Class MethodSummary.FieldNode

  extended by joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node
      extended by joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.OutsideNode
          extended by joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.FieldNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, MethodSummary.Variable,
Enclosing class:

public static final class MethodSummary.FieldNode
extends MethodSummary.OutsideNode

A FieldNode represents the result of a 'load' instruction. There are outside edge links from the nodes that can be the base object of the load to this node. Two nodes are equal if the fields match and they are from the same instruction.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.OutsideNode
skip, visited
Fields inherited from class joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node
accessPathEdges, addedEdges, id, passedParameters, predecessors, TRACK_REASONS
Method Summary
 MethodSummary.Node copy()
          Return a shallow copy of this node.
 String fieldName()
static MethodSummary.FieldNode get(MethodSummary.Node base, jq_Field f, ProgramLocation obj)
 Set getAccessPathPredecessors()
          Return the set of outside edge predecessors of this node.
 jq_Reference getDeclaredType()
          Return the declared type of this node.
 jq_Method getDefiningMethod()
          Return the method that this node is defined in, null if it doesn't come from a method.
 jq_Field getField()
 Set getLocations()
static MethodSummary.FieldNode read(StringTokenizer st)
 void replaceBy(Set set, boolean removeSelf)
          Replace this node by the given set of nodes.
 String toString_long()
          Return a string representation of the node in long form.
 String toString_short()
          Return a string representation of the node in short form.
static MethodSummary.FieldNode unify(jq_Field f, Set s)
          Returns a new FieldNode that is the unification of the given set of FieldNodes.
 void update(HashMap um)
          Update all predecessor and successor nodes with the given update map.
 void write( t)
Methods inherited from class joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node
addAccessPathEdge, addAccessPathEdges, addEdge, addEdge, addEdges, addEdges, addPredecessor, compareTo, compareTo, getAccessPathEdgeFields, getAccessPathEdges, getAccessPathEdges, getAccessPathEdges, getAccessPathEdgeTargets, getAllEdges, getAllEdges, getAllEdges, getEdges_escaped, getEscapes, getNonEscapingEdgeFields, getNonEscapingEdges, getNonEscapingEdges, getNonEscapingEdgeTargets, getPassedParameters, getPredecessors, getPredecessorTargets, hasAccessPathEdge, hasAccessPathEdges, hashCode, hasNonEscapingEdge, hasNonEscapingEdges, hasPredecessor, isPassedAsParameter, numberOfNodes, readEdges, recordPassedParameter, recordPassedParameter, removeAccessPathEdge, removeEdge, removePredecessor, setEscapes, toString, writeEdges
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static MethodSummary.FieldNode get(MethodSummary.Node base,
                                          jq_Field f,
                                          ProgramLocation obj)


public static MethodSummary.FieldNode unify(jq_Field f,
                                            Set s)
Returns a new FieldNode that is the unification of the given set of FieldNodes. In essence, all of the given nodes are replaced by a new, returned node. The given field nodes must be on the given field.


public void replaceBy(Set set,
                      boolean removeSelf)
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Replace this node by the given set of nodes. All inside and outside edges to and from this node are replaced by sets of edges to and from the nodes in the set. The passed parameter set of this node is also added to every node in the given set.

replaceBy in class MethodSummary.Node


public void update(HashMap um)
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Update all predecessor and successor nodes with the given update map. Also clones the passed parameter set.

update in class MethodSummary.Node


public Set getAccessPathPredecessors()
Return the set of outside edge predecessors of this node.


public jq_Field getField()


public jq_Method getDefiningMethod()
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Return the method that this node is defined in, null if it doesn't come from a method.

Specified by:
getDefiningMethod in class MethodSummary.Node


public Set getLocations()


public String fieldName()


public final MethodSummary.Node copy()
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Return a shallow copy of this node.

Specified by:
copy in class MethodSummary.Node


public jq_Reference getDeclaredType()
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Return the declared type of this node.

Specified by:
getDeclaredType in class MethodSummary.OutsideNode


public String toString_long()
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Return a string representation of the node in long form. Includes inside and outside edges and passed parameters.

toString_long in class MethodSummary.Node


public String toString_short()
Description copied from class: MethodSummary.Node
Return a string representation of the node in short form.

Specified by:
toString_short in class MethodSummary.Node


public void write( t)
           throws IOException
Specified by:
write in interface
write in class MethodSummary.Node


public static MethodSummary.FieldNode read(StringTokenizer st)

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