Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.BDD |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.BDD with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
BuildBDDIR.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
static MethodSummary |
MethodSummary.getSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Get the method summary for the given CFG. |
static MethodSummary |
MethodSummary.getSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg,
MethodSummary.CallSite cs)
Get the (context-sensitive) method summary for the given control flow graph when called from the given call site. |
void |
MethodSummary.MethodSummaryBuilder.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Constructors in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
MethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Build a summary for the given method. |
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
ObjectCreationGraph.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
LoopAnalysis.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA |
Fields in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA declared as ControlFlowGraph | |
protected ControlFlowGraph |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
SSABindingVisitor.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Applies itself to all bindings in the CFG. |
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Apps |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Apps with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
AssertionAnalysis.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Utils |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Utils with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
SimpleDominatorQuery.TestSimpleDominatorQuery.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
static PrimitiveMethodSummary |
PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Get the method summary for the given CFG. |
static PrimitiveMethodSummary |
PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg,
PrimitiveMethodSummary.CallSite cs)
Get the (context-sensitive) method summary for the given control flow graph when called from the given call site. |
void |
PrimitiveMethodSummary.MethodSummaryBuilder.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Constructors in joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
PrimitiveMethodSummary.BuildMethodSummary(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Build a summary for the given method. |
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Dataflow |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Dataflow with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
static LivenessAnalysis |
LivenessAnalysis.solve(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
static ReachingDefs |
ReachingDefs.solve(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
ReachingDefs.RDVisitor.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Quad |
Fields in joeq.Compiler.Quad declared as ControlFlowGraph | |
protected ControlFlowGraph |
A reference to the control flow graph that we are iterating over. |
protected ControlFlowGraph |
protected ControlFlowGraph |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Quad that return ControlFlowGraph | |
protected ControlFlowGraph |
CodeCache._get(jq_Method m)
ControlFlowGraph |
Perform conversion process from bytecode to quad. |
static ControlFlowGraph |
CodeCache.getCode(jq_Method m)
ControlFlowGraph |
ControlFlowGraph.merge(ControlFlowGraph from)
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Quad with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
BasicBlock.addAtEnd(ControlFlowGraph ir,
Quad c)
boolean |
AndersenPointerAnalysis.addToRootSet(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Add a control flow graph to the root set. |
static void |
CodeCache.free(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Collection |
CachedCallGraph.getCallees(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Collection |
CallGraph.getCallees(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Returns the set of methods that are called by the given CFG. |
Collection |
CachedCallGraph.getCallSites(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Collection |
CallGraph.getCallSites(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Returns the set of call sites in the given CFG. |
static Collection |
CallGraph.getCallSites0(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
static Collection |
CallGraph.getCallSites1(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
abstract void |
MethodInline.InliningDecision.inlineCall(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad q)
void |
MethodInline.DontInline.inlineCall(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad q)
void |
MethodInline.NoCheckInliningDecision.inlineCall(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad q)
void |
MethodInline.TypeCheckInliningDecision.inlineCall(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad q)
static void |
MethodInline.inlineNonVirtualCallSite(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad q,
ControlFlowGraph callee)
static void |
MethodInline.inlineVirtualCallSiteWithTypeCheck(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad q,
ControlFlowGraph callee,
jq_Class type)
ControlFlowGraph |
ControlFlowGraph.merge(ControlFlowGraph from)
void |
DataflowFramework.EmptyAnalysis.postprocess(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
DeadCode.postprocess(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
DataflowFramework.EmptyAnalysis.preprocess(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
DeadCode.preprocess(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
MethodInline.InliningDecision |
MethodInline.Oracle.shouldInline(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad callSite)
MethodInline.InliningDecision |
MethodInline.InlineSmallSingleTargetCalls.shouldInline(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad callSite)
MethodInline.InliningDecision |
MethodInline.InlineSelectedCalls.shouldInline(ControlFlowGraph caller,
BasicBlock bb,
Quad callSite)
void |
PrintCFG.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Prints full dump of the given CFG to the output stream. |
void |
MethodInline.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
DotGraph.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Use the dot helper class to output this cfg as a Graph. |
void |
CalculateSize.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
AndersenPointerAnalysis.Visitor.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
BasicBlockVisitor.AllBasicBlockVisitor.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Visit each of the basic blocks in the given control flow graph. |
void |
ControlFlowGraphVisitor.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Constructors in joeq.Compiler.Quad with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
ControlFlowGraphNavigator(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Construct a new ControlFlowGraphNavigator for the given control flow graph. |
MethodInline.NoCheckInliningDecision(ControlFlowGraph target)
QuadIterator(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Initialize the iterator to iterate over the quads in the given control flow graph in reverse post order. |
QuadIterator(ControlFlowGraph cfg,
boolean direction)
Initialize the iterator to iterate over the quads in the given control flow graph. |
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Compiler.Quad.SSA |
Methods in joeq.Compiler.Quad.SSA with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
static void |
EnterSSA.markSSARegisterFlags(ControlFlowGraph cfg)
void |
EnterSSA.visitCFG(ControlFlowGraph ir)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Interpreter |
Methods in joeq.Interpreter with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
void |
QuadInterpreter.interpretMethod(jq_Method m,
Object[] params,
RegisterFactory rf,
ControlFlowGraph cfg)
Uses of ControlFlowGraph in joeq.Main |
Methods in joeq.Main with parameters of type ControlFlowGraph | |
static void |
Helper.runPass(ControlFlowGraph c,
BasicBlockVisitor bbv)
static void |
Helper.runPass(ControlFlowGraph c,
ControlFlowGraphVisitor cfgv)
static void |
Helper.runPass(ControlFlowGraph c,
QuadVisitor qv)