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1   //, created Jun 20, 2003 9:22:16 PM by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2003 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA;
6   import java.util.Arrays;
7   import java.util.Collection;
8   import java.util.Collections;
9   import java.util.HashMap;
10  import java.util.Iterator;
11  import java.util.LinkedList;
12  import java.util.Map;
13  import java.util.Set;
14  import;
15  import joeq.Class.jq_Array;
16  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
17  import joeq.Class.jq_Field;
18  import joeq.Class.jq_Initializer;
19  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceMethod;
20  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
21  import joeq.Class.jq_Primitive;
22  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
23  import joeq.Class.jq_TypeVisitor;
24  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary;
25  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.FieldNode;
26  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node;
27  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.NodeSet;
28  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.ParamNode;
29  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.UnknownTypeNode;
30  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CallGraph;
31  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache;
32  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph;
33  import jwutil.graphs.Navigator;
34  import jwutil.util.Assert;
36  /***
37   * ClassInvariantAnalysis
38   * 
39   * @author John Whaley
40   * @version $Id: 1931 2004-09-22 22:17:47Z joewhaley $
41   */
42  public class ClassInvariantAnalysis
43      implements jq_TypeVisitor {
45      public static final boolean TRACE = true;
46      public static final boolean TRACE_INTRA = true;
47      public static final PrintStream out = System.out;
49      MethodSummary summary;
50      ParamNode dis;
51      Map returned;
52      Map thrown;
54      public void initialize(jq_Class k) {
55          jq_InstanceMethod[] ms = k.getDeclaredInstanceMethods();
56          jq_Initializer init = null;
57          for (int i=0; i<ms.length; ++i) {
58              if (ms[i] instanceof jq_Initializer) {
59                  init = (jq_Initializer) ms[i];
60                  break;
61              }
62          }
63          dis = ParamNode.get(init, 0, k);
64          summary = new MethodSummary(new ParamNode[] { dis });
65          returned = new HashMap();
66          thrown = new HashMap();
67      }
69      static MethodSummary getSummary(jq_Method m) {
70          if (m.getBytecode() == null) {
71              return null;
72          }
73          ControlFlowGraph cfg = CodeCache.getCode(m);
74          MethodSummary ms = MethodSummary.getSummary(cfg);
75          return ms;
76      }
78      static class LocalCallGraphNavigator implements Navigator {
80          jq_Class klass;
81          CallGraph cg;
83          /***
84           * @see jwutil.graphs.Navigator#next(java.lang.Object)
85           */
86          public Collection next(Object node) {
87              jq_Method caller = (jq_Method) node;
88              Collection callees = cg.getCallees(caller);
89              LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
90              for (Iterator i = callees.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
91                  jq_Method callee = (jq_Method);
92                  if (klass.isSubtypeOf(callee.getDeclaringClass())) {
93                      ll.add(callee);
94                  }
95              }
96              return ll;
97          }
99          /***
100          * @see jwutil.graphs.Navigator#prev(java.lang.Object)
101          */
102         public Collection prev(Object node) {
103             jq_Method callee = (jq_Method) node;
104             Collection s = cg.getCallerMethods(callee);
105             LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
106             for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
107                 jq_Method caller = (jq_Method);
108                 if (caller.getDeclaringClass().isSubtypeOf(klass)) {
109                     ll.add(caller);
110                 }
111             }
112             return s;
113         }
115     }
117     public void instantiateLocalCalls(jq_Method m) {
118     }
120     public void visitMethod(jq_Method m) {
121         if (m.getBytecode() == null) {
122             if (TRACE) out.println("NOTE: "+m.getName()+"() is a native method, we don't know what goes on in there.");
123             return;
124         }
125         if (m.isPrivate()) {
126             //if (TRACE) out.println(m.getName()+"() is private, skipping.");
127             //return;
128         }
129         ControlFlowGraph cfg = CodeCache.getCode(m);
130         MethodSummary ms = MethodSummary.getSummary(cfg);
131         if (m.isStatic()) {
132             if (TRACE) out.println(m.getName()+"() is static.");
133             // TODO.
134         } else {
135             ParamNode n = ms.getParamNode(0);
136             n.replaceBy(Collections.singleton(dis), true);
138             NodeSet s1 = new NodeSet(ms.getReturned());
139             if (s1.remove(n)) s1.add(dis);
140             returned.put(m, s1);
142             NodeSet s2 = new NodeSet(ms.getThrown());
143             if (s2.remove(n)) s2.add(dis);
144             thrown.put(m, s2);
145         }
146     }
148     public void unifyAccessPathEdges(Node n) {
149         if (n instanceof UnknownTypeNode) return;
150         if (TRACE_INTRA) out.println("Unifying access path edges from: "+n);
151         if (n.hasAccessPathEdges()) {
152             for (Iterator i=n.getAccessPathEdges().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
153                 java.util.Map.Entry e = (java.util.Map.Entry);
154                 jq_Field f = (jq_Field)e.getKey();
155                 Object o = e.getValue();
156                 Assert._assert(o != null);
157                 FieldNode n2;
158                 if (o instanceof FieldNode) {
159                     n2 = (FieldNode)o;
160                 } else {
161                     Set s = (Set)NodeSet.FACTORY.makeSet((Set)o);
162                     if (s.size() == 0) {
163                         i.remove();
164                         continue;
165                     }
166                     if (s.size() == 1) {
167                         n2 = (FieldNode)s.iterator().next();
168                         e.setValue(n2);
169                         continue;
170                     }
171                     if (TRACE_INTRA) out.println("Node "+n+" has duplicate access path edges on field "+f+": "+s);
172                     n2 = FieldNode.unify(f, s);
173                     for (Iterator j=s.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
174                         FieldNode n3 = (FieldNode);
175                         for (Iterator k=returned.values().iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
176                             Set s2 = (Set);
177                             if (s2.remove(n3)) {
178                                 s2.add(n2);
179                             }
180                         }
181                         for (Iterator k=thrown.values().iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
182                             Set s2 = (Set);
183                             if (s2.remove(n3)) {
184                                 s2.add(n2);
185                             }
186                         }
187                         //nodes.remove(n3);
188                     }
189                     //nodes.put(n2, n2);
190                     e.setValue(n2);
191                 }
192             }
193         }
194     }
196     public void finish() {
197         unifyAccessPathEdges(dis);
198         for (Iterator i=dis.getAccessPathEdges().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
199             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
200             jq_Field f = (jq_Field) e.getKey();
201             System.out.println("Field "+f.getName()+" = "+dis.getAllEdges(f));
202         }
203         for (Iterator i=returned.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
204             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
205             jq_Method f = (jq_Method) e.getKey();
206             System.out.println("Method "+f.getName()+" returns "+e.getValue());
207         }
208     }
210     /* (non-Javadoc)
211      * @see joeq.Class.jq_TypeVisitor#visitClass(joeq.Class.jq_Class)
212      */
213     public void visitClass(jq_Class c) {
214         this.initialize(c);
215         for (Iterator i=Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredInstanceMethods()).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
216             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
217             visitMethod(m);
218         }
219         this.finish();
220     }
222     /* (non-Javadoc)
223      * @see joeq.Class.jq_TypeVisitor#visitArray(joeq.Class.jq_Array)
224      */
225     public void visitArray(jq_Array m) {}
227     /* (non-Javadoc)
228      * @see joeq.Class.jq_TypeVisitor#visitPrimitive(joeq.Class.jq_Primitive)
229      */
230     public void visitPrimitive(jq_Primitive m) {}
232     /* (non-Javadoc)
233      * @see joeq.Class.jq_TypeVisitor#visitType(joeq.Class.jq_Type)
234      */
235     public void visitType(jq_Type m) {}
237 }