4 package joeq.Compiler.Quad;
6 /***
7 * @author John Whaley <jwhaley@alum.mit.edu>
8 * @version $Id: QuadVisitor.java 1590 2004-03-26 23:20:37Z joewhaley $
9 */
10 public interface QuadVisitor {
12 /*** A potentially excepting instruction.. */
13 void visitExceptionThrower(Quad obj);
14 /*** An instruction that loads from memory. */
15 void visitLoad(Quad obj);
16 /*** An instruction that stores into memory. */
17 void visitStore(Quad obj);
18 /*** An instruction that may branch (not including exceptional control flow). */
19 void visitBranch(Quad obj);
20 /*** A conditional branch instruction. */
21 void visitCondBranch(Quad obj);
22 /*** An exception check instruction. */
23 void visitCheck(Quad obj);
24 /*** An instruction.that accesses a static field. */
25 void visitStaticField(Quad obj);
26 /*** An instruction.that accesses an instance field. */
27 void visitInstanceField(Quad obj);
28 /*** An instruction.that accesses an array. */
29 void visitArray(Quad obj);
30 /*** An instruction.that does an allocation. */
31 void visitAllocation(Quad obj);
32 /*** An instruction.that does a type check. */
33 void visitTypeCheck(Quad obj);
35 /*** An array load instruction. */
36 void visitALoad(Quad obj);
37 /*** An array store instruction. */
38 void visitAStore(Quad obj);
39 /*** An array length instruction. */
40 void visitALength(Quad obj);
41 /*** A binary operation instruction. */
42 void visitBinary(Quad obj);
43 /*** An array bounds check instruction. */
44 void visitBoundsCheck(Quad obj);
45 /*** A type cast check instruction. */
46 void visitCheckCast(Quad obj);
47 /*** A get instance field instruction. */
48 void visitGetfield(Quad obj);
49 /*** A get static field instruction. */
50 void visitGetstatic(Quad obj);
51 /*** A goto instruction. */
52 void visitGoto(Quad obj);
53 /*** A type instance of instruction. */
54 void visitInstanceOf(Quad obj);
55 /*** A compare and branch instruction. */
56 void visitIntIfCmp(Quad obj);
57 /*** An invoke instruction. */
58 void visitInvoke(Quad obj);
59 /*** A jump local subroutine instruction. */
60 void visitJsr(Quad obj);
61 /*** A lookup switch instruction. */
62 void visitLookupSwitch(Quad obj);
63 /*** A raw memory load instruction. */
64 void visitMemLoad(Quad obj);
65 /*** A raw memory store instruction. */
66 void visitMemStore(Quad obj);
67 /*** An object monitor lock/unlock instruction. */
68 void visitMonitor(Quad obj);
69 /*** A register move instruction. */
70 void visitMove(Quad obj);
71 /*** An object allocation instruction. */
72 void visitNew(Quad obj);
73 /*** An array allocation instruction. */
74 void visitNewArray(Quad obj);
75 /*** A null pointer check instruction. */
76 void visitNullCheck(Quad obj);
77 /*** A phi instruction. (For SSA.) */
78 void visitPhi(Quad obj);
79 /*** A put instance field instruction. */
80 void visitPutfield(Quad obj);
81 /*** A put static field instruction. */
82 void visitPutstatic(Quad obj);
83 /*** A return from local subroutine instruction. */
84 void visitRet(Quad obj);
85 /*** A return from method instruction. */
86 void visitReturn(Quad obj);
87 /*** A special instruction. */
88 void visitSpecial(Quad obj);
89 /*** An object array store type check instruction. */
90 void visitStoreCheck(Quad obj);
91 /*** A jump table switch instruction. */
92 void visitTableSwitch(Quad obj);
93 /*** A unary operation instruction. */
94 void visitUnary(Quad obj);
95 /*** A divide-by-zero check instruction. */
96 void visitZeroCheck(Quad obj);
98 /*** Any quad. */
99 void visitQuad(Quad obj);
101 abstract class EmptyVisitor implements QuadVisitor {
102 /*** A potentially excepting instruction.. */
103 public void visitExceptionThrower(Quad obj) {}
104 /*** An instruction that loads from memory. */
105 public void visitLoad(Quad obj) {}
106 /*** An instruction that stores into memory. */
107 public void visitStore(Quad obj) {}
108 /*** An instruction that may branch (not including exceptional control flow). */
109 public void visitBranch(Quad obj) {}
110 /*** A conditional branch instruction. */
111 public void visitCondBranch(Quad obj) {}
112 /*** An exception check instruction. */
113 public void visitCheck(Quad obj) {}
114 /*** An instruction.that accesses a static field. */
115 public void visitStaticField(Quad obj) {}
116 /*** An instruction.that accesses an instance field. */
117 public void visitInstanceField(Quad obj) {}
118 /*** An instruction.that accesses an array. */
119 public void visitArray(Quad obj) {}
120 /*** An instruction.that does an allocation. */
121 public void visitAllocation(Quad obj) {}
122 /*** An instruction.that does a type check. */
123 public void visitTypeCheck(Quad obj) {}
125 /*** An array load instruction. */
126 public void visitALoad(Quad obj) {}
127 /*** An array store instruction. */
128 public void visitAStore(Quad obj) {}
129 /*** An array length instruction. */
130 public void visitALength(Quad obj) {}
131 /*** A binary operation instruction. */
132 public void visitBinary(Quad obj) {}
133 /*** An array bounds check instruction. */
134 public void visitBoundsCheck(Quad obj) {}
135 /*** A type cast check instruction. */
136 public void visitCheckCast(Quad obj) {}
137 /*** A get instance field instruction. */
138 public void visitGetfield(Quad obj) {}
139 /*** A get static field instruction. */
140 public void visitGetstatic(Quad obj) {}
141 /*** A goto instruction. */
142 public void visitGoto(Quad obj) {}
143 /*** A type instance of instruction. */
144 public void visitInstanceOf(Quad obj) {}
145 /*** A compare and branch instruction. */
146 public void visitIntIfCmp(Quad obj) {}
147 /*** An invoke instruction. */
148 public void visitInvoke(Quad obj) {}
149 /*** A jump local subroutine instruction. */
150 public void visitJsr(Quad obj) {}
151 /*** A lookup switch instruction. */
152 public void visitLookupSwitch(Quad obj) {}
153 /*** A raw memory load instruction. */
154 public void visitMemLoad(Quad obj) {}
155 /*** A raw memory store instruction. */
156 public void visitMemStore(Quad obj) {}
157 /*** An object monitor lock/unlock instruction. */
158 public void visitMonitor(Quad obj) {}
159 /*** A register move instruction. */
160 public void visitMove(Quad obj) {}
161 /*** An object allocation instruction. */
162 public void visitNew(Quad obj) {}
163 /*** An array allocation instruction. */
164 public void visitNewArray(Quad obj) {}
165 /*** A null pointer check instruction. */
166 public void visitNullCheck(Quad obj) {}
167 /*** A phi instruction. (For SSA.) */
168 public void visitPhi(Quad obj) {}
169 /*** A put instance field instruction. */
170 public void visitPutfield(Quad obj) {}
171 /*** A put static field instruction. */
172 public void visitPutstatic(Quad obj) {}
173 /*** A return from local subroutine instruction. */
174 public void visitRet(Quad obj) {}
175 /*** A return from method instruction. */
176 public void visitReturn(Quad obj) {}
177 /*** A special instruction. */
178 public void visitSpecial(Quad obj) {}
179 /*** An object array store type check instruction. */
180 public void visitStoreCheck(Quad obj) {}
181 /*** A jump table switch instruction. */
182 public void visitTableSwitch(Quad obj) {}
183 /*** A unary operation instruction. */
184 public void visitUnary(Quad obj) {}
185 /*** A divide-by-zero check instruction. */
186 public void visitZeroCheck(Quad obj) {}
188 /*** Any quad. */
189 public void visitQuad(Quad obj) {}
190 }
192 class AllQuadVisitor implements BasicBlockVisitor {
193 final QuadVisitor qv;
194 boolean trace;
195 public AllQuadVisitor(QuadVisitor qv) { this.qv = qv; }
196 public AllQuadVisitor(QuadVisitor qv, boolean trace) { this.qv = qv; this.trace = trace; }
197 public void visitBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb) {
198 if (trace) System.out.println(bb.toString());
199 bb.visitQuads(qv);
200 }
201 }
203 }