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1   //, created Sun Dec  7 14:20:28 PST 2003
2   // Copyright (C) 2003 Godmar Back <,>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Util.IO;
5   import;
6   import;
7   import;
8   import;
9   import java.util.Arrays;
10  import java.text.DecimalFormat;
12  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
13  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation;
15  /***
16   * SourceLister
17   *
18   * Maintains a set of source directories and lists source code 
19   * around a given ProgramLocation.
20   *
21   * @author Godmar Back <,>
22   */
23  public class SourceLister {
24      // You can use reflection to set these, then use the default constructor to construct 
25      // SourceLister instances with the new settings.
26      public static String []defaultSrcDirs = new String[] { "." };
27      public static int defaultLinesBefore = 5;
28      public static int defaultLinesAfter = 5;
30      String []srcDirs;
32      /***
33       * Create a new source lister with the default path and before/after lines.
34       */
35      public SourceLister() {
36          this(defaultSrcDirs);
37      }
39      /***
40       * Create a new source lister with the specified paths and before/after lines.
41       */
42      public SourceLister(String []srcDirs) {
43          this.srcDirs = srcDirs;
44      }
46      /***
47       * Try to find source for this location and return a section of the source file
48       * formatted for display.
49       */
50      public String list(ProgramLocation pl) {
51          return list(pl, true, defaultLinesBefore, defaultLinesAfter);
52      }
54      public String list(ProgramLocation pl, String comment) {
55          return list(pl, true, defaultLinesBefore, defaultLinesAfter, comment);
56      }
58      public String list(ProgramLocation pl, boolean withnumbers, int linesBefore, int linesAfter) {
59          return list(pl, withnumbers, linesBefore, linesAfter, "");
60      }
62      public String list(ProgramLocation pl, boolean withnumbers, int linesBefore, int linesAfter, String comment) {
63          jq_Class clazz = pl.getContainingClass();
64          String clazzName = clazz.getName();
65          char fileSep = File.separatorChar;
66          int lastdot = clazzName.lastIndexOf('.');
67          String pathName = lastdot != -1 ? fileSep + clazzName.substring(0, lastdot) : "";
68          String pathSuffix = pathName.replace('.', fileSep) + fileSep + pl.getSourceFile();
69          DecimalFormat d5 = new DecimalFormat("00000");
70          int lno = pl.getLineNumber();
72      outer:
73          for (int i = 0; i < srcDirs.length; i++) {
74              String possibleInputFile = srcDirs[i] + pathSuffix;
75              File f = new File(possibleInputFile);
76              if (f.exists()) {
77                  StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
78                  BufferedReader r = null;
79                  try {
80                      r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(possibleInputFile));
81                      int l = 1;
82                      if (withnumbers)
83                          res.append("# " + pl.getSourceFile() + ":" + lno + "\n");
84                      for (; l < lno - linesBefore; l++)
85                          r.readLine();
86                      for (; l < lno + linesAfter + 1; l++) {
87                          String s = r.readLine();
88                          if (s == null)
89                              break;
90                          // 5+3 starts in column 8 for proper tabbing
91                          if (withnumbers)
92                              res.append(d5.format(l) + ":  ");
93                          res.append(s);
94                          if (withnumbers && l == lno)
95                              res.append(" <<<==================== " + comment);
96                          res.append("\n");
97                      }
98                  } catch (IOException io) {
99                      continue outer;
100                 } finally {
101                     if (r != null) try { r.close(); } catch (IOException _) { }
102                 }
103                 return res.toString();
104             }
105         }
106         return null;
107     }
109     public String toString() {
110         return getClass() + " " + Arrays.asList(srcDirs);
111     }
112 }