Class MethodSummary.Node

  extended by joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, MethodSummary.Variable,
Direct Known Subclasses:
MethodSummary.CheckCastNode, MethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode, MethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode, MethodSummary.OutsideNode, MethodSummary.UnknownTypeNode
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class MethodSummary.Node
extends Object
implements, Comparable, MethodSummary.Variable

Field Summary
protected  Map accessPathEdges
          Map from fields to sets of outside edges from this node on that field.
protected  Map addedEdges
          Map from fields to sets of inside edges from this node on that field.
 int id
          Unique id number.
protected  Set passedParameters
          Set of passed parameters for this node.
protected  Map predecessors
          Map from fields to sets of predecessors on that field.
static boolean TRACK_REASONS
Constructor Summary
protected MethodSummary.Node()
protected MethodSummary.Node(MethodSummary.Node that)
Method Summary
 boolean addAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.FieldNode n)
          Add the given successor node on the given field to the outside edge set.
 boolean addAccessPathEdges(jq_Field m, Set s)
          Add the given set of successor nodes on the given field to the outside edge set.
 boolean addEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Add the given successor node on the given field to the inside edge set.
 void addEdge(String edge, t)
 boolean addEdges(jq_Field m, Set s)
          Add the given set of successor nodes on the given field to the inside edge set.
static boolean addEdges(Set s, jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Add the given successor node on the given field to the inside edge set of all of the given set of nodes.
 boolean addPredecessor(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Add the given predecessor node on the given field to the predecessor set.
 int compareTo(MethodSummary.Node that)
 int compareTo(Object o)
abstract  MethodSummary.Node copy()
          Return a shallow copy of this node.
 Set getAccessPathEdgeFields()
          Return the set of fields that this node has outside edges with.
 Set getAccessPathEdges()
          Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to the outside edges of this node.
 Set getAccessPathEdges(jq_Field m)
 void getAccessPathEdges(jq_Field m, Set result)
          Add the nodes that are targets of outside edges on the given field to the given result set.
 Collection getAccessPathEdgeTargets()
          Return the collection of target nodes that this node has inside edges with.
 Set getAllEdges()
 Set getAllEdges(jq_Field m)
 void getAllEdges(jq_Field m, Set result)
          Add the nodes that are targets of inside edges on the given field to the given result set.
abstract  jq_Reference getDeclaredType()
          Return the declared type of this node.
abstract  jq_Method getDefiningMethod()
          Return the method that this node is defined in, null if it doesn't come from a method.
 void getEdges_escaped(jq_Field m, Set result)
          Add the nodes that are targets of inside edges on the given field to the given result set.
 boolean getEscapes()
 Set getNonEscapingEdgeFields()
          Return the set of fields that this node has inside edges with.
 Set getNonEscapingEdges()
          Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to the inside edges of this node.
 Set getNonEscapingEdges(jq_Field m)
 Collection getNonEscapingEdgeTargets()
          Return the collection of target nodes that this node has inside edges with.
 Set getPassedParameters()
 Set getPredecessors()
          Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to the incoming inside edges of this node.
 Collection getPredecessorTargets()
 boolean hasAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean hasAccessPathEdges()
          Returns true if this node has any added outside edges.
 int hashCode()
 boolean hasNonEscapingEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean hasNonEscapingEdges()
          Returns true if this node has any added inside edges.
 boolean hasPredecessor(jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean isPassedAsParameter()
static int numberOfNodes()
          Maps added edges to the quads that they come from.
 void readEdges(jwutil.collections.IndexMap map, StringTokenizer st)
 boolean recordPassedParameter(MethodSummary.PassedParameter cm)
          Record the given passed parameter in the set for this node.
 boolean recordPassedParameter(ProgramLocation m, int paramNum)
          Record the passed parameter of the given method call and argument number in the set for this node.
 boolean removeAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.FieldNode n)
          Remove the given successor node on the given field from the outside edge set.
 boolean removeEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Remove the given successor node on the given field from the inside edge set.
 boolean removePredecessor(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Remove the given predecessor node on the given field from the predecessor set.
 void replaceBy(Set set, boolean removeSelf)
          Replace this node by the given set of nodes.
 void setEscapes()
 String toString_long()
          Return a string representation of the node in long form.
abstract  String toString_short()
          Return a string representation of the node in short form.
 String toString()
 void update(HashMap um)
          Update all predecessor and successor nodes with the given update map.
 void write( t)
 void writeEdges( t)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Map predecessors
Map from fields to sets of predecessors on that field. This only includes inside edges; outside edge predecessors are in FieldNode.


protected Set passedParameters
Set of passed parameters for this node.


protected Map addedEdges
Map from fields to sets of inside edges from this node on that field.


protected Map accessPathEdges
Map from fields to sets of outside edges from this node on that field.


public final int id
Unique id number.


public static boolean TRACK_REASONS
Constructor Detail


protected MethodSummary.Node()


protected MethodSummary.Node(MethodSummary.Node that)
Method Detail


public static int numberOfNodes()
Maps added edges to the quads that they come from. Only used if TRACK_REASONS is true.


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public final int compareTo(MethodSummary.Node that)


public final int compareTo(Object o)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable


public boolean isPassedAsParameter()


public Set getPassedParameters()


public void replaceBy(Set set,
                      boolean removeSelf)
Replace this node by the given set of nodes. All inside and outside edges to and from this node are replaced by sets of edges to and from the nodes in the set. The passed parameter set of this node is also added to every node in the given set.


public void update(HashMap um)
Update all predecessor and successor nodes with the given update map. Also clones the passed parameter set.


public abstract jq_Reference getDeclaredType()
Return the declared type of this node.


public abstract jq_Method getDefiningMethod()
Return the method that this node is defined in, null if it doesn't come from a method.


public abstract MethodSummary.Node copy()
Return a shallow copy of this node.


public boolean hasPredecessor(jq_Field f,
                              MethodSummary.Node n)


public boolean removePredecessor(jq_Field m,
                                 MethodSummary.Node n)
Remove the given predecessor node on the given field from the predecessor set. Returns true if that predecessor existed, false otherwise.


public boolean addPredecessor(jq_Field m,
                              MethodSummary.Node n)
Add the given predecessor node on the given field to the predecessor set. Returns true if that predecessor didn't already exist, false otherwise.


public Set getPredecessors()
Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to the incoming inside edges of this node.


public Collection getPredecessorTargets()


public boolean recordPassedParameter(MethodSummary.PassedParameter cm)
Record the given passed parameter in the set for this node. Returns true if that passed parameter didn't already exist, false otherwise.


public boolean recordPassedParameter(ProgramLocation m,
                                     int paramNum)
Record the passed parameter of the given method call and argument number in the set for this node. Returns true if that passed parameter didn't already exist, false otherwise.


public boolean removeEdge(jq_Field m,
                          MethodSummary.Node n)
Remove the given successor node on the given field from the inside edge set. Also removes the predecessor link from the successor node to this node. Returns true if that edge existed, false otherwise.


public boolean hasNonEscapingEdge(jq_Field m,
                                  MethodSummary.Node n)


public boolean addEdge(jq_Field m,
                       MethodSummary.Node n)
Add the given successor node on the given field to the inside edge set. Also adds a predecessor link from the successor node to this node. Returns true if that edge didn't already exist, false otherwise.


public boolean addEdges(jq_Field m,
                        Set s)
Add the given set of successor nodes on the given field to the inside edge set. The given set is consumed. Also adds predecessor links from the successor nodes to this node. Returns true if the inside edge set changed, false otherwise.


public static boolean addEdges(Set s,
                               jq_Field f,
                               MethodSummary.Node n)
Add the given successor node on the given field to the inside edge set of all of the given set of nodes. Also adds predecessor links from the successor node to the given nodes. Returns true if anything was changed, false otherwise.


public boolean removeAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m,
                                    MethodSummary.FieldNode n)
Remove the given successor node on the given field from the outside edge set. Also removes the predecessor link from the successor node to this node. Returns true if that edge existed, false otherwise.


public boolean hasAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m,
                                 MethodSummary.Node n)


public boolean addAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m,
                                 MethodSummary.FieldNode n)
Add the given successor node on the given field to the outside edge set. Also adds a predecessor link from the successor node to this node. Returns true if that edge didn't already exist, false otherwise.


public boolean addAccessPathEdges(jq_Field m,
                                  Set s)
Add the given set of successor nodes on the given field to the outside edge set. The given set is consumed. Also adds predecessor links from the successor nodes to this node. Returns true if the inside edge set changed, false otherwise.


public final void getAllEdges(jq_Field m,
                              Set result)
Add the nodes that are targets of inside edges on the given field to the given result set.


public final Set getAllEdges(jq_Field m)


public final Set getAllEdges()


public final Set getNonEscapingEdges(jq_Field m)


public void getEdges_escaped(jq_Field m,
                             Set result)
Add the nodes that are targets of inside edges on the given field to the given result set.


public Set getNonEscapingEdges()
Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to the inside edges of this node.


public Set getNonEscapingEdgeFields()
Return the set of fields that this node has inside edges with.


public Collection getNonEscapingEdgeTargets()
Return the collection of target nodes that this node has inside edges with.


public boolean hasNonEscapingEdges()
Returns true if this node has any added inside edges.


public boolean hasAccessPathEdges()
Returns true if this node has any added outside edges.


public final Set getAccessPathEdges(jq_Field m)


public void getAccessPathEdges(jq_Field m,
                               Set result)
Add the nodes that are targets of outside edges on the given field to the given result set.


public Set getAccessPathEdges()
Return a set of Map.Entry objects corresponding to the outside edges of this node.


public Set getAccessPathEdgeFields()
Return the set of fields that this node has outside edges with.


public Collection getAccessPathEdgeTargets()
Return the collection of target nodes that this node has inside edges with.


public void setEscapes()


public boolean getEscapes()


public abstract String toString_short()
Return a string representation of the node in short form.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public String toString_long()
Return a string representation of the node in long form. Includes inside and outside edges and passed parameters.


public void write( t)
           throws IOException
Specified by:
write in interface


public void readEdges(jwutil.collections.IndexMap map,
                      StringTokenizer st)


public void addEdge(String edge,
Specified by:
addEdge in interface


public void writeEdges( t)
                throws IOException
Specified by:
writeEdges in interface

Copyright © 2001-2008 John Whaley. All Rights Reserved.