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1   //, created Fri Jan 11 16:42:38 2002 by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2001-3 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.Quad;
6   import java.util.Collection;
7   import java.util.Collections;
8   import java.util.HashMap;
9   import java.util.HashSet;
10  import java.util.Iterator;
11  import java.util.Map;
12  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
13  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.BasicBlockTableOperand;
14  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.ParamListOperand;
15  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.RegisterOperand;
16  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.TargetOperand;
17  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.RegisterFactory.Register;
18  import joeq.Util.Templates.List;
19  import joeq.Util.Templates.ListIterator;
20  import joeq.Util.Templates.ListWrapper;
21  import joeq.Util.Templates.UnmodifiableList;
22  import jwutil.collections.Filter;
23  import jwutil.collections.FilterIterator;
24  import jwutil.graphs.Graph;
25  import jwutil.graphs.Navigator;
26  import jwutil.strings.Strings;
27  import jwutil.util.Assert;
29  /***
30   * Control flow graph for the Quad format.
31   * The control flow graph is a fundamental part of the quad intermediate representation.
32   * The control flow graph organizes the basic blocks for a method.
33   * 
34   * Control flow graphs always include an entry basic block and an exit basic block.
35   * These basic blocks are always empty and have id numbers 0 and 1, respectively.
36   * 
37   * A control flow graph includes references to the entry and exit nodes, and the
38   * set of exception handlers for the method.
39   * 
40   * @author  John Whaley <>
41   * @version $Id: 2465 2006-06-07 23:03:17Z joewhaley $
42   */
43  public class ControlFlowGraph implements Graph {
45      /* Method that this control flow graph represents. May be null for synthetic methods. */
46      private final jq_Method method;
47      /* Reference to the start node of this control flow graph. */
48      private final BasicBlock start_node;
49      /* Reference to the end node of this control flow graph. */
50      private final BasicBlock end_node;
51      /* List of exception handlers for this control flow graph. */
52      private final java.util.List/*<ExceptionHandler>*/ exception_handlers;
54      /* Register factory that we use on this control flow graph. */
55      private final RegisterFactory rf;
57      /* Current number of basic blocks, used to generate unique id's. */
58      private int bb_counter;
59      /* Current number of quads, used to generate unique id's. */
60      private int quad_counter;
62      /***
63       * Creates a new ControlFlowGraph.
64       * 
65       * @param numOfExits  the expected number of branches to the exit node.
66       * @param numOfExceptionHandlers  the expected number of exception handlers.
67       */
68      public ControlFlowGraph(jq_Method method, int numOfExits, int numOfExceptionHandlers, RegisterFactory rf) {
69          this.method = method;
70          start_node = BasicBlock.createStartNode();
71          end_node = BasicBlock.createEndNode(numOfExits);
72          exception_handlers = new java.util.ArrayList(numOfExceptionHandlers);
73          this.rf = rf;
74          bb_counter = 1; quad_counter = 0;
75      }
77      /***
78       * Returns the entry node.
79       * 
80       * @return  the entry node.
81       */
82      public BasicBlock entry() { return start_node; }
84      /***
85       * Returns the exit node.
86       * 
87       * @return  the exit node.
88       */
89      public BasicBlock exit() { return end_node; }
91      /***
92       * Returns the method this control flow graph represents.
93       * May be null for synthetic methods.
94       * 
95       * @return method this control flow graph represents, or null for synthetic.
96       */
97      public jq_Method getMethod() { return method; }
99      /***
100      * Returns the register factory used by this control flow graph.
101      * 
102      * @return  the register factory used by this control flow graph.
103      */
104     public RegisterFactory getRegisterFactory() { return rf; }
106     /***
107      * Create a new basic block in this control flow graph.  The new basic block
108      * is given a new, unique id number.
109      * 
110      * @param numOfPredecessors  number of predecessor basic blocks that this
111                                  basic block is expected to have.
112      * @param numOfSuccessors  number of successor basic blocks that this
113                                basic block is expected to have.
114      * @param numOfInstructions  number of instructions that this basic block
115                                  is expected to have.
116      * @param ehs  set of exception handlers for this basic block.
117      * @return  the newly created basic block.
118      */
119     public BasicBlock createBasicBlock(int numOfPredecessors, int numOfSuccessors, int numOfInstructions,
120                                        ExceptionHandlerList ehs) {
121         return BasicBlock.createBasicBlock(++bb_counter, numOfPredecessors, numOfSuccessors, numOfInstructions, ehs);
122     }
124     /*** Use with care after renumbering basic blocks. */
125     void updateBBcounter(int value) { bb_counter = value-1; }
127     /***
128      * Returns a maximum on the number of basic blocks in this control flow graph.
129      * 
130      * @return  a maximum on the number of basic blocks in this control flow graph.
131      */
132     public int getNumberOfBasicBlocks() { return bb_counter+1; }
134     public int getNumberOfQuads() {
135         int total = 0;
136         ListIterator.BasicBlock i = reversePostOrderIterator();
137         while (i.hasNext()) {
138             BasicBlock bb = i.nextBasicBlock();
139             total += bb.size();
140         }
141         return total;
142     }
144     /*** Returns a new id number for a quad. */
145     public int getNewQuadID() { return ++quad_counter; }
147     /*** Returns the maximum id number for a quad. */
148     public int getMaxQuadID() { return quad_counter; }
150     Map jsr_map;
152     public void addJSRInfo(JSRInfo info) {
153         if (jsr_map == null) jsr_map = new HashMap();
154         jsr_map.put(info.entry_block, info);
155         jsr_map.put(info.exit_block, info);
156     }
158     public JSRInfo getJSRInfo(BasicBlock bb) {
159         return (JSRInfo) jsr_map.get(bb);
160     }
162     /***
163      * Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph in reverse post order.
164      * 
165      * @return  an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph in reverse post order.
166      */
167     public ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderIterator() {
168         return reversePostOrderIterator(start_node);
169     }
171     /***
172      * Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in reverse post order.
173      * The reversed graph is the graph where all edges are reversed.
174      * 
175      * @return  an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in reverse post order.
176      */
177     public ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderOnReverseGraphIterator() {
178         return reversePostOrderOnReverseGraph(end_node).basicBlockIterator();
179     }
181     /***
182      * Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in post order.
183      * The reversed graph is the graph where all edges are reversed.
184      * 
185      * @return  an iteration of the basic blocks in the reversed graph in post order.
186      */
187     public ListIterator.BasicBlock postOrderOnReverseGraphIterator() {
188         return postOrderOnReverseGraph(end_node).basicBlockIterator();
189     }
191     /***
192      * Returns an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph reachable from the given
193      * basic block in reverse post order, starting from the given basic block.
194      * 
195      * @param start_bb  basic block to start reverse post order from.
196      * @return  an iteration of the basic blocks in this graph reachable from the given basic block in reverse post order.
197      */
198     public ListIterator.BasicBlock reversePostOrderIterator(BasicBlock start_bb) {
199         return reversePostOrder(start_bb).basicBlockIterator();
200     }
202     /***
203      * Visits all of the basic blocks in this graph with the given visitor.
204      * 
205      * @param bbv  visitor to visit each basic block with.
206      */
207     public void visitBasicBlocks(BasicBlockVisitor bbv) {
208         for (ListIterator.BasicBlock i=reversePostOrderIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
209             BasicBlock bb = i.nextBasicBlock();
210             bbv.visitBasicBlock(bb);
211         }
212     }
214     /***
215      * Returns a list of basic blocks in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.
216      * 
217      * @param start_bb  basic block to start from.
218      * @return  a list of basic blocks in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.
219      */
220     public List.BasicBlock reversePostOrder(BasicBlock start_bb) {
221         java.util.LinkedList/*<BasicBlock>*/ result = new java.util.LinkedList();
222         boolean[] visited = new boolean[bb_counter+1];
223         reversePostOrder_helper(start_bb, visited, result, true);
224         BasicBlock[] bb = new BasicBlock[result.size()];
225         bb = (BasicBlock[])result.toArray(bb);
226         return new UnmodifiableList.BasicBlock(bb);
227     }
229     /***
230      * Returns a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.
231      * 
232      * @param start_bb  basic block to start from.
233      * @return  a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in reverse post order, starting at the given basic block.
234      */
235     public List.BasicBlock reversePostOrderOnReverseGraph(BasicBlock start_bb) {
236         java.util.LinkedList/*<BasicBlock>*/ result = new java.util.LinkedList();
237         boolean[] visited = new boolean[bb_counter+1];
238         reversePostOrder_helper(start_bb, visited, result, false);
239         BasicBlock[] bb = new BasicBlock[result.size()];
240         bb = (BasicBlock[])result.toArray(bb);
241         return new UnmodifiableList.BasicBlock(bb);
242     }
244     /***
245      * Returns a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in post order, starting at the given basic block.
246      * 
247      * @param start_bb  basic block to start from.
248      * @return  a list of basic blocks of the reversed graph in post order, starting at the given basic block.
249      */
250     public List.BasicBlock postOrderOnReverseGraph(BasicBlock start_bb) {
251         java.util.LinkedList/*<BasicBlock>*/ result = new java.util.LinkedList();
252         boolean[] visited = new boolean[bb_counter+1];
253         reversePostOrder_helper(start_bb, visited, result, false);
254         java.util.Collections.reverse(result);
255         BasicBlock[] bb = new BasicBlock[result.size()];
256         bb = (BasicBlock[])result.toArray(bb);
257         return new UnmodifiableList.BasicBlock(bb);
258     }
260     /*** Helper function to compute reverse post order. */
261     private void reversePostOrder_helper(BasicBlock b, boolean[] visited, java.util.LinkedList result, boolean direction) {
262         if (visited[b.getID()]) return;
263         visited[b.getID()] = true;
264         List.BasicBlock bbs = direction ? b.getSuccessors() : b.getPredecessors();
265         ListIterator.BasicBlock bbi = bbs.basicBlockIterator();
266         while (bbi.hasNext()) {
267             BasicBlock b2 = bbi.nextBasicBlock();
268             reversePostOrder_helper(b2, visited, result, direction);
269         }
270         if (direction) {
271             ListIterator.ExceptionHandler ehi = b.getExceptionHandlers().exceptionHandlerIterator();
272             while (ehi.hasNext()) {
273                 ExceptionHandler eh = ehi.nextExceptionHandler();
274                 BasicBlock b2 = eh.getEntry();
275                 reversePostOrder_helper(b2, visited, result, direction);
276             }
277         } else {
278             if (b.isExceptionHandlerEntry()) {
279                 java.util.Iterator ex_handlers = getExceptionHandlersMatchingEntry(b);
280                 while (ex_handlers.hasNext()) {
281                     ExceptionHandler eh = (ExceptionHandler);
282                     ListIterator.BasicBlock handled = eh.getHandledBasicBlocks().basicBlockIterator();
283                     while (handled.hasNext()) {
284                         BasicBlock bb = handled.nextBasicBlock();
285                         reversePostOrder_helper(bb, visited, result, direction);
286                     }
287                 }
288             }
289         }
290         result.addFirst(b);
291     }
293     void addExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler eh) {
294         exception_handlers.add(eh);
295     }
297     /***
298      * Return the list of exception handlers in this control flow graph.
299      */
300     public List.ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandlers() {
301         return new ListWrapper.ExceptionHandler(exception_handlers);
302     }
304     /***
305      * Return an iterator of the exception handlers with the given entry point.
306      * 
307      * @param b  basic block to check exception handlers against.
308      * @return  an iterator of the exception handlers with the given entry point.
309      */
310     public java.util.Iterator getExceptionHandlersMatchingEntry(BasicBlock b) {
311         final BasicBlock bb = b;
312         return new FilterIterator(exception_handlers.iterator(),
313             new Filter() {
314                 public boolean isElement(Object o) {
315                     ExceptionHandler eh = (ExceptionHandler)o;
316                     return eh.getEntry() == bb;
317                 }
318         });
319     }
321     /***
322      * Returns a verbose string of every basic block in this control flow graph.
323      * 
324      * @return  a verbose string of every basic block in this control flow graph.
325      */
326     public String fullDump() {
327         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
328         sb.append("Control flow graph for "+method+":"+Strings.lineSep);
329         ListIterator.BasicBlock i = reversePostOrderIterator();
330         while (i.hasNext()) {
331             BasicBlock bb = i.nextBasicBlock();
332             sb.append(bb.fullDump());
333         }
334         sb.append("Exception handlers: "+exception_handlers);
335         sb.append(Strings.lineSep+"Register factory: "+rf);
336         return sb.toString();
337     }
339     private ExceptionHandler copier(Map map, ExceptionHandler this_eh) {
340         ExceptionHandler that_eh = (ExceptionHandler)map.get(this_eh);
341         if (that_eh != null) return that_eh;
342         map.put(this_eh, that_eh = new ExceptionHandler(this_eh.getExceptionType()));
343         that_eh.setEntry(copier(map, this_eh.getEntry()));
344         for (ListIterator.BasicBlock li =
345                  this_eh.getHandledBasicBlocks().basicBlockIterator();
346              li.hasNext(); ) {
347             that_eh.addHandledBasicBlock(copier(map, li.nextBasicBlock()));
348         }
349         return that_eh;
350     }
352     private ExceptionHandlerList copier(Map map, ExceptionHandlerList this_ehl) {
353         if (this_ehl == null || this_ehl.size() == 0) return null;
354         ExceptionHandlerList that_ehl = (ExceptionHandlerList)map.get(this_ehl);
355         if (that_ehl != null) return that_ehl;
356         map.put(this_ehl, that_ehl = new ExceptionHandlerList());
357         that_ehl.setHandler(copier(map, this_ehl.getHandler()));
358         that_ehl.setParent(copier(map, this_ehl.getParent()));
359         return that_ehl;
360     }
362     private void updateOperand(Map map, Operand op) {
363         if (op == null) return;
364         if (op instanceof TargetOperand) {
365             ((TargetOperand)op).setTarget(copier(map, ((TargetOperand)op).getTarget()));
366         } else if (op instanceof BasicBlockTableOperand) {
367             BasicBlockTableOperand bt = (BasicBlockTableOperand)op;
368             for (int i=0; i<bt.size(); ++i) {
369                 bt.set(i, copier(map, bt.get(i)));
370             }
371         } else if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) {
372             RegisterOperand rop = (RegisterOperand)op;
373             Register r = (Register)map.get(rop.getRegister());
374             if (r == null) {
375                 if (rop.getRegister().getNumber() == -1) {
376                     r = RegisterFactory.makeGuardReg().getRegister();
377                     map.put(rop.getRegister(), r);
378                 } else {
379                     Assert.UNREACHABLE(rop.toString());
380                 }
381             } else {
382                 rop.setRegister(r);
383             }
384         } else if (op instanceof ParamListOperand) {
385             ParamListOperand plo = (ParamListOperand)op;
386             for (int i=0; i<plo.length(); ++i) {
387                 updateOperand(map, plo.get(i));
388             }
389         }
390     }
392     private Quad copier(Map map, Quad this_q) {
393         Quad that_q = (Quad)map.get(this_q);
394         if (that_q != null) return that_q;
395         map.put(this_q, that_q = this_q.copy(++quad_counter));
396         updateOperand(map, that_q.getOp1());
397         updateOperand(map, that_q.getOp2());
398         updateOperand(map, that_q.getOp3());
399         updateOperand(map, that_q.getOp4());
401         return that_q;
402     }
404     private BasicBlock copier(Map map, BasicBlock this_bb) {
405         BasicBlock that_bb = (BasicBlock)map.get(this_bb);
406         if (that_bb != null) return that_bb;
407         that_bb = BasicBlock.createBasicBlock(++this.bb_counter,
408                                               this_bb.getNumberOfPredecessors(),
409                                               this_bb.getNumberOfSuccessors(),
410                                               this_bb.size());
411         map.put(this_bb, that_bb);
412         ExceptionHandlerList that_ehl = copier(map, this_bb.getExceptionHandlers());
413         that_bb.setExceptionHandlerList(that_ehl);
414         for (ListIterator.BasicBlock bbs = this_bb.getSuccessors().basicBlockIterator();
415              bbs.hasNext(); ) {
416             that_bb.addSuccessor(copier(map, bbs.nextBasicBlock()));
417         }
418         for (ListIterator.BasicBlock bbs = this_bb.getPredecessors().basicBlockIterator();
419              bbs.hasNext(); ) {
420             that_bb.addPredecessor(copier(map, bbs.nextBasicBlock()));
421         }
422         for (ListIterator.Quad qs = this_bb.iterator();
423              qs.hasNext(); ) {
424             that_bb.appendQuad(copier(map, qs.nextQuad()));
425         }
426         return that_bb;
427     }
429     /***
430      * Merges the given control flow graph into this control flow graph.
431      * Doesn't modify the given control flow graph.  A copy of the
432      * given control flow graph (with appropriate renumberings) is
433      * returned.
434      */
435     public static Map/*<Object, Object>*/ correspondenceMap = null; 
436     public ControlFlowGraph merge(ControlFlowGraph from) {
437         int nLocal = this.rf.numberOfLocalRegisters() + from.rf.numberOfLocalRegisters();
438         int nStack = this.rf.numberOfStackRegisters() + from.rf.numberOfStackRegisters();
439         RegisterFactory that_rf = new RegisterFactory(nStack, nLocal);
440         correspondenceMap = from.rf.deepCopyInto(that_rf);
441         this.rf.addAll(that_rf);
442         ControlFlowGraph that = new ControlFlowGraph(from.getMethod(),
443                                                      from.exit().getNumberOfPredecessors(),
444                                                      from.exception_handlers.size(),
445                                                      that_rf);
447         correspondenceMap.put(from.entry(), that.entry());
448         correspondenceMap.put(from.exit(), that.exit());
450         for (ListIterator.ExceptionHandler exs = from.getExceptionHandlers().exceptionHandlerIterator();
451              exs.hasNext(); ) {
452             that.addExceptionHandler(copier(correspondenceMap, exs.nextExceptionHandler()));
453         }
455         that.entry().addSuccessor(copier(correspondenceMap, from.entry().getFallthroughSuccessor()));
456         for (ListIterator.BasicBlock bbs = from.exit().getPredecessors().basicBlockIterator();
457              bbs.hasNext(); ) {
458             that.exit().addPredecessor(copier(correspondenceMap, bbs.nextBasicBlock()));
459         }
461         that.bb_counter = this.bb_counter;
462         that.quad_counter = this.quad_counter;
464 //        Map calleeMap = CodeCache.getBCMap(from.getMethod());
465 //        Map callerMap = CodeCache.getBCMap(this.getMethod());
466 //        
467 //        Map newCallerMap = new HashMap();
468 //        for(Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
469 //            Map.Entry e = (Entry);
470 //            Quad old_quad = (Quad) e.getKey();
471 //            Quad new_quad = (Quad) e.getValue();
472 //            
473 //            Object bc = null;
474 //            if((bc = callerMap.get(old_quad)) != null) {
475 //                newCallerMap.put(new_quad, bc);
476 //            } else 
477 //            if((bc = calleeMap.get(old_quad)) != null) {
478 //                newCallerMap.put(new_quad, bc);
479 //            } else {
480 //                Assert.UNREACHABLE();
481 //            } 
482 //        }
483 //        CodeCache
485         return that;
486     }
488     public void appendExceptionHandlers(ExceptionHandlerList ehl) {
489         if (ehl == null || ehl.size() == 0) return;
490         ListIterator.BasicBlock l = reversePostOrderIterator();
491         while (l.hasNext()) {
492             BasicBlock bb = l.nextBasicBlock();
493             if (bb.isEntry() || bb.isExit()) continue;
494             bb.appendExceptionHandlerList(ehl);
495         }
496     }
498     /* (non-Javadoc)
499      * @see jwutil.graphs.Graph#getRoots()
500      */
501     public Collection getRoots() {
502         return Collections.singleton(start_node);
503     }
505     /* (non-Javadoc)
506      * @see jwutil.graphs.Graph#getNavigator()
507      */
508     public Navigator getNavigator() {
509         return new ControlFlowGraphNavigator(this);
510     }
512     public boolean removeUnreachableBasicBlocks() {
513         Collection allBasicBlocks = new HashSet(reversePostOrder(entry()));
514         boolean change = false;
515         for (Iterator i = reversePostOrderIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
516             BasicBlock b = (BasicBlock);
517             if (b.getPredecessors().retainAll(allBasicBlocks))
518                 change = true;
519         }
520         for (Iterator i = exception_handlers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
521             ExceptionHandler eh = (ExceptionHandler);
522             if (eh.getHandledBasicBlocks().retainAll(allBasicBlocks))
523                 change = true;
524             if (eh.getHandledBasicBlocks().isEmpty()) {
525                 i.remove();
526             }
527         }
528         for (;;) {
529             Collection allBasicBlocks2 = reversePostOrderOnReverseGraph(exit());
530             if (allBasicBlocks2.containsAll(allBasicBlocks)) {
531                 return change;
532             }
533             allBasicBlocks.removeAll(allBasicBlocks2);
534             BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) allBasicBlocks.iterator().next();
535             System.out.println("Infinite loop discovered in "+this.getMethod()+", linking "+bb+" to exit.");
536             bb.addSuccessor(exit());
537             exit().addPredecessor(bb);
538             allBasicBlocks = new HashSet(reversePostOrder(entry()));
539         }
540     }
542 }