Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodSummary

Uses of MethodSummary in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive that return MethodSummary
 MethodSummary MethodSummary.copy()
          Return a deep copy of this analysis summary.
static MethodSummary MethodSummary.fakeCloneMethodSummary(jq_FakeInstanceMethod method)
static MethodSummary MethodSummary.fakeMethodSummary(jq_Method method)
 MethodSummary MethodSummary.CallSite.getCaller()
 MethodSummary MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary.getSummary()
          Returns the summary.
static MethodSummary MethodSummary.getSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
          Get the method summary for the given CFG.
static MethodSummary MethodSummary.getSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg, MethodSummary.CallSite cs)
          Get the (context-sensitive) method summary for the given control flow graph when called from the given call site.
static MethodSummary MethodSummary.getSummary(jq_Method m)
          Get the method summary for the given method.

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive with parameters of type MethodSummary
static void MethodSummary.instantiate(MethodSummary caller, ProgramLocation mc, MethodSummary callee, boolean removeCall)
          Instantiate a copy of the callee summary into the caller.

Constructors in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive with parameters of type MethodSummary
MethodSummary.CallSite(MethodSummary caller, ProgramLocation m)
SummaryToTuples.TupleSummary(MethodSummary ms)

Uses of MethodSummary in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA with parameters of type MethodSummary
 void ObjectCreationGraph.visitMethodSummary(MethodSummary ms)

Uses of MethodSummary in joeq.Compiler.Quad

Methods in joeq.Compiler.Quad with parameters of type MethodSummary
 boolean AndersenPointerAnalysis.addToRootSet(MethodSummary s)

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