View Javadoc

1   //, created Nov 3, 2003 12:34:24 AM by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2003 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA;
6   import java.util.AbstractSet;
7   import java.util.ArrayList;
8   import java.util.Arrays;
9   import java.util.Collection;
10  import java.util.Collections;
11  import java.util.HashMap;
12  import java.util.HashSet;
13  import java.util.Iterator;
14  import java.util.LinkedList;
15  import java.util.List;
16  import java.util.Set;
17  import java.util.Stack;
18  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
28  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
29  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
30  import java.math.BigInteger;
31  import;
32  import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
33  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
34  import joeq.Class.jq_Field;
35  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
36  import joeq.Class.jq_NameAndDesc;
37  import joeq.Class.jq_Reference;
38  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
39  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary;
40  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary.Node;
41  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation.QuadProgramLocation;
42  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.ContextSet;
43  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.SSALocation;
44  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.BasicBlock;
45  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CallGraph;
46  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache;
47  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.LoadedCallGraph;
48  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator;
49  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Quad;
50  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.RegisterOperand;
51  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.RegisterFactory.Register;
52  import joeq.Main.Driver;
53  import joeq.Main.HostedVM;
54  import joeq.Util.IO.SourceLister;
55  import jwutil.collections.HashWorklist;
56  import jwutil.collections.IndexedMap;
57  import jwutil.collections.LinearSet;
58  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
59  import jwutil.collections.UnmodifiableIterator;
60  import jwutil.console.SimpleInterpreter;
61  import jwutil.graphs.Navigator;
62  import jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering;
63  import jwutil.graphs.SCCPathNumbering;
64  import jwutil.graphs.SCCTopSortedGraph;
65  import jwutil.graphs.SCComponent;
66  import jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Range;
67  import jwutil.graphs.SCCPathNumbering.Path;
68  import jwutil.strings.Strings;
69  import jwutil.util.Assert;
70  import net.sf.javabdd.BDD;
71  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDDomain;
72  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory;
73  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDPairing;
74  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDVarSet;
75  import net.sf.javabdd.TypedBDDFactory.TypedBDD;
76  import net.sf.javabdd.TypedBDDFactory.TypedBDDVarSet;
78  /***
79   * Records results for pointer analysis.  The results can be saved and reloaded.
80   * This class also provides methods to query the results.
81   * 
82   * @author John Whaley
83   * @version $Id: 2470 2006-07-17 05:20:48Z joewhaley $
84   */
85  public class PAResults implements PointerAnalysisResults {
86      final PA r;
88      CallGraph cg;
90      public PAResults(PA pa) {
91          r = pa;
92      }
94      public PA getPAResults() {
95          return r;
96      }
98      public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
99          initialize(null);
100         PAResults r = loadResults(args, null);
101         if (System.getProperty("pa.stats") != null)
102             r.printStats();
103         else
104             r.interactive();
105     }
107     public static void initialize(String addToClasspath) {
108         // We use bytecode maps.
109         CodeCache.AlwaysMap = true;
110         if (PA.USE_JOEQ_CLASSLIBS) {
111             System.setProperty("joeq.classlibinterface", "");
112             joeq.ClassLib.ClassLibInterface.useJoeqClasslib(true);
113         }
114         HostedVM.initialize();
116         if (addToClasspath != null)
117             PrimordialClassLoader.loader.addToClasspath(addToClasspath);
118     }
120     public static PAResults loadResults(String[] args, String addToClasspath) throws IOException {
121         String prefix;
122         if (args != null && args.length > 0) {
123             prefix = args[0];
124             String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
125             if (!prefix.endsWith(sep))
126                 prefix += sep;
127         } else {
128             prefix = "";
129         }
130         String fileName = System.getProperty("pa.results", "pa");
131         String bddfactory = "typed";
132         PAResults r = loadResults(bddfactory, prefix, fileName);
133         return r;
134     }
136     public static PAResults loadResults(String bddfactory,
137                                         String prefix,
138                                         String fileName) throws IOException {
139         PA pa = PA.loadResults(bddfactory, prefix, fileName);
140         PAResults r = new PAResults(pa);
141         r.loadCallGraph(prefix+"callgraph");
142         // todo: load path numbering instead of renumbering.
143         if (pa.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || pa.OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
144             pa.addDefaults();
145             pa.numberPaths(, pa.ocg, false);
146         }
147         return r;
148     }
150     /*** Load call graph from the given file name.
151      */
152     public void loadCallGraph(String fn) throws IOException {
153         cg = new LoadedCallGraph(fn);
154     }
156     private HashMap/*<String,Object>*/ storedBDDs = new HashMap();
157     public void storeBDD(String name, TypedBDD bdd1) {
158         storedBDDs.put(name, bdd1);
159         System.out.println("Stored BDD under name `" + name + "'");
160     }
161     public void interactive() {
162         int i = 1;
163         List results = new ArrayList();
164         DataInput in = new DataInputStream(;
165         SimpleInterpreter si = new SimpleInterpreter((URL[])null, storedBDDs);
166         Stack/*<DataInputStream>*/ inputs = new Stack();     // to support "include" command
167         for (;;) {
168             boolean increaseCount = true;
169             int listHowMany = DEFAULT_NUM_TO_PRINT;
171             try {
172                 if (inputs.isEmpty())          // prompt only if stdin
173                     System.out.print(i+"> ");
174                 String s = in.readLine();
175                 if (s == null) {
176                     if (inputs.isEmpty())
177                         return;
178                     in = (DataInput)inputs.pop();
179                     continue;
180                 }
181                 if (!inputs.isEmpty())          // echo for user's benefit
182                     System.out.println(i+"> "+s);
183                 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
184                 if (!st.hasMoreElements()) continue;
185                 String command = st.nextToken();
186                 if (command.equals("quit") || command.equals("exit")) {
187                     break;
188                 } else if (command.equals("include")) {
189                     inputs.push(in);
190                     in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(st.nextToken()));
191                     continue;
192                 } else if (command.equals("relprod")) {
193                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
194                     TypedBDD bdd2 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
195                     TypedBDDVarSet set = parseBDDset(results, st.nextToken());
196                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) bdd1.relprod(bdd2, set);
197                     results.add(r);
198                 } else if (command.equals("replace")) {
199                     TypedBDD bdd = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
200                     String ps = st.nextToken();
201                     BDDPairing pair = parsePairing(ps);
202                     if (pair != null) {
203                         results.add(bdd.replace(pair));
204                     } else {
205                         System.out.println("No such pairing: " + ps);
206                         increaseCount = false;
207                     }
208                 } else if (command.equals("restrict")) {
209                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
210                     TypedBDD r = bdd1;
211                     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
212                         TypedBDD bdd2 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
213                         r = (TypedBDD) r.restrict(bdd2);
214                     }
215                     results.add(r);
216                 } else if (command.equals("exist")) {
217                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
218                     TypedBDD r = bdd1;
219                     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
220                         TypedBDDVarSet set = parseBDDset(results, st.nextToken());
221                         r = (TypedBDD) r.exist(set);
222                     }
223                     results.add(r);
224                 } else if (command.equals("diff")) {
225                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
226                     TypedBDD bdd2 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
227                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) bdd1.apply(bdd2, BDDFactory.diff);
228                     results.add(r);
229                 } else if (command.equals("and")) {
230                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
231                     TypedBDD bdd2 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
232                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) bdd1.and(bdd2);
233                     results.add(r);
234                 } else if (command.equals("cmp") || command.equals("equals")) {
235                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
236                     TypedBDD bdd2 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
237                     System.out.println(command + " " + bdd1.equals(bdd2));
238                     increaseCount = false;
239                 } else if (command.equals("or")) {
240                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
241                     TypedBDD bdd2 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
242                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) bdd1.or(bdd2);
243                     results.add(r);
244                 } else if (command.equals("findpath")) {
245                     int m1 = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
246                     int m2 = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
247                     Path trace = findPath(m1, m2);
248                     if (trace != null) {
249                         System.out.println(getMethod(m2));
250                         printTrace(System.out, trace);
251                     } else
252                         System.out.println("there is no path from " + getMethod(m1) + " to " + getMethod(m2));
253                     increaseCount = false;
254                 } else if (command.equals("store")) {
255                     String name = st.nextToken();
256                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
257                     storeBDD(name, bdd1);
258                     increaseCount = false;
259                 } else if (command.equals("satcount")) {
260                     TypedBDD r = parseBDDWithCheck(results, st.nextToken());
261                     System.out.println("Domains:  " + r.getDomainSet());
262                     System.out.println("satCount: " + r.satCount(getDomains(r)));
263                     increaseCount = false;
264                 } else if (command.equals("showdomains")) {
265                     TypedBDD r = parseBDDWithCheck(results, st.nextToken());
266                     System.out.println("Domains: " + r.getDomainSet());
267                     increaseCount = false;
268                 } else if (command.equals("source")) {
269                     TypedBDD r = parseBDDWithCheck(results, st.nextToken());
270                     int before = st.hasMoreTokens() ? Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()) : SourceLister.defaultLinesBefore;
271                     int after = st.hasMoreTokens() ? Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()) : SourceLister.defaultLinesAfter;
272                     showSource(r, before, after);
273                     increaseCount = false;
274                 } else if (command.equals("list")) {
275                     TypedBDD r = parseBDDWithCheck(results, st.nextToken());
276                     results.add(r);
277                     listHowMany = st.hasMoreTokens() ? Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()) : -1;
278                     System.out.println("Domains: " + r.getDomainSet());
279                 } else if (command.equals("contextvar") || command.equals("stacktracevar")) {
280                     int varNum = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
281                     Node n = getVariableNode(varNum);
282                     if (n == null) {
283                         System.out.println("No method for node "+n);
284                     } else {
285                         jq_Method m = n.getDefiningMethod();
286                         Number c = new BigInteger(st.nextToken(), 10);
287                         if (m == null) {
288                             System.out.println("No method for node "+n);
289                         } else {
290                             Path trace = ((SCCPathNumbering)r.vCnumbering).getPath(m, c);
291                             if (command.equals("stacktracevar")) {
292                                 System.out.println(m + " called in context #" + c);
293                                 printTrace(System.out, trace);
294                             } else
295                                 System.out.println(m+" context "+c+":\n"+trace);
297                         }
298                     }
299                     increaseCount = false;
300                 } else if (command.equals("contextheap") || command.equals("stacktraceheap")) {
301                     int varNum = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
302                     Node n = (Node) getHeapNode(varNum);
303                     if (n == null) {
304                         System.out.println("No method for node "+n);
305                     } else {
306                         jq_Method m = n.getDefiningMethod();
307                         Number c = new BigInteger(st.nextToken(), 10);
308                         if (m == null) {
309                             System.out.println("No method for node "+n);
310                         } else {
311                             Path trace = ((SCCPathNumbering)r.hCnumbering).getPath(m, c);
312                             if (command.equals("stacktraceheap")) {
313                                 System.out.println(m + " called in context #" + c);
314                                 printTrace(System.out, trace);
315                             } else
316                                 System.out.println(m+" context "+c+": "+trace);
317                         }
318                     }
319                     increaseCount = false;
320                 } else if (command.equals("type")) {
321                     jq_Class c = parseClassName(st.nextToken());
322                     if (c == null || !c.isLoaded()) {
323                         System.out.println("Cannot find class");
324                         increaseCount = false;
325                     } else {
326                         System.out.println("Class: "+c);
327                         int k = getTypeIndex(c);
328                         results.add(r.T1.ithVar(k));
329                     }
330                 } else if (command.equals("comparecc")) {
331                     jq_Class c = parseClassName(st.nextToken());
332                     if (c == null || !c.isLoaded()) {
333                         System.out.println("Cannot find class");
334                     } else {
335                         String methodname = st.nextToken();
336                         jq_Method m;
337                         if (st.hasMoreTokens()) m = (jq_Method) c.getDeclaredMember(methodname, st.nextToken());
338                         else m = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodname);
339                         if (m == null || !m.isLoaded()) {
340                             System.out.println("Cannot find method");
341                             increaseCount = false;
342                         } else {
343                             compareCallingContexts(m);
344                         }
345                     }
346                     increaseCount = false;
347                 } else if (command.equals("method") || command.equals("callsin") || command.equals("summary") || command.equals("params")) {
348                     jq_Class c = parseClassName(st.nextToken());
349                     if (c == null || !c.isLoaded()) {
350                         System.out.println("Cannot find class");
351                         increaseCount = false;
352                     } else {
353                         String methodname = st.nextToken();
354                         jq_Method m;
355                         if (st.hasMoreTokens()) m = (jq_Method) c.getDeclaredMember(methodname, st.nextToken());
356                         else m = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodname);
357                         if (m == null || !m.isLoaded()) {
358                             System.out.println("Cannot find method");
359                             increaseCount = false;
360                         } else {
361                             if (command.equals("method")) {
362                                 int k = getMethodIndex(m);
363                                 int n = getNameIndex(m);
364                                 System.out.println("Method: "+m+" N("+n+")");
365                                 if (r.vCnumbering instanceof SCCPathNumbering) {
366                                     SCComponent scc = ((SCCPathNumbering)r.vCnumbering).getSCC(m);
367                                     Range range = ((SCCPathNumbering)r.vCnumbering).getRange(m);
368                                     if (scc != null) {
369                                         System.out.println("is located in SCC #" + System.identityHashCode(scc) 
370                                             + " of size " + scc.size() + "; context range is " + range);
371                                     } 
372                                 }
373                                 results.add(r.M.ithVar(k));
374                             } else {
375                                 MethodSummary ms = MethodSummary.getSummary(CodeCache.getCode(m));
376                                 if (command.equals("callsin")) {
377                                     TypedBDD rc = (TypedBDD);
378                                     for (Iterator j=ms.getCalls().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
379                                         ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation);
380                                         int iidx = getInvokeIndex(mc);
381                                         if (iidx == -1)
382                                             System.out.println("callsite not in index: " + mc + " at " + mc.toStringLong());
383                                         else
384                                             rc.orWith(r.I.ithVar(iidx));
385                                     }
386                                     results.add(rc);
387                                 } 
388                                 else if (command.equals("params")) {
389                                    for(int j = 0; j < ms.getNumOfParams(); j++) {
390                                        Node pn = ms.getParamNode(j);
391                                        System.out.println("\t" + pn);
392                                    }
393                                    // print out all fields in the
394                                    increaseCount = false; 
395                                }
396                                else {
397                                    System.out.println(ms);
398                                    increaseCount = false;
399                                }
400                             }
401                         }
402                     }
403                 } else if (command.equals("field")) {
404                     jq_Class c = parseClassName(st.nextToken());
405                     if (c == null || !c.isLoaded()) {
406                         System.out.println("Cannot find class");
407                         increaseCount = false;
408                     } else {
409                         jq_Field m = c.getDeclaredField(st.nextToken());
410                         if (m == null) {
411                             System.out.println("Cannot find field");
412                             increaseCount = false;
413                         } else {
414                             System.out.println("Field: "+m);
415                             int k = getFieldIndex(m);
416                             results.add(r.F.ithVar(k));
417                         }
418                     }
419                 } else if (command.equals("thread")) {
420                     int k = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
421                     jq_Method run = null;
422                     Iterator j = PA.thread_runs.keySet().iterator();
423                     while (--k >= 0) {
424                         run = (jq_Method);
425                     }
426                     System.out.println(k+": "+run);
427                     int x = getMethodIndex(run);
428                     results.add(r.M.ithVar(x));
429                 } else if (command.equals("threadlocal")) {
430                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) getThreadLocalObjects();
431                     results.add(r);
432                 } else if (command.equals("reachable")) {
433                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
434                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) getReachableVars(bdd1);
435                     results.add(r);
436                 } else if (command.equals("usedef")) {
437                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
438                     BDD r = calculateUseDef(bdd1);
439                     results.add(r);
440                 } else if (command.equals("printusedef")) {
441                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
442                     printUseDefChain(bdd1);
443                     increaseCount = false;
444                 } else if (command.equals("dumpusedef")) {
445                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
446                     DataOutput out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(""));
447                     this.defUseGraph(bdd1, false, out);
448                     increaseCount = false;
449                 } else if (command.equals("defuse")) {
450                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
451                     BDD r = calculateDefUse(bdd1);
452                     results.add(r);
453                 } else if (command.equals("dumpdefuse")) {
454                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
455                     DataOutput out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(""));
456                     this.defUseGraph(bdd1, true, out);
457                     increaseCount = false;
458                 } else if (command.equals("encapsulation")) {
459                     BDD r = getEncapsulatedHeapObjects();
460                     results.add(r);
461                 } else if (command.equals("indistinguishable")) {
462                     BDD r = findIndistinguishablyTypedObjects();
463                     results.add(r);
464                 } else if (command.equals("showargs")) {
465                     TypedBDD bdd1 = parseBDD(results, st.nextToken());
466                     TypedBDD r = showArguments(bdd1);
467                     results.add(r);     // lists points-to sets of arguments for a set of isite
468                 } else if (command.equals("gini")) {
469                     computeGini(r.vCnumbering);
470                     increaseCount = false;
471                 } else if (command.equals("buildsummaries")) {
472                     int before = Node.numberOfNodes();
473                     for (Iterator ii = r.Mmap.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) {
474                         jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
475                         MethodSummary ms = MethodSummary.getSummary(m);
476                     }
477                     int after = Node.numberOfNodes();
478                     System.out.println("before: " + before + " nodes, after: " + after + " nodes.");
479                     increaseCount = false;
480                 } else if (command.equals("stats")) {
481                     printStats();
482                     increaseCount = false;
483                 } else if (command.equals("help")) {
484                     printHelp(results);
485                     increaseCount = false;
486                 } else {
487                     increaseCount = false;
488                     if (command.equals("driver"))       // prefix "driver"
489                         command = st.nextToken();
490                     String []cmds = new String[st.countTokens()+1];
491                     cmds[0] = command;
492                     for (int j = 1; j < cmds.length; j++)
493                         cmds[j] = st.nextToken();
494                     si.getStore().put("$paproxy", new PAProxy(r));
495                     si.getStore().put("$paresults", this);
496                     for (int j = 0; j < cmds.length; j++)
497                         j = Driver.processCommand(cmds, j, si);
498                 }
500                 if (increaseCount) {
501                     TypedBDD r = (TypedBDD) results.get(i-1);
502                     System.out.println(i+" -> "+toString(r, listHowMany));
503                     Assert._assert(i == results.size());
504                     ++i;
505                 }
506             } catch (Exception e) {
507                 System.err.println("Error: "+e);
508                 e.printStackTrace();
509                 increaseCount = false;
510             }
511         }
512     }
514     public void printHelp(List results) {
515         System.out.println("BDD manipulation:");
516         System.out.println("relprod b1 b2 bs:                 relational product of b1 and b2 w.r.t. set bs");
517         System.out.println("replace b1 pair:                  replace b1 according to pair");
518         System.out.println("restrict b1 b2 (bi)*:             restrict b2 to bi in b1");
519         System.out.println("exist b1 bs1 (bsi)*:              exist bs2 to bsi in b1");
520         System.out.println("(and|or|diff) b1 b2:              compute b1 and|or|diff b2");
521         System.out.println("(equals|cmp) b1 b2:               compare bdds b1 and b2");
522         System.out.println("list b1 [#n]:                     list #n (or all) elements of bdd b1");
523         System.out.println("showdomains b1:                   show domains of bdd b1");
524         System.out.println("satcount b1:                      print satcount (restricted by domain)");
525         System.out.println("store name b1:                    store BDD b1 under name");
526         System.out.println("\nAnalysis Results:");
527         System.out.println("dumpconnect # <fn>:               dump heap connectivity graph for heap object # to file fn");
528         System.out.println("dumpallconnect <fn>:              dump entire heap connectivity graph to file fn");
529         System.out.println("dumpdefuse b1:                    dump def/use graph to, bdd must be in V1xV1c");
530         System.out.println("dumpusedef b1:                    dump use/def graph to, bdd must be in V1xV1c");
531         System.out.println("threadlocal:                      run escape analysis");
532         System.out.println("stats:                            print general statistics");
533         System.out.println("contextvar #vidx #cidx:           show path in vCnumbering for var #vidx in context #");
534         System.out.println("stacktracevar #vidx #cidx:        like contextvar, except print as stacktrace");
535         System.out.println("contextheap #hidx #cidx:          show path in hCnumbering for heap obj #hidx in context #");
536         System.out.println("stacktraceheap #hidx #cidx:       like contextheap, except print as stacktrace");
537         System.out.println("findpath #from #to:               find a path in callgraph from method #from to #to");
538         System.out.println("gini:                             compute unbiased Gini-coefficient for callgraph and show SCCs");
539         System.out.println("\nProgram Information:");
540         System.out.println("method  class name [signature]:   lookup method in class, shows M and N indices");
541         System.out.println("callsin class name [signature]:   list all call sites in a given method");
542         System.out.println("summary class name [signature]:   list method summary for a given method");
543         System.out.println("params class name [signature]:    list method parameters for a given method");
544         System.out.println("source bdd [#before [#after]]:    show source code surrounding items in bdd");
545         System.out.println("field class name:                 show information about field name in class");
546         System.out.println("\nHow to use this driver:");
547         System.out.println("include file:                     execute commands in file");
548         System.out.println("[driver] arg0 arg1 ...:           pass args to Main.Driver for interpretation");
550         printAvailableBDDs(results);
551     }
553     public void printAvailableBDDs(List results) {
554         Collection allbdds = new ArrayList();
555         for (int i = 0; i < r.bdd.numberOfDomains(); ++i)
556             allbdds.add(r.bdd.getDomain(i));
557         Field []f = PA.class.getDeclaredFields();
558         for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
559             try {
560                 if (f[i].getType() == BDD.class && f[i].get(r) != null) {                    
561                     if(i % 12 == 0) {
562                         // add line breaks
563                         allbdds.add("\n" + f[i].getName());
564                     } else {
565                         allbdds.add(f[i].getName());
566                     }
567                 }
568             } catch (IllegalAccessException _) { }
569         }
570         f = PAResults.class.getDeclaredFields();
571         for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
572             try {
573                 if (f[i].getType() == BDD.class && f[i].get(this) != null)
574                     allbdds.add(f[i].getName());
575             } catch (IllegalAccessException _) { }
576         }
577         if (storedBDDs.size() > 0)
578             allbdds.add("stored BDDs " + (storedBDDs.keySet()) + "\n");
579         if (results.size() >= 1)
580             allbdds.add("and previous results 1.." + (results.size()));
581         System.out.println("\ncurrently known BDDs are " + allbdds);
582     }
584     /*** Print a Path as if it were a stacktrace. */
585     public void printTrace(PrintStream out, Path trace) {
586         for (int i = trace.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
587             Object o = trace.get(i);
588             if (o instanceof ProgramLocation) {
589                 out.println(" at " + ((ProgramLocation)o).toStringLong());
590             }
591         }
592     }
594     /***
595      * Find a path from a method to another method in the callgraph.
596      */
597     Path findPath(int from, int to) {
598         jq_Method fm = getMethod(from);
599         jq_Method tm = getMethod(to);
600         if (fm == null || tm == null)
601             return null;
603         // breadth-first-search
604         Navigator ng = cg.getCallSiteNavigator();
605         LinkedList queue = new LinkedList();
606         HashMap prev = new HashMap();
608         queue.addLast(fm);
609         prev.put(fm, null);
610     outer:
611         while (queue.size() != 0) {
612             Object f = queue.removeFirst();
613             Collection succ =;
614             Iterator it = succ.iterator();
615             while (it.hasNext()) {
616                 Object t =;
617                 if (!prev.containsKey(t)) {
618                     prev.put(t, f);
619                     queue.addLast(t);
620                 }
621                 if (t == tm)
622                     break outer;
623             }
624         }
626         if (!prev.containsKey(tm))
627             return null;
629         Path rc = new Path(tm);
630         Object f = prev.get(tm);
631         while (f != null) {
632             rc = new Path(f, rc);
633             f = prev.get(f);
634         }
635         return rc;
636     }
638     public jq_Class parseClassName(String className) {
639         jq_Class c = (jq_Class) jq_Type.parseType(className);
640         if (c != null) return c;
641         jq_Type[] types = PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getAllTypes();
642         for (int i = 0; i < PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getNumTypes(); ++i) {
643             jq_Type t = types[i];
644             if (t instanceof jq_Class) {
645                 c = (jq_Class) t; 
646                 if (c.getJDKName().endsWith(className))
647                     return c;
648             }
649         }
650         return null;
651     }
653     public Node getVariableNode(int v) {
654         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Vmap.size())
655             return null;
656         Node n = (Node) r.Vmap.get(v);
657         return n;
658     }
660     public int getVariableIndex(Node n) {
661         if (!r.Vmap.contains(n)) return -1;
662         int v = r.Vmap.get(n);
663         return v;
664     }
666     public ProgramLocation getInvoke(int v) {
667         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Imap.size())
668             return null;
669         ProgramLocation n = (ProgramLocation) r.Imap.get(v);
670         return n;
671     }
673     public int getInvokeIndex(ProgramLocation n) {
674         n = LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(n);
675         if (!r.Imap.contains(n)) return -1;
676         int v = r.Imap.get(n);
677         return v;
678     }
680     public Node getHeapNode(int v) {
681         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Hmap.size())
682             return null;
683         Node n = (Node) r.Hmap.get(v);
684         return n;
685     }
687     public int getHeapIndex(Node n) {
688         if (!r.Hmap.contains(n)) return -1;
689         int v = r.Hmap.get(n);
690         return v;
691     }
693     public jq_Field getField(int v) {
694         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Fmap.size())
695             return null;
696         jq_Field n = (jq_Field) r.Fmap.get(v);
697         return n;
698     }
700     public int getFieldIndex(jq_Field m) {
701         if (!r.Fmap.contains(m)) return -1;
702         int v = r.Fmap.get(m);
703         return v;
704     }
706     public jq_Reference getType(int v) {
707         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Tmap.size())
708             return null;
709         jq_Reference n = (jq_Reference) r.Tmap.get(v);
710         return n;
711     }
713     public int getTypeIndex(jq_Type m) {
714         if (!r.Tmap.contains(m)) return -1;
715         int v = r.Tmap.get(m);
716         return v;
717     }
719     public jq_Method getName(int v) {
720         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Nmap.size())
721             return null;
722         jq_Method n = (jq_Method) r.Nmap.get(v);
723         return n;
724     }
726     public int getNameIndex(jq_Method m) {
727         if (!r.Nmap.contains(m)) return -1;
728         int v = r.Nmap.get(m);
729         return v;
730     }
732     public jq_Method getMethod(int v) {
733         if (v < 0 || v >= r.Mmap.size())
734             return null;
735         jq_Method n = (jq_Method) r.Mmap.get(v);
736         return n;
737     }
739     public int getMethodIndex(jq_Method m) {
740         if (!r.Mmap.contains(m)) return -1;
741         int v = r.Mmap.get(m);
742         return v;
743     }
745     /*** For a given TypedBDD, return its domains.
746      * This duplicates TypedBDD.getDomains() which for unknown reasons is not public.
747      */
748     TypedBDDVarSet getDomains(TypedBDD b) {
749         TypedBDDVarSet dset = (TypedBDDVarSet) b.getFactory().emptySet();
750         Set domains = b.getDomainSet();
751         for (Iterator i = domains.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
752             BDDDomain d = (BDDDomain);
753             dset.unionWith(d.set());
754         }
755         return dset;
756     }
758     BDDDomain parseDomain(String dom) {
759         for (int i = 0; i < r.bdd.numberOfDomains(); ++i) {
760             if (dom.equals(r.bdd.getDomain(i).getName()))
761                 return r.bdd.getDomain(i);
762         }
763         return null;
764     }
766     TypedBDD parseBDDWithCheck(List results, String bddname) throws Exception {
767         TypedBDD r = parseBDD(results, bddname);
768         if (r == null) {
769             printAvailableBDDs(results);
770             throw new Exception("No such BDD: " + bddname);
771         }
772         return r;
773     }
775     BDDPairing parsePairing(String s) {
776         try {
777             Field f = PA.class.getDeclaredField(s);
778             if (f.getType() == BDDPairing.class) {
779                 return (BDDPairing) f.get(r);
780             }
781         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
782         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
783         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
784         }
785         return null;
786     }
788     private TypedBDD lookupBDDField(String s, Class clazz, Object r) {
789         try {
790             Field f = clazz.getDeclaredField(s);
791             if (f.getType() == BDD.class) {
792                 return (TypedBDD) f.get(r);
793             }
794         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
795         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
796         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
797         }
798         return null;
799     }
801     TypedBDD parseBDD(List a, String s) {
802         int paren_index = s.indexOf('(');
803         if (paren_index > 0) {
804             int close_index = s.indexOf(')');
805             if (close_index <= paren_index) return null;
806             String domainName = s.substring(0, paren_index);
807             BDDDomain dom = parseDomain(domainName);
808             if (dom == null) return null;
809             long index = Long.parseLong(s.substring(paren_index+1, close_index));
810             return (TypedBDD) dom.ithVar(index);
811         }
812         TypedBDD rc = lookupBDDField(s, PA.class, r);
813         if (rc != null)
814             return rc;
815         rc = lookupBDDField(s, PAResults.class, this);
816         if (rc != null)
817             return rc;
818         BDDDomain d = parseDomain(s);
819         if (d != null) {
820             return (TypedBDD) d.domain();
821         }
822         TypedBDD stored = (TypedBDD)storedBDDs.get(s);
823         if (stored != null)
824             return stored;
825         try {
826             int num = Integer.parseInt(s) - 1;
827             if (num >= 0 && num < a.size()) {
828                 return (TypedBDD) a.get(num);
829             }
830         } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
831         if (s.equals("$last"))
832             return (TypedBDD)a.get(a.size()-1);
833         if (s.equals("$one"))
834             return (TypedBDD);
835         if (s.equals("$zero"))
836             return (TypedBDD);
837         return null;
838     }
840     TypedBDDVarSet parseBDDset(List a, String s) {
841         BDDDomain d = parseDomain(s);
842         if (d != null) {
843             return (TypedBDDVarSet) d.set();
844         }
845         return (TypedBDDVarSet) parseBDD(a, s).toVarSet();
846     }
848     public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_TO_PRINT = 10;
850     public String toString(TypedBDD b, int numToPrint) {
851         if (b == null) return "<you passed 'null' to PAResult.toString>";
852         if (b.isZero()) return "<empty>";
853         TypedBDDVarSet dset = (TypedBDDVarSet) b.getFactory().emptySet();
854         Set domains = b.getDomainSet();
855         for (Iterator i = domains.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
856             BDDDomain d = (BDDDomain);
857             dset.unionWith(d.set());
858         }
859         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
860         int j = 0;
861         for (Iterator i = b.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ++j) {
862             if (numToPrint >= 0 && j > numToPrint - 1) {
863                 sb.append("\tand "+((long)b.satCount(dset)-numToPrint)+" others.");
864                 sb.append(Strings.lineSep);
865                 break;
866             }
867             TypedBDD b1 = (TypedBDD);
868             sb.append("\t(");
869             sb.append(b1.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
870             sb.append(')');
871             sb.append(Strings.lineSep);
872         }
873         return sb.toString();
874     }
876     /****** COOL OPERATIONS BELOW *****/
878     int heapConnectivityQueries;
879     int heapConnectivitySteps;
880     /*** Given a heap object (H1xH1c), calculate the set of heap objects (H1xH1c) that
881      * are reachable by following a chain of access paths.
882      */
883     public BDD calculateHeapConnectivity(BDD h1) {
884         BDD result =;
885         BDD h1h2 = r.hP.exist(r.Fset);
886         for (;;) {
887             BDD b = h1.relprod(h1h2, r.H1set);
888             b.replaceWith(r.H2toH1);
889             b.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
890             result.orWith(;
891             if (b.isZero()) break;
892             h1 = b;
893             ++heapConnectivitySteps;
894         }
896         ++heapConnectivityQueries;
897         return result;
898     }
900     /*** Given a set of types (T2), calculate the tightest common superclass (T2).
901      */
902     public BDD calculateCommonSupertype(BDD types) {
903         if (types.isZero()) return;
904         BDD bestTypes = r.T1.domain();
905         //System.out.println("Looking for supertype of "+types.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
906         for (Iterator i = types.iterator(r.T2set); i.hasNext(); ) {
907             BDD b = (BDD);
908             BDD c = b.relprod(r.aT, r.T2set);
909   ;
910             bestTypes.andWith(c); // T1
911         }
912         for (Iterator i = bestTypes.iterator(r.T1set); i.hasNext(); ) {
913             BDD b = (BDD);
914             BDD c = b.relprod(r.aT, r.T1set); // T2
915   ;
916             c.replaceWith(r.T2toT1); // T1
917             c.andWith(; // T1
918             if (c.satCount(r.T1set) == 1.0) {
919                 return c;
920             }
921         }
922         System.out.println("No subtype matches! "+bestTypes.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
923         return;
924     }
926     /*** Given a set of uses (V1xV1c), calculate the set of definitions (V1xV1c) that
927      * reach that set of uses.  Only does one step at a time; you'll have to iterate
928      * to get the transitive closure.
929      */
930     public BDD calculateUseDef(BDD r_v1) {
931         // A: v2=v1;
932         BDD b = r.A.relprod(r_v1, r.V1set); // V2
933         b.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
934         //System.out.println("Arguments/Return Values = "+b.satCount(r.V2set));
935         BDD r_v2 = r_v1.replace(r.V1toV2);
936         // L: v2=v1.f;
937         BDD c = r.L.relprod(r_v2, r.V2set); // V1xF
939         BDD d = r.vP.relprod(c, r.V1set); // H1xF
941         BDD e = r.hP.relprod(d, r.H1Fset); // H2
943         e.replaceWith(r.H2toH1);
944         BDD f = r.vP.relprod(e, r.H1set); // V1
945         //System.out.println("Loads/Stores = "+f.satCount(r.V1set));
947         f.orWith(b);
948         return f;
949     }
951     /*** Given a set of definitions (V1xV1c), calculate the set of uses (V1xV1c) that
952      * reach that set of definitions.  Only does one step at a time; you'll have to
953      * iterate to get the transitive closure.
954      */
955     public BDD calculateDefUse(BDD r_v1) {
956         BDD r_v2 = r_v1.replace(r.V1toV2);
957         // A: v2=v1;
958         BDD b = r.A.relprod(r_v2, r.V2set);
959         //System.out.println("Arguments/Return Values = "+b.satCount(r.V1set));
960         // S: v1.f=v2;
961         BDD c = r.S.relprod(r_v2, r.V2set); // V1xF
963         BDD d = r.vP.relprod(c, r.V1set); // H1xF
965         BDD e = r.vP.relprod(d, r.H1set); // V1xF
967         // L: v2=v1.f;
968         BDD f = r.L.relprod(e, r.V1Fset); // V2
969         f.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
970         //System.out.println("Loads/Stores = "+f.satCount(r.V1set));
971         f.orWith(b);
972         return f;
973     }
975     /*** Output def-use or use-def graph in dot format.
976      */
977     public void defUseGraph(BDD vPrelation, boolean direction, DataOutput out) throws IOException {
978         out.writeBytes("digraph \"");
979         if (direction) out.writeBytes("DefUse");
980         else out.writeBytes("UseDef");
981         out.writeBytes("\" {\n");
982         HashWorklist w = new HashWorklist(true);
983         BDD c =;
984         int k = -1;
985         Node n = null;
986         for (;;) {
987             while (!c.isZero()) {
988                 int k2 = c.scanVar(r.V1).intValue();
989                 Node n2 = getVariableNode(k2);
990                 if (w.add(n2)) {
991                     String name = r.LONG_LOCATIONS ? r.findInMap(r.Vmap, k2) : n2.toString();
992                     out.writeBytes("n"+k2+" [label=\""+name+"\"];\n");
993                 }
994                 if (n != null) {
995                     if (direction) {
996                         out.writeBytes("n"+k+
997                                        " -> n"+k2+";\n");
998                     } else {
999                         out.writeBytes("n"+k2+
1000                                        " -> n"+k+";\n");
1001                     }
1002                 }
1003                 BDD q = r.V1.ithVar(k2);
1004                 q.andWith(r.V1cdomain);
1005                 c.applyWith(q, BDDFactory.diff);
1006             }
1007             if (w.isEmpty()) break;
1008             n = (Node) w.pull();
1009             k = getVariableIndex(n);
1010             BDD b = r.V1.ithVar(k);
1011             b.andWith(r.V1cdomain);
1012             c = direction?calculateDefUse(b):calculateUseDef(b);
1013         }
1014         out.writeBytes("}\n");
1015     }
1017     /*** Prints out the chain of use-defs, starting from the given uses (V1xV1c).
1018      */
1019     public void printUseDefChain(BDD vPrelation) {
1020         BDD visited =;
1021         vPrelation =;
1022         for (int k = 1; !vPrelation.isZero(); ++k) {
1023             System.out.println("Step "+k+":");
1024             System.out.println(vPrelation.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1025             visited.orWith(;
1026             // A: v2=v1;
1027             BDD b = r.A.relprod(vPrelation, r.V1set);
1028             //System.out.println("Arguments/Return Values = "+b.satCount(r.V2set));
1029             // L: v2=v1.f;
1030             vPrelation.replaceWith(r.V1toV2);
1031             BDD c = r.L.relprod(vPrelation, r.V2set); // V1xF
1032   ;
1033             BDD d = r.vP.relprod(c, r.V1set); // H1xF
1034   ;
1035             BDD e = r.hP.relprod(d, r.H1Fset); // H2
1036   ;
1037             e.replaceWith(r.H2toH1);
1038             BDD f = r.vP.relprod(e, r.H1set); // V1
1039             //System.out.println("Loads/Stores = "+f.satCount(r.V1set));
1040   ;
1041             vPrelation = b;
1042             vPrelation.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
1043             vPrelation.orWith(f);
1044             vPrelation.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
1045         }
1046     }
1048     public void printDefUseChain(BDD vPrelation) {
1049         BDD visited =;
1050         vPrelation =;
1051         for (int k = 1; !vPrelation.isZero(); ++k) {
1052             System.out.println("Step "+k+":");
1053             System.out.println(vPrelation.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1054             visited.orWith(;
1055             // A: v2=v1;
1056             BDD b = r.A.relprod(vPrelation, r.V2set);
1057             //System.out.println("Arguments/Return Values = "+b.satCount(r.V2set));
1058             // L: v2=v1.f;
1059             vPrelation.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
1060             BDD c = r.L.relprod(vPrelation, r.V1set); // V2xF
1061   ;
1062             BDD d = r.vP.relprod(c, r.V2set); // H1xF
1063   ;
1064             BDD e = r.hP.relprod(d, r.H2Fset); // H1
1065   ;
1066             e.replaceWith(r.H1toH2);
1067             BDD f = r.vP.relprod(e, r.H2set); // V1
1068             //System.out.println("Loads/Stores = "+f.satCount(r.V1set));
1069   ;
1070             vPrelation = b;
1071             vPrelation.replaceWith(r.V1toV2);
1072             vPrelation.orWith(f);
1073             vPrelation.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
1074         }
1075     }
1077     /*** Starting from a method with a context (MxV1c), calculate the set of
1078      * transitively-reachable variables (V1xV1c).
1079      */
1080     public BDD getReachableVars(BDD method_plus_context0) {
1081         //System.out.println("Method = "+method_plus_context0.toStringWithDomains());
1082         BDD result =;
1083         BDD allInvokes = r.mI.exist(r.Nset);
1084         BDD new_m =;
1085         BDDVarSet V2cIset = r.Iset.union(r.V2cset);
1086         BDD IEcs = (r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || r.OBJECT_SENSITIVE) ? r.IEcs : r.IE;
1087         for (int k=1; ; ++k) {
1088             //System.out.println("Iteration "+k);
1089             BDD vars = new_m.relprod(r.mV, r.Mset); // V1cxM x MxV1 = V1cxV1
1090             result.orWith(vars);
1091             //System.out.println("Iteration "+k + "result: " + result.toStringWithDomains());
1092             BDD invokes = new_m.relprod(allInvokes, r.Mset); // V1cxM x MxI = V1cxI
1093             invokes.replaceWith(r.V1ctoV2c); // V2cxI
1094             BDD methods = invokes.relprod(IEcs, V2cIset); // V2cxI x V2cxIxV1cxM = V1cxM
1095             new_m.orWith(methods);
1096             new_m.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
1097             if (new_m.isZero()) break;
1098             method_plus_context0.orWith(;
1099         }
1100         return result;
1101     }
1103     /*** Given a starting method and a context (MxV1c), calculate the transitive mod
1104      * set (H1xH1cxF). */
1105     public BDD getTransitiveModSet(BDD method_plus_context0) {
1106         BDD reachableVars = getReachableVars(method_plus_context0); // V1xV1c
1107         BDD stores = r.S.relprod(reachableVars, r.V2set);           // V1xV1c x V1xV1cxFxV2xV2c = V1xV1cxF
1108         BDD result = stores.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);                 // V1xV1cxF x V1xV1cxH1xH1c = H1xH1cxF
1109         return result;
1110     }
1112     /*** Given a starting method and a context (MxV1c), calculate the transitive ref
1113      * set (H1xH1cxF). */
1114     public BDD getTransitiveRefSet(BDD method_plus_context0) {
1115         BDD reachableVars = getReachableVars(method_plus_context0); // V1xV1c
1116         BDD loads = r.L.relprod(reachableVars, r.V2set);            // V1xV1c x V1xV1cxFxV2xV2c = V1xV1cxF
1117         BDD result = loads.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);                  // V1xV1cxF x V1xV1cxH1xH1c = H1xH1cxF
1118         return result;
1119     }
1121     /*** Return the set of thread-local objects (H1xH1c).
1122      */
1123     public BDD getThreadLocalObjects() {
1124         jq_NameAndDesc main_nd = new jq_NameAndDesc("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
1125         jq_Method main = null;
1126         for (Iterator i = r.Mmap.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1127             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
1128             if (main_nd.equals(m.getNameAndDesc())) {
1129                 main = m;
1130                 System.out.println("Using main() method: "+main);
1131                 break;
1132             }
1133         }
1134         BDD allObjects =;
1135         BDD sharedObjects =;
1136         if (main != null) {
1137             int M_i = r.Mmap.get(main);
1138             BDD m = r.M.ithVar(M_i);
1139             m.andWith(r.V1c[0].ithVar(0));
1140             System.out.println("Main: "+m.toStringWithDomains());
1141             BDD b = getReachableVars(m);
1142   ;
1143             System.out.println("Reachable vars: "+b.satCount(r.V1set));
1144             BDD b2 = b.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);
1145   ;
1146             System.out.println("Reachable objects: "+b2.satCount(r.H1set));
1147             allObjects.orWith(b2);
1148         }
1149         for (Iterator i = PA.thread_runs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1150             jq_Method run = (jq_Method);
1151             int M_i = r.Mmap.get(run);
1152             Set t_runs = (Set) PA.thread_runs.get(run);
1153             if (t_runs == null) {
1154                 System.out.println("Unknown run() method: "+run);
1155                 continue;
1156             }
1157             Iterator k = t_runs.iterator();
1158             for (int j = 0; k.hasNext(); ++j) {
1159                 Node q = (Node);
1160                 BDD m = r.M.ithVar(M_i);
1161                 m.andWith(r.V1c[0].ithVar(j));
1162                 System.out.println("Thread: "+m.toStringWithDomains()+" Object: "+q);
1163                 BDD b = getReachableVars(m);
1164       ;
1165                 System.out.println("Reachable vars: "+b.satCount(r.V1set));
1166                 BDD b2 = b.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);
1167       ;
1168                 System.out.println("Reachable objects: "+b2.satCount(r.H1set));
1169                 BDD b3 = allObjects.and(b2);
1170                 System.out.println("Shared objects: "+b3.satCount(r.H1set));
1171                 sharedObjects.orWith(b3);
1172                 allObjects.orWith(b2);
1173             }
1174         }
1176         System.out.println("All shared objects: "+sharedObjects.satCount(r.H1set));
1177         allObjects.applyWith(sharedObjects, BDDFactory.diff);
1178         System.out.println("All local objects: "+allObjects.satCount(r.H1set));
1180         return allObjects;
1181     }
1183     BDDDomain H3;
1184     BDDPairing H1toH3, H3toH1;
1185     BDDVarSet H3set;
1187     public void initializeExtraDomains() {
1188         if (H3 == null) {
1189             H3 = r.makeDomain("H3", r.H_BITS);
1190             H1toH3 = r.bdd.makePair(r.H1, H3);
1191             H3toH1 = r.bdd.makePair(H3, r.H1);
1192             H3set = H3.set();
1193         }
1194     }
1196     public BDD getHashcodeTakenVars() {
1197         jq_NameAndDesc nd = new jq_NameAndDesc("hashCode", "()I");
1198         jq_Method m = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangObject().getDeclaredInstanceMethod(nd);
1199         BDD m_bdd = r.M.ithVar(r.Mmap.get(m));
1200         BDD invokes = r.IE.relprod(m_bdd, r.Mset);
1201         invokes.andWith(r.Z.ithVar(0));
1202         System.out.println("Invokes: "+invokes.toStringWithDomains());
1203         BDD bar = r.actual.relprod(invokes, r.Iset.union(r.Zset));
1204         System.out.println("Actual: "+bar.toStringWithDomains());
1205         bar.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
1207         nd = new jq_NameAndDesc("identityHashCode", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I");
1208         m = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangSystem().getDeclaredStaticMethod(nd);
1209         m_bdd = r.M.ithVar(r.Mmap.get(m));
1210         invokes = r.IE.relprod(m_bdd, r.Mset);
1211         invokes.andWith(r.Z.ithVar(1));
1212         System.out.println("Invokes: "+invokes.toStringWithDomains());
1213         BDD bar2 = r.actual.relprod(invokes, r.Iset.union(r.Zset));
1214         System.out.println("Actual: "+bar2.toStringWithDomains());
1215         bar2.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
1216         bar.orWith(bar2);
1218         if (r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || r.OBJECT_SENSITIVE) bar.andWith(r.V1c[0].domain());
1219         return bar;
1220     }
1222     public BDD getEncapsulatedHeapObjects() {
1223         initializeExtraDomains();
1225         // find objects that are pointed to by only one object.
1226         BDD hP_ci = r.hP.exist(r.H1cH2cset).exist(r.Fset);
1227         BDDVarSet set = r.H1.set().unionWith(r.H2.set());
1229         BDD one_to_one = r.H1.buildEquals(H3).andWith(r.H2.domain());
1230         BDDVarSet my_set = r.H1.set().unionWith(H3.set());
1232         BDD b = hP_ci.replace(H1toH3); // H3xH2
1233         b.andWith(;     // H1xH3xH2
1234         // find when H1=H3 is the ONLY relation
1235         BDD a = b.applyAll(one_to_one, BDDFactory.imp, my_set);
1237         a.andWith(;
1239         System.out.println("Number = "+a.satCount(set));
1241         BDD result =;
1242         int count = 0;
1243         for (int i = 0; i < r.Hmap.size(); ++i) {
1244             BDD x = r.H2.ithVar(i);
1245             BDD y = hP_ci.restrict(x);
1246             if (y.satCount(r.H1.set()) == 1.0) {
1247                 ++count;
1248                 result.orWith(x.and(y));
1249             }
1250   ;
1251   ;
1252         }
1254         System.out.println("Number = "+result.satCount(set));
1256         if (!a.equals(result)) {
1257             System.out.println("a has extra: "+a.apply(result, BDDFactory.diff).toStringWithDomains());
1258             System.out.println("a is missing: "+result.apply(a, BDDFactory.diff).toStringWithDomains());
1259         }
1261         return result;
1262     }
1264     /*** Compute all types that override equals() */
1265     public TypedBDD typesThatOverrideEquals() {
1266         jq_NameAndDesc equals_nd = new jq_NameAndDesc("equals", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
1267         jq_Method equals_m = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangObject().getDeclaredInstanceMethod(equals_nd);
1268         BDD n_bdd = r.N.ithVar(getNameIndex(equals_m));
1269         BDD t1 = r.cha.restrict(n_bdd);
1270         BDD t2 = t1.exist(r.Mset);
1272         return (TypedBDD)t2;    // T2
1273     }
1275     // Two objects are indistinguishably typed if they are the same type and
1276     // each of their fields points to objects that are indistinguishably typed.
1277     public BDD findIndistinguishablyTypedObjects() {
1278         initializeExtraDomains();
1279         BDD t = r.hT.replace(H1toH3); // H3xT2
1280         BDD sameType = t.relprod(r.hT, r.T2set); // H1xT2 x T2xH3 = H1xH3
1281         BDD stringType = r.T2.ithVar(r.Tmap.get(PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangString()));
1282         BDD strings = r.hT.restrict(stringType);
1283         BDD same = r.H1.buildEquals(H3);
1284         BDD relationsToCheck =;
1285         for (;;) {
1286             // eliminate things that don't point to anything.
1287             relationsToCheck.andWith(r.hP.exist(r.H2Fset));
1288             // eliminate strings
1289             relationsToCheck.andWith(strings.not());
1290             // eliminate self-relations
1291             relationsToCheck.andWith(same.not());
1293             BDD recheck =;
1294             int outer = 0;
1296             while (!relationsToCheck.isZero()) {
1297                 System.out.print((long)relationsToCheck.satCount(r.H1set.union(H3set))+" relations remaining.        \r");
1298                 ++outer;
1299                 BDD h_a = relationsToCheck.satOne(r.H1set, false);
1300                 BDD h1 = h_a.exist(H3set);;
1301                 //System.out.println(h1.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1302                 BDD foo = relationsToCheck.restrict(h1); // H3
1303                 relationsToCheck.applyWith(h1.and(H3.domain()), BDDFactory.diff);
1305                 foo.replaceWith(H3toH1); // H1
1306                 BDD a1 = r.hP.relprod(h1, r.H1set); // FxH2
1307                 BDD a3 = r.hP.and(foo); // H1xFxH2
1309                 BDD ok = a3.relprod(a1, r.H2Fset); // H1
1310                 //System.out.println("Match exactly: "+ok.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1311                 foo.applyWith(ok, BDDFactory.diff);
1313                 if (!foo.isZero()) {
1314                     BDD sameType23 = sameType.replace(r.H1toH2);
1315                     BDD r1 = a1.relprod(sameType23, r.H2set); // FxH3
1316                     BDD r3 = a3.relprod(sameType23, r.H2set); // H1xFxH3
1318                     ok = r3.relprod(r1, r.Fset.union(H3set)); // H1
1319                     //System.out.println("Match approx: "+ok.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1320                     foo.applyWith(ok, BDDFactory.diff);
1322                     if (!foo.isZero()) {
1323                         //System.out.println("Do not match: "+foo.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1324                         BDD n = foo.replace(H1toH3).and(h1);
1325                         n.orWith(h1.replace(H1toH3).and(foo));
1326                         sameType.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
1327                         relationsToCheck.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
1329                         recheck.orWith(;
1330                         recheck.orWith(;
1331                     }
1332                 }
1333             }
1334             //System.out.println("Outer: "+outer);
1335             //System.out.println("Inner: "+inner);
1336             System.out.println("Recheck: "+(long)recheck.satCount(r.H1set)+"                ");
1337             if (recheck.isZero()) break;
1338             recheck.replaceWith(r.H1toH2);
1339             BDD checkRelations = recheck.relprod(r.hP, r.H2Fset); // H1
1340             checkRelations.andWith(;
1341             relationsToCheck.orWith(checkRelations);
1342         }
1345         BDD iter =;
1346         int i = 0;
1347         while (!iter.isZero()) {
1348             ++i;
1349             BDD foo = iter.satOne(r.H1set, false).exist(H3set);
1350             BDD set = sameType.restrict(foo); // H3
1351             set.replaceWith(H3toH1); // H1
1352             System.out.println("Equivalence class "+i+": "+set.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1353             iter.applyWith(set.andWith(H3.domain()), BDDFactory.diff);
1354         }
1355         int nObjects = (int) r.hT.exist(r.T2set).satCount(r.H1set);
1356         int nTypes = (int) r.hT.exist(r.H1set).satCount(r.T2set);
1357         System.out.println(nObjects+" objects (of "+nTypes+" different types) put into "+i+" equivalence classes.");
1358         return sameType;
1359     }
1361     // I -> V1xV1cxH1xH1cxIxZ
1362     public TypedBDD showArguments(TypedBDD isites) {
1363         return (TypedBDD)r.actual.and(isites).replaceWith(r.bdd.makePair(r.V2, r.V1)).and(r.vP);
1364     }
1366     /****** STATISTICS *****/
1368     public void printStats() throws IOException {
1369         System.out.println("Number of types="+r.Tmap.size());
1370         System.out.println("Number of methods="+r.Mmap.size());
1371         int bytecodes = 0;
1372         for (Iterator i = r.Mmap.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1373             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
1374             if (m.getBytecode() != null)
1375                 bytecodes += m.getBytecode().length;
1376         }
1377         System.out.println("Number of bytecodes="+bytecodes);
1378         System.out.println("Number of virtual call sites="+r.Imap.size());
1379         System.out.println("Number of virtual call names="+r.Nmap.size());
1380         System.out.println("Number of variables="+r.Vmap.size());
1381         System.out.println("Number of heap objects="+r.Hmap.size());
1382         System.out.println("Number of fields="+r.Fmap.size());
1383         //System.out.println("Number of stores="+r.S.satCount(r.V1.set().andWith(r.F.set()).andWith(r.V2.set())));
1384         //System.out.println("Number of loads="+r.L.satCount(r.V1.set().andWith(r.F.set()).andWith(r.V2.set())));
1385         System.out.println("Number of callgraph edges="+r.IE.satCount(r.Iset.union(r.Mset)));
1387         BDD all_v1 = r.vP.exist(r.H1set);
1388         all_v1.orWith(r.A.exist(r.V2set));
1389         all_v1.orWith(r.A.exist(r.V1set).replaceWith(r.V2toV1));
1390         all_v1.orWith(r.L.exist(r.V2Fset));
1391         all_v1.orWith(r.L.exist(r.V1Fset).replaceWith(r.V2toV1));
1393         double v1h1_count = r.vP.satCount(r.V1H1set);
1394         //int v1_count = r.Vmap.size();
1395         double v1_count = all_v1.satCount(r.V1set);
1396         System.out.println("Points-to: "+v1h1_count+" / "+v1_count+" = "+(double)v1h1_count/v1_count);
1398         BDD all_h1 = r.vP.exist(r.V1set);
1400         double h1fh2_count = r.hP.satCount(r.H1FH2set);
1401         double h1f_count = r.hP.exist(r.H2set).satCount(r.H1Fset);
1402         //int h1_count = r.Hmap.size();
1403         double h1_count = all_h1.satCount(r.H1set);
1404         //System.out.println("Heap object points to (each field): "+h1fh2_count+" / "+h1f_count+" = "+(double)h1fh2_count/h1f_count);
1405         System.out.println("Heap object points to (all fields): "+h1fh2_count+" / "+h1_count+" = "+(double)h1fh2_count/h1_count);
1407         {
1408             long heapConnectSum = 0L; int heapConnect = 0;
1409             long heapPointsToSum = 0L; long heapPointsTo = 0L;
1410             for (int i = 0; i < r.Hmap.size() && i < 4000; ++i) {
1411                 BDD b = r.H1.ithVar(i);
1412                 if (r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) b.andWith(r.H1cdomain);
1413                 BDD c = calculateHeapConnectivity(b);
1414                 heapConnectSum += c.satCount(r.H1set);
1415                 ++heapConnect;
1416       ;
1417                 BDD d = r.hP.relprod(b, r.H1set);
1418                 heapPointsToSum += d.satCount(r.H2Fset);
1419                 heapPointsTo += d.exist(r.H2set).satCount(r.Fset);
1420       ;
1421                 //System.out.print("Heap connectivity: "+heapConnectSum+" / "+heapConnect+" = "+(double)heapConnectSum/heapConnect+"\r");
1422             }
1423             System.out.println("Heap connectivity: "+heapConnectSum+" / "+heapConnect+" = "+(double)heapConnectSum/heapConnect+"           ");
1424             System.out.println("Heap chain length: "+heapConnectivitySteps+" / "+heapConnectivityQueries+" = "+(double)heapConnectivitySteps/heapConnectivityQueries);
1425             System.out.println("Heap points-to, per field: "+heapPointsToSum+" / "+heapPointsTo+" = "+(double)heapPointsToSum/heapPointsTo);
1426         }
1428         {
1429             BDD fh2 = r.hP.exist(r.H1set); // FxH2
1430             int singleTypeFields = 0, singleObjectFields = 0, unusedFields = 0, refinedTypeFields = 0;
1431             Set polyClasses = new HashSet();
1432             for (int i = 0; i < r.Fmap.size(); ++i) {
1433                 BDD b = r.F.ithVar(i);
1434                 BDD c = fh2.restrict(b); // H2
1435                 if (c.isZero()) {
1436                     ++unusedFields;
1437                     continue;
1438                 }
1439                 c.replaceWith(r.H2toH1); // H1
1440                 if (c.satCount(r.H1set) == 1.0) {
1441                     ++singleObjectFields;
1442                 }
1443                 BDD d = c.relprod(r.hT, r.H1set); // T2
1444                 jq_Field f = (jq_Field) r.Fmap.get(i);
1445                 if (d.satCount(r.T2set) == 1.0) {
1446                     ++singleTypeFields;
1447                 } else {
1448                     if (f != null && !f.isStatic()) {
1449                         polyClasses.add(f.getDeclaringClass());
1450                     }
1451                 }
1452                 BDD e = calculateCommonSupertype(d); // T1
1453                 if (f != null) {
1454                     int T_i = r.Tmap.get(f.getType());
1455                     BDD g = r.T1.ithVar(T_i);
1456                     if (!e.equals(g)) {
1457                         e.replaceWith(r.T1toT2);
1458                         if (e.andWith(g).and(r.aT).isZero()) {
1459                             System.out.println("Field "+f);
1460                             System.out.println(" Declared: "+f.getType()+" Computed: "+e.toStringWithDomains(r.TS));
1461                         } else {
1462                             ++refinedTypeFields;
1463                         }
1464                     }
1465           ;
1466                 }
1467       ;
1468       ;
1469       ;
1470       ;
1471             }
1472             System.out.println("Refined-type fields: "+refinedTypeFields+" / "+r.Fmap.size()+" = "+(double)refinedTypeFields/r.Fmap.size());
1473             System.out.println("Single-type fields: "+singleTypeFields+" / "+r.Fmap.size()+" = "+(double)singleTypeFields/r.Fmap.size());
1474             System.out.println("Single-object fields: "+singleObjectFields+" / "+r.Fmap.size()+" = "+(double)singleObjectFields/r.Fmap.size());
1475             System.out.println("Unused fields: "+unusedFields+" / "+r.Fmap.size()+" = "+(double)unusedFields/r.Fmap.size());
1476             System.out.println("Poly classes: "+polyClasses.size());
1478             DataOutputStream out = null;
1479             try {
1480                 out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("polyclasses"));
1481                 for (Iterator i = polyClasses.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1482                     jq_Class c = (jq_Class);
1483                     out.writeBytes(c.getJDKName()+"\n");
1484                 }
1485             } finally {
1486                 if (out != null) out.close();
1487             }
1488         }
1490         if (r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
1491             System.out.println("Thread-local objects: "+countThreadLocalObjects());
1492         }
1494         {
1495             BDD h1 = this.getHashcodeTakenVars();
1496             BDD h2 = h1.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);
1497             System.out.println("Hashcode taken objects: "+h2.satCount(r.H1set));
1498             h2 = h2.exist(r.H1cset);
1499             System.out.println("Hashcode taken objects (no context): "+h2.satCount(r.H1.set()));
1500             System.out.println("Hashcode never taken objects (no context): "+(r.Hmap.size()-h2.satCount(r.H1.set())));
1501         }
1503         {
1504             BDD h1 = r.sync;
1505             if (r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || r.OBJECT_SENSITIVE) h1.andWith(r.H1cdomain);
1506             BDD h2 = h1.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);
1507             System.out.println("Locked objects: "+h2.satCount(r.H1set));
1508             h2 = h2.exist(r.H1cset);
1509             System.out.println("Locked objects (no context): "+h2.satCount(r.H1.set()));
1510             System.out.println("Never locked objects (no context): "+(r.Hmap.size()-h2.satCount(r.H1.set())));
1511         }
1513         {
1514             BDD vCalls = r.mI.exist(r.Mset.union(r.Nset));
1515             double d = vCalls.satCount(r.Iset);
1516             System.out.println("Virtual call sites: "+d);
1517             double e = r.IE.satCount(r.IMset);
1518             System.out.println("Average vcall targets = "+e+" / "+d+" = "+e/d);
1519         }
1521         if (false)
1522         {
1523             long sum = 0L; int n = 0;
1524             for (int i = 0; i < r.Vmap.size(); ++i) {
1525                 BDD b = r.V1.ithVar(i);
1526                 if (r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || r.OBJECT_SENSITIVE) b.andWith(r.V1cdomain);
1527                 int result = countTransitiveReachingDefs(b);
1528                 sum += result;
1529                 ++n;
1530                 System.out.print("Reaching defs: "+sum+" / "+n+" = "+(double)sum/n+"\r");
1531             }
1532             System.out.println("Reaching defs: "+sum+" / "+n+" = "+(double)sum/n);
1533         }
1534     }
1536     public int countPointsTo(BDD v) {
1537         BDD p = r.vP.relprod(v, r.V1set);
1538         double result = p.satCount(r.H1.set());
1539         return (int) result;
1540     }
1542     public int countTransitiveReachingDefs(BDD vPrelation) {
1543         BDD visited =;
1544         vPrelation =; // V1
1545         for (int k = 1; !vPrelation.isZero(); ++k) {
1546             visited.orWith(; // V1
1547             // A: v2=v1;
1548             BDD b = r.A.relprod(vPrelation, r.V1set); // V2
1549             // L: v2=v1.f;
1550             vPrelation.replaceWith(r.V1toV2); // V2
1551             BDD c = r.L.relprod(vPrelation, r.V2set); // V1xF
1552   ;
1553             BDD d = r.vP.relprod(c, r.V1set); // H1xF
1554   ;
1555             BDD e = r.hP.relprod(d, r.H1Fset); // H2
1556   ;
1557             e.replaceWith(r.H2toH1);
1558             BDD f = r.vP.relprod(e, r.H1set); // V1
1559   ;
1560             vPrelation = b;
1561             vPrelation.replaceWith(r.V2toV1);
1562             vPrelation.orWith(f);
1563             vPrelation.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
1564         }
1565         double result = visited.satCount(r.V1.set());
1566         return (int) result;
1567     }
1569     public int countThreadLocalObjects() {
1570         BDD b = getThreadLocalObjects();
1571         double result = b.satCount(r.H1set);
1572         return (int) result;
1573     }
1575     /***
1576      * Compute the set of results based on the BDD results.
1577      * */
1578     public Set getCallTargets(QuadProgramLocation invoke) {
1579         //Assert._assert(invoke.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Invoke);
1580         ProgramLocation loc = LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(invoke); invoke = null;
1582         if(loc.isSingleTarget()) {
1583             Set result = new LinearSet();
1584             result.add(loc.getTargetMethod());
1585             //System.err.println("loc: " + loc);
1587             return result;
1588         }else 
1589         if(!r.Imap.contains(loc)){
1590             System.err.println("No call information about " + loc.toString());
1591             return new LinearSet();
1592         }
1594         BDD t1 = r.actual.restrict(r.Z.ithVar(0));  // IxV2
1595         t1.replaceWith(r.bdd.makePair(r.V2, r.V1)); // IxV1
1596         BDD t2 = r.mI.exist(r.Mset);                // IxN
1597         BDD t3 = t1.and(t2);                        // IxV1 & IxN = IxV1xN
1599         BDD t4 = t3.relprod(r.vP, r.V1set);         // IxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = IxH1cxH1xN
1600         BDD t5 = t4.relprod(r.hT, r.H1set);         // IxH1cxH1xN x H1xT2 = IxT2xN
1602         BDD t6 = t5.relprod(r.cha, r.T2Nset);       // IxT2xN x T2xNxM = IxM
1605         r.IE.orWith(;
1607         BDD t7;
1608         if ((r.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || r.THREAD_SENSITIVE)) {
1609             // Add the context for the new call graph edges.
1610             t6.andWith(;
1611             r.IEcs.orWith(;
1612             t7 = t6.exist(r.V1cV2cset);
1613   ;
1614         }else {
1615             t7 = t6;
1616         }        
1618         // t7 is the result we need in I X M
1619         int oldSize = r.Imap.size();
1621         int I_idx = r.Imap.get(loc);
1622         //Assert._assert(r.Imap.size() == oldSize, "old size: " + oldSize + ", new size: " + r.Imap.size());
1623         BDD isite = r.I.ithVar(I_idx);
1625         //System.out.println("Site: " + toString((TypedBDD)isite, -1));
1626         t7.restrictWith(isite);
1628         System.err.println(((TypedBDD)t7).getDomainSet().toString() + ": " + t7.satCount());
1630         //System.out.println("Target methods of " + loc + " = " + toString((TypedBDD)t6, -1)); //t6.toStringWithDomains());        
1632         return new PACallGraph.BDDSet(t7, r.M, r.Mmap);
1633     }
1635     public Set getCallTargets2(ProgramLocation invoke) {
1636         Collection c =;
1638         return new HashSet(c);
1639     }
1641     public Set mod(QuadProgramLocation invoke, BasicBlock bb) {
1642         if (invoke.isCall()) {
1643             ProgramLocation loc = LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(invoke);
1644             //Assert._assert(r.Imap.contains(loc), "No information about " + loc.toString());
1645             if(!r.Imap.contains(loc)){
1646                 //System.err.println("No mod information about " + loc.toString() + "; Imap has " + r.Imap.size() + " elements \n");
1647                 return null;
1648             }
1649             int I_i = r.Imap.get(loc);
1650             BDD i   = r.I.ithVar(I_i);
1651             BDD m_c = r.IEcs.relprod(i, r.V2cset.union(r.Iset));
1652             // get transitive mod set for this particular method call   
1653             BDD s   = getTransitiveModSet(m_c);             
1654             BDD q   = s.exist(r.H1cset);
1656             return new HeapLocationSet(q);
1657         } else {
1658             // in case this is a store, need to get the results for that store
1659             jq_Method m = invoke.getMethod();
1660             Quad q = ((QuadProgramLocation) invoke).getQuad();
1661             Assert._assert(bb != null);
1663             return mod(m, bb, q);
1664         }        
1665     }
1667     public Set ref(QuadProgramLocation invoke, BasicBlock bb) {
1668         if (invoke.isCall()) {
1669             ProgramLocation loc = LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(invoke);
1670             //Assert._assert(r.Imap.contains(loc), "No information about " + loc.toString());
1671             if(!r.Imap.contains(loc)){
1672                 //System.err.println("No ref information about " + invoke.toString() + "; Imap has " + r.Imap.size() + " elements \n");
1673                 return null;
1674             }
1675             int I_i = r.Imap.get(invoke);
1676             BDD i   = r.I.ithVar(I_i);
1677             BDD m_c = r.IEcs.relprod(i, r.V2cset.union(r.Iset));
1678             BDD s   = getTransitiveRefSet(m_c);
1679             BDD q   = s.exist(r.H1cset);
1681             return new HeapLocationSet(q);
1682         }else {
1683             /*
1684             // in case this is a load, need to get the results for that store
1685             jq_Method m = invoke.getMethod();
1686             Quad q = ((QuadProgramLocation) invoke).getQuad();
1687             Assert._assert(bb != null);
1689             return ref(m, bb, q);
1690             */
1691             return null;
1692         }
1693     }
1695     public Set mod(jq_Method m, BasicBlock bb, Quad quad) {
1696         MethodSummary ms = MethodSummary.getSummary(CodeCache.getCode(m));
1697         Register reg;
1698         jq_Field f;
1699         if (quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.AStore) {
1700             reg = ((RegisterOperand) Operator.AStore.getBase(quad)).getRegister();
1701             f = null;
1702         } else {
1703             Assert._assert(quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Putfield);
1704             reg = ((RegisterOperand) Operator.Putfield.getBase(quad)).getRegister();
1705             f = Operator.Putfield.getField(quad).getField();
1706         }
1707         Collection c = ms.getRegisterAtLocation(bb, quad, reg);
1708         BDD b =;
1709         for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1710             Node n = (Node);
1711             Assert._assert(r.Vmap.contains(n));
1712             int V_i = r.Vmap.get(n);
1713             b.orWith(r.V1.ithVar(V_i));
1714         }
1715         b.andWith(r.V1cdomain);
1716         BDD s = r.vP.relprod(b, r.V1set);
1717         BDD q = s.exist(r.H1cset);
1718         q.andWith(r.F.ithVar(r.Fmap.get(f)));
1719         return new HeapLocationSet(q);
1720     }
1722     public boolean isAliased(SSALocation a, SSALocation b) {
1723         // (1, .f)   (1, .f)   ==>   true
1724         // (1, .f)   (2, .f)   ==>   false
1725         return a.equals(b);
1726     }
1728     /* (non-Javadoc)
1729      * @see joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PointerAnalysisResults#getAliases(joeq.Class.jq_Method, joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.SSALocation)
1730      */
1731     public Set/*<ContextSet.ContextLocationPair>*/ getAliases(jq_Method method, SSALocation loc) {
1732         return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
1733     }
1735     /* (non-Javadoc)
1736      * @see joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PointerAnalysisResults#hasAliases(joeq.Class.jq_Method, Compiler.Analysis.IPA.SSALocation, joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ContextSet)
1737      */
1738     public boolean hasAliases(jq_Method method, SSALocation loc, ContextSet contextSet) {
1739         return false;
1740     }
1742     /* (non-Javadoc)
1743      * @see joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PointerAnalysisResults#hasAliases(joeq.Class.jq_Method, Compiler.Analysis.IPA.SSALocation)
1744      */
1745     public boolean hasAliases(jq_Method method, SSALocation loc) {
1746         return false;
1747     }
1749     public class HeapLocationSet extends AbstractSet {
1751         BDD heapLocations; // H1 x F
1753         HeapLocationSet(BDD b) {
1754             this.heapLocations = b;
1755         }
1757         /* (non-Javadoc)
1758          * @see java.util.AbstractCollection#size()
1759          */
1760         public int size() {
1761             return (int) heapLocations.satCount(r.H1.set().union(r.Fset));
1762         }
1764         /* (non-Javadoc)
1765          * @see java.util.AbstractCollection#iterator()
1766          */
1767         public Iterator iterator() {
1768             final Iterator i = heapLocations.iterator(r.H1.set().union(r.Fset));
1769             return new UnmodifiableIterator() {
1770                 public boolean hasNext() {
1771                     return i.hasNext();
1772                 }
1773                 public Object next() {
1774                     BDD b = (BDD);
1775                     int h = b.scanVar(r.H1).intValue();
1776                     int f = b.scanVar(r.F).intValue();
1777                     Node hn = (Node) r.Hmap.get(h);
1778                     jq_Field fn = (jq_Field) r.Fmap.get(f);
1779                     return new HeapLocation(hn, fn);
1780                 }
1781             };
1782         }
1784     }
1786     public static class HeapLocation implements SSALocation {
1787         Node n;      // allocation site
1788         jq_Field f;  // field
1790         public static class FACTORY {
1791             static HashMap _locationMap;
1792             HeapLocation createHeapLocation(Node n, jq_Field f){
1793                 Pair pair = new Pair(n, f); 
1794                 HeapLocation loc = (HeapLocation) _locationMap.get(pair); 
1795                 if(loc == null){
1796                     loc = new HeapLocation(n, f);
1797                     _locationMap.put(pair, loc);
1798                 }
1799                 return loc;
1800             }
1801         }
1803         private HeapLocation(Node n, jq_Field f) {
1804             this.n = n;
1805             this.f = f;
1807             Assert._assert(n != null);            
1808         }
1810         public boolean equals(HeapLocation o) {
1811             return n.equals(o.n) && f == o.f;
1812         }
1814         public boolean equals(Object o) {
1815             return equals((HeapLocation) o);
1816         }
1818         public int hashCode() {
1819             int x = n.hashCode();
1820             if (f != null) x ^= f.hashCode();
1821             return x;
1822         }
1824         public String toString() {
1825             String fname = (f == null) ? "[]" : "."+f.getName().toString();
1826             return n.toString_short()+fname;
1827         }
1829         public String toString(PA r) {
1830             String fname = (f == null) ? "[]" : "."+f.getName().toString();
1831             //return n.toString_short()+fname;
1832             //return r.findInMap(r.Vmap, r.getHeapIndex(n)) + fname;
1833             return r.longForm(n) + fname;
1834         }
1835     }   
1837     /***
1838      * Given a typedbdd that contains variables, callsites, or heap objects,
1839      * display the source code for each item.
1840      *
1841      * Works for ProgramLocations (callsites), but only for those variable and heap 
1842      * nodes that have implemented getLocation() methods.
1843      *
1844      * @see joeq.Util.IO.SourceLister
1845      */
1846     public void showSource(TypedBDD b, final int before, final int after) {
1847         final PA fr = r;
1848         // construct a new one every time, uses defaults in joeq.Util.IO.
1849         final SourceLister sourceLister = new SourceLister();
1851         BDD.BDDToString ts = new BDD.BDDToString() {
1852             String findInMap(IndexedMap map, int i) {
1853                 if (i >= map.size())
1854                     return "not in map\n";
1855                 Object o = map.get(i);
1856                 if (o instanceof ProgramLocation)
1857                     return sourceLister.list((ProgramLocation)o, true, before, after);
1858                 else {
1859                     Class c = o.getClass();
1860                     try {
1861                         Method m = c.getMethod("getLocation", new Class[] {});
1862                         ProgramLocation pl = (ProgramLocation)m.invoke(o, null);
1863                         if (pl != null)
1864                             return sourceLister.list(pl, /*withnumbers=*/true, before, after); 
1865                     } catch (NoSuchMethodException _) {
1866                     } catch (InvocationTargetException _) {
1867                     } catch (IllegalAccessException _) {
1868                     }
1869                 }
1870                 return "no source available for "+o+"\n";
1871             }
1872             public String elementName(int i, long j) {
1873                 String n = j+"\n";
1874                 switch (i) {
1875                     case 0: // fallthrough
1876                     case 1: return n+findInMap(fr.Vmap, (int)j);
1877                     case 2: return n+findInMap(fr.Imap, (int)j);
1878                     case 3: // fallthrough
1879                     case 4: return n+findInMap(fr.Hmap, (int)j);
1880                     default: return n+"does not implement map index#"+i+"\n";
1881                 }
1882             }
1883             public String elementNames(int i, long j, long k) { 
1884                 return "big sets not implemented"; 
1885             }
1886         };
1888         for (Iterator i = b.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1889             TypedBDD bb = (TypedBDD);
1890             System.out.println(bb.toStringWithDomains(ts));
1891         }
1892     }
1894     /***
1895      * Compute coefficient of concentration of SCC-sizes for given path numbering.
1896      * 0 means there is no SCC of size greater than 1.
1897      * 1 mean all nodes are in one SCC.
1898      */
1899     public void computeGini(PathNumbering pn) {
1900         if (!(pn instanceof SCCPathNumbering)) {
1901             System.out.println(pn.getClass() + " is not using a SCC numbering");
1902             return;
1903         }
1904         SCCTopSortedGraph graph = ((SCCPathNumbering)pn).getSCCGraph();
1905         List sccs = graph.list();
1906         int []sccs_sizes = new int[sccs.size()];
1907         int n = 0;
1908         for (int i = 0; i < sccs.size(); i++) {
1909             SCComponent scc = (SCComponent)sccs.get(i);
1910             sccs_sizes[i] = scc.size();
1911             n += scc.size();
1912         }
1913         int x[] = new int[n];
1914         Arrays.sort(sccs_sizes);
1915         System.arraycopy(sccs_sizes, 0, x, n - sccs_sizes.length, sccs_sizes.length);
1916         double gini = 0.0;
1917         // for sorted sets, the gini is g=\sum_{i=1}^n (2*i-n-1)*x_i/n^2
1918         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1919             gini += (2*(i+1)-n-1)*x[i];
1920         }
1921         // correct for bias by multiplying by n/(n-1)
1922         gini = gini / n / (n - 1);
1924         System.out.println("Gini-Coefficient is " + gini);
1925         int PRINTMAX = 20;
1926         System.out.print(PRINTMAX + " largest SCCs are :");
1927         for (int i = sccs_sizes.length - 1; i>=0 && i>sccs_sizes.length-1-PRINTMAX; --i) {
1928             System.out.print(" " + sccs_sizes[i]);
1929         }
1930         System.out.println();
1931     }
1933     public void compareCallingContexts(jq_Method m) {
1934         // find callers
1935         int m_i = getMethodIndex(m);
1936         System.out.println("Calls to method "+m);
1937         BDD m_bdd = r.M.ithVar(m_i);
1938         BDD b = r.IEcs.restrict(m_bdd); // V2cxIxV1c
1939         BDD c = b.exist(r.V1cV2cset); // I
1940         for (Iterator i = c.iterator(r.Iset); i.hasNext(); ) {
1941             BDD i_bdd = (BDD); // I
1942             int i_i = i_bdd.scanVar(r.I).intValue();
1943             ProgramLocation invoke = getInvoke(i_i);
1944             System.out.println(" Call site "+i_i+": "+invoke);
1945             BDD d = b.exist(r.Iset); // V2cxV1c
1946             BDD e = d.exist(r.V2cset); // V1c
1947             // check each parameter
1948             MethodSummary ms = MethodSummary.getSummary(m);
1949             for (int j = 0; j < ms.getNumOfParams(); ++j) {
1950                 Node pn = ms.getParamNode(j);
1951                 if (pn == null) continue;
1952                 int p_i = getVariableIndex(pn);
1953                 BDD f = r.V1.ithVar(p_i); // V1
1954                 f.andWith(; // V1cxV1
1955                 BDD g = r.vP.relprod(f, r.V1set); // H1cxH1
1956                 BDD h = g.exist(r.H1cset);
1957                 System.out.println("  Param "+j+": ");
1958                 for (Iterator z = g.iterator(r.H1.set()); z.hasNext(); ) {
1959                     BDD x = (BDD);
1960                     int heap_i = x.scanVar(r.H1).intValue();
1961                     Node heap = getHeapNode(heap_i);
1962                     System.out.println("   "+heap);
1963                 }
1964             }
1965         }
1966     }
1968     /***
1969      * Generic z-statistic stuff.
1970      * Default p0. Set with set Compiler.Analysis.PAResults.p0 0.5
1971      */
1972     public static double p0 = 0.85;
1974     public static double zcompute(double e1, double c1, double p_0) {
1975         double p_hat, q_0, n;
1977         q_0 = 1. - p_0;
1978         n = e1 + c1;
1979         p_hat = e1 / n;
1980         return (p_hat - p_0) / Math.sqrt((p_0 * q_0) / n);
1981     }
1983     public static double zcompute(double e1, double c1) {
1984         return zcompute(e1, c1, p0);
1985     }
1987     public CallGraph getCallGraph() {
1988         return;
1989     }
1990 }