Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodSummary.Node

Uses of MethodSummary.Node in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive

Subclasses of MethodSummary.Node in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive
static class MethodSummary.CheckCastNode
          A CheckCastNode refers to the result of a CheckCast instruction
static class MethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode
          A ConcreteObjectNode refers to an object that we discovered through reflection.
static class MethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode
          A ConcreteTypeNode refers to an object with a concrete type.
static class MethodSummary.FakeParamNode
static class MethodSummary.FieldNode
          A FieldNode represents the result of a 'load' instruction.
static class MethodSummary.GlobalNode
          A GlobalNode stores references to the static variables.
static class MethodSummary.OutsideNode
          An outside node is some node that can be mapped to other nodes.
static class MethodSummary.ParamNode
          A ParamNode represents an incoming parameter.
static class MethodSummary.PlaceholderNode
          A PlaceholderNode is used to signify an object that is out-of-scope.
static class MethodSummary.ReturnedNode
          A ReturnedNode represents a return value or thrown exception from a method call.
static class MethodSummary.ReturnValueNode
          A ReturnValueNode represents the return value of a method call.
static class MethodSummary.ThrownExceptionNode
          A ThrownExceptionNode represents the thrown exception of a method call.
static class MethodSummary.UnknownTypeNode
          A UnknownTypeNode refers to an object with an unknown type.

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive that return MethodSummary.Node
abstract  MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.Node.copy()
          Return a shallow copy of this node.
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.CheckCastNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.UnknownTypeNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.PlaceholderNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.GlobalNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.ReturnValueNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.ThrownExceptionNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.ParamNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.FakeParamNode.copy()
 MethodSummary.Node MethodSummary.FieldNode.copy()
static MethodSummary.Node st)
static MethodSummary.Node st)

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive with parameters of type MethodSummary.Node
 boolean MethodSummary.NodeSet.add(MethodSummary.Node arg0)
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.addEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Add the given successor node on the given field to the inside edge set.
static boolean MethodSummary.Node.addEdges(Set s, jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Add the given successor node on the given field to the inside edge set of all of the given set of nodes.
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.addPredecessor(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Add the given predecessor node on the given field to the predecessor set.
 int MethodSummary.Node.compareTo(MethodSummary.Node that)
 boolean MethodSummary.NodeSet.contains(MethodSummary.Node arg0)
static MethodSummary.AccessPath MethodSummary.AccessPath.create(jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node n, MethodSummary.AccessPath p)
          Return an access path that is equivalent to the given access path prepended with a transition on the given field and node.
static MethodSummary.AccessPath MethodSummary.AccessPath.create(MethodSummary.AccessPath p, jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Return an access path that is equivalent to the given access path appended with a transition on the given field and node.
 MethodSummary.AccessPath MethodSummary.AccessPath.findNode(MethodSummary.Node n)
          Find the AccessPath object that corresponds to the given node.
static MethodSummary.FieldNode MethodSummary.FieldNode.get(MethodSummary.Node base, jq_Field f, ProgramLocation obj)
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.hasAccessPathEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.hasNonEscapingEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean MethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode.hasNonEscapingEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.hasPredecessor(jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node n)
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.heapLoad(ProgramLocation obj, RegisterFactory.Register dest_r, MethodSummary.Node base_n, jq_Field f)
          Abstractly perform a heap load operation corresponding to quad 'obj' with the given destination register, base and field.
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.heapLoad(Set result, MethodSummary.Node base, jq_Field f, MethodSummary.FieldNode fn)
          Abstractly perform a heap load operation on the given base and field with the given field node, putting the result in the given set.
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.heapStore(MethodSummary.Node base, MethodSummary.Node src, jq_Field f)
          Abstractly perform a heap store operation of the given source node on the given base node and field.
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.heapStore(MethodSummary.Node base, Object src, jq_Field f)
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.heapStore(MethodSummary.Node base, Set src, jq_Field f)
          Abstractly perform a heap store operation of the given source nodes on the given base node and field.
 int MethodSummary.NodeSet.indexOf(MethodSummary.Node arg0)
static boolean MethodSummary.isNullConstant(MethodSummary.Node node)
 boolean MethodSummary.NodeSet.remove(MethodSummary.Node arg0)
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.removeEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Remove the given successor node on the given field from the inside edge set.
 boolean MethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode.removeEdge(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean MethodSummary.Node.removePredecessor(jq_Field m, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Remove the given predecessor node on the given field from the predecessor set.
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.setLocal(int i, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Set the given local in the current state to point to the given node.
protected  void MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.setRegister(RegisterFactory.Register r, MethodSummary.Node n)
          Set the given register in the current state to point to the given node.
 void MethodSummary.unifyAccessPathEdges(MethodSummary.Node n)
          Unify similar access path edges from the given node.

Constructors in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive with parameters of type MethodSummary.Node
MethodSummary.Node(MethodSummary.Node that)

Uses of MethodSummary.Node in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA that return MethodSummary.Node
 MethodSummary.Node PAResults.getHeapNode(int v)
 MethodSummary.Node PAResultSelector.getNode(net.sf.javabdd.TypedBDDFactory.TypedBDD var)
 MethodSummary.Node PAResults.getVariableNode(int v)

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA with parameters of type MethodSummary.Node
 void ObjectCreationGraph.addEdge(jq_Reference c1, MethodSummary.Node n, jq_Reference c2)
 void PA.addFinalizer(jq_Class c, MethodSummary.Node h)
 void PA.addThreadRun(jq_Method caller, MethodSummary.Node h, jq_Class c)
protected  void PAResultSelector.collectReachabilityTraces(joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PAResultSelector.PAReachabilityTrace trace, MethodSummary.Node last, MethodSummary.Node stop, Collection results)
 int PAResults.getHeapIndex(MethodSummary.Node n)
 int PA.getThreadRunIndex(jq_Method m, MethodSummary.Node n)
protected  Collection PAResultSelector.getUses(MethodSummary.Node node)
 int PAResults.getVariableIndex(MethodSummary.Node n)
 boolean PA.isNullConstant(MethodSummary.Node node)
 void ClassInvariantAnalysis.unifyAccessPathEdges(MethodSummary.Node n)
 void PA.visitGlobalNode(MethodSummary.Node node)
 void PAMethodSummary.visitNode(MethodSummary.Node node)
 void ObjectCreationGraph.visitNode(MethodSummary.Node n)

Uses of MethodSummary.Node in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Utils

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Utils that return MethodSummary.Node
 MethodSummary.Node AnalysisObjectSpec.PAObjectSpec.getNode()

Uses of MethodSummary.Node in joeq.Compiler.Quad

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Quad with parameters of type MethodSummary.Node
static AndersenPointerAnalysis.AccessPath AndersenPointerAnalysis.AccessPath.create(jq_Field f, MethodSummary.Node node, AndersenPointerAnalysis.AccessPath n)
 AndersenPointerAnalysis.AccessPath AndersenPointerAnalysis.AccessPath.findNode(MethodSummary.Node node)

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