4 package joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA;
6 import java.util.Collection;
7 import java.util.Collections;
8 import java.util.HashMap;
9 import java.util.HashSet;
10 import java.util.Iterator;
11 import java.util.List;
12 import java.util.Map;
13 import java.util.Set;
14 import java.io.IOException;
15 import java.io.PrintStream;
16 import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
17 import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
18 import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
19 import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
20 import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation.QuadProgramLocation;
21 import joeq.Compiler.Dataflow.ReachingDefs;
22 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.BasicBlock;
23 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.BasicBlockVisitor;
24 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CallGraph;
25 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache;
26 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph;
27 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ExceptionHandler;
28 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ExceptionHandlerList;
29 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.LoadedCallGraph;
30 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand;
31 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Quad;
32 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.QuadVisitor;
33 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.AConstOperand;
34 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.RegisterOperand;
35 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.CheckCast;
36 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.Invoke;
37 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.Move;
38 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.New;
39 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.Return;
40 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.Special;
41 import joeq.Compiler.Quad.RegisterFactory.Register;
42 import joeq.Main.HostedVM;
43 import jwutil.graphs.SCComponent;
44 import jwutil.graphs.Traversals;
46 /***
47 * Uses a call graph to figure out what exceptions can be thrown by a method invocation.
48 *
49 * @author John Whaley
50 * @version $Id: ExceptionAnalysis.java 1931 2004-09-22 22:17:47Z joewhaley $
51 */
52 public class ExceptionAnalysis {
54 /***
55 * Visit basic blocks to figure out what exceptions they can throw.
56 */
57 class BBVisit implements BasicBlockVisitor {
58 private final ControlFlowGraph cfg;
59 private final jq_Method method;
60 private final Set s;
61 boolean change;
62 ReachingDefs rd;
64 private BBVisit(ControlFlowGraph cfg, jq_Method method, Set s) {
65 this.cfg = cfg;
66 this.method = method;
67 this.s = s;
68 }
70 public void visitBasicBlock(final BasicBlock bb) {
71 bb.visitQuads(new QVisit(bb));
72 }
74 /***
75 * Visit quads to figure out what exceptions they can throw.
76 * If toExHandler is set, we figure out the exceptions that can
77 * go to that handler. If it is null, we figure out the exceptions
78 * that can go to method exit.
79 */
80 class QVisit extends QuadVisitor.EmptyVisitor {
81 private BasicBlock bb;
82 private ExceptionHandler toExHandler;
84 QVisit(BasicBlock bb) {
85 this.bb = bb;
86 this.toExHandler = null;
87 }
89 QVisit(BasicBlock bb, ExceptionHandler ex) {
90 this.bb = bb;
91 this.toExHandler = ex;
92 }
94 /***
95 * Find the containing basic block for a quad.
96 */
97 BasicBlock findBasicBlock(Quad q) {
98 if (bb.getQuadIndex(q) != -1) return bb;
99 for (Iterator i = cfg.reversePostOrderIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
100 BasicBlock bb2 = (BasicBlock) i.next();
101 if (bb2.getQuadIndex(q) != -1) return bb2;
102 }
103 return null;
104 }
106 void updateMySet(Collection exTypes) {
107 if (toExHandler != null) {
108 if (updateSet(exTypes, s, toExHandler))
109 change = true;
110 } else {
111 if (updateSet(exTypes, s, bb.getExceptionHandlers()))
112 change = true;
113 }
114 }
116 public void visitExceptionThrower(Quad obj) {
117 if (obj.getOperator() instanceof Invoke) return;
118 if (obj.getOperator() instanceof Return.THROW_A) return;
119 updateMySet(obj.getThrownExceptions());
120 }
122 public void visitReturn(Quad obj) {
123 if (obj.getOperator() instanceof Return.THROW_A) {
124 Operand op = Return.getSrc(obj);
125 if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) {
130 if (rd == null) rd = ReachingDefs.solve(cfg);
131 Register r = ((RegisterOperand) op).getRegister();
132 Set d = rd.getReachingDefs(bb, obj, r);
135 Set visited = new HashSet();
136 for (Iterator i = d.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
137 Quad q = (Quad) i.next();
138 BasicBlock bb2 = findBasicBlock(q);
139 traceUseDef(visited, bb2, q);
140 }
141 } else if (op instanceof AConstOperand) {
143 updateMySet(Collections.singleton(PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangNullPointerException()));
144 }
145 }
146 }
148 public void visitInvoke(Quad obj) {
149 ProgramLocation callSite = new QuadProgramLocation(method, obj);
150 Collection targets = cg.getTargetMethods(callSite);
151 for (Iterator i = targets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
152 updateMySet(getThrownExceptions((jq_Method) i.next()));
153 }
154 }
156 void traceUseDef(Set visited, BasicBlock my_bb, Quad q) {
157 if (!visited.add(q)) return;
158 if (q.getOperator() instanceof New) {
159 jq_Class type = (jq_Class) New.getType(q).getType();
160 updateMySet(Collections.singleton(type));
161 } else if (q.getOperator() instanceof Special.GET_EXCEPTION) {
162 Iterator i = cfg.getExceptionHandlersMatchingEntry(my_bb);
163 while (i.hasNext()) {
164 ExceptionHandler eh = (ExceptionHandler) i.next();
165 List bbs = eh.getHandledBasicBlocks();
166 for (Iterator j = bbs.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
167 BasicBlock bb3 = (BasicBlock) j.next();
170 bb3.visitQuads(new QVisit(bb3, eh));
171 }
172 }
173 } else if (q.getOperator() instanceof Move ||
174 q.getOperator() instanceof CheckCast) {
175 Operand src = Move.getSrc(q);
176 if (src instanceof RegisterOperand) {
177 Register r = ((RegisterOperand) src).getRegister();
178 if (rd == null) rd = ReachingDefs.solve(cfg);
179 Set d = rd.getReachingDefs(my_bb, q, r);
180 for (Iterator i = d.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
181 Quad q2 = (Quad) i.next();
182 BasicBlock bb2 = findBasicBlock(q2);
183 traceUseDef(visited, bb2, q2);
184 }
185 } else {
187 updateMySet(Collections.singleton(PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangNullPointerException()));
188 }
189 } else {
191 updateMySet(Collections.singleton(null));
192 }
193 }
195 }
197 }
199 static final boolean USE_SOFTREF = true;
200 static final boolean TRACE = false;
201 static final PrintStream out = System.out;
203 CallGraph cg;
204 Map cache;
205 Map recursive;
207 /***
208 * Construct exception analysis using the given call graph.
209 */
210 public ExceptionAnalysis(CallGraph cg) {
211 if (TRACE) out.println("Initializing exception analysis");
212 this.cg = cg;
213 this.cache = new HashMap();
214 this.recursive = new HashMap();
215 }
217 private void findRecursiveMethods() {
218 Set
219 List list = Traversals.reversePostOrder(SCComponent.SCC_NAVIGATOR, roots);
220 for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
221 SCComponent scc = (SCComponent) i.next();
222 if (scc.isLoop()) {
223 for (Iterator j = scc.nodeSet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
224 this.recursive.put(j.next(), scc);
225 }
226 }
227 }
228 if (TRACE) out.println("Recursive methods: "+recursive);
229 }
231 static boolean updateSet(Collection exTypes, Set s, ExceptionHandler eh) {
232 boolean c = false;
233 for (Iterator i = exTypes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
234 jq_Class r = (jq_Class) i.next();
235 if (s.contains(r)) continue;
236 jq_Class r2 = r;
237 if (r2 == null) r2 = PrimordialClassLoader.JavaLangThrowable;
238 if (eh != null && !eh.mayCatch(r2)) continue;
239 if (s.add(r)) c = true;
240 }
241 return c;
242 }
244 static boolean updateSet(Collection exTypes, Set s, ExceptionHandlerList ex) {
245 boolean c = false;
246 for (Iterator i = exTypes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
247 jq_Class r = (jq_Class) i.next();
248 if (s.contains(r)) continue;
249 jq_Class r2 = r;
250 if (r2 == null) r2 = PrimordialClassLoader.JavaLangThrowable;
251 if (ex != null && ex.mustCatch(r2) != null) continue;
252 if (s.add(r)) c = true;
253 }
254 return c;
255 }
257 /***
258 * Return the set of exception types that can be thrown by this call.
259 *
260 * @param callSite call site
261 * @return set of exception types
262 */
263 public Set getThrownExceptions(ProgramLocation callSite) {
264 Set s = new HashSet();
265 getThrownExceptions(callSite, s, null);
266 return s;
267 }
269 /***
270 * Add the set of exception types that can be thrown by this call and
271 * that are not caught by the given exception handlers to the given set.
272 * Returns true iff the set changed.
273 *
274 * @param callSite call site
275 * @param s set
276 * @param ex exception handler list
277 * @return whether set changed
278 */
279 public boolean getThrownExceptions(ProgramLocation callSite, Set s, ExceptionHandlerList ex) {
280 if (TRACE) out.println("Call site "+callSite);
281 Collection targets = cg.getTargetMethods(callSite);
282 if (TRACE) out.println(" Targets "+targets);
283 boolean change = false;
284 for (Iterator i = targets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
285 if (updateSet(getThrownExceptions((jq_Method) i.next()), s, ex))
286 change = true;
287 }
288 if (TRACE) out.println(" Exceptions: "+s);
289 return change;
290 }
292 private Set checkCache(jq_Method method) {
293 Object o = cache.get(method);
294 if (USE_SOFTREF && o instanceof SoftReference) {
295 return (Set) ((SoftReference) o).get();
296 } else {
297 return (Set) o;
298 }
299 }
301 /***
302 * Return the set of exception types that can be thrown by this method.
303 *
304 * @param method
305 * @return set of exception types
306 */
307 public Set getThrownExceptions(jq_Method method) {
308 Set s = checkCache(method);
309 if (s != null) {
310 if (TRACE) out.println("Cache hit: "+method);
311 return s;
312 }
314 SCComponent scc = (SCComponent) recursive.get(method);
315 if (scc != null) {
316 if (TRACE) out.println(method+" is recursive, iterating around "+scc);
317 iterateScc(scc);
318 s = checkCache(method);
319 } else {
320 s = new HashSet();
321 cache.put(method, USE_SOFTREF ? (Object) new SoftReference(s) : (Object) s);
322 calcThrownExceptions(method, s);
323 }
324 return s;
325 }
327 private boolean calcThrownExceptions(final jq_Method method, final Set s) {
328 if (TRACE) out.println("Calculating thrown exceptions of "+method);
329 if (method.getBytecode() == null) {
330 if (method.isAbstract()) {
331 if (TRACE) out.println(method+" is abstract");
332 return s.add(PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/AbstractMethodError;"));
333 }
334 if (method.isNative()) {
336 if (TRACE) out.println(method+" is native");
337 boolean change = s.add(null);
338 return s.add(PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/LinkageError;")) || change;
339 }
341 return s.add(null);
342 }
344 ControlFlowGraph cfg = CodeCache.getCode(method);
345 BBVisit bbv = new BBVisit(cfg, method, s);
346 cfg.visitBasicBlocks(bbv);
348 if (TRACE) out.println("Thrown exceptions of "+method+": "+s);
349 return bbv.change;
350 }
352 private void iterateScc(SCComponent scc) {
355 for (Iterator i = scc.nodeSet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
356 jq_Method method = (jq_Method) i.next();
357 Set s = checkCache(method);
358 if (s == null) {
359 s = new HashSet();
360 cache.put(method, USE_SOFTREF ? (Object) new SoftReference(s) : (Object) s);
361 }
362 }
364 boolean change;
365 do {
366 change = false;
367 if (TRACE) out.println("Iterating: "+scc);
368 for (Iterator i = scc.nodeSet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
369 jq_Method method = (jq_Method) i.next();
370 Set s = checkCache(method);
371 if (USE_SOFTREF && s == null) {
374 if (TRACE) out.println("Soft ref for "+method+" was cleared, changing to hard ref");
375 s = new HashSet();
376 cache.put(method, s);
377 }
378 if (calcThrownExceptions(method, s)) {
379 change = true;
380 }
381 }
382 if (TRACE && change) out.println("Change occurred, iterating again.");
383 } while (change);
384 }
386 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
387 HostedVM.initialize();
388 CodeCache.AlwaysMap = true;
389 String cgFilename = System.getProperty("callgraph", "callgraph");
390 if (args.length > 1) cgFilename = args[0];
391 CallGraph cg = new LoadedCallGraph(cgFilename);
392 ExceptionAnalysis ea = new ExceptionAnalysis(cg);
393 long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
394 for (Iterator i = cg.getAllMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
395 jq_Method m = (jq_Method) i.next();
396 Set s = ea.getThrownExceptions(m);
399 }
400 time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
401 System.out.println("Time spent: "+time+" ms");
402 }
403 }