) sb.append(" * ");
158                 else sb.append("   ");
159             }
160             return sb.toString();
161         }
162     }
164     /*** Compute and return the control flow graph for the given method. */
165     public static ControlFlowGraph computeCFG(jq_Method method) {
166         // get basic block boundaries and branch locations
167         InitialPass pass = new InitialPass(method);
168         pass.forwardTraversal();
170         byte[] bc = method.getBytecode();
172         BitString basic_block_start = pass.getBasicBlockStart();
173         BitString branch_locations = pass.getBranchLocations();
175         if (!basic_block_start.get(bc.length)) {
176             // execution falls off end!  legal iff the code is unreachable.
177             basic_block_start.set(bc.length);
178         }
180         // add try ranges and exception handlers to basic block boundaries
181         jq_TryCatchBC[] exs = method.getExceptionTable();
182         for (int i=0; i<exs.length; ++i) {
183             jq_TryCatchBC ex = exs[i];
184             basic_block_start.set(ex.getStartPC());
185             basic_block_start.set(ex.getEndPC());
186             basic_block_start.set(ex.getHandlerPC());
187         }
189         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Number of bb: "+basic_block_start.numberOfOnes());
190         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Basic block start: "+basic_block_start);
191         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Branch locations : "+branch_locations);
193         int n_bb = basic_block_start.numberOfOnes();
194         n_bb += 1; // for entry node.
195         int[] n_pred = new int[n_bb];
196         ControlFlowGraph cfg = new ControlFlowGraph(n_bb, exs.length);
197         cfg.basic_blocks[0] = new BasicBlock(0, -1);
198         cfg.basic_blocks[1] = new BasicBlock(1, -1);
199         int bb_i = 2; BasicBlock bb = null;
200         cfg.basic_blocks[2] = bb = new BasicBlock(2, 0);
201         if (TRACE) System.out.println("Created "+bb+" at bytecode 0");
202         BitStringIterator it = basic_block_start.iterator();
203         Assert._assert(it.hasNext());
204         for (;;) {
205             Assert._assert(it.hasNext());
206             int bc_i = it.nextIndex();
207             cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i-1].end = bc_i-1;
208             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Ending basic block #"+(bb_i-1)+" at bytecode "+(bc_i-1));
209             if (bc_i == bc.length) break;
210             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Creating basic block #"+bb_i+" at bytecode "+bc_i);
211             bb = cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i] = new BasicBlock(bb_i, bc_i);
212             ++bb_i;
213         }
214         Assert._assert(!it.hasNext());
215         Assert._assert(bb_i == n_bb);
216         cfg.basic_blocks[0].end = -1;
217         cfg.basic_blocks[0].successors = new BasicBlock[1];
218         cfg.basic_blocks[0].successors[0] = cfg.basic_blocks[2];
219         cfg.basic_blocks[0].predecessors = cfg.basic_blocks[1].successors = new BasicBlock[0];
220         //cfg.basic_blocks[1].end = -1; // already set in the loop above.
221         bb.end = bc.length-1;
223         n_pred[2] = 1;
224         it = branch_locations.iterator();
225         bb_i = 2;
226         BranchVisitor bv = new BranchVisitor(method, cfg, n_pred);
227         while (it.hasNext()) {
228             int bc_i = it.nextIndex();
229             bb = cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i];
230             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Next branch: bc "+bc_i);
231             while (bc_i > bb.end) {
232                 // fallthrough basic block.
233                 bb.successors = new BasicBlock[1];
234                 BasicBlock next_bb = bb.successors[0] = cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i+1];
235                 ++n_pred[++bb_i];
236                 if (TRACE) System.out.println("Fallthrough "+bb+" to "+next_bb);
237                 bb = next_bb;
238             }
239             // branch is at the end of this basic block.
240             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Visiting branch at bc "+bc_i+" in "+bb);
241    = bb;
242             bv.setLocation(bc_i);
243             bv.visitBytecode();
244             ++bb_i;
245         }
246         if (bb_i != n_bb) {
247             // special case: code falls off end.
248             Assert._assert(bb_i == n_bb-1);
249             if (TRACE) System.out.println("Code falls off end!");
250             cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i].successors = new BasicBlock[0];
251         }
252         // allocate predecessor arrays.
253         for (bb_i = 1; bb_i < n_bb; ++bb_i) {
254             bb = cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i];
255             bb.predecessors = new BasicBlock[n_pred[bb_i]];
256             if (TRACE) System.out.println(bb+" has "+n_pred[bb_i]+" predecessors");
257             Assert._assert(bb.successors != null);
258             n_pred[bb_i] = -1;
259         }
260         // fill in predecessor arrays.
261         for (bb_i = 0; bb_i < n_bb; ++bb_i) {
262             bb = cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i];
263             for (int ct = 0; ct < bb.successors.length; ++ct) {
264                 BasicBlock bb2 = bb.successors[ct];
265                 bb2.predecessors[++n_pred[]] = bb;
266             }
267         }
268         // add exception handlers.
269         for (int i=exs.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
270             jq_TryCatchBC ex = exs[i];
271             bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(ex.getStartPC());
272             if (bb.start >= ex.getEndPC())
273                 throw new VerifyError("Exception handler "+i+" "+ex+": start ("+(int)bb.start+") comes after end ("+(int)ex.getEndPC()+")");
274             int numOfProtectedBlocks = (ex.getEndPC()==bc.length?n_bb:cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(ex.getEndPC()).id) -;
275             BasicBlock handler_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(ex.getHandlerPC());
276             ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler(ex.getExceptionType(),
277                                                        numOfProtectedBlocks,
278                                                        handler_bb);
279             ExceptionHandlerList ehs = new ExceptionHandlerList(eh, null);
280             bb.addExceptionHandler_first(ehs);
281             int start_id =;
282             while (bb.getStart() < ex.getEndPC()) {
283                 eh.handledBlocks[ - start_id] = bb;
284                 ehs = bb.addExceptionHandler(ehs);
285                 bb = cfg.basic_blocks[];
286             }
287         }
288         // add ret edges, if necessary.
289         if (pass.nJsrs > 0) {
290             // LiveRefAnalysis can calculate ret edges for us.
291             LiveRefAnalysis lra = new LiveRefAnalysis(method);
292             lra.compute(cfg);
293         }
294         return cfg;
295     }
297     /*** Visitor to perform the initial pass over the bytecode. */
298     public static class InitialPass extends BytecodeVisitor {
300         private BitString basic_block_start;
301         private BitString branch_locations;
302         private int nJsrs, nRets, nExits;
304         InitialPass(jq_Method method) {
305             super(method);
306             this.basic_block_start = new BitString(bcs.length+1);
307             this.branch_locations = new BitString(bcs.length);
308             this.basic_block_start.set(0);
309             //this.TRACE = true;
310         }
312         public String toString() {
313             return "CFG1/"+method.getName();
314         }
316         public BitString getBasicBlockStart() {
317             return this.basic_block_start;
318         }
319         public BitString getBranchLocations() {
320             return this.branch_locations;
321         }
322         public int getNumberOfExits() { return nExits; }
324         private void addBranch(int target) {
325             basic_block_start.set(target);
326             endBB();
327         }
328         private void endBB() {
329             branch_locations.set(i_start);
330             basic_block_start.set(i_end+1);
331         }
333         public void visitJSR(int target) {
334             super.visitJSR(target);
335             ++nJsrs; addBranch(target);
336         }
337         public void visitGOTO(int target) {
338             super.visitGOTO(target);
339             addBranch(target);
340         }
341         public void visitIRETURN() {
342             super.visitIRETURN();
343             ++nExits;
344             endBB();
345         }
346         public void visitLRETURN() {
347             super.visitLRETURN();
348             ++nExits;
349             endBB();
350         }
351         public void visitFRETURN() {
352             super.visitFRETURN();
353             ++nExits;
354             endBB();
355         }
356         public void visitDRETURN() {
357             super.visitDRETURN();
358             ++nExits;
359             endBB();
360         }
361         public void visitARETURN() {
362             super.visitARETURN();
363             ++nExits;
364             endBB();
365         }
366         public void visitVRETURN() {
367             super.visitVRETURN();
368             ++nExits;
369             endBB();
370         }
371         public void visitATHROW() {
372             super.visitATHROW();
373             ++nExits;
374             endBB();
375         }
376         public void visitRET(int i) {
377             super.visitRET(i);
378             ++nRets;
379             endBB();
380         }
381         public void visitIF(byte op, int target) {
382             super.visitIF(op, target);
383             addBranch(target);
384         }
385         public void visitIFREF(byte op, int target) {
386             super.visitIFREF(op, target);
387             addBranch(target);
388         }
389         public void visitIFCMP(byte op, int target) {
390             super.visitIFCMP(op, target);
391             addBranch(target);
392         }
393         public void visitIFREFCMP(byte op, int target) {
394             super.visitIFREFCMP(op, target);
395             addBranch(target);
396         }
397         public void visitTABLESWITCH(int default_target, int low, int high, int[] targets) {
398             super.visitTABLESWITCH(default_target, low, high, targets);
399             for (int i=0; i<targets.length; ++i) {
400                 basic_block_start.set(targets[i]);
401             }
402             addBranch(default_target);
403         }
404         public void visitLOOKUPSWITCH(int default_target, int[] values, int[] targets) {
405             super.visitLOOKUPSWITCH(default_target, values, targets);
406             for (int i=0; i<targets.length; ++i) {
407                 basic_block_start.set(targets[i]);
408             }
409             addBranch(default_target);
410         }
411     }
413     /*** Visitor to link up each of the branches in the code. */
414     static class BranchVisitor extends BytecodeVisitor {
416         private final ControlFlowGraph cfg;
417         private final int[] n_pred;
418         BasicBlock bb;
420         BranchVisitor(jq_Method m, ControlFlowGraph cfg, int[] n_pred) {
421             super(m);
422             this.cfg = cfg; this.n_pred = n_pred;
423             //this.TRACE = true;
424         }
426         void setLocation(int index) {
427             i_start = index; i_end = index-1;
428         }
430         public void visitJSR(int target) {
431             super.visitJSR(target);
432             BasicBlock target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(target);
433             ++n_pred[];
434             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[1];
435             bb.successors[0] = target_bb;
436         }
437         public void visitRET(int i) {
438             super.visitRET(i);
439             // RETs are handled later.
440             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[0];
441         }
442         public void visitGOTO(int target) {
443             super.visitGOTO(target);
444             BasicBlock target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(target);
445             ++n_pred[];
446             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[1];
447             bb.successors[0] = target_bb;
448         }
449         private void RETURNhelper() {
450             BasicBlock target_bb = cfg.basic_blocks[1];
451             ++n_pred[];
452             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[1];
453             bb.successors[0] = target_bb;
454         }
455         public void visitIRETURN() {
456             super.visitIRETURN();
457             RETURNhelper();
458         }
459         public void visitLRETURN() {
460             super.visitLRETURN();
461             RETURNhelper();
462         }
463         public void visitFRETURN() {
464             super.visitFRETURN();
465             RETURNhelper();
466         }
467         public void visitDRETURN() {
468             super.visitDRETURN();
469             RETURNhelper();
470         }
471         public void visitARETURN() {
472             super.visitARETURN();
473             RETURNhelper();
474         }
475         public void visitVRETURN() {
476             super.visitVRETURN();
477             RETURNhelper();
478         }
479         public void visitATHROW() {
480             super.visitATHROW();
481             RETURNhelper();
482         }
483         private void CONDBRANCHhelper(int target) {
484             int bb_i =;
485             BasicBlock next_bb = cfg.basic_blocks[bb_i+1]; // fallthrough edge
486             ++n_pred[];
487             BasicBlock target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(target);
488             ++n_pred[];
489             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[2];
490             bb.successors[0] = next_bb;
491             bb.successors[1] = target_bb;
492         }
493         public void visitIF(byte op, int target) {
494             super.visitIF(op, target);
495             CONDBRANCHhelper(target);
496         }
497         public void visitIFREF(byte op, int target) {
498             super.visitIFREF(op, target);
499             CONDBRANCHhelper(target);
500         }
501         public void visitIFCMP(byte op, int target) {
502             super.visitIFCMP(op, target);
503             CONDBRANCHhelper(target);
504         }
505         public void visitIFREFCMP(byte op, int target) {
506             super.visitIFREFCMP(op, target);
507             CONDBRANCHhelper(target);
508         }
509         public void visitTABLESWITCH(int default_target, int low, int high, int[] targets) {
510             super.visitTABLESWITCH(default_target, low, high, targets);
511             BasicBlock target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(default_target);
512             ++n_pred[];
513             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[targets.length+1];
514             bb.successors[0] = target_bb;
515             for (int i=0; i<targets.length; ++i) {
516                 target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(targets[i]);
517                 ++n_pred[];
518                 bb.successors[i+1] = target_bb;
519             }
520         }
521         public void visitLOOKUPSWITCH(int default_target, int[] values, int[] targets) {
522             super.visitLOOKUPSWITCH(default_target, values, targets);
523             BasicBlock target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(default_target);
524             ++n_pred[];
525             bb.successors = new BasicBlock[targets.length+1];
526             bb.successors[0] = target_bb;
527             for (int i=0; i<targets.length; ++i) {
528                 target_bb = cfg.getBasicBlockByBytecodeIndex(targets[i]);
529                 ++n_pred[];
530                 bb.successors[i+1] = target_bb;
531             }
532         }
533     }
535 }