Class ControlFlowGraph

  extended by joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ControlFlowGraph
extends Object
implements jwutil.graphs.Graph

Control flow graph for the Quad format. The control flow graph is a fundamental part of the quad intermediate representation. The control flow graph organizes the basic blocks for a method. Control flow graphs always include an entry basic block and an exit basic block. These basic blocks are always empty and have id numbers 0 and 1, respectively. A control flow graph includes references to the entry and exit nodes, and the set of exception handlers for the method.

$Id: 2465 2006-06-07 23:03:17Z joewhaley $
John Whaley

Field Summary
static Map correspondenceMap
          Merges the given control flow graph into this control flow graph.
Constructor Summary
ControlFlowGraph(jq_Method method, int numOfExits, int numOfExceptionHandlers, RegisterFactory rf)
          Creates a new ControlFlowGraph.
Method Summary
 void addJSRInfo(JSRInfo info)
 void appendExceptionHandlers(ExceptionHandlerList ehl)
 BasicBlock createBasicBlock(int numOfPredecessors, int numOfSuccessors, int numOfInstructions, ExceptionHandlerList ehs)
          Create a new basic block in this control flow graph.
 BasicBlock entry()
          Returns the entry node.
 BasicBlock exit()
          Returns the exit node.
 String fullDump()
          Returns a verbose string of every basic block in this control flow graph.
 List.ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandlers()
          Return the list of exception handlers in this control flow graph.
 Iterator getExceptionHandlersMatchingEntry(BasicBlock b)
          Return an iterator of the exception handlers with the given entry point.
 JSRInfo getJSRInfo(BasicBlock bb)
 int getMaxQuadID()
          Returns the maximum id number for a quad.
 jq_Method getMethod()
          Returns the method this control flow graph represents.
 jwutil.graphs.Navigator getNavigator()
 int getNewQuadID()
          Returns a new id number for a quad.
 int getNumberOfBasicBlocks()
          Returns a maximum on the number of basic blocks in this control flow graph.
 int getNumberOfQuads()
 RegisterFactory getRegisterFactory()
          Returns the register factory used by this control flow graph.
 Collection getRoots()
 ControlFlowGraph merge(ControlFlowGraph from)
 List.BasicBlock postOrderOnReverseGraph(BasicBlock start_bb)
          Returns a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in post order, starting at the given basic block.
 ListIterator.BasicBlock postOrderOnReverseGraphIterator()
          Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in post order.
 boolean removeUnreachableBasicBlocks()
 List.BasicBlock reversePostOrder(BasicBlock start_bb)
          Returns a list of basic blocks in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.
 ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderIterator()
          Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph in reverse post order.
 ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderIterator(BasicBlock start_bb)
          Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph reachable from the given basic block in reverse post order, starting from the given basic block.
 List.BasicBlock reversePostOrderOnReverseGraph(BasicBlock start_bb)
          Returns a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.
 ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderOnReverseGraphIterator()
          Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in reverse post order.
 void visitBasicBlocks(BasicBlockVisitor bbv)
          Visits all of the basic blocks in this graph with the given visitor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static Map correspondenceMap
Merges the given control flow graph into this control flow graph. Doesn't modify the given control flow graph. A copy of the given control flow graph (with appropriate renumberings) is returned.

Constructor Detail


public ControlFlowGraph(jq_Method method,
                        int numOfExits,
                        int numOfExceptionHandlers,
                        RegisterFactory rf)
Creates a new ControlFlowGraph.

numOfExits - the expected number of branches to the exit node.
numOfExceptionHandlers - the expected number of exception handlers.
Method Detail


public BasicBlock entry()
Returns the entry node.

the entry node.


public BasicBlock exit()
Returns the exit node.

the exit node.


public jq_Method getMethod()
Returns the method this control flow graph represents. May be null for synthetic methods.

method this control flow graph represents, or null for synthetic.


public RegisterFactory getRegisterFactory()
Returns the register factory used by this control flow graph.

the register factory used by this control flow graph.


public BasicBlock createBasicBlock(int numOfPredecessors,
                                   int numOfSuccessors,
                                   int numOfInstructions,
                                   ExceptionHandlerList ehs)
Create a new basic block in this control flow graph. The new basic block is given a new, unique id number.

numOfPredecessors - number of predecessor basic blocks that this basic block is expected to have.
numOfSuccessors - number of successor basic blocks that this basic block is expected to have.
numOfInstructions - number of instructions that this basic block is expected to have.
ehs - set of exception handlers for this basic block.
the newly created basic block.


public int getNumberOfBasicBlocks()
Returns a maximum on the number of basic blocks in this control flow graph.

a maximum on the number of basic blocks in this control flow graph.


public int getNumberOfQuads()


public int getNewQuadID()
Returns a new id number for a quad.


public int getMaxQuadID()
Returns the maximum id number for a quad.


public void addJSRInfo(JSRInfo info)


public JSRInfo getJSRInfo(BasicBlock bb)


public ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderIterator()
Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph in reverse post order.

an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph in reverse post order.


public ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderOnReverseGraphIterator()
Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in reverse post order. The reversed graph is the graph where all edges are reversed.

an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in reverse post order.


public ListIterator.BasicBlock postOrderOnReverseGraphIterator()
Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in post order. The reversed graph is the graph where all edges are reversed.

an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in post order.


public ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderIterator(BasicBlock start_bb)
Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph reachable from the given basic block in reverse post order, starting from the given basic block.

start_bb - basic block to start reverse post order from.
an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph reachable from the given basic block in reverse post order.


public void visitBasicBlocks(BasicBlockVisitor bbv)
Visits all of the basic blocks in this graph with the given visitor.

bbv - visitor to visit each basic block with.


public List.BasicBlock reversePostOrder(BasicBlock start_bb)
Returns a list of basic blocks in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.

start_bb - basic block to start from.
a list of basic blocks in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.


public List.BasicBlock reversePostOrderOnReverseGraph(BasicBlock start_bb)
Returns a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.

start_bb - basic block to start from.
a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.


public List.BasicBlock postOrderOnReverseGraph(BasicBlock start_bb)
Returns a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in post order, starting at the given basic block.

start_bb - basic block to start from.
a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in post order, starting at the given basic block.


public List.ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandlers()
Return the list of exception handlers in this control flow graph.


public Iterator getExceptionHandlersMatchingEntry(BasicBlock b)
Return an iterator of the exception handlers with the given entry point.

b - basic block to check exception handlers against.
an iterator of the exception handlers with the given entry point.


public String fullDump()
Returns a verbose string of every basic block in this control flow graph.

a verbose string of every basic block in this control flow graph.


public ControlFlowGraph merge(ControlFlowGraph from)


public void appendExceptionHandlers(ExceptionHandlerList ehl)


public Collection getRoots()
Specified by:
getRoots in interface jwutil.graphs.Graph


public jwutil.graphs.Navigator getNavigator()
Specified by:
getNavigator in interface jwutil.graphs.Graph


public boolean removeUnreachableBasicBlocks()

Copyright © 2001-2008 John Whaley. All Rights Reserved.