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1   //, created Mon Feb  5 23:23:21 2001 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Main;
6   import java.util.Arrays;
7   import java.util.Iterator;
8   import;
9   import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
10  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
11  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceField;
12  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceMethod;
13  import joeq.Class.jq_StaticField;
14  import joeq.Class.jq_StaticMethod;
15  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
16  import joeq.UTF.Utf8;
18  /***
19   * @author  John Whaley <>
20   * @version $Id: 1931 2004-09-22 22:17:47Z joewhaley $
21   */
22  public abstract class ClassDump {
24      public static void main(String[] args) {
25          HostedVM.initialize();
27          String classname;
28          if (args.length > 0) classname = args[0];
29          else classname = "Ljoeq/Main/jq;";
31          jq_Class c = (jq_Class)PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType(classname);
32          System.out.println("Loading "+c+"...");
33          c.load();
34          System.out.println("Verifying "+c+"...");
35          c.verify();
36          System.out.println("Preparing "+c+"...");
37          c.prepare();
38          System.out.println("Initializing static fields of "+c+"...");
39          c.sf_initialize();
40          //System.out.println("Compiling "+c+"...");
41          //c.compile();
42          dumpClass(System.out, c);
43          //jq_Class c2 = (jq_Class)PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateType("Ljava/lang/Exception;");
44          //System.out.println(Runtime.TypeCheck.isAssignable(c, c2));
45          //System.out.println(Runtime.TypeCheck.isAssignable(c2, c));
46          //Allocator.DefaultCodeAllocator.default_allocator = new BootstrapCodeAllocator();
47          //Allocator.DefaultCodeAllocator.default_allocator.init();
48          compileClass(System.out, c);
49      }
51      public static void compileClass(PrintStream out, jq_Class t) {
52          Iterator it;
53          for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredStaticMethods()).iterator();
54              it.hasNext(); ) {
55              jq_StaticMethod c = (jq_StaticMethod);
56              if (c.getBytecode() == null) continue;
57              //if (c.getName().toString().equals("right"))
58              {
59                  out.println(c.toString());
60                  joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph cfg = joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache.getCode(c);
61                  System.out.println(cfg.fullDump());
62              }
63          }
64          for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredInstanceMethods()).iterator();
65              it.hasNext(); ) {
66              jq_InstanceMethod c = (jq_InstanceMethod);
67              if (c.isAbstract()) continue;
68              if (c.getBytecode() == null) continue;
69              //if (c.getName().toString().equals("right"))
70              {
71                  out.println(c.toString());
72                  joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph cfg = joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache.getCode(c);
73                  System.out.println(cfg.fullDump());
74              }
75          }
76      }
78      public static void dumpType(PrintStream out, jq_Type t) {
79          if (t.isClassType()) out.print("class ");
80          if (t.isArrayType()) out.print("array ");
81          if (t.isPrimitiveType()) out.print("primitive ");
82          out.print(t.getName());
83      }
85      public static void dumpClass(PrintStream out, jq_Class t) {
86          dumpType(out, t);
87          out.println();
88          out.println("state: "+t.getState());
90          if (t.isLoaded()) {
91              out.println("java class file version "+(int)t.getMajorVersion()+"."+(int)t.getMinorVersion());
92              out.println("source file name: "+t.getSourceFile());
93              out.print("access flags: ");
94              if (t.isPublic()) out.print("public ");
95              if (t.isFinal()) out.print("final ");
96              if (t.isSpecial()) out.print("special ");
97              if (t.isInterface()) out.print("interface ");
98              if (t.isAbstract()) out.print("abstract ");
99              if (t.isSynthetic()) out.print("synthetic ");
100             if (t.isDeprecated()) out.print("deprecated ");
101             out.println();
102             out.println("superclass: "+t.getSuperclass().getName());
103             Iterator it;
104             out.print("known subclasses: ");
105             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getSubClasses()).iterator();
106                 it.hasNext(); ) {
107                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class);
108                 out.print(c.getName()+" ");
109             }
110             out.println();
111             out.print("declared interfaces: ");
112             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredInterfaces()).iterator();
113                 it.hasNext(); ) {
114                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class);
115                 out.print(c.getName()+" ");
116             }
117             out.println();
118             out.print("declared instance fields: ");
119             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredInstanceFields()).iterator();
120                 it.hasNext(); ) {
121                 jq_InstanceField c = (jq_InstanceField);
122                 out.print(c.getName()+" ");
123             }
124             out.println();
125             out.print("declared static fields: ");
126             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredStaticFields()).iterator();
127                 it.hasNext(); ) {
128                 jq_StaticField c = (jq_StaticField);
129                 out.print(c.getName()+" ");
130             }
131             out.println();
132             out.print("declared instance methods: ");
133             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredInstanceMethods()).iterator();
134                 it.hasNext(); ) {
135                 jq_InstanceMethod c = (jq_InstanceMethod);
136                 out.println(c.getName()+" ");
137                 out.println("method attributes:");
138                 for(Iterator it2 = c.getAttributes().keySet().iterator();
139                     it2.hasNext(); ) {
140                     Utf8 key = (Utf8);
141                     out.print("\t"+key);
142                     byte[] val = t.getAttribute(key);
143                     out.println(": "+((val!=null)?"(length "+val.length+")\t":"\t")+val);
144                 }
145             }
146             out.println();
147             out.print("declared static methods: ");
148             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getDeclaredStaticMethods()).iterator();
149                 it.hasNext(); ) {
150                 jq_StaticMethod c = (jq_StaticMethod);
151                 out.println(c.getName()+" ");
152                 out.println("method attributes:");
153                 for(Iterator it2 = c.getAttributes().keySet().iterator();
154                     it2.hasNext(); ) {
155                     Utf8 key = (Utf8);
156                     out.print("\t"+key);
157                     byte[] val = t.getAttribute(key);
158                     out.println(": "+((val!=null)?"(length "+val.length+")\t":"\t")+val);
159                 }
160             }
161             out.println();
162             out.print("class initializer: ");
163             if (t.getClassInitializer() != null) out.println("present");
164             else out.println("absent");
165             out.println("constant pool size: "+t.getCPCount());
166             out.println("attributes:");
167             for(it = t.getAttributes();
168                 it.hasNext(); ) {
169                 Utf8 key = (Utf8);
170                 byte[] val = t.getAttribute(key);
171                 out.println("\t"+key+": (length "+val.length+")\t"+val);
172             }
173         }
174         if (t.isPrepared()) {
175             Iterator it;
176             out.print("interfaces: ");
177             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getInterfaces()).iterator();
178                 it.hasNext(); ) {
179                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class);
180                 out.print(c+" ");
181             }
182             out.println();
183             out.print("virtual methods: ");
184             for(it = Arrays.asList(t.getVirtualMethods()).iterator();
185                 it.hasNext(); ) {
186                 jq_InstanceMethod c = (jq_InstanceMethod);
187                 out.print(c+" ");
188             }
189             out.println();
190         }
191         if (t.isSFInitialized()) {
192         }
193         if (t.isClsInitialized()) {
194         }
196     }
197 }