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1   //, created Jan 23, 2005 4:54:46 PM by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2005 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive;
6   import java.util.Arrays;
7   import java.util.Collection;
8   import java.util.Collections;
9   import java.util.HashMap;
10  import java.util.HashSet;
11  import java.util.Iterator;
12  import java.util.LinkedList;
13  import java.util.Map;
14  import java.util.Set;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
21  import java.math.BigInteger;
22  import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
23  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
24  import joeq.Class.jq_ClassInitializer;
25  import joeq.Class.jq_FakeInstanceMethod;
26  import joeq.Class.jq_Field;
27  import joeq.Class.jq_Member;
28  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
29  import joeq.Class.jq_NameAndDesc;
30  import joeq.Class.jq_Reference;
31  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
32  import joeq.Class.jq_Reference.jq_NullType;
33  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.CheckCastNode;
34  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode;
35  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode;
36  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.GlobalNode;
37  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node;
38  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.UnknownTypeNode;
39  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation;
40  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache;
41  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.LoadedCallGraph;
42  import joeq.Main.HostedVM;
43  import jwutil.collections.IndexMap;
44  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
45  import jwutil.collections.Tuples;
46  import jwutil.collections.TuplesArray;
47  import jwutil.util.Assert;
49  /***
50   * SummaryToTuples
51   * 
53  Definition of domains:
55  V: Variables.
56     Corresponds to variable nodes in the program.  There are variable nodes
57     for each formal parameter, result of a object creation (new/newarray/etc.),
58     result of a getfield/arrayload, return value at a call site, and thrown
59     exception at a call site.  There is also a special type of 'global'
60     variable node that is used when loading or storing to static fields.
61     Primitive type variables are skipped.
63  H: Heap.
64     Corresponds to a location on the heap.  There is a heap node for each
65     object creation site.
67  T: Type.
68     Corresponds to a Java type (class or interface).  There is one for every
69     class or interface used in the program.
71  F: Field.
72     Corresponds to a field.  There is one for each dereferenced field in the
73     program.  There is also a special 'array' field for array accesses.
75  I: Invocation.
76     Corresponds to a method invocation.  There is one for each method
77     invocation in the program.  Note that object creation is not a method
78     invocation, but object initialization (a call to the "<init>" method)
79     is an invocation.
81  Z: Integer.
82     Corresponds to an integer number.  Used for numbering parameters.
84  N: Method name.
85     Corresponds to a method name and descriptor used for virtual method
86     dispatch.  There is one for every method name and descriptor used in
87     a virtual method call.  There is also a special 'null' method name that
88     is used for non-virtual calls.
90  M: Methods.
91     Corresponds to a method in the program.  This differs from the N domain
92     in that this contains actual methods, whereas N simply contains names
93     that are used for virtual method lookup, and can therefore contain
94     abstract methods.
96  VC: Variable context.
97      Path number used for context sensitivity.
99  Files dumped by SummaryToTuples:
101 :
102     contains the domain definitions, sizes, and map file names.
104 m_formal.tuples : (M,Z,V)
105     Contains formal method parameters.
106     A tuple (m,z,v) means that parameter #z of method m is represented by
107     variable v.  In static methods, parameter #0 is the special 'global'
108     variable.  For instance methods, parameter #0 is the 'this' pointer for
109     the method.  Primitive type parameters do not have variable nodes and
110     therefore are not in m_formal.
112 m_global.tuples : (M,V)
113     Contains the 'global variable node' for each method.
114     Each method has a 'global variable node' that it uses when accessing
115     static fields.  A tuple (m,v) means that method m has global variable
116     node v.
118 m_vP.tuples : (M,V,H)
119     Contains object creation sites within the method.
120     A tuple (m,v,h) means that method m contains an object creation site
121     that makes variable v point to new heap location h.
123 m_A.tuples : (M,V,V)
124     Contains assignments within a method.
125     A tuple (m,v1,v2) means that method m contains an assignment "v1=v2;".
126     Note that because assignments are factored away, the only remaining
127     assignments will be caused by casts.  This is because variables can
128     only have one type, so we need to use different variables to record
129     the different types.
131 m_L.tuples : (M,V,F,V)
132     Contains load instructions within a method.
133     A tuple (m,v1,f,v2) means that method m contains a load instruction
134     "v2=v1.f;", or if f is the special 'array' field, then m contains an
135     instruction of the form "v2=v1[_];".  Loads from static fields
136     are specified with v1 equal to the 'global variable node' for the method.
137     Loads from fields with primitive types are skipped.
139 m_S.tuples : (M,V,F,V)
140     Contains store instructions within a method.
141     A tuple (m,v1,f,v2) means that method m contains a store instruction
142     "v1.f=v2;", or if f is the special 'array' field, then m contains an
143     instruction of the form "v1[_]=v2;".  Stores into static fields
144     are specified with v1 equal to the 'global variable node' for the method.
145     Stores to fields with primitive types are skipped.
147 m_calls.tuples : (M,I,N)
148     Contains the method invocations within a method.
149     A tuple (m,i,n) means that a method m contains an invocation site i
150     on method name n.  If the invocation is a non-virtual invocation or can
151     be completely statically resolved, the method name is a special null
152     method name, otherwise the method name is the virtual method to do the
153     lookup upon.  Non-virtual calls will also appear in "m_sc" with their
154     real targets.
156 m_actual.tuples : (M,I,Z,V)
157     Contains the parameters for method invocations.
158     A tuple (m,i,z,v) means that a method m contains an invocation site i
159     with variable v passed in as parameter #z.  Static calls have the
160     special 'global' variable as their 0th parameter; instance calls have
161     the base object as their 0th parameter.  Primitive-typed parameters
162     are skipped.
164 m_Iret.tuples : (M,I,V)
165     Contains the return values for method invocations.
166     A tuple (m,i,v) means that a method m contains an invocation site i
167     with return value v.  Invocations that do not use the return value or
168     that have a primitive return value are skipped.
170 m_Ithr.tuples : (M,I,V)
171     Contains the thrown exceptions for method invocations.
172     A tuple (m,i,v) means that a method m contains an invocation site i
173     with thrown exception v.
175 m_sync.tuples : (M,V)
176     Contains the variables that are synchronized in a method.
177     A tuple (m,v) means that method m synchronizes on variable v.
179 m_vars.tuples : (M,V)
180     Contains the set of all variables in a method.
181     A tuple (m,v) means that method m contains variable v.
183 m_ret.tuples : (M,V)
184     Contains the set of variables that are returned from a method.
185     A tuple (m,v) means that method m returns variable v.
187 m_thr.tuples : (M,V)
188     Contains the set of variables that are thrown from a method.
189     A tuple (m,v) means that method m throws variable v.
191 m_sc.tuples : (M,I,M)
192     Contains the statically-bound calls in a method.
193     A tuple (m1,i,m2) means that m1 contains an invocation site i that
194     is statically bound to call m2.
196 vT.tuples : (V,T)
197     Contains the declared type (class or interface) of each variable.
199 hT.tuples : (H,T)
200     Contains the type (class) of each object creation site.
202 aT.tuples : (T,T)
203     Contains which types are assignable from one to another.
204     A tuple (t1,t2) means that you can assign an object of type t2 to
205     a variable of type t1 (i.e., t1 is a supertype of t2).
207 cha.tuples : (T,N,M)
208     Contains the virtual method dispatch information.
209     A tuple (t,n,m) means that doing a virtual method call with name n
210     on an object of type t leads to target method m.
212 methods.tuples : (T,M)
213     Contains the methods that each class defines.
214     A tuple (t,m) means that class t defines method m.
216 fields.tuples : (T,F)
217     Contains the fields that each class defines.
218     A tuple (t,f) means that class t defines field f.
220 clinit.tuples : (T,M)
221     Contains the class initializers.
222     A tuple (t,m) means that class t has class initializer method m.
224 m_access.tuples : (M,Z)
225     Contains the access modifiers for each of the methods.
226     0 = public, 1 = private, 2 = protected, 3 = package-protected
228 f_access.tuples : (F,Z)
229     Contains the access modifiers for each of the fields.
230     0 = public, 1 = private, 2 = protected, 3 = package-protected
232  * 
233  * @author jwhaley
234  * @version $Id: 2289 2005-07-15 00:45:14Z joewhaley $
235  */
236 public class SummaryToTuples {
238     public static boolean TRACE = !System.getProperty("pa.trace", "no").equals("no");
239     public static PrintStream out = System.out;
241     boolean SKIP_NULL = !System.getProperty("pa.skipnull", "yes").equals("no");
242     boolean SKIP_EXCEPTIONS = !System.getProperty("pa.skipexceptions", "yes").equals("no");
243     boolean ADD_SUPERTYPES = !System.getProperty("pa.addsupertypes", "yes").equals("no");
245     IndexMap/*<Node*/ Vmap;
246     IndexMap/*<ProgramLocation>*/ Imap;
247     IndexMap/*<Node>*/ Hmap;
248     IndexMap/*<jq_Field>*/ Fmap;
249     IndexMap/*<jq_Reference>*/ Tmap;
250     IndexMap/*<jq_Method>*/ Nmap;
251     IndexMap/*<jq_Method>*/ Mmap;
253     jq_Class object_class = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangObject();
254     jq_Method javaLangObject_clone;
255     {
256         object_class.prepare();
257         javaLangObject_clone = object_class.getDeclaredInstanceMethod(new jq_NameAndDesc("clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"));
258     }
259     jq_Class cloneable_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/Cloneable;");
260     jq_Class throwable_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThrowable();
261     jq_Method javaLangObject_fakeclone = jq_FakeInstanceMethod.fakeMethod(object_class, 
262                                                 MethodSummary.fakeCloneName, "()Ljava/lang/Object;");
264     Tuples.S2 vT;  // var type (VxT)
265     Tuples.S2 hT;  // heap type (HxT)
266     Tuples.S2 aT;  // assignable type (TxT)
267     Tuples.S3 cha; // vtable (TxNxM)
268     Tuples.S2 methods;  // declared methods (TxM)
269     Tuples.S2 fields;   // declared fields (TxF)
270     Tuples.S2 clinit;   // class initializer (TxM)
271     Tuples.S2 m_access; // method access (MxZ)
272     Tuples.S2 f_access; // field access (FxZ)
274     int last_V, last_H, last_T, last_N, last_F, last_M;
276     public static boolean USE_HMAP = false;
278     public SummaryToTuples() {
279         Vmap = new IndexMap("var");
280         Imap = new IndexMap("invoke");
281         if (USE_HMAP)
282             Hmap = new IndexMap("heap");
283         else
284             Hmap = Vmap;
285         Fmap = new IndexMap("field");
286         Tmap = new IndexMap("type");
287         Nmap = new IndexMap("name");
288         Mmap = new IndexMap("method");
290         // Some nodes we always want to be index 0.
291         Vmap.get(GlobalNode.GLOBAL);
292         Hmap.get(GlobalNode.GLOBAL);
293         Fmap.get(null);
294         Tmap.get(null);
295     }
297     Map cache = new HashMap();
299     public TupleSummary getSummary(jq_Method m) {
300         TupleSummary s = (TupleSummary) cache.get(m);
301         if (s == null) cache.put(m, s = new TupleSummary(m));
302         return s;
303     }
305     void calcTypes() {
306         vT = new TuplesArray.S2(16384);
307         hT = new TuplesArray.S2(8192);
308         aT = new TuplesArray.S2(8192);
309         cha = new TuplesArray.S3(8192);
310         methods = new TuplesArray.S2(4096);
311         fields = new TuplesArray.S2(4096);
312         clinit = new TuplesArray.S2(4096);
313         m_access = new TuplesArray.S2(4096);
314         f_access = new TuplesArray.S2(4096);
315         last_V = 0; last_H = 0; last_T = 0; last_N = 0; last_F = 0; last_M = 0;
316         calcTypes_inc();
317     }
319     void calcTypes_inc() {
320         // build up 'vT'
321         int Vsize = Vmap.size();
322         for (int V_i = last_V; V_i < Vsize; ++V_i) {
323             Node n = (Node) Vmap.get(V_i);
324             jq_Reference type = n.getDeclaredType();
325             if (type != null) type.prepare();
326             vT.add(V_i, Tmap.get(type));
327         }
329         // build up 'hT'
330         int Hsize = Hmap.size();
331         for (int H_i = last_H; H_i < Hsize; ++H_i) {
332             Node n = (Node) Hmap.get(H_i);
333             if (!USE_HMAP) {
334                 if (n instanceof MethodSummary.FieldNode ||
335                     n instanceof MethodSummary.ParamNode ||
336                     n instanceof MethodSummary.CheckCastNode ||
337                     n instanceof MethodSummary.ReturnValueNode ||
338                     n instanceof MethodSummary.ThrownExceptionNode
339                     ) continue;
340             }
341             jq_Reference type = n.getDeclaredType();
342             if (type != null) type.prepare();
343             hT.add(H_i, Tmap.get(type));
344         }
346         if (ADD_SUPERTYPES) {
347             // add all supertypes to type map
348             for (int T_i = 0; T_i < Tmap.size(); ++T_i) {
349                 jq_Reference t1 = (jq_Reference) Tmap.get(T_i);
350                 if (t1 == null || t1 instanceof jq_NullType) continue;
351                 t1.prepare();
352                 jq_Reference t2 = t1.getDirectPrimarySupertype();
353                 if (t2 != null) {
354                     t2.prepare();
355                     Tmap.get(t2);
356                 }
357                 jq_Class[] c = t1.getInterfaces();
358                 for (int i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) {
359                     Tmap.get(c[i]);
360                 }
361             }
362         }
364         int Tsize = Tmap.size();
365         // build up 'aT'
366         for (int T1_i = 0; T1_i < Tsize; ++T1_i) {
367             jq_Reference t1 = (jq_Reference) Tmap.get(T1_i);
368             int start = (T1_i < last_T)?last_T:0;
369             for (int T2_i = start; T2_i < Tsize; ++T2_i) {
370                 jq_Reference t2 = (jq_Reference) Tmap.get(T2_i);
371                 if (t2 == null || (t1 != null && t2.isSubtypeOf(t1))) {
372                     aT.add(T1_i, T2_i);
373                 }
374             }
375         }
377         // build up 'cha'
378         int Nsize = Nmap.size();
379         for (int T_i = 0; T_i < Tsize; ++T_i) {
380             jq_Reference t = (jq_Reference) Tmap.get(T_i);
381             int start = (T_i < last_T)?last_N:0;
382             for (int N_i = start; N_i < Nsize; ++N_i) {
383                 jq_Method n = (jq_Method) Nmap.get(N_i);
384                 if (n == null) continue;
385                 n.getDeclaringClass().prepare();
386                 jq_Method m;
387                 if (n.isStatic()) {
388                     if (t != null) continue;
389                     m = n;
390                 } else {
391                     if (t == null ||
392                         t == jq_NullType.NULL_TYPE ||
393                         !t.isSubtypeOf(n.getDeclaringClass())) continue;
394                     m = t.getVirtualMethod(n.getNameAndDesc());
395                 }
396                 if ((m == javaLangObject_clone && t != object_class) || n == javaLangObject_fakeclone) {
397                     m = fakeCloneIfNeeded(t);                                      // for t.clone()
398                     cha.add(T_i, Nmap.get(javaLangObject_fakeclone), Mmap.get(m)); // for super.clone()
399                 }
400                 if (m == null) continue;
401                 cha.add(T_i, N_i, Mmap.get(m));
402             }
403         }
405         int Fsize = Fmap.size();
406         for (int F_i = last_F; F_i < Fsize; ++F_i) {
407             jq_Member f = (jq_Member) Fmap.get(F_i);
408             int a;
409             if (f == null || f.isPublic()) a = 0;
410             else if (f.isPrivate()) a = 1;
411             else if (f.isProtected()) a = 2;
412             else a = 3;
413             f_access.add(F_i, a);
414             if (f != null)
415                 fields.add(Tmap.get(f.getDeclaringClass()), F_i);
416         }
418         int Msize = Mmap.size();
419         for (int M_i = last_M; M_i < Msize; ++M_i) {
420             jq_Member f = (jq_Member) Mmap.get(M_i);
421             int a;
422             if (f.isPublic()) a = 0;
423             else if (f.isPrivate()) a = 1;
424             else if (f.isProtected()) a = 2;
425             else a = 3;
426             m_access.add(M_i, a);
427             methods.add(Tmap.get(f.getDeclaringClass()), M_i);
428             if (f instanceof jq_ClassInitializer)
429                 clinit.add(Tmap.get(f.getDeclaringClass()), M_i);
430         }
432         last_V = Vsize;
433         last_H = Hsize;
434         last_T = Tsize;
435         last_N = Nsize;
436         last_F = Fsize;
437         last_M = Msize;
438         if (Vsize != Vmap.size() ||
439             Hsize != Hmap.size() ||
440             Tsize != Tmap.size() ||
441             Nsize != Nmap.size() ||
442             Fsize != Fmap.size() ||
443             Msize != Mmap.size()) {
444             if (TRACE) out.println("Elements added, recalculating types...");
445             calcTypes_inc();
446         }
447     }
449     private jq_Method fakeCloneIfNeeded(jq_Type t) {
450         jq_Method m = javaLangObject_clone;
451         if (t instanceof jq_Class) {
452             jq_Class c = (jq_Class) t;
453             if (!c.isInterface() && c.implementsInterface(cloneable_class)) {
454                 m = jq_FakeInstanceMethod.fakeMethod(c, MethodSummary.fakeCloneName, "()"+t.getDesc());
455             }
456         }
457         // TODO: handle cloning of arrays
458         return m;
459     }
461     public class TupleSummary {
462         jq_Method m;
463         MethodSummary ms;
465         int[] formal; // formal parameters (ZxV)
466         int global;   // global node (V)
468         Tuples.S2 vP;     // object creation sites (VxH)
469         Tuples.S2 A;      // assignments (VxV)
470         Tuples.S3 L;      // loads (VxFxV)
471         Tuples.S3 S;      // stores (VxFxV)
472         Tuples.S2 calls;  // calls (IxN)
473         Tuples.S3 actual; // params to calls (IxZxV)
474         Tuples.S2 Iret;   // returns from calls (IxV)
475         Tuples.S2 Ithr;   // throws from calls (IxV)
476         Tuples.S1 sync;   // syncs (V)
477         Tuples.S1 vars;   // all vars in method (V)
478         Tuples.S1 ret;    // returned (V)
479         Tuples.S1 thr;    // thrown (V)
480         Tuples.S2 sc;     // statically-bound calls (IxM)
482         public TupleSummary(jq_Method m) {
483             visitMethod(m);
484         }
486         public TupleSummary(MethodSummary ms) {
487             this.m = ms.getMethod();
488             visitMethodSummary(ms);
489         }
491         void visitMethod(jq_Method m) {
492             Assert._assert(m != null);
493             Assert._assert(m.getDeclaringClass() != null);
495             if (TRACE) out.println("Visiting method "+m);
496             m.getDeclaringClass().prepare();
497             this.m = m;
498    = MethodSummary.getSummary(m);
499             Mmap.get(m);
501             if (m.getBytecode() == null && ms == null) {
502                 // initialize tuples.
503                 init();
505                 // build up 'formal'
506                 handleFormalParams();
508                 // build up 'Mret'
509                 jq_Type retType = m.getReturnType();
510                 if (retType instanceof jq_Reference) {
511                     Node node = UnknownTypeNode.get((jq_Reference) retType);
512                     int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
513                     vars.add(V_i);
514                     ret.add(V_i);
515                     visitNode(node);
516                 }
517                 if (!SKIP_EXCEPTIONS) {
518                     Node node = UnknownTypeNode.get(PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThrowable());
519                     int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
520                     vars.add(V_i);
521                     thr.add(V_i);
522                     visitNode(node);
523                 }
524                 return;
525             }
527             visitMethodSummary(ms);
528         }
530         boolean skipNode(Node node) {
531             if (SKIP_NULL && MethodSummary.isNullConstant(node))
532                 return true;
533             if (SKIP_EXCEPTIONS && node instanceof MethodSummary.ThrownExceptionNode)
534                 return true;
535             return false;
536         }
538         private void init() {
539             vP = new TuplesArray.S2(2);
540             A = new TuplesArray.S2(2);
541             L = new TuplesArray.S3(2);
542             S = new TuplesArray.S3(2);
543             calls = new TuplesArray.S2(2);
544             actual = new TuplesArray.S3(2);
545             Iret = new TuplesArray.S2(2);
546             Ithr = new TuplesArray.S2(2);
547             sync = new TuplesArray.S1(2);
548             vars = new TuplesArray.S1(2);
549             ret = new TuplesArray.S1(2);
550             thr = new TuplesArray.S1(2);
551             sc = new TuplesArray.S2(2);
552         }
554         void handleFormalParams() {
555             int offset;
556             Node thisparam;
557             if (m.isStatic()) {
558                 thisparam = GlobalNode.GLOBAL;
559                 offset = 0;
560             } else {
561                 if (ms != null)
562                     thisparam = ms.getParamNode(0);
563                 else
564                     thisparam = MethodSummary.ParamNode.get(m, 0, m.getDeclaringClass());
565                 offset = 1;
566             }
567             int nParams;
568             if (ms != null) nParams = ms.getNumOfParams();
569             else nParams = m.getParamTypes().length;
570             formal = new int[nParams+1-offset];
571             formal[0] = Vmap.get(thisparam);
572             for (int i = offset; i < nParams; ++i) {
573                 Node node;
574                 if (ms != null) {
575                     node = ms.getParamNode(i);
576                 } else {
577                     jq_Type t = m.getParamTypes()[i];
578                     if (!t.isReferenceType()) continue;
579                     node = MethodSummary.ParamNode.get(m, i, (jq_Reference) t);
580                 }
581                 formal[i+1-offset] = node==null?-1:Vmap.get(node);
582             }
584             if (m.isSynchronized()) {
585                 if (TRACE) out.println("Synchronized method, sync on: "+thisparam);
586                 sync.add(formal[0]);
587                 // TODO: correctly handle static synchronized methods
588             }
590             if (ms != null) {
591                 global = Vmap.get(ms.getGlobal());
592             } else {
593                 global = Vmap.get(GlobalNode.GLOBAL);
594             }
595         }
597         void visitMethodSummary(MethodSummary ms) {
599             if (TRACE) out.println("Visiting method summary "+ms);
601             if (vP == null) {
602                 int nNodes = ms.nodes.size();
603                 int nCalls = ms.calls.size();
604                 vP = new TuplesArray.S2(nNodes/2+1);
605                 A = new TuplesArray.S2(nNodes/4+1);
606                 L = new TuplesArray.S3(nNodes/2+1);
607                 S = new TuplesArray.S3(nNodes/4+1);
608                 calls = new TuplesArray.S2(nCalls+1);
609                 actual = new TuplesArray.S3(nCalls*3+1);
610                 Iret = new TuplesArray.S2(nCalls+1);
611                 Ithr = new TuplesArray.S2(nCalls+1);
612                 sync = new TuplesArray.S1(2);
613                 vars = new TuplesArray.S1(nNodes+1);
614                 ret = new TuplesArray.S1(8);
615                 thr = new TuplesArray.S1(8);
616                 sc = new TuplesArray.S2(nCalls+1);
617             }
619             // build up 'formal'
620             handleFormalParams();
622             // build up 'sync'
623             for (Iterator i = ms.getSyncedVars().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
624                 Node node = (Node);
625                 if (skipNode(node)) continue;
626                 if (TRACE) out.println("Sync on: "+node);
627                 sync.add(Vmap.get(node));
628             }
630             // build up 'mI', 'actual', 'Iret', 'Ithr'
631             for (Iterator i = ms.getCalls().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
632                 ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation);
633                 if (TRACE) out.println("Visiting call site "+mc);
634                 int I_i = Imap.get(LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(mc));
635                 jq_Method target = mc.getTargetMethod();
637                 Set thisptr;
638                 int offset;
639                 if (target.isStatic()) {
640                     thisptr = Collections.singleton(GlobalNode.GLOBAL);
641                     offset = 0;
642                 } else {
643                     thisptr = ms.getNodesThatCall(mc, 0);
644                     offset = 1;
645                 }
646                 for (Iterator j = thisptr.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
647                     Node n = (Node);
648                     if (!skipNode(n)) {
649                         actual.add(I_i, 0, Vmap.get(n));
650                     }
651                 }
653                 if (mc.isSingleTarget()) {
654                     if (target != javaLangObject_clone) {
655                         // statically-bound, single target call
656                         calls.add(I_i, Nmap.get(null));
657                         sc.add(I_i, Mmap.get(target));
658                     } else {
659                         // super.clone()
660                         calls.add(I_i, Nmap.get(javaLangObject_fakeclone));
661                     }
662                 } else {                
663                     // virtual call
664                     calls.add(I_i, Nmap.get(target));
665                 }
667                 jq_Type[] params = mc.getParamTypes();
668                 int k = offset;
669                 for ( ; k < params.length; ++k) {
670                     if (!params[k].isReferenceType()) {
671                         continue;
672                     }
673                     Set s = ms.getNodesThatCall(mc, k);
674                     for (Iterator j = s.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
675                         Node n = (Node);
676                         if (skipNode(n)) continue;
677                         actual.add(I_i, k+1-offset, Vmap.get(n));
678                     }
679                 }
680                 Node node = ms.getRVN(mc);
681                 if (node != null && !skipNode(node)) {
682                     Iret.add(I_i, Vmap.get(node));
683                 }
684                 if (!SKIP_EXCEPTIONS) {
685                     node = ms.getTEN(mc);
686                     if (node != null && !skipNode(node)) {
687                         Ithr.add(I_i, Vmap.get(node));
688                     }
689                 }
690             }
692             // build up 'mV', 'm_vP', 'S', 'L', 'Mret', 'Mthr'
693             for (Iterator i = ms.nodeIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
694                 Node node = (Node);
695                 if (skipNode(node)) continue;
697                 int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
698                 vars.add(V_i);
700                 if (ms.getReturned().contains(node)) {
701                     ret.add(V_i);
702                 }
704                 if (!SKIP_EXCEPTIONS && ms.getThrown().contains(node)) {
705                     thr.add(V_i);
706                 }
708                 visitNode(node);
709             }
711             // build up 'A' from cast operations
712             for (Iterator i = ms.getCastMap().entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
713                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
714                 Node from = (Node)((Pair)e.getKey()).left;
715                 if (skipNode(from)) continue;
716                 CheckCastNode to = (CheckCastNode)e.getValue();
717                 int V_i = Vmap.get(to);
718                 A.add(V_i, Vmap.get(from));
719             }
720         }
722         void visitNode(Node node) {
723             if (TRACE) 
724                 out.println("Visiting node "+node);
726             Assert._assert(!skipNode(node));
728             int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
730             if (node instanceof ConcreteTypeNode ||
731                 node instanceof ConcreteObjectNode ||
732                 node instanceof UnknownTypeNode ||
733                 node == GlobalNode.GLOBAL) {
734                 int H_i = Hmap.get(node);
735                 vP.add(V_i, H_i);
736             }
738             for (Iterator j = node.getAllEdges().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
739                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
740                 jq_Field f = (jq_Field) e.getKey();
741                 Collection c;
742                 if (e.getValue() instanceof Collection)
743                     c = (Collection) e.getValue();
744                 else
745                     c = Collections.singleton(e.getValue());
746                 int F_i = Fmap.get(f);
747                 for (Iterator k = c.iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
748                     Node node2 = (Node);
749                     if (skipNode(node2)) continue;
750                     int V2_i = Vmap.get(node2);
751                     S.add(V_i, F_i, V2_i);
752                 }
753             }
755             for (Iterator j = node.getAccessPathEdges().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
756                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
757                 jq_Field f = (jq_Field) e.getKey();
758                 Collection c;
759                 if (e.getValue() instanceof Collection)
760                     c = (Collection) e.getValue();
761                 else
762                     c = Collections.singleton(e.getValue());
763                 int F_i = Fmap.get(f);
764                 for (Iterator k = c.iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
765                     Node node2 = (Node);
766                     int V2_i = Vmap.get(node2);
767                     L.add(V_i, F_i, V2_i);
768                 }
769             }
770         }
772         public String toString() {
773             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
774             sb.append(m);
775             sb.append('\n');
776             sb.append("Params: ");
777             for (int i = 0; i < formal.length; ++i) {
778                 if (i > 0) sb.append(',');
779                 sb.append(formal[i]);
780             }
781             sb.append("\nGlobal: ");
782             sb.append(global);
783             if (!vP.isEmpty()) {
784                 sb.append("\nvP: ");
785                 sb.append(vP);
786             }
787             if (!A.isEmpty()) {
788                 sb.append("\nA: ");
789                 sb.append(A);
790             }
791             if (!L.isEmpty()) {
792                 sb.append("\nL: ");
793                 sb.append(L);
794             }
795             if (!S.isEmpty()) {
796                 sb.append("\nS: ");
797                 sb.append(S);
798             }
799             if (!calls.isEmpty()) {
800                 sb.append("\ncalls: ");
801                 sb.append(calls);
802             }
803             if (!actual.isEmpty()) {
804                 sb.append("\nactual: ");
805                 sb.append(actual);
806             }
807             if (!Iret.isEmpty()) {
808                 sb.append("\nIret: ");
809                 sb.append(Iret);
810             }
811             if (!Ithr.isEmpty()) {
812                 sb.append("\nIthr: ");
813                 sb.append(Ithr);
814             }
815             if (!sync.isEmpty()) {
816                 sb.append("\nsync: ");
817                 sb.append(sync);
818             }
819             if (!vars.isEmpty()) {
820                 sb.append("\nvars: ");
821                 sb.append(vars);
822             }
823             if (!ret.isEmpty()) {
824                 sb.append("\nret: ");
825                 sb.append(ret);
826             }
827             if (!thr.isEmpty()) {
828                 sb.append("\nthr: ");
829                 sb.append(thr);
830             }
831             if (!sc.isEmpty()) {
832                 sb.append("\nsc: ");
833                 sb.append(sc);
834             }
835             sb.append('\n');
836             return sb.toString();
837         }
838     }
840     String mungeMethodName(jq_Method m) {
841         if (m == null) return "null";
842         return m.toString();
843     }
844     String mungeFieldName(jq_Field m) {
845         if (m == null) return "null";
846         return m.toString();
847     }
848     String mungeTypeName2(jq_Type m) {
849         if (m == null) return "null";
850         return m.toString();
851     }
853     public void dump() throws IOException {
854         String dumpPath = System.getProperty("pa.dumppath", "");
855         if (dumpPath.length() > 0) {
856             File f = new File(dumpPath);
857             if (!f.exists()) f.mkdirs();
858             String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator", "/");
859             if (!dumpPath.endsWith(sep))
860                 dumpPath += sep;
861         }
862         dump(dumpPath);
863     }
865     public void dump(String dumpPath) throws IOException {
866         System.out.println("Dumping to path "+dumpPath);
868         int V_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Vmap.size()).bitLength();
869         int H_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Hmap.size()).bitLength();
870         int T_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Tmap.size()).bitLength();
871         int F_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Fmap.size()).bitLength();
872         int I_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Imap.size()).bitLength();
873         int Z_BITS = 6;
874         int N_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Nmap.size()).bitLength();
875         int M_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(Mmap.size()).bitLength();
876         int VC_BITS = 62;
878         BufferedWriter dos = null;
879         try {
880             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
881             dos.write("V "+(1L<<V_BITS)+"\n");
882             dos.write("H "+(1L<<H_BITS)+"\n");
883             dos.write("T "+(1L<<T_BITS)+"\n");
884             dos.write("F "+(1L<<F_BITS)+"\n");
885             dos.write("I "+(1L<<I_BITS)+"\n");
886             dos.write("Z "+(1L<<Z_BITS)+"\n");
887             dos.write("N "+(1L<<N_BITS)+"\n");
888             dos.write("M "+(1L<<M_BITS)+"\n");
889             dos.write("VC "+(1L<<VC_BITS)+"\n");
890         } finally {
891             if (dos != null) dos.close();
892         }
894         int tuples = 0;
895         dos = null;
896         try {
897             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+"m_formal.tuples"));
898             dos.write("# M0:"+M_BITS+" Z0:"+Z_BITS+" V0:"+V_BITS+"\n");
899             for (Iterator i = cache.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
900                 TupleSummary s = (TupleSummary);
901                 String prefix = Mmap.get(s.m)+" ";
902                 for (int j = 0; j < s.formal.length; ++j) {
903                     if (s.formal[j] == -1) continue;
904                     dos.write(prefix+j+" "+s.formal[j]+"\n");
905                     ++tuples;
906                 }
907             }
908             System.out.println("Wrote formal.tuples"+": "+tuples+" elements");
909         } finally {
910             if (dos != null) dos.close();
911         }
913         tuples = 0;
914         dos = null;
915         try {
916             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+"m_global.tuples"));
917             dos.write("# M0:"+M_BITS+" V0:"+V_BITS+"\n");
918             for (Iterator i = cache.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
919                 TupleSummary s = (TupleSummary);
920                 if ( == -1) continue;
921                 dos.write(Mmap.get(s.m)+" ""\n");
922                 ++tuples;
923             }
924             System.out.println("Wrote global.tuples"+": "+tuples+" elements");
925         } finally {
926             if (dos != null) dos.close();
927         }
929         Field[] fs = TupleSummary.class.getDeclaredFields();
930         for (int k = 0; k < fs.length; ++k) {
931             if (!Tuples.Interface.class.isAssignableFrom(fs[k].getType())) {
932                 continue;
933             }
934             tuples = 0;
935             dos = null;
936             try {
937                 dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+"m_"+fs[k].getName()+".tuples"));
938                 for (Iterator i = cache.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
939                     TupleSummary s = (TupleSummary);
940                     String prefix = Mmap.get(s.m)+" ";
941                     Tuples.Interface t;
942                     try {
943                         t = (Tuples.Interface) fs[k].get(s);
944                         t.dump(prefix, dos);
945                         tuples += t.size();
946                     } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
947                         e.printStackTrace();
948                     } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
949                         e.printStackTrace();
950                     }
951                 }
952                 System.out.println("Wrote "+fs[k].getName()+".tuples"+": "+tuples+" elements");
953             } finally {
954                 if (dos != null) dos.close();
955             }
956         }
958         fs = SummaryToTuples.class.getDeclaredFields();
959         for (int k = 0; k < fs.length; ++k) {
960             if (!Tuples.Interface.class.isAssignableFrom(fs[k].getType())) {
961                 continue;
962             }
963             dos = null;
964             try {
965                 dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+fs[k].getName()+".tuples"));
966                 Tuples.Interface t;
967                 try {
968                     t = (Tuples.Interface) fs[k].get(this);
969                     t.dump(dos);
970                     System.out.println("Wrote "+fs[k].getName()+".tuples: "+t.size()+" elements");
971                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
972                     e.printStackTrace();
973                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
974                     e.printStackTrace();
975                 }
976             } finally {
977                 if (dos != null) dos.close();
978             }
979         }
981         dos = null;
982         try {
983             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
984             for (int j = 0; j < Vmap.size(); ++j) {
985                 Node o = (Node)Vmap.get(j);
986                 dos.write(": "+o+"\n");
987             }
988         } finally {
989             if (dos != null) dos.close();
990         }
992         if (USE_HMAP) {
993             dos = null;
994             try {
995                 dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
996                 for (int j = 0; j < Hmap.size(); ++j) {
997                     Node o = (Node) Hmap.get(j);
998                     dos.write(": "+o+"\n");
999                 }
1000             } finally {
1001                 if (dos != null) dos.close();
1002             }
1003         }
1005         dos = null;
1006         try {
1007             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
1008             for (int j = 0; j < Tmap.size(); ++j) {
1009                 jq_Type o = (jq_Type) Tmap.get(j);
1010                 dos.write(mungeTypeName2(o)+"\n");
1011             }
1012         } finally {
1013             if (dos != null) dos.close();
1014         }
1016         dos = null;
1017         try {
1018             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
1019             for (int j = 0; j < Fmap.size(); ++j) {
1020                 jq_Field o = (jq_Field) Fmap.get(j);
1021                 dos.write(mungeFieldName(o)+"\n");
1022             }
1023         } finally {
1024             if (dos != null) dos.close();
1025         }
1027         dos = null;
1028         try {
1029             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
1030             for (int j = 0; j < Imap.size(); ++j) {
1031                 ProgramLocation o = (ProgramLocation)Imap.get(j);
1032                 dos.write(o.hashCode()+": "+o+"\n");
1033             }
1034         } finally {
1035             if (dos != null) dos.close();
1036         }
1038         dos = null;
1039         try {
1040             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
1041             for (int j = 0; j < Nmap.size(); ++j) {
1042                 jq_Method o = (jq_Method) Nmap.get(j);
1043                 dos.write(mungeMethodName(o)+"\n");
1044             }
1045         } finally {
1046             if (dos != null) dos.close();
1047         }
1049         dos = null;
1050         try {
1051             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
1052             for (int j = 0; j < Mmap.size(); ++j) {
1053                 Object o = Mmap.get(j);
1054                 jq_Method m = (jq_Method) o;
1055                 dos.write(mungeMethodName(m)+"\n");
1056             }
1057         } finally {
1058             if (dos != null) dos.close();
1059         }
1061     }
1063     public static Collection/*<jq_Method>*/ parseMethod(String[] args) throws IOException {
1064         jq_Class c = (jq_Class) jq_Type.parseType(args[0]);
1065         c.load();
1066         String name = null, desc = null;
1067         if (args.length > 1) {
1068             name = args[1];
1069             if (args.length > 2) {
1070                 desc = args[2];
1071             }
1072         }
1073         Collection methods;
1074         if (name != null) {
1075             jq_Method m;
1076             if (desc != null) {
1077                 m = (jq_Method) c.getDeclaredMember(name, desc);
1078             } else {
1079                 m = c.getDeclaredMethod(name);
1080             }
1081             methods = Collections.singleton(m);
1082         } else {
1083             methods = new LinkedList();
1084             methods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredStaticMethods()));
1085             methods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredInstanceMethods()));
1086         }
1087         return methods;
1088     }
1090     public static String canonicalizeClassName(String s) {
1091         if (s.endsWith(".class")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 6);
1092         s = s.replace('.', '/');
1093         String desc = "L" + s + ";";
1094         return desc;
1095     }
1097     private static Collection getClassesInPackage(String pkgName, boolean recursive) {
1098         String canonicalPackageName = pkgName.replace('.', '/');
1099         if (!canonicalPackageName.endsWith("/")) canonicalPackageName += '/';
1100         Iterator i = PrimordialClassLoader.loader.listPackage(canonicalPackageName, recursive);
1101         if (!i.hasNext()) {
1102             System.err.println("Package " + canonicalPackageName + " not found.");
1103         }
1104         // Because listPackage() may return entries twice, we record loaded
1105         // entries in 'loaded' and skip dups
1106         Collection result = new LinkedList();
1107         HashSet loaded = new HashSet();
1108         while (i.hasNext()) {
1109             String canonicalClassName = canonicalizeClassName((String);
1110             if (loaded.contains(canonicalClassName))
1111                 continue;
1112             loaded.add(canonicalClassName);
1113             try {
1114                 //System.out.println("Loading "+canonicalClassName);
1115                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType(canonicalClassName);
1116                 c.load();
1117                 result.add(c);
1118             } catch (SecurityException x) {
1119                 System.err.println("Security exception occurred while loading class (" + canonicalClassName + "):");
1120             } catch (NoClassDefFoundError x) {
1121                 System.err.println("Package " + pkgName + ": Class not found (canonical name " + canonicalClassName + ").");
1122             } catch (LinkageError le) {
1123                 System.err.println("Linkage error occurred while loading class (" + canonicalClassName + "):");
1124                 le.printStackTrace(System.err);
1125             }
1126         }
1127         return result;
1128     }
1130     public static Collection/*<jq_Method>*/ parseClass(String arg) throws IOException {
1131         Collection classes;
1132         if (arg.endsWith(".**")) {
1133             String packageName = arg.substring(0, arg.length()-3);
1134             classes = getClassesInPackage(packageName, true);
1135         } else if (arg.endsWith(".*")) {
1136             String packageName = arg.substring(0, arg.length()-2);
1137             classes = getClassesInPackage(packageName, false);
1138         } else {
1139             String canonicalClassName = canonicalizeClassName(arg);
1140             jq_Class c = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType(canonicalClassName);
1141             c.load();
1142             classes = Collections.singleton(c);
1143         }
1144         Collection methods = new LinkedList();
1145         for (Iterator i = classes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1146             jq_Class c = (jq_Class);
1147             methods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredStaticMethods()));
1148             methods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredInstanceMethods()));
1149         }
1150         return methods;
1151     }
1153     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
1154         HostedVM.initialize();
1155         CodeCache.AlwaysMap = true;
1157         Collection methods = new LinkedList();
1158         for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
1159             Collection methods2 = parseClass(args[i]);
1160             methods.addAll(methods2);
1161         }
1162         System.out.println("Processing "+methods.size()+" methods...");
1163         SummaryToTuples dis = new SummaryToTuples();
1164         for (Iterator i = methods.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1165             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
1166             if (m.getBytecode() == null) continue;
1167             TupleSummary s = dis.getSummary(m);
1168             //System.out.println(s);
1169         }
1170         dis.calcTypes();
1171         dis.dump();
1172     }
1174 }