View Javadoc

1   //, created Oct 16, 2003 3:39:34 PM by joewhaley
2   // Copyright (C) 2003 John Whaley <>
3   // Licensed under the terms of the GNU LGPL; see COPYING for details.
4   package joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive;
6   import java.util.AbstractMap;
7   import java.util.ArrayList;
8   import java.util.Arrays;
9   import java.util.Collection;
10  import java.util.Collections;
11  import java.util.Comparator;
12  import java.util.HashMap;
13  import java.util.HashSet;
14  import java.util.Iterator;
15  import java.util.List;
16  import java.util.Map;
17  import java.util.Properties;
18  import java.util.Set;
19  import java.util.TreeSet;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
31  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
32  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
33  import java.math.BigInteger;
34  import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
35  import joeq.Class.jq_Array;
36  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
37  import joeq.Class.jq_FakeInstanceMethod;
38  import joeq.Class.jq_Field;
39  import joeq.Class.jq_Initializer;
40  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceField;
41  import joeq.Class.jq_InstanceMethod;
42  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
43  import joeq.Class.jq_MethodVisitor;
44  import joeq.Class.jq_NameAndDesc;
45  import joeq.Class.jq_Reference;
46  import joeq.Class.jq_Type;
47  import joeq.Class.jq_Reference.jq_NullType;
48  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.BDD.BuildBDDIR;
49  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.BogusSummaryProvider;
50  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.MethodSummary;
51  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.FlowInsensitive.ReflectionInformationProvider;
52  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ObjectCreationGraph;
53  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PA;
54  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation;
55  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive.PrimitiveMethodSummary.ConcreteObjectNode;
56  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive.PrimitiveMethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode;
57  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive.PrimitiveMethodSummary.GlobalNode;
58  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive.PrimitiveMethodSummary.Node;
59  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive.PrimitiveMethodSummary.ParamNode;
60  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.Primitive.PrimitiveMethodSummary.UnknownTypeNode;
61  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CachedCallGraph;
62  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CallGraph;
63  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache;
64  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph;
65  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraphVisitor;
66  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.LoadedCallGraph;
67  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Quad;
68  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operand.RegisterOperand;
69  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator.Invoke;
70  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.RegisterFactory.Register;
71  import joeq.Main.HostedVM;
72  import joeq.UTF.Utf8;
73  import joeq.Util.NameMunger;
74  import jwutil.collections.IndexMap;
75  import jwutil.collections.IndexedMap;
76  import jwutil.collections.Pair;
77  import jwutil.graphs.GlobalPathNumbering;
78  import jwutil.graphs.Navigator;
79  import jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering;
80  import jwutil.graphs.RootPathNumbering;
81  import jwutil.graphs.SCCPathNumbering;
82  import jwutil.graphs.SCCTopSortedGraph;
83  import jwutil.graphs.SCComponent;
84  import jwutil.graphs.Traversals;
85  import jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Range;
86  import jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector;
87  import;
88  import;
89  import;
90  import jwutil.util.Assert;
91  import net.sf.javabdd.BDD;
92  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDBitVector;
93  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDDomain;
94  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDFactory;
95  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDPairing;
96  import net.sf.javabdd.BDDVarSet;
97  import net.sf.javabdd.TypedBDDFactory;
98  import net.sf.javabdd.TypedBDDFactory.TypedBDD;
99  /***
100  * Pointer analysis using BDDs.  Includes both context-insensitive and context-sensitive
101  * analyses.  This version corresponds exactly to the description in the paper.
102  * All of the inference rules are direct copies.
103  * 
104  * @author John Whaley
105  * @version $Id: 2470 2006-07-17 05:20:48Z joewhaley $
106  */
107 public class PrimitivePA {
108     // Read in default properties.
109     static {""); }
111     public static final boolean VerifyAssertions = false;
113     static boolean WRITE_PARESULTS_BATCHFILE = !System.getProperty("pa.writeparesults", "yes").equals("no");
115     boolean TRACE = !System.getProperty("pa.trace", "no").equals("no");
116     boolean TRACE_SOLVER = !System.getProperty("pa.tracesolver", "no").equals("no");
117     boolean TRACE_BIND = !System.getProperty("pa.tracebind", "no").equals("no");
118     boolean TRACE_RELATIONS = !System.getProperty("pa.tracerelations", "no").equals("no");
119     boolean TRACE_OBJECT = !System.getProperty("pa.traceobject", "no").equals("no");
120     boolean TRACE_CONTEXT = !System.getProperty("pa.tracecontext", "no").equals("no");
121     boolean TRACE_PLACEHOLDERS = !System.getProperty("pa.traceplaceholders", "no").equals("no");
122     boolean TRACE_SELECTORS = !System.getProperty("pa.traceselectors", "no").equals("no");
123     PrintStream out = System.out;
124     boolean DUMP_INITIAL = !System.getProperty("pa.dumpinitial", "no").equals("no");
125     boolean DUMP_RESULTS = !System.getProperty("pa.dumpresults", "yes").equals("no");
126     boolean DUMP_FLY = !System.getProperty("pa.dumpfly", "no").equals("no");
127     boolean DUMP_SSA = !System.getProperty("pa.dumpssa", "no").equals("no");
128     boolean SKIP_SOLVE = !System.getProperty("pa.skipsolve", "no").equals("no");
129     static boolean USE_JOEQ_CLASSLIBS = !System.getProperty("pa.usejoeqclasslibs", "no").equals("no");
131     boolean INCREMENTAL1 = !System.getProperty("pa.inc1", "yes").equals("no"); // incremental points-to
132     boolean INCREMENTAL2 = !System.getProperty("pa.inc2", "yes").equals("no"); // incremental parameter binding
133     boolean INCREMENTAL3 = !System.getProperty("pa.inc3", "yes").equals("no"); // incremental invocation binding
135     boolean ADD_CLINIT = !System.getProperty("pa.clinit", "yes").equals("no");
136     boolean ADD_THREADS = !System.getProperty("pa.threads", "yes").equals("no");
137     boolean ADD_FINALIZERS = !System.getProperty("pa.finalizers", "yes").equals("no");
138     boolean IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS = !System.getProperty("pa.ignoreexceptions", "no").equals("no");
139     boolean FILTER_VP = !System.getProperty("pa.vpfilter", "yes").equals("no");
140     boolean FILTER_HP = !System.getProperty("pa.hpfilter", "no").equals("no");
141     boolean CARTESIAN_PRODUCT = !System.getProperty("pa.cp", "no").equals("no");
142     boolean THREAD_SENSITIVE = !System.getProperty("pa.ts", "no").equals("no");
143     boolean OBJECT_SENSITIVE = !System.getProperty("pa.os", "no").equals("no");
144     boolean CONTEXT_SENSITIVE = !System.getProperty("pa.cs", "no").equals("no");
145     boolean BETTER_CONTEXT_NUMBERING = !System.getProperty("pa.bettercontextnumbering", "no").equals("no");
146     boolean USE_STRING_METHOD_SELECTOR = !System.getProperty("pa.stringmethodselector", "no").equals("no");
147     boolean CS_CALLGRAPH = !System.getProperty("pa.cscg", "no").equals("no");
148     boolean DISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH = !System.getProperty("", "no").equals("no");
149     boolean PRINT_CALL_GRAPH_SCCS = !System.getProperty("pa.printsccs", "no").equals("no");
150     boolean AUTODISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH = !System.getProperty("pa.autodiscover", "yes").equals("no");
151     boolean DUMP_DOTGRAPH = !System.getProperty("pa.dumpdotgraph", "no").equals("no");
152     boolean FILTER_NULL = !System.getProperty("pa.filternull", "yes").equals("no");
153     boolean LONG_LOCATIONS = !System.getProperty("pa.longlocations", "no").equals("no");
154     boolean DUMP_UNMUNGED_NAMES = !System.getProperty("pa.dumpunmunged", "no").equals("no");
155     boolean INCLUDE_UNKNOWN_TYPES = !System.getProperty("pa.unknowntypes", "yes").equals("no");
156     boolean INCLUDE_ALL_UNKNOWN_TYPES = !System.getProperty("pa.allunknowntypes", "no").equals("no");
157     boolean ADD_SUPERTYPES = !System.getProperty("pa.addsupertypes", "no").equals("no");
158     int ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pa.addrootplaceholders", "0"));
159     int PUBLIC_PLACEHOLDERS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pa.publicplaceholders", "0"));
160     boolean FULL_CHA = !System.getProperty("pa.fullcha", "no").equals("no");
161     static boolean ADD_INSTANCE_METHODS = !System.getProperty("pa.addinstancemethods", "no").equals("no");
162     boolean USE_BOGUS_SUMMARIES = !System.getProperty("pa.usebogussummaries", "no").equals("no");
163     boolean USE_REFLECTION_PROVIDER = !System.getProperty("pa.usereflectionprovider", "no").equals("no");
164     boolean RESOLVE_REFLECTION = !System.getProperty("pa.resolvereflection", "no").equals("no");
165     boolean USE_CASTS_FOR_REFLECTION = !System.getProperty("pa.usecastsforreflection", "no").equals("no");
166     boolean RESOLVE_FORNAME = !System.getProperty("pa.resolveforname", "no").equals("no");
167     boolean TRACE_BOGUS = !System.getProperty("pa.tracebogus", "no").equals("no");
168     boolean FIX_NO_DEST = !System.getProperty("pa.fixnodest", "no").equals("no");
169     boolean TRACE_NO_DEST = !System.getProperty("pa.tracenodest", "no").equals("no");
170     boolean REFLECTION_STAT = !System.getProperty("pa.reflectionstat", "no").equals("no");
171     boolean FORNAME_STAT = !System.getProperty("pa.fornamestat", "no").equals("no");
172     String REFLECTION_STAT_FILE = System.getProperty("pa.reflectionstatfile", "reflection.txt");
173     String FORNAME_STAT_FILE = System.getProperty("pa.fornamestatfile", "forname.txt");
174     public static boolean TRACE_REFLECTION = !System.getProperty("pa.tracereflection", "no").equals("no");
175     public static boolean TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS = !System.getProperty("pa.tracereflectiondomains", "no").equals("no");
176     boolean TRACE_FORNAME = !System.getProperty("pa.traceforname", "no").equals("no");
177     int MAX_PARAMS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pa.maxparams", "4"));
179     int bddnodes = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("bddnodes", "2500000"));
180     int bddcache = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("bddcache", "200000"));
181     double bddminfree = Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("bddminfree", ".20"));
182     static String resultsFileName = System.getProperty("pa.results", "pa");
183     static String callgraphFileName = System.getProperty("pa.callgraph", "callgraph");
184     static String initialCallgraphFileName = System.getProperty("pa.icallgraph", callgraphFileName);
186     boolean USE_VCONTEXT;
187     boolean USE_HCONTEXT;
189     Map newMethodSummaries = new HashMap();
190     Set rootMethods = new HashSet();
192     CallGraph cg;
193     ObjectCreationGraph ocg;
195     BDDFactory bdd;
197     BDDDomain V1, V2, I, I2, H1, H2, Z, F, T1, T2, N, M, M2;
198     BDDDomain V1c[], V2c[], H1c[], H2c[];
200     int V_BITS=19, I_BITS=19, H_BITS=16, Z_BITS=6, F_BITS=14, T_BITS=14, N_BITS=16, M_BITS=16;
201     int VC_BITS=0, HC_BITS=0;
202     int MAX_VC_BITS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pa.maxvc", "61"));
203     int MAX_HC_BITS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pa.maxhc", "0"));
205     IndexMap/*Node*/ Vmap;
206     IndexMap/*ProgramLocation*/ Imap;
207     IndexedMap/*Node*/ Hmap;
208     IndexMap/*jq_Field*/ Fmap;
209     IndexMap/*jq_Reference*/ Tmap;
210     IndexMap/*jq_Method*/ Nmap;
211     IndexMap/*jq_Method*/ Mmap;
212     PathNumbering vCnumbering; // for context-sensitive
213     PathNumbering hCnumbering; // for context-sensitive
214     PathNumbering oCnumbering; // for object-sensitive
216     BDD A;      // V1xV2, arguments and return values   (+context)
217     BDD vP;     // V1xH1, variable points-to            (+context)
218     BDD S;      // (V1xF)xV2, stores                    (+context)
219     BDD L;      // (V1xF)xV2, loads                     (+context)
220     BDD vT;     // V1xT1, variable type                 (no context)
221     BDD hT;     // H1xT2, heap type                     (no context)
222     BDD aT;     // T1xT2, assignable types              (no context)
223     BDD cha;    // T2xNxM, class hierarchy information  (no context)
224     BDD actual; // IxZxV2, actual parameters            (no context)
225     BDD formal; // MxZxV1, formal parameters            (no context)
226     BDD Iret;   // IxV1, invocation return value        (no context)
227     BDD Mret;   // MxV2, method return value            (no context)
228     BDD Ithr;   // IxV1, invocation thrown value        (no context)
229     BDD Mthr;   // MxV2, method thrown value            (no context)
230     BDD mI;     // MxIxN, method invocations            (no context)
231     BDD mV;     // MxV, method variables                (no context)
232     BDD sync;   // V, synced locations                  (no context)
233     BDD mSync;  // M, synchronized, non-static methods  (no context)
235     BDD fT;     // FxT2, field types                    (no context)
236     BDD fC;     // FxT2, field containing types         (no context)
238     BDD hP;     // H1xFxH2, heap points-to              (+context)
239     BDD IEcs;   // V2cxIxV1cxM, context-sensitive invocation edges
240     BDD IE;     // IxM, invocation edges                (no context)
241     BDD vPfilter; // V1xH1, type filter                 (no context)
242     BDD hPfilter; // H1xFxH2, type filter               (no context)
243     BDD NNfilter; // H1, non-null filter                (no context)
244     BDD IEfilter; // V2cxIxV1cxM, context-sensitive edge filter
246     BDD visited; // M, visited methods
247     // maps to SSA form
248     BDD forNameMap; // IxH1, heap allocation sites for forClass.Name
249     BuildBDDIR bddIRBuilder;
250     BDD vReg; // Vxreg
251     BDD iQuad; // Ixquad
252     BDD hQuad; // Hxquad
253     BDD fMember; //Fxmember
254     BDD staticCalls; // V1xIxM, statically-bound calls, only used for object-sensitive and cartesian product
256     boolean reverseLocal = System.getProperty("bddreverse", "true").equals("true");
257     String varorder = System.getProperty("bddordering");
259     BDDPairing V1toV2, V2toV1, H1toH2, ItoI2, I2toI, H2toH1, V1H1toV2H2, V2H2toV1H1;
260     BDDPairing V1ctoV2c, V1cV2ctoV2cV1c, V1cH1ctoV2cV1c;
261     BDDPairing T2toT1, T1toT2;
262     BDDPairing H1toV1c[], V1ctoH1[]; BDDVarSet V1csets[]; BDD V1cH1equals[];
263     BDDVarSet V1set, V2set, H1set, H2set, T1set, T2set, Fset, Mset, Nset, Iset, I2set, Zset;
264     BDDVarSet V1V2set, V1Fset, V2Fset, V1FV2set, V1H1set, H1Fset, H2Fset, H1H2set, H1FH2set;
265     BDDVarSet IMset, INset, INH1set, INT2set, T2Nset, MZset;
266     BDDVarSet V1cset, V2cset, H1cset, H2cset, V1cV2cset, V1cH1cset, H1cH2cset;
267     BDD V1cdomain, V2cdomain, H1cdomain, H2cdomain;
269     BDDDomain makeDomain(String name, int bits) {
270         Assert._assert(bits < 64);
271         BDDDomain d = bdd.extDomain(new long[] { 1L << bits })[0];
272         d.setName(name);
273         return d;
274     }
275     IndexMap makeMap(String name, int bits) {
276         return new IndexMap(name, 1 << bits);
277     }
279     public void initializeBDD(String bddfactory) {
280         USE_VCONTEXT = VC_BITS > 0;
281         USE_HCONTEXT = HC_BITS > 0;
283         if (USE_VCONTEXT || USE_HCONTEXT) bddnodes *= 2;
285         if (bddfactory == null)
286             bdd = BDDFactory.init(bddnodes, bddcache);
287         else
288             bdd = BDDFactory.init(bddfactory, bddnodes, bddcache);
289         //bdd.setMaxIncrease(bddnodes/4);
290         bdd.setIncreaseFactor(2);
291         bdd.setMinFreeNodes(bddminfree);
293         V1 = makeDomain("V1", V_BITS);
294         V2 = makeDomain("V2", V_BITS);
295         I = makeDomain("I", I_BITS);
296         I2 = makeDomain("I2", I_BITS);
297         H1 = makeDomain("H1", H_BITS);
298         H2 = makeDomain("H2", H_BITS);
299         Z = makeDomain("Z", Z_BITS);
300         F = makeDomain("F", F_BITS);
301         T1 = makeDomain("T1", T_BITS);
302         T2 = makeDomain("T2", T_BITS);
303         N = makeDomain("N", N_BITS);
304         M = makeDomain("M", M_BITS);
305         M2 = makeDomain("M2", M_BITS);
308             V1c = new BDDDomain[1];
309             V2c = new BDDDomain[1];
310             V1c[0] = makeDomain("V1c", VC_BITS);
311             V2c[0] = makeDomain("V2c", VC_BITS);
312         } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT && false) {
313             V1c = new BDDDomain[MAX_PARAMS];
314             V2c = new BDDDomain[MAX_PARAMS];
315             for (int i = 0; i < V1c.length; ++i) {
316                 V1c[i] = makeDomain("V1c"+i, H_BITS + HC_BITS);
317             }
318             for (int i = 0; i < V2c.length; ++i) {
319                 V2c[i] = makeDomain("V2c"+i, H_BITS + HC_BITS);
320             }
321         } else {
322             V1c = V2c = new BDDDomain[0];
323         }
324         if (USE_HCONTEXT) {
325             H1c = new BDDDomain[] { makeDomain("H1c", HC_BITS) };
326             H2c = new BDDDomain[] { makeDomain("H2c", HC_BITS) };
327         } else {
328             H1c = H2c = new BDDDomain[0];
329         }
331         if (TRACE) out.println("Variable context domains: "+V1c.length);
332         if (TRACE) out.println("Heap context domains: "+H1c.length);
334         if (varorder == null) {
335             // default variable orderings.
337                 if (HC_BITS > 0) {
338                     varorder = "N_F_Z_I_I2_M2_M_T1_V2xV1_V2cxV1c_H2xH2c_T2_H1xH1c";
339                 } else {
340                     //varorder = "N_F_Z_I_M2_M_T1_V2xV1_V2cxV1c_H2_T2_H1";
341                     varorder = "N_F_I_I2_M2_M_Z_V2xV1_V2cxV1c_T1_H2_T2_H1";
342                 }
343             } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT && false) {
344                 varorder = "N_F_Z_I_I2_M2_M_T1_V2xV1_T2_H2xH1";
345                 for (int i = 0; i < V1c.length; ++i) {
346                     varorder += "xV1c"+i+"xV2c"+i;
347                 }
348             } else {
349                 //varorder = "N_F_Z_I_M2_M_T1_V2xV1_H2_T2_H1";
350                 varorder = "N_F_I_I2_M2_M_Z_V2xV1_T1_H2_T2_H1";
351             }
352         }
354         System.out.println("Using variable ordering "+varorder);
355         int[] ordering = bdd.makeVarOrdering(reverseLocal, varorder);
356         bdd.setVarOrder(ordering);
358         V1ctoV2c = bdd.makePair();
359         V1ctoV2c.set(V1c, V2c);
360         V1cV2ctoV2cV1c = bdd.makePair();
361         V1cV2ctoV2cV1c.set(V1c, V2c);
362         V1cV2ctoV2cV1c.set(V2c, V1c);
363         if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
364             V1cH1ctoV2cV1c = bdd.makePair();
365             V1cH1ctoV2cV1c.set(V1c, V2c);
366             V1cH1ctoV2cV1c.set(H1c, V1c);
367         }
368         T2toT1 = bdd.makePair(T2, T1);
369         T1toT2 = bdd.makePair(T1, T2);
370         V1toV2 = bdd.makePair();
371         V1toV2.set(V1, V2);
372         V1toV2.set(V1c, V2c);
373         V2toV1 = bdd.makePair();
374         V2toV1.set(V2, V1);
375         V2toV1.set(V2c, V1c);
376         H1toH2 = bdd.makePair();
377         H1toH2.set(H1, H2);
378         H1toH2.set(H1c, H2c);
379         ItoI2 = bdd.makePair();
380         ItoI2.set(I, I2);
381         I2toI = bdd.makePair();
382         I2toI.set(I2, I);
383         H2toH1 = bdd.makePair();
384         H2toH1.set(H2, H1);
385         H2toH1.set(H2c, H1c);
386         V1H1toV2H2 = bdd.makePair();
387         V1H1toV2H2.set(V1, V2);
388         V1H1toV2H2.set(H1, H2);
389         V1H1toV2H2.set(V1c, V2c);
390         V1H1toV2H2.set(H1c, H2c);
391         V2H2toV1H1 = bdd.makePair();
392         V2H2toV1H1.set(V2, V1);
393         V2H2toV1H1.set(H2, H1);
394         V2H2toV1H1.set(V2c, V1c);
395         V2H2toV1H1.set(H2c, H1c);
397         V1set = V1.set();
398         if (V1c.length > 0) {
399             V1cset = bdd.emptySet();
400             V1cdomain =;
401             for (int i = 0; i < V1c.length; ++i) {
402                 V1cset.unionWith(V1c[i].set());
403                 V1cdomain.andWith(V1c[i].domain());
404             }
405             V1set.unionWith(;
406         }
407         V2set = V2.set();
408         if (V2c.length > 0) {
409             V2cset = bdd.emptySet();
410             V2cdomain =;
411             for (int i = 0; i < V2c.length; ++i) {
412                 V2cset.unionWith(V2c[i].set());
413                 V2cdomain.andWith(V2c[i].domain());
414             }
415             V2set.unionWith(;
416         }
417         H1set = H1.set();
418         if (H1c.length > 0) {
419             H1cset = bdd.emptySet();
420             H1cdomain =;
421             for (int i = 0; i < H1c.length; ++i) {
422                 H1cset.unionWith(H1c[i].set());
423                 H1cdomain.andWith(H1c[i].domain());
424             }
425             H1set.unionWith(;
426         }
427         H2set = H2.set();
428         if (H2c.length > 0) {
429             H2cset = bdd.emptySet();
430             H2cdomain =;
431             for (int i = 0; i < H2c.length; ++i) {
432                 H2cset.unionWith(H2c[i].set());
433                 H2cdomain.andWith(H2c[i].domain());
434             }
435             H2set.unionWith(;
436         }
437         T1set = T1.set();
438         T2set = T2.set();
439         Fset = F.set();
440         Mset = M.set();
441         Nset = N.set();
442         Iset = I.set();
443         I2set = I2.set();
444         Zset = Z.set();
445         V1cV2cset = (V1c.length > 0) ? V1cset.union(V2cset) : bdd.emptySet();
446         H1cH2cset = (H1c.length > 0) ? H1cset.union(H2cset) : bdd.emptySet();
447         if (V1c.length > 0) {
448             V1cH1cset = (H1c.length > 0) ? V1cset.union(H1cset) : V1cset;
449         } else {
450             V1cH1cset = (H1c.length > 0) ? H1cset : bdd.emptySet();
451         }
452         V1V2set = V1set.union(V2set);
453         V1FV2set = V1V2set.union(Fset);
454         V1H1set = V1set.union(H1set);
455         V1Fset = V1set.union(Fset);
456         V2Fset = V2set.union(Fset);
457         IMset = Iset.union(Mset);
458         INset = Iset.union(Nset);
459         INH1set = INset.union(H1set);
460         INT2set = INset.union(T2set);
461         H1Fset = H1set.union(Fset);
462         H2Fset = H2set.union(Fset);
463         H1H2set = H1set.union(H2set);
464         H1FH2set = H1Fset.union(H2set);
465         T2Nset = T2set.union(Nset);
466         MZset = Mset.union(Zset);
468         A =;
469         vP =;
470         S =;
471         L =;
472         vT =;
473         hT =;
474         aT =;
475         if (FILTER_HP) {
476             fT =;
477             fC =;
478         }
479         cha =;
480         actual =;
481         formal =;
482         Iret =;
483         Mret =;
484         Ithr =;
485         Mthr =;
486         mI =;
487         mV =;
488         sync =;
489         mSync =;
490         IE =;
491         hP =;
492         visited =;
493         forNameMap =;
495         if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE || CARTESIAN_PRODUCT) staticCalls =;
497         if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) threadRuns =;
499         if (INCREMENTAL1) {
500             old1_A =;
501             old1_S =;
502             old1_L =;
503             old1_vP =;
504             old1_hP =;
505         }
506         if (INCREMENTAL2) {
507             old2_myIE =;
508             old2_visited =;
509         }
510         if (INCREMENTAL3) {
511             old3_t3 =;
512             old3_vP =;
513             old3_t4 =;
514             old3_hT =;
515             old3_t6 =;
516             old3_t9 = new BDD[MAX_PARAMS];
517             for (int i = 0; i < old3_t9.length; ++i) {
518                 old3_t9[i] =;
519             }
520         }
522         reflectiveCalls =;
524         if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT && false) {
525             H1toV1c = new BDDPairing[MAX_PARAMS];
526             V1ctoH1 = new BDDPairing[MAX_PARAMS];
527             V1csets = new BDDVarSet[MAX_PARAMS];
528             V1cH1equals = new BDD[MAX_PARAMS];
529             for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARAMS; ++i) {
530                 H1toV1c[i] = bdd.makePair(H1, V1c[i]);
531                 V1ctoH1[i] = bdd.makePair(V1c[i], H1);
532                 V1csets[i] = V1c[i].set();
533                 V1cH1equals[i] = H1.buildEquals(V1c[i]);
534             }
535         }
537         if (USE_VCONTEXT) {
538             IEcs =;
539         }
540     }
542     void initializeMaps() {
543         Vmap = makeMap("Vars", V_BITS);
544         Imap = makeMap("Invokes", I_BITS);
545         Hmap = makeMap("Heaps", H_BITS);
546         Fmap = makeMap("Fields", F_BITS);
547         Tmap = makeMap("Types", T_BITS);
548         Nmap = makeMap("Names", N_BITS);
549         Mmap = makeMap("Methods", M_BITS);
550         Mmap.get(new Dummy());
551         if (ADD_THREADS) {
552             PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThread().prepare();
553             PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/Runnable;").prepare();
554         }
555     }
557     void addToVisited(BDD M_bdd) {
558         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to visited: "+M_bdd.toStringWithDomains());
559         visited.orWith(;
560     }
562     public void addToForNameMap(ConcreteTypeNode h, BDD i_bdd) {
563         BDD H_i = H1.ithVar(Hmap.get(h));
564         H_i.andWith(;
565         forNameMap.orWith(H_i);
567         //System.out.println("forNameMap: " + forNameMap.toStringWithDomains(TS));
568     }
570     void addToFormal(BDD M_bdd, int z, Node v) {
571         BDD bdd1 = Z.ithVar(z);
572         int V_i = Vmap.get(v);
573         bdd1.andWith(V1.ithVar(V_i));
574         bdd1.andWith(;
575         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to formal: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
576         formal.orWith(bdd1);
577     }
579     void addToIE(BDD I_bdd, jq_Method target) {
580         int M2_i = Mmap.get(target);
581         BDD bdd1 = M.ithVar(M2_i);
582         bdd1.andWith(;
583         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to IE: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
584         if (USE_VCONTEXT && IEfilter != null) {
585             // When doing context-sensitive analysis, we need to add to IEcs too.
586             // This call edge is true under all contexts for this invocation.
587             // "and"-ing with IEfilter achieves this.
588             IEcs.orWith(bdd1.and(IEfilter));
589         }
590         IE.orWith(bdd1);
591     }
593     /***
594      * Finds all invocation sites with no targets and tries to create targets from them.
595      * */
596     void analyzeIE(){
597         int noTargetCalls = 0;
598         for(Iterator iter = Imap.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
599             ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation);
600             int I_i = Imap.get(mc);
601             BDD I_bdd = (BDD) I.ithVar(I_i);
602             BDD t = IE.relprod(I_bdd, Iset); 
604             if(t.isZero()){
605                 if(TRACE_NO_DEST) {
606                     System.out.println("No destination for " + mc.toStringLong());                
607                 }
608                 BDD V_bdd = actual.relprod(I_bdd, Iset).restrictWith(Z.ithVar(0));
609                 int V_i = V_bdd.scanVar(V2).intValue();
610                 if(V_i == -1){
611                     System.out.println("Index " + V_i + " is scanning " + V_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS));
612                     continue;
613                 }
614                 if(V_i >= Vmap.size()) {
615                     // TODO: this is kind of weird. Why does this happen?
616                     System.out.println("Index " + V_i + " is greater than the map size: " + Vmap.size());
617                     continue;
618                 }
619                 Node n = (Node) Vmap.get(V_i);
620                 jq_Type type = n.getDeclaredType();
621                 if (type instanceof jq_Class) {
622                     jq_Class c = (jq_Class) type;
623                     c.prepare();
624                     if(!provideStubsFor.contains(c)){
625                         continue;
626                     }
627                 }else{
628                     continue;
629                 }
630                 ConcreteTypeNode h = ConcreteTypeNode.get(type, mc);
631                 addToVP(V_bdd.replace(V2toV1), h);
632       ;
633                 noTargetCalls++;
634             }
635   ;
636   ;
637         }
638         if(TRACE_NO_DEST) {
639             System.out.println("There are " + noTargetCalls + " calls without destinations.");
640         }
642         // pick up the new methods
643         iterate();
645         if(TRACE_NO_DEST) {
646             // find methods still without targets
647             for(Iterator iter = Imap.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
648                 ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation);
649                 int I_i = Imap.get(mc);
650                 BDD I_bdd = (BDD) I.ithVar(I_i);
651                 BDD t = IE.relprod(I_bdd, Iset); 
653                 if(t.isZero()){                
654                     System.out.println("Still no destination for " + mc.toStringLong());
656                 }
657       ;
658       ;
659             }
660         }
661     }
663     void addToMI(BDD M_bdd, BDD I_bdd, jq_Method target) {
664         int N_i = Nmap.get(target);
665         BDD bdd1 = N.ithVar(N_i);
666         bdd1.andWith(;
667         bdd1.andWith(;
668         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to mI: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
669         mI.orWith(bdd1);
670     }
672     void addToActual(BDD I_bdd, int z, Set s) {
673         BDD bdd1 =;
674         for (Iterator j = s.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
675             int V_i = Vmap.get(;
676             bdd1.orWith(V2.ithVar(V_i));
677         }
678         bdd1.andWith(Z.ithVar(z));
679         bdd1.andWith(;
680         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to actual: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
681         actual.orWith(bdd1);
682     }
684     void addEmptyActual(BDD I_bdd, int z) {
685         if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT) {
686             BDD bdd1 = V2.ithVar(0); // global node
687             bdd1.andWith(Z.ithVar(z));
688             bdd1.andWith(;
689             if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding empty to actual: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
690             actual.orWith(bdd1);
691         }
692     }
694     void addToIret(BDD I_bdd, Node v) {
695         int V_i = Vmap.get(v);
696         BDD bdd1 = V1.ithVar(V_i);
697         bdd1.andWith(;
698         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to Iret: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
699         Iret.orWith(bdd1);
700     }
702     void addToIthr(BDD I_bdd, Node v) {
703         int V_i = Vmap.get(v);
704         BDD bdd1 = V1.ithVar(V_i);
705         bdd1.andWith(;
706         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to Ithr: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
707         Ithr.orWith(bdd1);
708     }
710     void addToMV(BDD M_bdd, BDD V_bdd) {
711         BDD bdd1 =;
712         bdd1.andWith(;
713         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to mV: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
714         mV.orWith(bdd1);
715     }
717     void addToMret(BDD M_bdd, Node v) {
718         addToMret(M_bdd, Vmap.get(v));
719     }
721     void addToMret(BDD M_bdd, int V_i) {
722         BDD bdd1 = V2.ithVar(V_i);
723         bdd1.andWith(;
724         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to Mret: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
725         Mret.orWith(bdd1);
726     }
728     void addToMthr(BDD M_bdd, int V_i) {
729         BDD bdd1 = V2.ithVar(V_i);
730         bdd1.andWith(;
731         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to Mthr: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
732         Mthr.orWith(bdd1);
733     }
735     void addToVP(Node p, int H_i) {
736         BDD context =;
737         if (USE_VCONTEXT) context.andWith(;
738         if (USE_HCONTEXT) context.andWith(;
739         addToVP(context, p, H_i);
741     }
743     void addToVP(BDD V1H1context, Node p, int H_i) {
744         int V1_i = Vmap.get(p);
745         BDD bdd1 = V1.ithVar(V1_i);
746         bdd1.andWith(H1.ithVar(H_i));
747         if (V1H1context != null) bdd1.andWith(;
748         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to vP: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains(TS));
749         vP.orWith(bdd1);
750     }
752     void addToVP(BDD V_bdd, Node h) {
753         BDD context =;
754         if (USE_VCONTEXT) context.andWith(;
755         if (USE_HCONTEXT) context.andWith(;
756         addToVP(context, V_bdd, h);
758     }
760     void addToVP(BDD V1H1context, BDD V_bdd, Node h) {
762             out.println("V_bdd: " + getBDDDomains(V_bdd));
763         }
764         int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
765         BDD bdd1 = H1.ithVar(H_i);
766         bdd1.andWith(;
767         if (V1H1context != null) bdd1.andWith(;
768         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) 
769             out.println("Adding to vP: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains(TS));
770         vP.orWith(bdd1);
771     }
773     void addToHP(int H_i, int F_i, int H2_i) {
774         BDD bdd1 = H1.ithVar(H_i);
775         bdd1.andWith(F.ithVar(F_i));
776         bdd1.andWith(H2.ithVar(H2_i));
777         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to hP: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
778         hP.orWith(bdd1);
779     }
780     void addToA(int V1_i, int V2_i) {
781         BDD context = USE_VCONTEXT ? V1cdomain.and(V2cdomain) : null;
782         addToA(context, V1_i, V2_i);
783         if (USE_VCONTEXT);
784     }
786     void addToA(BDD V1V2context, int V1_i, int V2_i) {
787         BDD V_bdd = V1.ithVar(V1_i);
788         addToA(V1V2context, V_bdd, V2_i);
790     }
792     void addToA(BDD V_bdd, int V2_i) {
793         BDD context = USE_VCONTEXT ? V1cdomain.and(V2cdomain) : null;
794         addToA(context, V_bdd, V2_i);
795         if (USE_VCONTEXT);
796     }
798     void addToA(BDD V1V2context, BDD V_bdd, int V2_i) {
799         BDD bdd1 = V2.ithVar(V2_i);
800         bdd1.andWith(;
801         if (USE_VCONTEXT) bdd1.andWith(;
802         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to A: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
803         A.orWith(bdd1);
804     }
806     void addToS(BDD V_bdd, jq_Field f, Collection c) {
807         BDD context = USE_VCONTEXT ? V1cdomain.and(V2cdomain) : null;
808         addToS(context, V_bdd, f, c);
809         if (USE_VCONTEXT);
810     }
812     void addToS(BDD V1V2context, BDD V_bdd, jq_Field f, Collection c) {
813         int F_i = Fmap.get(f);
814         BDD F_bdd = F.ithVar(F_i);
815         for (Iterator k = c.iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
816             Node node2 = (Node);
817             if (FILTER_NULL && isNullConstant(node2))
818                 continue;
820             int V2_i = Vmap.get(node2);
821             BDD bdd1 = V2.ithVar(V2_i);
822             bdd1.andWith(;
823             bdd1.andWith(;
824             if (USE_VCONTEXT) bdd1.andWith(;
825             if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to S: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
826             S.orWith(bdd1);
827         }
829     }
831     void addToL(BDD V1V2context, BDD V_bdd, jq_Field f, Collection c) {
832         int F_i = Fmap.get(f);
833         BDD F_bdd = F.ithVar(F_i);
834         for (Iterator k = c.iterator(); k.hasNext(); ) {
835             Node node2 = (Node);
836             int V2_i = Vmap.get(node2);
837             BDD bdd1 = V2.ithVar(V2_i);
838             bdd1.andWith(;
839             bdd1.andWith(;
840             if (USE_VCONTEXT) bdd1.andWith(;
841             if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to L: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
842             L.orWith(bdd1);
843         }
845     }
847     void addToSync(Node n) {
848         int V_i = Vmap.get(n);
849         BDD bdd1 = V1.ithVar(V_i);
850         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to sync: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
851         sync.orWith(bdd1);
852     }
854     void addToMSync(jq_Method m) {
855         mSync.orWith(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(m)));
856     }
858     BDD getVC(ProgramLocation mc, jq_Method callee) {
860             Pair p = new Pair(LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(mc), callee);
861             Range r_edge = vCnumbering.getEdge(p);
862             Range r_caller = vCnumbering.getRange(mc.getMethod());
863             if (r_edge == null) {
864                 out.println("Cannot find edge "+p);
865                 return V1cdomain.and(V2cdomain);
866             }
867             BDD context = buildContextMap(V2c[0],
868                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_caller.low),
869                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_caller.high),
870                                           V1c[0],
871                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_edge.low),
872                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_edge.high));
873             return context;
874         } else if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
875             // One-to-one match if call is on 'this' pointer.
876             boolean one_to_one;
877             jq_Method caller = mc.getMethod();
878             jq_Method target = mc.getTargetMethod();
879             if (target.isStatic()) {
880                 one_to_one = caller.isStatic();
881             } else {
882                 Quad q = ((ProgramLocation.QuadProgramLocation) mc).getQuad();
883                 RegisterOperand rop = Invoke.getParam(q, 0);
884                 System.out.println("rop = "+rop);
885                 one_to_one = rop.getType() == caller.getDeclaringClass();
886             }
887             jq_Class c;
888             if (caller.isStatic()) c = null;
889             else c = caller.getDeclaringClass();
890             Range r = (Range) rangeMap.get(c);
891             System.out.println("Method call: "+mc);
892             System.out.println("Range of "+c+" = "+r);
893             BDD V1V2context;
894             if (r == null) {
895                 System.out.println("Warning: when getting VC, "+c+" is not in object creation graph.");
896                 V1V2context = V1cdomain.and(V2cdomain);
897                 return V1V2context;
898             }
899             if (one_to_one) {
900                 int bits = BigInteger.valueOf(r.high.longValue()).bitLength();
901                 V1V2context = V1c[0].buildAdd(V2c[0], bits, 0L);
902                 V1V2context.andWith(V1c[0].varRange(r.low.longValue(), r.high.longValue()));
903             } else {
904                 V1V2context = V1c[0].varRange(r.low.longValue(), r.high.longValue());
905                 V1V2context.andWith(V2c[0].varRange(r.low.longValue(), r.high.longValue()));
906             }
907             return V1V2context;
908         } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT) {
909             throw new Error();
910         } else {
911             return null;
912         }
913     }
915     public static BDD buildContextMap(BDDDomain d1, BigInteger startD1, BigInteger endD1,
916                                       BDDDomain d2, BigInteger startD2, BigInteger endD2) {
917         BDD r;
918         BigInteger sizeD1 = endD1.subtract(startD1);
919         BigInteger sizeD2 = endD2.subtract(startD2);
920         if (sizeD1.signum() == -1) {
921             r = d2.varRange(startD2.longValue(), endD2.longValue());
922             r.andWith(d1.ithVar(0));
923         } else if (sizeD2.signum() == -1) {
924             r = d1.varRange(startD1.longValue(), endD1.longValue());
925             r.andWith(d2.ithVar(0));
926         } else {
927             int bits;
928             if (endD1.compareTo(endD2) >= 0) { // >=
929                 bits = endD1.bitLength();
930             } else {
931                 bits = endD2.bitLength();
932             }
933             long val = startD2.subtract(startD1).longValue();
934             r = d1.buildAdd(d2, bits, val);
935             if (sizeD2.compareTo(sizeD1) >= 0) { // >=
936                 // D2 is bigger, or they are equal.
937                 r.andWith(d1.varRange(startD1.longValue(), endD1.longValue()));
938             } else {
939                 // D1 is bigger.
940                 r.andWith(d2.varRange(startD2.longValue(), endD2.longValue()));
941             }
942         }
943         return r;
944     }
946     public boolean alreadyVisited(jq_Method m) {
947         int M_i = Mmap.get(m);
948         BDD M_bdd = M.ithVar(M_i);
949         M_bdd.andWith(;
950         boolean result = !M_bdd.isZero();
952         return result;
953     }
955     int opn;
957     ConcreteTypeNode addPlaceholderObject(jq_Type type, int depth, ProgramLocation.PlaceholderParameterProgramLocation location) {
958         ConcreteTypeNode h = ConcreteTypeNode.get(type, location, new Integer(++opn));
959         if(TRACE_PLACEHOLDERS) System.out.println("Initializing " + location.getLocationLabel() + " of type " + type + " at depth " + depth);
960         if (depth > 0) {
961             if (type.isClassType()) {
962                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class) type;
963                 c.prepare();
964                 jq_InstanceField[] fields = c.getInstanceFields();
965                 for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
966                     jq_Type ft = fields[i].getType(); 
967                     if (ft.isReferenceType() && !ft.isAddressType()) {
968                         Node h2 = addPlaceholderObject((jq_Reference) ft, depth-1, 
969                             new ProgramLocation.PlaceholderParameterProgramLocation(location, "." + fields[i].getName()));
970                         int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
971                         int F_i = Fmap.get(fields[i]);
972                         int H2_i = Hmap.get(h2);
973                         addToHP(H_i, F_i, H2_i);
974                     }
975                 }
976             } else if (type.isArrayType()) {
977                 jq_Type at = ((jq_Array) type).getElementType();
978                 if (at.isReferenceType() && !at.isAddressType()) {
979                     Node h2 = addPlaceholderObject((jq_Reference) at, depth-1, 
980                         new ProgramLocation.PlaceholderParameterProgramLocation(location, "[]"));
981                     int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
982                     int F_i = Fmap.get(null);
983                     int H2_i = Hmap.get(h2);
984                     addToHP(H_i, F_i, H2_i);
985                 }
986             }
987         }
988         return h;
989     }
991     public void addPlaceholdersForParams(jq_Method m, int depth) {
992         if (m.getBytecode() == null) return;
993         PrimitiveMethodSummary ms = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(m);
994         opn = 1;
995         for (int i = 0; i < ms.getNumOfParams(); ++i) {
996             ParamNode pn = ms.getParamNode(i);
997             if (pn == null) continue;
999             ConcreteTypeNode h = addPlaceholderObject(pn.getDeclaredType(), depth-1, 
1000                 new ProgramLocation.PlaceholderParameterProgramLocation(m, "param#" + i));
1001             int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
1002             addToVP(pn, H_i);
1003             if(TRACE_PLACEHOLDERS) System.out.println("Placeholder object for "+pn+": "+h);
1004         }
1005     }
1007     public void visitMethod(jq_Method m) {
1008         if (alreadyVisited(m)) return;
1009         if (VerifyAssertions && cg != null)
1010             Assert._assert(cg.getAllMethods().contains(m), m.toString());
1011         PrimitivePAMethodSummary s = new PrimitivePAMethodSummary(this, m);
1012         if (VerifyAssertions) Assert._assert(newMethodSummaries.get(m) == s);
1013     }
1015     public void addAllMethods() {
1016         if (DUMP_FLY) return;
1017         for (Iterator i = newMethodSummaries.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
1018             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
1019             jq_Method m = (jq_Method) e.getKey();
1020             PrimitivePAMethodSummary s = (PrimitivePAMethodSummary) e.getValue();
1021             BDD V1V2context = getV1V2Context(m);
1022             BDD V1H1context = getV1H1Context(m);
1023             s.registerRelations(V1V2context, V1H1context);
1024             if (V1V2context != null);
1025             if (V1H1context != null);
1026   ;
1027             i.remove();
1028         }
1029     }
1031     Map rangeMap;
1033     public BDD getV1V2Context(jq_Method m) {
1034         if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) {
1035             BDD b = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(m);
1036             BDD c = b.replace(V1ctoV2c);
1037             return c.andWith(;
1038         } else if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
1039             Range r = vCnumbering.getRange(m);
1040             if (r == null) {
1041                 System.out.println("Warning: "+m+" is not in the call graph. The call graph might not match the code.");
1042                 return;
1043             }
1044             int bits = BigInteger.valueOf(r.high.longValue()).bitLength();
1045             if (TRACE_CONTEXT) out.println("Range to "+m+" = "+r+" ("+bits+" bits)");
1046             BDD V1V2context = V1c[0].buildAdd(V2c[0], bits, 0L);
1047             V1V2context.andWith(V1c[0].varRange(r.low.longValue(), r.high.longValue()));
1048             return V1V2context;
1049         } else if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
1050             jq_Class c;
1051             if (m.isStatic()) c = null;
1052             else c = m.getDeclaringClass();
1053             Range r = (Range) rangeMap.get(c);
1054             if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Range to "+c+" = "+r);
1055             BDD V1V2context;
1056             if (r == null) {
1057                 System.out.println("Warning: when getting V1V2, "+c+" is not in object creation graph!  Assuming global only.");
1058                 V1V2context = V1c[0].ithVar(0);
1059                 V1V2context.andWith(V2c[0].ithVar(0));
1060                 return V1V2context;
1061             }
1062             int bits = BigInteger.valueOf(r.high.longValue()).bitLength();
1063             V1V2context = V1c[0].buildAdd(V2c[0], bits, 0L);
1064             V1V2context.andWith(V1c[0].varRange(r.low.longValue(), r.high.longValue()));
1065             return V1V2context;
1066         } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT && false) {
1067             BDD V1V2context =;
1068             for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARAMS; ++i) {
1069                 V1V2context.andWith(V1c[i].buildEquals(V2c[i]));
1070             }
1071             return V1V2context;
1072         } else {
1073             return null;
1074         }
1075     }
1077     public void visitGlobalNode(Node node) {
1078         if (TRACE) out.println("Visiting node "+node);
1080         int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
1081         BDD V_bdd = V1.ithVar(V_i);
1083         if (VerifyAssertions)
1084             Assert._assert(node instanceof ConcreteObjectNode ||
1085                            node instanceof UnknownTypeNode ||
1086                            node == GlobalNode.GLOBAL);
1087         addToVP(V_bdd, node);
1089         for (Iterator j = node.getAllEdges().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
1090             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
1091             jq_Field f = (jq_Field) e.getKey();
1092             Collection c;
1093             if (e.getValue() instanceof Collection)
1094                 c = (Collection) e.getValue();
1095             else
1096                 c = Collections.singleton(e.getValue());
1097             addToS(V_bdd, f, c);
1098         }
1100         if (VerifyAssertions)
1101             Assert._assert(!node.hasAccessPathEdges());
1102     }
1104     public boolean isNullConstant(Node node) {
1105         if (node instanceof ConcreteTypeNode || node instanceof ConcreteObjectNode) {
1106             jq_Type type = node.getDeclaredType();
1107             if (type == null || type == jq_NullType.NULL_TYPE) {
1108                 if (TRACE) out.println("Skipping null constant");
1109                 return true;
1110             }
1111         }
1112         return false;
1113     }
1115     void addToVT(int V_i, jq_Type type) {
1116         BDD bdd1 = V1.ithVar(V_i);
1117         int T_i = Tmap.get(type);
1118         bdd1.andWith(T1.ithVar(T_i));
1119         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to vT: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
1120         vT.orWith(bdd1);
1121     }
1123     void addToHT(int H_i, jq_Type type) {
1124         /*Node n = (Node) Hmap.get(H_i);
1125         if(!INCLUDE_UNKNOWN_TYPES && n instanceof UnknownTypeNode){
1126             System.out.println("Skipped " + n);
1127             return;            
1128         }*/
1129         int T_i = Tmap.get(type);
1130         BDD T_bdd = T2.ithVar(T_i);
1131         addToHT(H_i, T_bdd);
1133     }
1135     void addToHT(int H_i, BDD T_bdd) {
1136         BDD bdd1 = H1.ithVar(H_i);
1137         bdd1.andWith(;
1138         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to hT: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
1139         hT.orWith(bdd1);
1140     }
1142     void addToAT(BDD T1_bdd, int T2_i) {
1143         BDD bdd1 = T2.ithVar(T2_i);
1144         bdd1.andWith(;
1145         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to aT: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
1146         aT.orWith(bdd1);
1147     }
1149     void addToFC(BDD T2_bdd, int F_i) {
1150         BDD bdd1 = F.ithVar(F_i);
1151         bdd1.andWith(;
1152         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to fC: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains(TS));
1153         fC.orWith(bdd1);
1154     }
1156     void addToFT(BDD F_bdd, BDD T2_bdd) {
1157         BDD bdd1 = F_bdd.and(T2_bdd);
1158         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to fT: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains(TS));
1159         fT.orWith(bdd1);
1160     }
1162     void addToCHA(BDD T_bdd, int N_i, jq_Method m) {
1163         BDD bdd1 = N.ithVar(N_i);
1164         int M_i = Mmap.get(m);
1165         bdd1.andWith(M.ithVar(M_i));
1166         bdd1.andWith(;
1167         if (TRACE_RELATIONS) out.println("Adding to cha: "+bdd1.toStringWithDomains());
1168         cha.orWith(bdd1);
1169     }
1171     jq_Class object_class = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangObject();
1172     jq_Method javaLangObject_clone;
1173     {
1174         object_class.prepare();
1175         javaLangObject_clone = object_class.getDeclaredInstanceMethod(new jq_NameAndDesc("clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"));
1176     }
1178     jq_Class class_class = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangClass();
1179     jq_Method javaLangClass_newInstance;
1180     {
1181         class_class.prepare();
1182         javaLangClass_newInstance = class_class.getDeclaredInstanceMethod(new jq_NameAndDesc("newInstance", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"));
1183         Assert._assert(javaLangClass_newInstance != null);
1184     }
1186     jq_Class cloneable_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/Cloneable;");
1187     jq_Class throwable_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThrowable();
1188     public static String fakeCloneName = "fake$clone";
1189     jq_Method javaLangObject_fakeclone = jq_FakeInstanceMethod.fakeMethod(object_class, 
1190         fakeCloneName, "()Ljava/lang/Object;");
1192     private jq_Method fakeCloneIfNeeded(jq_Type t) {
1193         jq_Method m = javaLangObject_clone;
1194         if (t instanceof jq_Class) {
1195             jq_Class c = (jq_Class)t;
1196             if (!c.isInterface() && c.implementsInterface(cloneable_class)) {
1197                 m = jq_FakeInstanceMethod.fakeMethod(c, MethodSummary.fakeCloneName, "()"+t.getDesc());
1198                 boolean mustvisit = (cg != null) ? cg.getAllMethods().contains(m) : true;
1199                 if (mustvisit)
1200                     visitMethod(m);
1201             }
1202         }
1203         // TODO: handle cloning of arrays
1204         return m;
1205     }
1207     int last_V = 0;
1208     int last_H = 0;
1209     int last_T = 0;
1210     int last_N = 0;
1211     int last_F = 0;
1213     private static BogusSummaryProvider bogusSummaryProvider = null;
1215     public static BogusSummaryProvider getBogusSummaryProvider() {
1216         if(bogusSummaryProvider == null) {
1217             bogusSummaryProvider = new BogusSummaryProvider();
1218         }
1220         return bogusSummaryProvider;
1221     }
1223     public void buildTypes() {
1224         // build up 'vT'
1225         int Vsize = Vmap.size();
1226         for (int V_i = last_V; V_i < Vsize; ++V_i) {
1227             Node n = (Node) Vmap.get(V_i);
1228             jq_Type type = n.getDeclaredType();
1229             if (type != null) type.prepare();
1230             addToVT(V_i, type);
1231         }
1233         // build up 'hT', 'NNfilter', and identify clinit, thread run, finalizers.
1234         if (!FILTER_NULL && NNfilter == null) NNfilter =;
1235         int Hsize = Hmap.size();
1236         for (int H_i = last_H; H_i < Hsize; ++H_i) {
1237             Node n = (Node) Hmap.get(H_i);
1239             if (!FILTER_NULL && !isNullConstant(n))
1240                 NNfilter.orWith(H1.ithVar(H_i));
1242             jq_Type type = n.getDeclaredType();
1243             if (type != null) {
1244                 type.prepare();
1245                 if (n instanceof ConcreteTypeNode && type instanceof jq_Class) {
1246                     addClassInitializer((jq_Class) type);
1247                     addFinalizer((jq_Class) type, n);
1248                 }
1249                 if (ADD_THREADS && type != jq_NullType.NULL_TYPE &&
1250                     (type.isSubtypeOf(PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThread()) ||
1251                      type.isSubtypeOf(PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/Runnable;")))) {
1252                     addThreadRun(n.getDefiningMethod(), n, (jq_Class) type);
1253                 }
1254             }
1255             if (!INCLUDE_UNKNOWN_TYPES && (n instanceof UnknownTypeNode) ) {
1256                 if(TRACE) out.println("Skipping unknown type node: " + n);
1257                 continue;                
1258             }
1259             addToHT(H_i, type);
1260         }
1262         if (ADD_SUPERTYPES) {
1263             for (int T_i = 0; T_i < Tmap.size(); ++T_i) {
1264                 jq_Type t1 = (jq_Type) Tmap.get(T_i);                
1265                 if (t1 == null || t1 instanceof jq_NullType) continue;
1266                 t1.prepare();
1268                 if(t1 instanceof jq_Reference) {
1269                     jq_Reference t0 = (jq_Reference) t1;
1270                     jq_Reference t2 = t0.getDirectPrimarySupertype();
1271                     if (t2 != null) {
1272                         t2.prepare();
1273                         Tmap.get(t2);
1274                     }
1275                     jq_Class[] c = t0.getInterfaces();
1276                     for (int i = 0; i < c.length; ++i) {
1277                         Tmap.get(c[i]);
1278                     }
1279                 }
1280             }
1281         }
1283         int Fsize = Fmap.size();
1284         int Tsize = Tmap.size();
1285         // build up 'aT'
1286         for (int T1_i = 0; T1_i < Tsize; ++T1_i) {
1287             jq_Type t1 = (jq_Type) Tmap.get(T1_i);
1288             int start = (T1_i < last_T)?last_T:0;
1289             BDD T1_bdd = T1.ithVar(T1_i);
1290             for (int T2_i = start; T2_i < Tsize; ++T2_i) {
1291                 jq_Type t2 = (jq_Type) Tmap.get(T2_i);
1292                 if (t2 == null || (t1 != null && t2.isSubtypeOf(t1))) {
1293                     addToAT(T1_bdd, T2_i);
1294                 }
1295             }
1296             if (FILTER_HP) {
1297                 BDD T2_bdd = T2.ithVar(T1_i);
1298                 if (T1_i >= last_T && t1 == null) {
1299                     BDD Fdom = F.domain();
1300                     addToFT(Fdom, T2_bdd);
1301           ;
1302                 }
1303                 int start2 = (T1_i < last_T)?last_F:0;
1304                 for (int F_i = start2; F_i < Fsize; ++F_i) {
1305                     jq_Field f = (jq_Field) Fmap.get(F_i);
1306                     if (f != null) {
1307                         f.getDeclaringClass().prepare();
1308                         f.getType().prepare();
1309                     }
1310                     BDD F_bdd = F.ithVar(F_i);
1311                     if ((t1 == null && f != null && f.isStatic()) ||
1312                         (t1 != null && ((f == null && t1 instanceof jq_Array && ((jq_Array) t1).getElementType().isReferenceType()) ||
1313                                         (f != null && t1.isSubtypeOf(f.getDeclaringClass()))))) {
1314                         addToFC(T2_bdd, F_i);
1315                     }
1316                     if (f != null && t1 != null && t1.isSubtypeOf(f.getType())) {
1317                         addToFT(F_bdd, T2_bdd);
1318                     }
1319                 }
1320       ;
1321             }
1322   ;
1323         }
1325         // add types for UnknownTypeNodes to 'hT'
1326         if (INCLUDE_UNKNOWN_TYPES) {
1327             for (int H_i = last_H; H_i < Hsize; ++H_i) {
1328                 Node n = (Node) Hmap.get(H_i);
1329                 if (!(n instanceof UnknownTypeNode))
1330                     continue;
1331                 jq_Type type = n.getDeclaredType();
1332                 if (type == null)
1333                     continue;
1334                 if (!INCLUDE_ALL_UNKNOWN_TYPES && (type == object_class || type == throwable_class || type == class_class)) {
1335                     System.out.println("warning: excluding UnknownTypeNode "+type.getName()+"* from hT: H1("+H_i+")");
1336                 } else {
1337                     // conservatively say that it can be any known subtype.
1338                     BDD T_i = T1.ithVar(Tmap.get(type));
1339                     BDD Tsub = aT.relprod(T_i, T1set);
1340                     addToHT(H_i, Tsub);
1341           ;
1342           ;
1343                 }
1344             }
1345         }
1347         // make type filters
1348         if (FILTER_VP) {
1349             if (vPfilter != null);
1350             BDD t1 = vT.relprod(aT, T1set); // V1xT1 x T1xT2 = V1xT2
1351             vPfilter = t1.relprod(hT, T2set); // V1xT2 x H1xT2 = V1xH1
1352   ;
1353         }
1355         if (FILTER_HP) {
1356             for (int F_i = last_F; F_i < Fsize; ++F_i) {
1357                 jq_Field f = (jq_Field) Fmap.get(F_i);
1358                 if (f == null) {
1359                     BDD F_bdd = F.ithVar(F_i);
1360                     BDD T2dom = T2.domain();
1361                     addToFT(F_bdd, T2dom);
1362           ;
1363           ;
1364                 }
1365             }
1366             if (hPfilter != null);
1367             BDD t1 = hT.relprod(fC, T2set); // H1xT2 x FxT2 = H1xF
1368             hPfilter = hT.relprod(fT, T2set); // H1xT2 x FxT2 = H1xF
1369             hPfilter.replaceWith(H1toH2); // H2xF
1370             hPfilter.andWith(t1); // H1xFxH2
1371         }
1373         // build up 'cha'
1374         int Nsize = Nmap.size();
1375         for (int T_i = 0; T_i < Tsize; ++T_i) {
1376             jq_Type t = (jq_Type) Tmap.get(T_i);
1377             BDD T_bdd = T2.ithVar(T_i);
1378             int start = (T_i < last_T)?last_N:0;
1379             for (int N_i = start; N_i < Nsize; ++N_i) {
1380                 jq_Method n = (jq_Method) Nmap.get(N_i);
1381                 if (n == null) continue;
1382                 n.getDeclaringClass().prepare();
1383                 jq_Method m;
1384                 if (n.isStatic()) {
1385                     if (t != null) continue;
1386                     m = n;
1387                 } else {
1388                     if (t == null || t == jq_NullType.NULL_TYPE || !t.isSubtypeOf(n.getDeclaringClass())) {
1389                         continue;
1390                     }
1391                     m = ((jq_Reference)t).getVirtualMethod(n.getNameAndDesc());
1392                 }
1393                 if ((m == javaLangObject_clone && t != object_class) || n == javaLangObject_fakeclone) {
1394                     m = fakeCloneIfNeeded(t);                                   // for t.clone()
1395                     addToCHA(T_bdd, Nmap.get(javaLangObject_fakeclone), m);     // for super.clone()
1396                 }
1397                 if (m == null) continue;
1398                 //System.out.println("n = " + n + ", m = " + m);
1400                 if(USE_BOGUS_SUMMARIES && m != null) {
1401                     jq_Method replacement = getBogusSummaryProvider().getReplacementMethod(m);
1402                     if(replacement != null) {
1403                         if(TRACE_BOGUS) System.out.println("Replacing a call to " + m + 
1404                                         " with a call to "+ replacement);
1406                         addToCHA(T_bdd, Nmap.get(replacement), replacement);     // for replacement methods
1407                         continue;
1408                     }                 
1409                 }
1411                 if(USE_REFLECTION_PROVIDER && m != null && ReflectionInformationProvider.isNewInstance(n)){
1412                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.out.println("Found a reflective call to " + m);
1413                     Collection/*<jq_Method>*/ targets = getReflectionProvider().getNewInstanceTargets(n);
1414                     if(targets != null){
1415                         for(Iterator iter = targets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
1416                             jq_Method target = (jq_Method);
1417                             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.out.println(
1418                                 "Adding a call to " + target + " instead of "+ m);
1420                             addToCHA(T_bdd, Nmap.get(target), target);                            
1421                         }
1422                         //continue;
1423                     }else{
1424                         if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.out.println("No reflective targets for a call to " + m);    
1425                     }                    
1426                 }
1429                 // default case
1430                 addToCHA(T_bdd, N_i, m);            
1431             }
1432   ;
1433         }
1434         last_V = Vsize;
1435         last_H = Hsize;
1436         last_T = Tsize;
1437         last_N = Nsize;
1438         last_F = Fsize;
1439         if (Vsize != Vmap.size() ||
1440             Hsize != Hmap.size() ||
1441             Tsize != Tmap.size() ||
1442             Nsize != Nmap.size() ||
1443             Fsize != Fmap.size()) {
1444             if (TRACE) out.println("Elements added, recalculating types...");
1445             buildTypes();
1446         }
1447     }
1448     static ReflectionInformationProvider reflectionInformationProvider = null;
1449     public static ReflectionInformationProvider getReflectionProvider() {
1450         if(reflectionInformationProvider == null){
1451             reflectionInformationProvider = new ReflectionInformationProvider.CribSheetReflectionInformationProvider();            
1452         }
1453         return reflectionInformationProvider;
1454     }
1455     public void addClassInitializer(jq_Class c) {
1456         if (!ADD_CLINIT) return;
1457         jq_Method m = c.getClassInitializer();
1458         if (m != null) {
1459             visitMethod(m);
1460             rootMethods.add(m);
1461         }
1462     }
1464     jq_NameAndDesc finalizer_method = new jq_NameAndDesc("finalize", "()V");
1465     public void addFinalizer(jq_Class c, Node h) {
1466         if (!ADD_FINALIZERS) return;
1467         jq_Method m = c.getVirtualMethod(finalizer_method);
1468         if (m != null && m.getBytecode() != null) {
1469             visitMethod(m);
1470             if (rootMethods.add(m)) {
1471                 // Add placeholder objects for the "this" parameter of the finalizer.
1472                 if (ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS > 0) {
1473                     addPlaceholdersForParams(m, ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS);
1474                 }
1475             }
1476             Node p = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(m).getParamNode(0);
1477             int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
1478             addToVP(p, H_i);
1479         }
1480     }
1482     BDD threadRuns; // vc1,v1,hc1,h1 :  threadrun v1 matches thread object h1
1484     static jq_NameAndDesc main_method = new jq_NameAndDesc("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
1485     static jq_NameAndDesc run_method = new jq_NameAndDesc("run", "()V");
1486     public void addThreadRun(jq_Method caller, Node h, jq_Class c) {
1487         if (!ADD_THREADS) return;
1488         int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
1489         jq_Method m = c.getVirtualMethod(run_method);
1490         if (m != null && m.getBytecode() != null) {
1491             visitMethod(m);
1492             if (rootMethods.add(m)) {
1493                 // Add placeholder objects for the "this" parameter of the run() method.
1494                 if (ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS > 0) {
1495                     addPlaceholdersForParams(m, ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS);
1496                 }
1497             }
1498             Node p = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(m).getParamNode(0);
1499             BDD context = null;
1500             if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) {
1501                 int context_j = getThreadRunIndex(m, h);
1502                 if (context_j == -1) {
1503                     System.out.println("Unknown thread node "+h+" method "+m);
1504                     return;
1505                 }
1506                 BDD hcontext = getV1H1Context(caller).exist(V1cset);
1507                 int V_i = Vmap.get(p);
1508                 System.out.println("Thread "+h+" contexts "+hcontext.toStringWithDomains()+" matches vcontext "+context_j+" "+p);
1509                 hcontext.andWith(V1c[0].ithVar(context_j));
1510                 hcontext.andWith(H1.ithVar(H_i));
1511                 hcontext.andWith(V1.ithVar(V_i));
1512                 threadRuns.orWith(;
1513                 if (!DUMP_INITIAL) vP.orWith(hcontext);
1514             } else if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE && MAX_HC_BITS > 1) {
1515                 int context_i = getThreadRunIndex(m, h);
1516                 int context_j = context_i + vCnumbering.getRange(m).low.intValue();
1517                 System.out.println("Thread "+h+" index "+context_j);
1518                 //context = H1c.ithVar(context_i);
1519                 context =;
1520                 //context.andWith(V1c.ithVar(context_j));
1521                 context.andWith(;
1522                 addToVP(context, p, H_i);
1523       ;
1524             } else {
1525                 addToVP(p, H_i);
1526             }
1527         }
1528     }
1530     public void solvePointsTo() {
1531         if (INCREMENTAL1) {
1532             solvePointsTo_incremental();
1533             return;
1534         }
1536         BDD old_vP;
1537         BDD old_hP =;
1538         for (int outer = 1; ; ++outer) {
1539             for (int inner = 1; ; ++inner) {
1540                 old_vP =;
1542                 // Rule 1
1543                 BDD t1 = vP.replace(V1toV2); // V2xH1
1544                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": rename V1toV2: vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t1.nodeCount());
1545                 BDD t2 = A.relprod(t1, V2set); // V1xV2 x V2xH1 = V1xH1
1546                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": relprod A "+A.nodeCount()+" -> "+t2.nodeCount());
1547       ;
1548                 if (FILTER_VP) t2.andWith(;
1549                 if (FILTER_VP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": and vPfilter "+vPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t2.nodeCount());
1550                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("Inner #"+inner+": or vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1551                 vP.orWith(t2);
1552                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(vP.nodeCount());
1554                 boolean done = vP.equals(old_vP); 
1555       ;
1556                 if (done) break;
1557             }
1559             // Rule 2
1560             BDD t3 = S.relprod(vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1561             if (!FILTER_NULL) t3.andWith(;
1562             BDD t4 = vP.replace(V1H1toV2H2); // V2xH2
1563             BDD t5 = t3.relprod(t4, V2set); // H1xFxV2 x V2xH2 = H1xFxH2
1564   ;;
1565             if (FILTER_HP) t5.andWith(;
1566             hP.orWith(t5);
1568             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+": hP "+hP.nodeCount());
1570             boolean done = hP.equals(old_hP); 
1571   ;
1572             if (done) break;
1573             old_hP =;
1575             // Rule 3
1576             BDD t6 = L.relprod(vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1577             BDD t7 = t6.relprod(hP, H1Fset); // H1xFxV2 x H1xFxH2 = V2xH2
1578   ;
1579             t7.replaceWith(V2H2toV1H1); // V1xH1
1580             if (FILTER_VP) t7.andWith(;
1581             vP.orWith(t7);
1582             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+": vP "+vP.nodeCount());
1583         }
1584     }
1586     BDD old1_A;
1587     BDD old1_S;
1588     BDD old1_L;
1589     BDD old1_vP;
1590     BDD old1_hP;
1592     public void solvePointsTo_incremental() {
1594         // handle new A
1595         BDD new_A = A.apply(old1_A, BDDFactory.diff);
1597         if (!new_A.isZero()) {
1598             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New A: "+new_A.nodeCount());
1599             BDD t1 = vP.replace(V1toV2); // V2xH1
1600             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New A: rename V1toV2: vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t1.nodeCount());
1601             BDD t2 = new_A.relprod(t1, V2set); // V1xV2 x V2xH1 = V1xH1
1602             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New A: relprod new_A "+new_A.nodeCount()+" -> "+t2.nodeCount());
1603   ;;
1604             if (FILTER_VP) t2.andWith(;
1605             if (FILTER_VP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New A: and vPfilter "+vPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t2.nodeCount());
1606             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("New A: or vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1607             vP.orWith(t2);
1608             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(vP.nodeCount());
1609         }
1610         old1_A =;
1612         // handle new S
1613         BDD new_S = S.apply(old1_S, BDDFactory.diff);
1615         if (!new_S.isZero()) {
1616             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New S: "+new_S.nodeCount());
1617             BDD t3 = new_S.relprod(vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1618             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New S: relprod: vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t3.nodeCount());
1619   ;
1620             if (!FILTER_NULL) t3.andWith(;
1621             if (!FILTER_NULL && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New S: and NNfilter "+NNfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t3.nodeCount());
1622             BDD t4 = vP.replace(V1H1toV2H2); // V2xH2
1623             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New S: replace vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t4.nodeCount());
1624             BDD t5 = t3.relprod(t4, V2set); // H1xFxV2 x V2xH2 = H1xFxH2
1625             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New S: relprod -> "+t5.nodeCount());
1626   ;;
1627             if (FILTER_HP) t5.andWith(;
1628             if (FILTER_HP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New S: and hPfilter "+hPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t5.nodeCount());
1629             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("New S: or hP "+hP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1630             hP.orWith(t5);
1631             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(hP.nodeCount());
1632         }
1633         old1_S =;
1635         // handle new L
1636         BDD new_L = L.apply(old1_L, BDDFactory.diff);
1638         if (!new_L.isZero()) {
1639             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New L: "+new_L.nodeCount());
1640             BDD t6 = new_L.relprod(vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1641             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New L: relprod: vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t6.nodeCount());
1642             BDD t7 = t6.relprod(hP, H1Fset); // H1xFxV2 x H1xFxH2 = V2xH2
1643             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New L: relprod: hP "+hP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t7.nodeCount());
1644   ;
1645             t7.replaceWith(V2H2toV1H1); // V1xH1
1646             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New L: replace: "+t7.nodeCount());
1647             if (FILTER_VP) t7.andWith(;
1648             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("New L: or vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1649             vP.orWith(t7);
1650             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(vP.nodeCount());
1651         }
1652         old1_L =;
1654         for (int outer = 1; ; ++outer) {
1655             BDD new_vP_inner = vP.apply(old1_vP, BDDFactory.diff);
1656             int inner;
1657             for (inner = 1; !new_vP_inner.isZero() && inner < 256; ++inner) {
1658                 if (TRACE_SOLVER)
1659                     out.println("Inner #"+inner+": new vP "+new_vP_inner.nodeCount());
1661                 // Rule 1
1662                 BDD t1 = new_vP_inner.replace(V1toV2); // V2xH1
1663                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": rename V1toV2: "+t1.nodeCount());
1664       ;
1665                 BDD t2 = A.relprod(t1, V2set); // V1xV2 x V2xH1 = V1xH1
1666                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": relprod A: "+A.nodeCount()+" -> "+t2.nodeCount());
1667       ;
1668                 if (FILTER_VP) t2.andWith(;
1669                 if (FILTER_VP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": and vPfilter "+vPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t2.nodeCount());
1671                 BDD old_vP_inner =;
1672                 vP.orWith(t2);
1673                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": or vP "+old_vP_inner.nodeCount()+" -> "+vP.nodeCount());
1674                 new_vP_inner = vP.apply(old_vP_inner, BDDFactory.diff);
1675                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Inner #"+inner+": diff vP -> "+new_vP_inner.nodeCount());
1676       ;
1677             }
1679             BDD new_vP = vP.apply(old1_vP, BDDFactory.diff);
1680             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+": diff vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" - "+old1_vP.nodeCount()+" = "+new_vP.nodeCount());
1681   ;
1683             {
1684                 // Rule 2
1685                 BDD t3 = S.relprod(new_vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1686                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S: relprod "+S.nodeCount()+" -> "+t3.nodeCount());
1687                 if (!FILTER_NULL) t3.andWith(;
1688                 if (!FILTER_NULL && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S: and NNfilter "+NNfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t3.nodeCount());
1689                 BDD t4 = vP.replace(V1H1toV2H2); // V2xH2
1690                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S: replace "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t4.nodeCount());
1691                 BDD t5 = t3.relprod(t4, V2set); // H1xFxV2 x V2xH2 = H1xFxH2
1692                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S: relprod -> "+t5.nodeCount());
1693       ;;
1694                 if (FILTER_HP) t5.andWith(;
1695                 if (FILTER_HP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S: and hPfilter "+hPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t5.nodeCount());
1696                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("Outer #"+outer+" S: or hP "+hP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1697                 hP.orWith(t5);
1698                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(hP.nodeCount());
1699             }
1700             {
1701                 // Rule 2
1702                 BDD t3 = S.relprod(vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1703                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S': relprod "+S.nodeCount()+", "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t3.nodeCount());
1704                 if (!FILTER_NULL) t3.andWith(;
1705                 if (!FILTER_NULL && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S': and NNfilter "+NNfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t3.nodeCount());
1706                 BDD t4 = new_vP.replace(V1H1toV2H2); // V2xH2
1707                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S': replace "+new_vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t4.nodeCount());
1708                 BDD t5 = t3.relprod(t4, V2set); // H1xFxV2 x V2xH2 = H1xFxH2
1709                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S': relprod -> "+t5.nodeCount());
1710       ;;
1711                 if (FILTER_HP) t5.andWith(;
1712                 if (FILTER_HP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" S': and hPfilter "+hPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t5.nodeCount());
1713                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("Outer #"+outer+" S': or hP "+hP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1714                 hP.orWith(t5);
1715                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(hP.nodeCount());
1716             }
1718             old1_vP =;
1720             BDD new_hP = hP.apply(old1_hP, BDDFactory.diff);
1721             if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+": diff hP "+hP.nodeCount()+" - "+old1_hP.nodeCount()+" = "+new_hP.nodeCount());
1722             if (new_hP.isZero() && new_vP.isZero() && inner < 256) break;
1723             old1_hP =;
1725             {
1726                 // Rule 3
1727                 BDD t6 = L.relprod(new_vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1728                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L: relprod "+L.nodeCount()+", "+new_vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t6.nodeCount());
1729                 BDD t7 = t6.relprod(hP, H1Fset); // H1xFxV2 x H1xFxH2 = V2xH2
1730                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L: relprod "+hP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t7.nodeCount());
1731       ;
1732                 t7.replaceWith(V2H2toV1H1); // V1xH1
1733                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L: replace "+t7.nodeCount());
1734                 if (FILTER_VP) t7.andWith(;
1735                 if (FILTER_VP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L: and vPfilter "+vPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t7.nodeCount());
1736                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("Outer #"+outer+" L: or vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1737                 vP.orWith(t7);
1738                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(vP.nodeCount());
1739             }
1740             {
1741                 // Rule 3
1742                 BDD t6 = L.relprod(vP, V1set); // V1xFxV2 x V1xH1 = H1xFxV2
1743                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L': relprod "+L.nodeCount()+", "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t6.nodeCount());
1744                 BDD t7 = t6.relprod(new_hP, H1Fset); // H1xFxV2 x H1xFxH2 = V2xH2
1745                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L': relprod "+new_hP.nodeCount()+" -> "+t7.nodeCount());
1746       ;
1747                 t7.replaceWith(V2H2toV1H1); // V1xH1
1748                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L': replace "+t7.nodeCount());
1749                 if (FILTER_VP) t7.andWith(;
1750                 if (FILTER_VP && TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Outer #"+outer+" L': and vPfilter "+vPfilter.nodeCount()+" -> "+t7.nodeCount());
1751                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.print("Outer #"+outer+" L': or vP "+vP.nodeCount()+" -> ");
1752                 vP.orWith(t7);
1753                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println(vP.nodeCount());
1754             }
1755         }
1756     }
1758     public void dumpWithV1c(BDD z, BDDVarSet set) {
1759         BDD a = z.exist(V1cset);
1760         for (Iterator i = a.iterator(set); i.hasNext(); ) {
1761             BDD b = (BDD);
1762             System.out.println(b.toStringWithDomains(TS));
1763             b.andWith(;
1764             BDD c = b.exist(set);
1765             if (c.isOne()) {
1766                 System.out.println("    under all contexts");
1767             } else {
1768                 System.out.print("    under context ");
1769                 Assert._assert(!c.isZero());
1770                 for (int j = 0; j < V1csets.length; ++j) {
1771                     BDD d =;
1772                     for (int k = 0; k < V1csets.length; ++k) {
1773                         if (k == j) continue;
1774                         BDD e = d.exist(V1csets[k]);
1775               ;
1776                         d = e;
1777                     }
1778                     if (d.isOne()) System.out.print("*");
1779                     else if (d.isZero()) System.out.print("0");
1780                     else if (d.satCount(V1csets[j]) > 10) System.out.print("many");
1781                     else for (Iterator k = d.iterator(V1csets[j]); k.hasNext(); ) {
1782                         BDD e = (BDD);
1783                         BigInteger v = e.scanVar(V1c[j]);
1784                         BigInteger mask = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(H_BITS).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
1785                         BigInteger val = v.and(mask);
1786                         if (val.signum() != 0) System.out.print(TS.elementName(H1.getIndex(), val));
1787                         else System.out.print('_');
1788                         if (k.hasNext()) System.out.print(',');
1789                     }
1790                     if (j < MAX_PARAMS-1) System.out.print("|");
1791                 }
1792                 System.out.println();
1793             }
1794         }
1795     }
1797     public void dumpIEcs() {
1798         for (Iterator i = IEcs.iterator(Iset); i.hasNext(); ) {
1799             BDD q = (BDD); // V2cxIxV1cxM
1800             BigInteger I_i = q.scanVar(I);
1801             System.out.println("Invocation site "+TS.elementName(I.getIndex(), I_i));
1802             BDD a = q.exist(IMset.union(V1cset)); // V2c
1803             Iterator k = null;
1804             boolean bool1;
1805             if (a.isOne()) {
1806                 System.out.println("    under all contexts");
1807                 bool1 = true;
1808             } else if (a.satCount(V2cset) > 16) {
1809                 System.out.println("    under many contexts");
1810                 bool1 = true;
1811             } else {
1812                 k = q.iterator(V2cset);
1813                 bool1 = false;
1814             }
1815             if (bool1) k = Collections.singleton(q).iterator();
1817             for ( ; k.hasNext(); ) {
1818                 BDD s = (BDD); // V2cxIxV1cxM
1819                 if (!bool1) {
1820                     System.out.println("    under context "+s.exist(IMset.union(V1cset)).toStringWithDomains(TS));
1821                 }
1822                 for (Iterator j = s.iterator(Mset); j.hasNext(); ) {
1823                     BDD r = (BDD); // V2cxIxV1cxM
1824                     BigInteger M_i = r.scanVar(M);
1825                     System.out.println(" calls "+TS.elementName(M.getIndex(), M_i));
1826                     BDD b = r.exist(IMset.union(V2cset));
1827                     if (b.isOne()) {
1828                         System.out.println("        all contexts");
1829                     } else if (b.satCount(V1cset) > 16) {
1830                         System.out.println("        many contexts");
1831                     } else {
1832                         for (Iterator m = r.iterator(V1cset); m.hasNext(); ) {
1833                             BDD t = (BDD);
1834                             System.out.println("        context "+t.exist(IMset.union(V2cset)).toStringWithDomains(TS));
1835                         }
1836                     }
1837                 }
1838             }
1839         }
1840     }
1842     public void dumpVP(BDD my_vP) {
1843         for (Iterator i = my_vP.iterator(V1.set()); i.hasNext(); ) {
1844             BDD q = (BDD);
1845             BigInteger V_i = q.scanVar(V1);
1846             System.out.println("Variable "+TS.elementName(V1.getIndex(), V_i)+" points to:");
1847             for (Iterator j = q.iterator(H1.set()); j.hasNext(); ) {
1848                 BDD r = (BDD);
1849                 BigInteger H_i = r.scanVar(H1);
1850                 System.out.println("  "+TS.elementName(H1.getIndex(), H_i));
1851                 if (USE_VCONTEXT) {
1852                     BDD a = r.exist(V1.set().union(H1set));
1853                     if (a.isOne()) {
1854                         System.out.println("    under all contexts");
1855                     } else {
1856                         System.out.print("    under context ");
1857                         for (int m = 0; m < MAX_PARAMS; ++m) {
1858                             if (m > 0) System.out.print("|");
1859                             BDD b =;
1860                             for (int k = 0; k < V1csets.length; ++k) {
1861                                 if (k == m) continue;
1862                                 BDD c = b.exist(V1csets[k]);
1863                       ;
1864                                 b = c;
1865                             }
1866                             if (b.isOne()) {
1867                                 System.out.print("*");
1868                             } else if (b.satCount(V1csets[m]) > 100) {
1869                                 System.out.print("many");
1870                             } else for (Iterator k = b.iterator(V1csets[m]); k.hasNext(); ) {
1871                                 BDD s = (BDD);
1872                                 BigInteger foo = s.scanVar(V1c[m]);
1873                                 System.out.print(TS.elementName(H1.getIndex(), foo));
1874                                 if (k.hasNext()) System.out.print(",");
1875                             }
1876                         }
1877                         System.out.println();
1878                     }
1879                 }
1880             }
1881         }
1882     }
1884     // t1 = actual x (z=0)
1885     // t3 = t1 x mI
1886     // t4 = t3 x vP
1887     // t5 = t4 x hT
1888     // t6 = t5 x cha
1889     // IE |= t6
1890     /*** Uses points-to information to bind virtual call sites.  (Adds to IE/IEcs.) */
1891     public void bindInvocations() {
1892         if (INCREMENTAL3 && !OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
1893             bindInvocations_incremental();
1894             return;
1895         }
1896         BDD t1 = actual.restrict(Z.ithVar(0)); // IxV2
1897         if (USE_VCONTEXT) t1.andWith(; // IxV2cxV2
1898         t1.replaceWith(V2toV1);
1899         BDD t3 = t1.relprod(mI, Mset); // IxV1cxV1 & MxIxN = IxV1cxV1xN
1901         BDD t4;
1902         if (CS_CALLGRAPH) {
1903             // We keep track of where a call goes under different contexts.
1904             t4 = t3.relprod(vP, V1.set()); // IxV1cxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxH1xN
1905         } else {
1906             // By quantifying out V1c, we merge all contexts.
1907             t4 = t3.relprod(vP, V1set); // IxV1cxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = IxH1cxH1xN
1908         }
1909 // 9%
1910         BDD t5 = t4.relprod(hT, H1set); // (V1cx)IxH1cxH1xN x H1xT2 = (V1cx)IxT2xN
1912         BDD t6 = t5.relprod(cha, T2Nset); // (V1cx)IxT2xN x T2xNxM = (V1cx)IxM
1915         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Call graph edges before: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
1916         if (CS_CALLGRAPH) {
1917             IE.orWith(t6.exist(V1cset));
1918         }else {
1919             IE.orWith(;
1920         }
1921         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
1924             // Add the context for the new call graph edges.
1925             if (CS_CALLGRAPH) t6.replaceWith(V1ctoV2c); // V2cxIxM
1926             t6.andWith(; // V2cxIxV1cxM
1927             IEcs.orWith(;
1928         } else if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
1929             // Add the context for the new edges.
1930             t4 = t3.relprod(vP, V1.set()); // IxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxH1xN
1931             t5 = t4.relprod(hT, H1.set()); // V1cxIxH1cxH1xN x H1xT2 = V1cxIxH1cxT2xN
1932   ;
1933             BDD t7 = t5.relprod(cha, T2Nset); // V1cxIxH1cxT2xN x T2xNxM = V1cxIxH1cxM
1934   ;
1935             t7.replaceWith(V1cH1ctoV2cV1c); // V2cxIxV1cxM
1936             IEcs.orWith(t7);
1938             // Add the context for statically-bound call edges.
1939             BDD t8 = staticCalls.relprod(vP, V1.set().union(H1.set())); // V1xIxM x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxM
1940             t8.replaceWith(V1cH1ctoV2cV1c); // V2cxIxV1cxM
1941             IEcs.orWith(t8);
1942         } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT) {
1943             // t6 |= statics
1944             // for (i=0..k)
1945             //     t8 = actual x (z=i)
1946             //     t9 = t8 x vP
1947             //     context &= t9
1948             //     t9 &= V1cH1equals[i]
1949             //     tb = t9 x t6
1950             //     tc = tb x formal_i
1951             //     newPt |= tc
1952             // newPt2 = newPt x context
1953             // newPt2 &= vPfilter
1954             // vP |= newPt2
1955             // context &= t6
1956             // IEcs |= context
1958             // Add all statically-bound calls to t6.
1959             // They are true under all contexts.
1960             BDD statics = staticCalls.exist(V1.set()); // IxM
1961             if (CS_CALLGRAPH) statics.andWith(; // V1cxIxM
1962             t6.orWith(statics); // V1cxIxM | V1cxIxM = V1cxIxM
1964             // Edges in the call graph.  Invocation I under context V2c has target method M.
1965             if (CS_CALLGRAPH) t6.replaceWith(V1ctoV2c); // V2cxIxM
1966             // The context for the new cg edges are based on the points-to set of every parameter.
1967             BDD context =;
1968             // We need to add points-to relations for each of the actual parameters.
1969             BDD newPt =;
1970             for (int i = MAX_PARAMS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1971                 if (TRACE_BIND) System.out.println("Param "+i+":");
1972                 BDD t8 = actual.restrict(Z.ithVar(i)).and(V2cdomain); // IxV2
1973                 t8.replaceWith(V2toV1); // IxV1
1974                 if (TRACE_BIND) System.out.println("t8 = "+t8.toStringWithDomains());
1975                 BDD t9 = t8.relprod(vP, V1.set()); // IxV1 x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxH1
1976                 if (TRACE_BIND) {
1977                     System.out.println("t9 =");
1978                     dumpWithV1c(t9, Iset.union(H1set));
1979                 }
1980       ;
1982                 t9.replaceWith(V1ctoV2c); // V2cxIxH1cxH1
1983                 BDD ta = t9.replace(H1toV1c[i]); // V2cxIxV1c[i]
1984                 // Invocation I under context V2c leads to context V1c
1985 // 20%
1986                 context.andWith(ta); // V2cxIxV1c[i]
1988                 // Calculate new points-to relations for this actual parameter.
1989                 t9.andWith(V1cH1equals[i].id()); // V2cxIxV1c[i]xH1cxH1
1990                 BDD tb = t9.relprod(t6, V2cset); // V2cxIxV1c[i]xH1cxH1 x (V2cx)IxM = IxV1c[i]xMxH1cxH1
1991       ;
1992                 BDD formal_i = formal.restrict(Z.ithVar(i)); // MxV1
1993                 BDD tc = tb.relprod(formal_i, Mset); // IxV1c[i]xMxH1cxH1 x MxV1 = IxV1c[i]xV1xH1cxH1
1994       ;;
1995                 for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PARAMS; ++j) {
1996                     if (i == j) continue;
1997                     tc.andWith(V1c[j].domain());
1998                 }
1999                 if (TRACE_BIND) dumpVP(tc.exist(Iset));
2000                 newPt.orWith(tc);
2001             }
2003             // Now, filter out unrealizables.
2004             // IxV1c[i]xV1xH1cxH1 x V2cxIxV1c[i] = V1cxV1xH1cxH1
2005 // 13%
2006             BDD newPt2 = newPt.relprod(context, V2cset.union(Iset));
2007   ;
2008             if (TRACE_BIND) dumpVP(newPt2);
2010             if (FILTER_VP) newPt2.andWith(;
2011             vP.orWith(newPt2);
2013             context.andWith(; // V2cxIxV1c[k]xM
2014             if (TRACE_BIND) System.out.println("context = "+context.toStringWithDomains());
2015             IEcs.orWith(context);
2016         }
2019     }
2021     Map missingClasses    = new HashMap();
2022     Map missingConst      = new HashMap();
2023     Map noConstrClasses   = new HashMap();
2024     Map cantCastTypes     = new HashMap();
2025     Map circularClasses   = new HashMap();
2026     Map wellFormedClasses = new HashMap();
2027     Set unresolvedCalls   = new HashSet();
2028     // currently resolved reflective calls, used for iterative computation
2029     BDD reflectiveCalls;                            // IxM 
2031     public String getBDDDomains(BDD r) {
2032         if (r.isZero() || r.isOne()) return "[]";
2034         BDDFactory bdd = r.getFactory();
2035         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
2036         int[] set = new int[bdd.varNum()];
2037         printed = 0;
2038         fdd_printset_rec(bdd, sb, r, set);
2039         return sb.toString();
2040     }
2041     private static int printed = 0;
2043     private PrimitiveSubtypeHelper _subtypeHelper;
2044     private static void fdd_printset_rec(BDDFactory bdd, StringBuffer sb, BDD r, int[] set) {
2045         int fdvarnum = bdd.numberOfDomains();
2047         int n, m, i;
2048         boolean used = false;
2049         int[] var;
2050         boolean first;
2052         if (r.isZero())
2053             return;
2054         else if (r.isOne()) {
2055             if(printed > 0) return;
2056             sb.append('<');
2057             first = true;
2059             for (n=0 ; n<fdvarnum ; n++) {
2060                 used = false;
2062                 BDDDomain domain_n = bdd.getDomain(n);
2064                 int[] domain_n_ivar = domain_n.vars();
2065                 int domain_n_varnum = domain_n_ivar.length;
2066                 for (m=0 ; m<domain_n_varnum ; m++)
2067                     if (set[domain_n_ivar[m]] != 0)
2068                         used = true;
2070                 if (used) {
2071                     if (!first)
2072                         sb.append(", ");
2073                     first = false;
2074                     sb.append(domain_n.getName());
2076                     var = domain_n_ivar;
2078                     BigInteger pos = BigInteger.ZERO;
2079                     int maxSkip = -1;
2080                     boolean hasDontCare = false;
2081                     for (i=0; i<domain_n_varnum; ++i) {
2082                         int val = set[var[i]];
2083                         if (val == 0) {
2084                             hasDontCare = true;
2085                             if (maxSkip == i-1)
2086                                 maxSkip = i;
2087                         }
2088                     }
2089                     for (i=domain_n_varnum-1; i>=0; --i) {
2090                         pos = pos.shiftLeft(1);
2091                         int val = set[var[i]];
2092                         if (val == 2) {
2093                             pos = pos.setBit(0);
2094                         }
2095                     }
2096                 }
2097             }
2099             sb.append('>');
2100             printed = 1;
2101         } else {
2102             set[r.var()] = 1;
2103             BDD lo = r.low();
2104             fdd_printset_rec(bdd, sb, lo, set);
2105   ;
2107             set[r.var()] = 2;
2108             BDD hi = r.high();
2109             fdd_printset_rec(bdd, sb, hi, set);
2110   ;
2112             set[r.var()] = 0;
2113         }
2114     }
2116     static BDD buildEquals(BDDDomain thiz, BDDDomain that){
2117         Assert._assert(thiz.size().equals(that.size()));
2118         BDDFactory factory = thiz.getFactory();
2119         BDD e =;
2121         int[] this_ivar = thiz.vars();
2122         int[] that_ivar = that.vars();
2124         for (int n = 0; n < thiz.varNum(); n++) {
2125             BDD a = factory.ithVar(this_ivar[n]);
2126             BDD b = factory.ithVar(that_ivar[n]);
2127             a.biimpWith(b);
2128             e.andWith(a);
2129         }
2131         return e;
2132     }
2135     /*** Updates IE/IEcs with new edges obtained from resolving reflective invocations */
2136     public boolean bindReflection(){
2137         BDD t1 = actual.restrict(Z.ithVar(0));          // IxV2
2138         if (USE_VCONTEXT) t1.andWith(;   // IxV2cxV2
2139         BDD t2 = t1.replaceWith(V2toV1);                // IxV1cxV1
2140         BDD t11 = IE.restrict(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(javaLangClass_newInstance)));   // I
2141         if(t11.isZero()){
2142             // no calls to newInstance()
2143   ;
2145             return false;
2146         }
2147         if(REFLECTION_STAT){
2148             System.out.println("There are " + (int)t11.satCount(Iset) + " calls to Class.newInstance");
2149         }
2150         BDD t3  = t2.and(t11);          // IxV1
2153         BDD t31 = t3.replace(ItoI2);                    // I2xV1
2154         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && TRACE) out.println("t31: " + t31.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2156         BDD t4;
2157         if (CS_CALLGRAPH) {
2158             // We keep track of where a call goes under different contexts.
2159             t4 = t31.relprod(vP, V1.set());              
2160         } else {
2161             // By quantifying out V1c, we merge all contexts.
2162             t4 = t31.relprod(vP, V1set);                  // I2xV1 x V1cxV1xH1 = V1cxI2xH1
2163         }
2164         //t4.exist(Iset); 
2165         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && TRACE) out.println("t4: " + t4.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " of size " + t4.satCount(Iset));
2166         BDD t41 = t4.relprod(forNameMap, Nset);          // V1cxI2xH1 x H1xI = IxH1cxH1
2168         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && TRACE) out.println("t41: " + t41.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " of size " + t41.satCount(Iset));
2170         BDD t6 = t41.relprod(actual, Iset.union(H1set));  // V2xI2xZ
2171         if(TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS) out.println("t6: " + getBDDDomains(t6));
2173         BDD t7 = t6.restrict(Z.ithVar(1));              // V2xI2
2174         if(TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS) out.println("t7: " + getBDDDomains(t7));
2176         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && TRACE) out.println("t7: " + t7.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " of size " + t7.satCount(Iset));
2178         BDD t8 = t7.replace(V2toV1);                    // V1xI2
2179         if(TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS) out.println("t8: " + getBDDDomains(t8));
2181         BDD t9 = t8.relprod(vP, V1set);                 // V1xI2 x V1xH1 = I2xH1
2184         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && TRACE) out.println("t9: " + t9.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " of size " + t9.satCount(Iset));
2186             out.println("vP: " + getBDDDomains(vP));
2187             out.println("t9: " + getBDDDomains(t9));
2188         }
2189         BDD constructorIE =; 
2190         for(Iterator iter = t9.iterator(H1set.union(I2set)); iter.hasNext();){
2191             BDD h = (BDD);
2192             //if(TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS) out.println("h: " + getBDDDomains(h));
2193             int h_i = h.scanVar(H1).intValue();
2194             Object node = Hmap.get(h_i);
2195             int i_i = h.scanVar(I2).intValue();
2196             ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation) Imap.get(i_i);
2197             if(!(node instanceof ConcreteTypeNode)) {
2198                 //System.err.println("Can't cast " + node + " to ConcreteTypeNode for " + h.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2199                 continue;
2200             }
2201             boolean unresolved = false;
2202             PrimitiveMethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode n = (ConcreteTypeNode) node;
2203             String stringConst = (String) PrimitiveMethodSummary.stringNodes2Values.get(n);
2204             if(stringConst == null){
2205                 unresolved = true;          // not full resolved -- points to something other than a const
2206                 if(missingConst.get(n) == null){
2207                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION) {
2208                         System.err.println("No constant string for " + 
2209                             n + " at " + h.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2210                     }
2211                     missingConst.put(n, new Integer(0));
2212                 }                
2213                 continue;
2214             }
2216             jq_Class c = null;
2217             try {
2218                 if(!isWellFormed(stringConst)) {
2219                     if(wellFormedClasses.get(stringConst) == null){
2220                         if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println(stringConst + " is not well-formed.");
2221                             wellFormedClasses.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2222                         }                
2224                     continue;
2225                 }
2226                 jq_Type clazz = jq_Type.parseType(stringConst);
2227                 if( clazz instanceof jq_Class && clazz != null){
2228                     c = (jq_Class) clazz;
2230                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println("Calling class by name: " + stringConst);
2231                     c.load();
2232                     c.prepare();
2233                     Assert._assert(c != null);
2234                 }else{
2235                     if(cantCastTypes.get(clazz) == null){
2236                         if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.err.println("Can't cast " + clazz + " to jq_Class at " + h.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " -- stringConst: " + stringConst);
2237                         cantCastTypes.put(clazz, new Integer(0));
2238                     }
2239                     continue;
2240                 }
2241             } catch(NoClassDefFoundError e) {
2242                 if(missingClasses.get(stringConst) == null){
2243                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.err.println("Resolving reflection: unable to load " + stringConst + 
2244                         " at " + h.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2245                     missingClasses.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2246                 }
2247                 continue;
2248             } catch(java.lang.ClassCircularityError e) {
2249                 if(circularClasses.get(stringConst) == null){
2250                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.err.println("Resolving reflection: circularity error " + stringConst + 
2251                         " at " + h.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2252                     circularClasses.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2253                 }                
2254                 continue;
2255             }
2256             Assert._assert(c != null);            
2258             jq_Method constructor = (jq_Method) c.getDeclaredMember(
2259                 new jq_NameAndDesc(
2260                     Utf8.get("<init>"), 
2261                     Utf8.get("()V")));
2262             //Assert._assert(constructor != null, "No default constructor in class " + c);
2263             if(constructor == null){
2264                 if(noConstrClasses.get(c) == null){
2265                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.err.println("No constructor in class " + c);
2266                     noConstrClasses.put(c, new Integer(0));                    
2267                 }
2268                 continue;
2269             }
2270             // add the relation to IE
2271             BDD constructorCall = M.ithVar(Mmap.get(constructor)).and(h);
2272             constructorIE.orWith(constructorCall);
2273             if(unresolved){
2274                 unresolvedCalls.add(mc);
2275             }
2276         }
2278         BDD old_reflectiveCalls  =;
2279         reflectiveCalls = constructorIE.exist(H1set).replace(I2toI);
2281         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && !reflectiveCalls.isZero()){
2282             out.println("reflectiveCalls: " + reflectiveCalls.toStringWithDomains(TS) + 
2283                 " of size " + reflectiveCalls.satCount(Iset.union(Mset)));
2284         }
2286         BDD new_reflectiveCalls = reflectiveCalls.apply(old_reflectiveCalls, BDDFactory.diff);
2289         if(!new_reflectiveCalls.isZero()){
2290             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) {
2291                 out.println("Discovered new_reflectiveCalls: " + 
2292                     new_reflectiveCalls.toStringWithDomains(TS) + 
2293                     " of size " + new_reflectiveCalls.satCount(Iset.union(H1set)));
2294             }
2296             // add the new points-to for reflective calls
2297             for(Iterator iter = new_reflectiveCalls.iterator(Iset.union(Mset)); iter.hasNext();){
2298                 BDD i_bdd = (BDD);
2299                 int I_i = i_bdd.scanVar(I).intValue();
2300                 ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation) Imap.get(I_i);
2301                 int M_i = new_reflectiveCalls.relprod(i_bdd, Iset).scanVar(M).intValue();
2302                 jq_Method target = (jq_Method) Mmap.get(M_i);
2303                 jq_Initializer constructor = (jq_Initializer) target;                
2304                 jq_Type type = constructor.getDeclaringClass();                
2306                 visitMethod(target);
2308                 PrimitiveMethodSummary ms = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(mc.getMethod());
2309                 Node node = ms.getRVN(mc);
2310                 if (node != null) {
2311                     PrimitiveMethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode h = ConcreteTypeNode.get(type, mc);
2312                     int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
2313                     int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
2314                     BDD V_arg = V1.ithVar(V_i);
2316                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS) {
2317                         out.println("V_arg: " + getBDDDomains(V_arg));
2318                     }
2320                     addToVP(V_arg, h);                    
2321                 }
2322             }
2324             if (CS_CALLGRAPH){ 
2325                 IE.orWith(new_reflectiveCalls.exist(V1cset));
2326             } else { 
2327                 IE.orWith(new_reflectiveCalls);
2328                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) {
2329                     out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2330                 }
2331             }
2332             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2334             return true;
2335         } else {
2336             return false;
2337         }
2338     }
2340     PrimitiveSubtypeHelper retrieveSubtypeHelper(){
2341         if(this._subtypeHelper == null){
2342             this._subtypeHelper = PrimitiveSubtypeHelper.newSubtypeHelper(
2343                     this, System.getProperty("pa.subtypehelpertype")); 
2344         }
2346         return this._subtypeHelper;
2347     }
2349     private boolean bindReflectionsWithCasts() {
2350         if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println("Call graph edges before: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2351         BDD t1 = IE.restrict(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(javaLangClass_newInstance)));   // I
2352         if(t1.isZero()){
2353             // no calls to newInstance()
2354   ;            
2355             return false;
2356         }
2357         if(REFLECTION_STAT){
2358             System.out.println("There are " + (int)t1.satCount(Iset) + " calls to Class.newInstance");
2359         }
2360         BDD t3  = Iret.and(t1).replace(V1toV2);         // IxV2                      
2361         BDD t32 = t3.and(A);                            // I1xV2 x V1xV2 = I1xV1xV2
2362         //System.out.println("t32: " + t32.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2363         Assert._assert(T1.size().equals(T2.size()));
2364         BDD notEqualTypes = (buildEquals(T1, T2)).not();
2365         BDD t33 = t32.and(vT);                          // I1xV1xV2 x V1xT1 = I1xV1xV2xT1
2366         //System.out.println("t33: " + t33.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2367         BDD t34 = t33.and(vT.replace(V1toV2).replace(T1toT2));          // I2xV1xV2xT1 x V2xT2 = I2xV1xV2xT1xT2
2368         //System.out.println("t34: " + t34.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2369         BDD tuples = t34.relprod(notEqualTypes, T2set);
2370         //System.out.println("t35: " + t35.toStringWithDomains(TS));      // V1xV2xIxT1
2373         BDD constructorIE =;
2374         for(Iterator iter = tuples.iterator(V1set.union(V2set).union(Iset).union(T1set)); iter.hasNext();){
2375             BDD tuple = (BDD);
2376             int V1_i = tuple.scanVar(V1).intValue();
2377             int V2_i = tuple.scanVar(V2).intValue();
2378             int I_i  = tuple.scanVar(I).intValue();
2379             int T1_i = tuple.scanVar(T1).intValue();
2381             Node v1 = (Node) Vmap.get(V1_i);
2382             Node v2 = (Node) Vmap.get(V2_i);
2383             ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation) Imap.get(I_i);
2384             jq_Reference t = (jq_Reference) Tmap.get(T1_i);
2385             if(!(t instanceof jq_Class)){
2386                 System.err.println("Casting to a non-class type: " + t + ", skipping.");
2387                 continue;
2388             }            
2389             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) {
2390                 System.out.println("The result of a call at " + mc.toStringLong() + 
2391                 " variable " + v2 + 
2392                 " is cast at " + v1 + 
2393                 " to type " + t);
2394             }
2396             PrimitiveSubtypeHelper subtypeHelper = retrieveSubtypeHelper();
2397             Collection subtypes = subtypeHelper.getSubtypes((jq_Class) t);
2398             if(subtypes == null){
2399                 System.err.println("No subtypes for class " + t.getName());
2400                 continue;
2401             }
2403             for(Iterator typeIter = subtypes.iterator(); typeIter.hasNext();){
2404                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class);    
2405                 jq_Method constructor = (jq_Method) c.getDeclaredMember(
2406                     new jq_NameAndDesc(
2407                         Utf8.get("<init>"), 
2408                         Utf8.get("()V")));
2409                 //Assert._assert(constructor != null, "No default constructor in class " + c);
2410                 if(constructor == null){
2411                     if(noConstrClasses.get(c) == null){
2412                         if(TRACE_REFLECTION) System.err.println("No constructor in class " + c);
2413                         noConstrClasses.put(c, new Integer(0));                    
2414                     }
2415                     continue;
2416                 }
2417                 // add the relation to IE
2418                 BDD constructorCall = I.ithVar(I_i).andWith(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(constructor)));
2419                 constructorIE.orWith(constructorCall);
2420             }
2421         }
2423         BDD old_reflectiveCalls  =;
2424         reflectiveCalls = constructorIE;
2426         if(TRACE_REFLECTION && !reflectiveCalls.isZero()){
2427             out.println("reflectiveCalls: " + reflectiveCalls.toStringWithDomains(TS) + 
2428                 " of size " + reflectiveCalls.satCount(Iset.union(Mset)));
2429         }
2431         BDD new_reflectiveCalls = reflectiveCalls.apply(old_reflectiveCalls, BDDFactory.diff);
2434         if(!new_reflectiveCalls.isZero()){
2435             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) {
2436                 out.println("Discovered new_reflectiveCalls: " + 
2437                     new_reflectiveCalls.toStringWithDomains(TS) + 
2438                     " of size " + new_reflectiveCalls.satCount(Iset.union(Mset)));
2439             }
2441             // add the new points-to for reflective calls
2442             for(Iterator iter = new_reflectiveCalls.iterator(Iset.union(Mset)); iter.hasNext();){
2443                 BDD i_bdd = (BDD);
2444                 int I_i = i_bdd.scanVar(I).intValue();
2445                 ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation) Imap.get(I_i);
2446                 int M_i = i_bdd.scanVar(M).intValue();
2447                 jq_Method target = (jq_Method) Mmap.get(M_i);
2448                 jq_Initializer constructor = (jq_Initializer) target;                
2449                 jq_Type type = constructor.getDeclaringClass();
2450                 if(TRACE_REFLECTION){
2451                     System.out.println("Adding a call from " + mc.toStringLong() + " to " + constructor);
2452                 }
2454                 visitMethod(target);
2456                 PrimitiveMethodSummary ms = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(mc.getMethod());
2457                 Node node = ms.getRVN(mc);
2458                 if (node != null) {
2459                     PrimitiveMethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode h = ConcreteTypeNode.get((jq_Reference) type, mc);
2460                     int H_i = Hmap.get(h);
2461                     int V_i = Vmap.get(node);
2462                     BDD V_arg = V1.ithVar(V_i);
2464                     if(TRACE_REFLECTION_DOMAINS) {
2465                         out.println("V_arg: " + getBDDDomains(V_arg));
2466                     }
2468                     addToVP(V_arg, h);                    
2469                 }
2470             }
2472             if (CS_CALLGRAPH){ 
2473                 IE.orWith(new_reflectiveCalls.exist(V1cset));
2474             } else { 
2475                 IE.orWith(new_reflectiveCalls);
2476                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) {
2477                     out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2478                 }
2479             }
2480             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));            
2481             return true;
2482         } else {
2483             if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2484             return false;
2485         }        
2486     }
2488     boolean bindForName(){
2489         jq_Method forNameMethod = class_class.getDeclaredMethod("forName");
2490         Assert._assert(forNameMethod != null);
2491         int M_i = Mmap.get(forNameMethod);
2492         BDD M_bdd = M.ithVar(M_i);
2493         BDD I = IE.relprod(M_bdd, Mset);
2494         boolean change = false;
2495         for(Iterator iter = I.iterator(Iset); iter.hasNext();){
2496             BDD I_bdd = (BDD);
2497             if(TRACE_FORNAME){
2498                 System.out.println("Resolving a forName call at " + I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2499             }
2501             BDD t = actual.relprod(I_bdd, Iset);
2502 //            System.out.println("t: " + t.toStringWithDomains(TS));            
2503             BDD t1 = t.restrictWith(Z.ithVar(1)).replace(V2toV1);
2504   ;
2505 //            System.out.println("t1: " + t1.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2506             BDD t2 = vP.relprod(t1, V1set);
2507   ;
2509             if(!t2.isZero()){
2510 //                System.out.println("t2: " + t2.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2511                 for(Iterator iter2 = t2.iterator(H1set); iter2.hasNext();){
2512                     int h_i = ((BDD);
2513                     Node n = (Node) Hmap.get(h_i);
2514                     if(n instanceof PrimitiveMethodSummary.ConcreteTypeNode){
2515                         ConcreteTypeNode cn = (ConcreteTypeNode) n;
2516                         String stringConst = (String) PrimitiveMethodSummary.stringNodes2Values.get(n);
2517                         if(stringConst != null){
2518 //                            System.out.println(I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " -> " + stringConst);
2519                             if(stringConst == null){
2520                                 if(missingConst.get(stringConst) == null){
2521                                     if(TRACE_FORNAME) System.err.println("No constant string for " + n + " at " + n);                                    
2522                                     missingConst.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2523                                 }                
2524                                 continue;
2525                             }
2527                             jq_Class c = null;
2528                             try {
2529                                 if(!isWellFormed(stringConst)) {
2530                                     if(wellFormedClasses.get(stringConst) == null){
2531                                         if(TRACE_FORNAME) out.println(stringConst + " is not well-formed.");
2532                                             wellFormedClasses.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2533                                         }                
2535                                     continue;
2536                                 }
2537                                 jq_Type clazz = jq_Type.parseType(stringConst);
2538                                 if( clazz instanceof jq_Class && clazz != null){
2539                                     c = (jq_Class) clazz;
2541 //                                    if(TRACE_REFLECTION) out.println("Calling class by name: " + stringConst);
2542                                     c.load();
2543                                     c.prepare();
2544                                     Assert._assert(c != null);
2545                                 }else{
2546                                     if(cantCastTypes.get(clazz) == null){
2547                                         if(TRACE_FORNAME) System.err.println("Can't cast " + clazz + " to jq_Class at " + I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS) + " -- stringConst: " + stringConst);
2548                                         cantCastTypes.put(clazz, new Integer(0));
2549                                     }
2550                                     continue;
2551                                 }
2552                             } catch(NoClassDefFoundError e) {
2553                                 if(missingClasses.get(stringConst) == null){
2554                                     if(TRACE_FORNAME) System.err.println("Resolving reflection: unable to load " + stringConst + 
2555                                         " at " + I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2556                                     missingClasses.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2557                                 }
2558                                 continue;
2559                             } catch(java.lang.ClassCircularityError e) {
2560                                 if(circularClasses.get(stringConst) == null){
2561                                     if(TRACE_FORNAME) System.err.println("Resolving reflection: circularity error " + stringConst + 
2562                                         " at " + I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2563                                     circularClasses.put(stringConst, new Integer(0));
2564                                 }                
2565                                 continue;
2566                             }
2567                             Assert._assert(c != null);            
2569                             jq_Method constructor = c.getClassInitializer();
2571                             if(constructor != null){
2572                                 int M2_i = Mmap.get(constructor);
2573                                 BDD t11 = M.ithVar(M2_i);
2574                                 BDD t22 = t11.andWith(;
2576                                 if(IE.and(t22).isZero()){                                
2577                                     IE.orWith(t22);
2578                                     if(TRACE_FORNAME) {
2579                                         System.out.println("Calling " + constructor + " as a side-effect of Class.forName at " + 
2580                                             I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2581                                     }                                                                 
2582                                     change = true;
2583                                 }else{
2584                           ;
2585                                 }
2586                             }else{
2587                                 if(TRACE_FORNAME) {
2588                                     System.out.println("No class constructor in " + c);
2589                                 }
2590                             }
2591                         }
2592                     }
2593                 }
2594             }else{
2595                 if(TRACE_FORNAME){
2596                     System.out.println("No points-to set at " + I_bdd.toStringWithDomains(TS));
2597                 }
2598             }
2599   ;
2600   ;
2601         }
2605         return change;        
2606     }    
2608     private boolean isWellFormed(String stringConst) {
2609         if(stringConst.equals(".")) {
2610             return false;
2611         }
2612         int dotCount = 0;
2613         for(int i = 0; i < stringConst.length(); i++){
2614             char ch = stringConst.charAt(i);
2616             if(ch == '.'){
2617                 dotCount++;                
2618             } else {
2619                 if(ch != '$' && ch != '_' && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)){
2620                     return false;                
2621                 }      
2622             }
2623         }
2625         //if(dotCount == 0) return false;
2627         return true;
2628     }
2630     BDD old3_t3;
2631     BDD old3_vP;
2632     BDD old3_t4;
2633     BDD old3_hT;
2634     BDD old3_t6;
2635     BDD old3_t9[];
2637     // t1 = actual x (z=0)
2638     // t3 = t1 x mI
2639     // new_t3 = t3 - old_t3
2640     // new_vP = vP - old_vP
2641     // t4 = t3 x new_vP
2642     // old_t3 = t3
2643     // t4 |= new_t3 x vP
2644     // new_t4 = t4 - old_t4
2645     // new_hT = hT - old_hT
2646     // t5 = t4 x new_hT
2647     // old_t4 = t4
2648     // t5 |= new_t4 x hT
2649     // t6 = t5 x cha
2650     // IE |= t6
2651     // old_vP = vP
2652     // old_hT = hT
2654     public void bindInvocations_incremental() {
2655         BDD t1 = actual.restrict(Z.ithVar(0)); // IxV2
2656         if (USE_VCONTEXT) t1.andWith(; // IxV2cxV2
2657         t1.replaceWith(V2toV1); // IxV1cxV1
2658         BDD t3 = t1.relprod(mI, Mset); // IxV1cxV1 & MxIxN = IxV1cxV1xN
2660         BDD new_t3 = t3.apply(old3_t3, BDDFactory.diff);
2662         if (false) out.println("New invokes: "+new_t3.toStringWithDomains());
2663         BDD new_vP = vP.apply(old3_vP, BDDFactory.diff);
2665         if (false) out.println("New vP: "+new_vP.toStringWithDomains());
2666         BDD t4, new_t4;
2667         if (CS_CALLGRAPH) {
2668             // We keep track of where a call goes under different contexts.
2669             t4 = t3.relprod(new_vP, V1.set()); // IxV1cxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxH1xN
2670             old3_t3 = t3;
2671             t4.orWith(new_t3.relprod(vP, V1.set())); // IxV1cxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxH1xN
2672   ;
2673             new_t4 = t4.apply(old3_t4, BDDFactory.diff);
2674   ;
2675         } else {
2676             // By quantifying out V1c, we merge all contexts.
2677             t4 = t3.relprod(new_vP, V1set); // IxV1cxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = IxH1cxH1xN
2678             old3_t3 = t3;
2679             t4.orWith(new_t3.relprod(vP, V1set)); // IxV1cxV1xN x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = IxH1cxH1xN
2680   ;
2681             new_t4 = t4.apply(old3_t4, BDDFactory.diff);
2682   ;
2683         }
2684         if (false) out.println("New 'this' objects: "+new_t4.toStringWithDomains());
2685         BDD new_hT = hT.apply(old3_hT, BDDFactory.diff);
2687         BDD t5 = t4.relprod(new_hT, H1set); // (V1cx)IxH1cxH1xN x H1xT2 = (V1cx)IxT2xN
2689         old3_t4 = t4;
2690         t5.orWith(new_t4.relprod(hT, H1set)); // (V1cx)IxH1cxH1xN x H1xT2 = (V1cx)IxT2xN
2692         BDD t6 = t5.relprod(cha, T2Nset); // (V1cx)IxT2xN x T2xNxM = (V1cx)IxM
2695         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Call graph edges before: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2696         if (CS_CALLGRAPH) IE.orWith(t6.exist(V1cset));
2697         else IE.orWith(;
2698         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Call graph edges after: "+IE.satCount(IMset));
2700         old3_vP =;
2701         old3_hT =;
2703         if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
2704             if (CS_CALLGRAPH) t6.replaceWith(V1ctoV2c); // V2cxIxM
2705             t6.andWith(; // V2cxIxV1cxM
2706             IEcs.orWith(t6);
2707         } else if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
2708             throw new Error();
2709         } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT) {
2710             // t6 |= statics
2711             // new_t6 = t6 - old_t6
2712             // for (i=0..k)
2713             //     t8[i] = actual x (z=i)
2714             //     t9[i] = t8[i] x vP
2715             //     new_t9[i] = t9[i] - old_t9[i]
2716             //     new_context &= new_t9[i]
2717             //     new_t9[i] &= V1cH1equals[i]
2718             //     tb[i] = new_t9[i] x t6
2719             //     tb[i] |= t9[i] x new_t6
2720             //     old_t9[i] = t9[i]
2721             //     tc[i] = tb[i] x formal_i
2722             //     newPt |= tc[i]
2723             // newPt2 = newPt x new_context
2724             // newPt2 &= vPfilter
2725             // vP |= newPt2
2726             // new_context &= t6
2727             // IEcs |= new_context
2729             // Add all statically-bound calls to t6.
2730             // They are true under all contexts.
2731             BDD statics = staticCalls.exist(V1.set()); // IxM
2732             if (CS_CALLGRAPH) statics.andWith(; // V1cxIxM
2733             t6.orWith(statics); // V1cxIxM | V1cxIxM = V1cxIxM
2735             // Edges in the call graph.  Invocation I under context V2c has target method M.
2736             if (CS_CALLGRAPH) t6.replaceWith(V1ctoV2c); // V2cxIxM
2738             BDD new_t6 = t6.apply(old3_t6, BDDFactory.diff);
2740             // The context for the new cg edges are based on the points-to set of every parameter.
2741             BDD newContext =;
2742             // We need to add points-to relations for each of the actual parameters.
2743             BDD newPt =;
2744             for (int i = MAX_PARAMS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
2745                 if (TRACE_BIND) System.out.println("Param "+i+":");
2746                 BDD t8_i = actual.restrict(Z.ithVar(i)).and(V2cdomain); // IxV2
2747                 t8_i.replaceWith(V2toV1); // IxV1
2748                 if (TRACE_BIND) System.out.println("t8 = "+t8_i.toStringWithDomains());
2749                 BDD t9_i = t8_i.relprod(vP, V1.set()); // IxV1 x V1cxV1xH1cxH1 = V1cxIxH1cxH1
2750                 if (TRACE_BIND) {
2751                     System.out.println("t9 =");
2752                     dumpWithV1c(t9_i, Iset.union(H1set));
2753                 }
2754       ;
2756                 t9_i.replaceWith(V1ctoV2c); // V2cxIxH1cxH1
2757                 BDD new_t9_i = t9_i.apply(old3_t9[i], BDDFactory.diff);
2758                 old3_t9[i] =;
2759                 // Invocation I under context V2c leads to context V1c
2760 // 20%
2761                 newContext.andWith(new_t9_i.replace(H1toV1c[i])); // V2cxIxV1c[i]
2763                 // Calculate new points-to relations for this actual parameter.
2764                 new_t9_i.andWith(V1cH1equals[i].id()); // V2cxIxV1c[i]xH1cxH1
2765                 t9_i.andWith(V1cH1equals[i].id());
2766                 BDD tb_i = new_t9_i.relprod(t6, V2cset); // V2cxIxV1c[i]xH1cxH1 x (V2cx)IxM = IxV1c[i]xMxH1cxH1
2767                 tb_i.orWith(t9_i.relprod(new_t6, V2cset));
2768                 BDD formal_i = formal.restrict(Z.ithVar(i)); // MxV1
2769                 BDD tc_i = tb_i.relprod(formal_i, Mset); // IxV1c[i]xMxH1cxH1 x MxV1 = IxV1c[i]xV1xH1cxH1
2770       ;;
2771                 for (int j = 0; j < MAX_PARAMS; ++j) {
2772                     if (i == j) continue;
2773                     tc_i.andWith(V1c[j].domain());
2774                 }
2775                 if (TRACE_BIND) dumpVP(tc_i.exist(Iset));
2776                 newPt.orWith(tc_i);
2777             }
2779             // Now, filter out unrealizables.
2780             // IxV1c[i]xV1xH1cxH1 x V2cxIxV1c[i] = V1cxV1xH1cxH1
2781 // 13%
2782             BDD newPt2 = newPt.relprod(newContext, V2cset.union(Iset));
2783   ;
2784             if (TRACE_BIND) dumpVP(newPt2);
2786             if (FILTER_VP) newPt2.andWith(;
2787             vP.orWith(newPt2);
2789             newContext.andWith(; // V2cxIxV1c[k]xM
2790             old3_t6 = t6;
2791             if (TRACE_BIND) System.out.println("context = "+newContext.toStringWithDomains());
2792             IEcs.orWith(newContext);
2793         }
2794     }
2796     public boolean handleNewTargets() {
2797         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Handling new target methods...");
2798         BDD targets = IE.exist(Iset); // IxM -> M
2799         targets.applyWith(, BDDFactory.diff);
2800         if (targets.isZero()) return false;
2801         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New target methods: "+targets.satCount(Mset));
2802         while (!targets.isZero()) {
2803             BDD target = targets.satOne(Mset, false);
2804             int M_i = target.scanVar(M).intValue();
2805             jq_Method method = (jq_Method) Mmap.get(M_i);
2806             if(method != null){
2807                 if (TRACE) out.println("New target method: "+method);
2808                 visitMethod(method);
2809             } else {
2810                 System.err.println("NULL method in handleNewTargets");
2811             }
2812             targets.applyWith(target, BDDFactory.diff);
2813         }
2814         return true;
2815     }
2817     public void bindParameters() {
2818         if (INCREMENTAL2) {
2819             bindParameters_incremental();
2820             return;
2821         }
2823         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Binding parameters...");
2825         BDD my_IE = USE_VCONTEXT ? IEcs : IE;
2827         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Call graph edges: "+my_IE.nodeCount());
2829         BDD my_formal = CARTESIAN_PRODUCT ? formal.and(Z.varRange(0, MAX_PARAMS-1).not()) : formal;
2830         BDD my_actual = CARTESIAN_PRODUCT ? actual.and(Z.varRange(0, MAX_PARAMS-1).not()) : actual;
2832         BDD t1 = my_IE.relprod(my_actual, Iset); // V2cxIxV1cxM x IxZxV2 = V1cxMxZxV2cxV2
2833         BDD t2 = t1.relprod(my_formal, MZset); // V1cxMxZxV2cxV2 x MxZxV1 = V1cxV1xV2cxV2
2835         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A before param bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2836         A.orWith(t2);
2837         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A after param bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2839         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Binding return values...");
2840         BDD my_IEr = USE_VCONTEXT ? IEcs.replace(V1cV2ctoV2cV1c) : IE;
2841         BDD t3 = my_IEr.relprod(Iret, Iset); // V1cxIxV2cxM x IxV1 = V1cxV1xV2cxM
2842         BDD t4 = t3.relprod(Mret, Mset); // V1cxV1xV2cxM x MxV2 = V1cxV1xV2cxV2
2844         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A before return bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2845         A.orWith(t4);
2846         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A after return bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2848         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Binding exceptions...");
2849         BDD t5 = my_IEr.relprod(Ithr, Iset); // V1cxIxV2cxM x IxV1 = V1cxV1xV2cxM
2850         if (USE_VCONTEXT);
2851         BDD t6 = t5.relprod(Mthr, Mset); // V1cxV1xV2cxM x MxV2 = V1cxV1xV2cxV2
2853         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A before exception bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2854         A.orWith(t6);
2855         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A after exception bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2857     }
2859     BDD old2_myIE;
2860     BDD old2_visited;
2862     public void bindParameters_incremental() {
2864         BDD my_IE = USE_VCONTEXT ? IEcs : IE;
2865         BDD new_myIE = my_IE.apply(old2_myIE, BDDFactory.diff);
2867         BDD new_visited = visited.apply(old2_visited, BDDFactory.diff);
2868         // add in any old edges targetting newly-visited methods, because the
2869         // argument/retval binding doesn't occur until the method has been visited.
2870         new_myIE.orWith(old2_myIE.and(new_visited));
2875         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("New call graph edges: "+new_myIE.nodeCount());
2877         BDD my_formal = CARTESIAN_PRODUCT ? formal.and(Z.varRange(0, MAX_PARAMS-1).not()) : formal;
2878         BDD my_actual = CARTESIAN_PRODUCT ? actual.and(Z.varRange(0, MAX_PARAMS-1).not()) : actual;
2880         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Binding parameters...");
2882         BDD t1 = new_myIE.relprod(my_actual, Iset); // V2cxIxV1cxM x IxZxV2 = V1cxMxZxV2cxV2
2883         BDD t2 = t1.relprod(my_formal, MZset); // V1cxMxZxV2cxV2 x MxZxV1 = V1cxV1xV2cxV2
2885         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A before param bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2886         A.orWith(t2);
2887         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A after param bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2889         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Binding return values...");
2890         BDD new_myIEr = USE_VCONTEXT ? new_myIE.replace(V1cV2ctoV2cV1c) : new_myIE;
2891         BDD t3 = new_myIEr.relprod(Iret, Iset); // V1cxIxV2cxM x IxV1 = V1cxV1xV2cxM
2892         BDD t4 = t3.relprod(Mret, Mset); // V1cxV1xV2cxM x MxV2 = V1cxV1xV2cxV2
2894         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A before return bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2895         A.orWith(t4);
2896         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A after return bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2898         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Binding exceptions...");
2899         BDD t5 = new_myIEr.relprod(Ithr, Iset); // V1cxIxV2cxM x IxV1 = V1cxV1xV2cxM
2900         if (USE_VCONTEXT);
2901         BDD t6 = t5.relprod(Mthr, Mset); // V1cxV1xV2cxM x MxV2 = V1cxV1xV2cxV2
2903         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A before exception bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2904         A.orWith(t6);
2905         if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("A after exception bind: "+A.nodeCount());
2908         old2_myIE =;
2909         old2_visited =;
2910     }
2912     public void assumeKnownCallGraph() {
2913         if (VerifyAssertions)
2914             Assert._assert(!IE.isZero());
2915         handleNewTargets();
2916         addAllMethods();
2917         buildTypes();
2918         bindParameters();
2919         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
2920         solvePointsTo();
2921         System.out.println("Solve points-to alone took "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)/1000.+"s");
2922     }
2924     public void iterate() {
2925         BDD vP_old =;
2926         BDD IE_old =;
2927         boolean change;
2928         for (int major = 1; ; ++major) {
2929             change = false;
2931             out.println("Discovering call graph, iteration "+major+": "+(int)visited.satCount(Mset)+" methods.");
2932             long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
2933             buildTypes();
2934             solvePointsTo();
2935             bindInvocations();
2936             if(RESOLVE_REFLECTION){
2937                 if(USE_CASTS_FOR_REFLECTION){
2938                     if(bindReflectionsWithCasts()){
2939                         change = true;   
2940                     }
2941                 }else{
2942                     if(bindReflection()){
2943                         change = true;
2944                     }
2945                 }
2946             }
2947             if(RESOLVE_FORNAME){
2948                 if(bindForName()){
2949                     change = true;
2950                 }
2951             }
2952             if (handleNewTargets())
2953                 change = true;
2954             if (!change && vP.equals(vP_old) && IE.equals(IE_old)) {
2955                 if (TRACE_SOLVER) out.println("Finished after "+major+" iterations.");
2956                 break;
2957             }
2958   ; vP_old =;
2959   ; IE_old =;
2960             addAllMethods();
2961             bindParameters();
2962             if (TRACE_SOLVER)
2963                 out.println("Time spent: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)/1000.);
2964         }
2965     }
2967     public void numberPaths(CallGraph cg, ObjectCreationGraph ocg, boolean updateBits) {
2968         System.out.print("Counting size of call graph...");
2969         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
2970         vCnumbering = countCallGraph(cg, ocg, updateBits);
2971         if(PRINT_CALL_GRAPH_SCCS){
2972             SCCPathNumbering sccNumbering = (SCCPathNumbering) vCnumbering;
2973             SCCTopSortedGraph sccGraph = sccNumbering.getSCCGraph();
2974             System.out.println("Printing the SCC in the call graph (" + sccGraph.list().size()+ ")");
2975             for(Iterator iter = sccGraph.list().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ){
2976                     SCComponent component = (SCComponent);
2978                     if(component.size() < 2) continue;
2979                     if(component.nodes() == null) continue;
2981                     System.out.print("\t" + component.getId() + "\t: " + component.nodes().length + "\t");
2983                     for(int i = 0; i < component.nodes().length; i++){
2984                         Object node = component.nodes()[i];
2985                         System.out.print(node.toString() + " ");
2986                     }
2987                     System.out.println("");
2988             }
2989             System.out.println("Done.");
2990         }
2992         if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
2993             oCnumbering = new SCCPathNumbering(objectPathSelector);
2994             BigInteger paths = (BigInteger) oCnumbering.countPaths(ocg);
2995             if (updateBits) {
2996                 HC_BITS = VC_BITS = paths.bitLength();
2997                 System.out.print("Object paths="+paths+" ("+VC_BITS+" bits), ");
2998             }
2999         }
3000         if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE && MAX_HC_BITS > 1) {
3001             hCnumbering = countHeapNumbering(cg, updateBits);
3002         }
3003         time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
3004         System.out.println("done. ("+time/1000.+" seconds)");
3005     }
3007     static CallGraph loadCallGraph(Collection roots) {
3008         if (new File(initialCallgraphFileName).exists()) {
3009             try {
3010                 System.out.print("Loading initial call graph...");
3011                 long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3012                 CallGraph cg = new LoadedCallGraph(initialCallgraphFileName);
3013                 time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
3014                 System.out.println("done. ("+time/1000.+" seconds)");
3015                 if (cg.getRoots().containsAll(roots)) {
3016                     roots = cg.getRoots();
3017                     //LOADED_CALLGRAPH = true;
3018                     return cg;
3019                 } else {
3020                     System.out.println("Call graph doesn't match named class, rebuilding...");
3021                     cg = null;
3022                 }
3023             } catch (IOException x) {
3024                 x.printStackTrace();
3025             }
3026         }
3027         return null;
3028     }
3030     public void addDefaults() {
3031         // First, print something because the set of objects reachable via System.out changes
3032         // depending on whether something has been printed or not!
3033         System.out.println("Adding default static variables.");
3035         // Add the default static variables (System in/out/err...)
3036         GlobalNode.GLOBAL.addDefaultStatics();
3038         // If using object-sensitive, initialize the object creation graph.
3039         this.ocg = null;
3040 //        if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
3041 //            this.ocg = new ObjectCreationGraph();
3042 //            //ocg.handleCallGraph(cg);
3043 //            this.ocg.addRoot(null);
3044 //            for (Iterator i = ConcreteObjectNode.getAll().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3045 //                ConcreteObjectNode con = (ConcreteObjectNode);
3046 //                if (con.getDeclaredType() == null) continue;
3047 //                this.ocg.addEdge(null, (Node) null, (jq_Reference)con.getDeclaredType());
3048 //            }
3049 //        }
3050     }
3052     public void run(CallGraph cg, Collection rootMethods) throws IOException {
3053         run(null, cg, rootMethods);
3054     }
3055     public void run(String bddfactory, CallGraph cg, Collection rootMethods) throws IOException {
3056         addDefaults();
3057         initializeStubs();
3059         // If we have a call graph, use it for numbering and calculating domain sizes.
3060         if (cg != null) {
3061             numberPaths(cg, ocg, true);
3062         }
3064         if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT && false) {
3065             VC_BITS = (HC_BITS + H_BITS) * MAX_PARAMS;
3066             System.out.println("Variable context bits = ("+HC_BITS+"+"+H_BITS+")*"+MAX_PARAMS+"="+VC_BITS);
3067         }
3069         // Now we know domain sizes, so initialize the BDD package.
3070         initializeBDD(bddfactory);        
3071         initializeMaps();
3072         this.rootMethods.addAll(rootMethods);
3074         if (DUMP_SSA) {
3075             String dumppath = System.getProperty("pa.dumppath");
3076             if (dumppath != null) System.setProperty("bdddumpdir", dumppath);
3077             Object dummy = new Object();
3078             bddIRBuilder = new BuildBDDIR(bdd, M, Mmap, dummy);
3079             varorder += "_" + bddIRBuilder.getVarOrderDesc();
3080             System.out.println("Using variable ordering " + varorder);
3081             int[] ordering = bdd.makeVarOrdering(reverseLocal, varorder);
3082             bdd.setVarOrder(ordering);
3083         } else {
3084             bddIRBuilder = null;
3085         }
3087         // Use the existing call graph to calculate IE filter
3088         if (cg != null) {
3089             System.out.print("Calculating call graph relation...");
3090             long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3091             calculateIEfilter(cg);
3092             time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
3093             System.out.println("done. ("+time/1000.+" seconds)");
3095             // Build up var-heap correspondence in context-sensitive case.
3096             if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE && HC_BITS > 1) {
3097                 System.out.print("Building var-heap context correspondence...");
3098                 time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3099                 buildVarHeapCorrespondence(cg);
3100                 time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
3101                 System.out.println("done. ("+time/1000.+" seconds)");
3102             } else if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) {
3103                 buildThreadV1H1(thread_runs, cg);
3104             }
3106             // Use the IE filter as the set of invocation edges.
3107             if (!DISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH) {
3108                 if (VerifyAssertions)
3109                     Assert._assert(IEfilter != null);
3110                 if (USE_VCONTEXT) {
3111                     IEcs = IEfilter;
3112                     IE = IEcs.exist(V1cV2cset);
3113                 } else {
3114                     IE = IEfilter;
3115                 }
3116             }
3117         }
3119         // Start timing.
3120         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3122         // Add the global relations first.
3123         visitGlobalNode(GlobalNode.GLOBAL);
3124         for (Iterator i = ConcreteObjectNode.getAll().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3125             ConcreteObjectNode con = (ConcreteObjectNode);
3126             visitGlobalNode(con);
3127         }
3129         // Calculate the relations for the root methods.
3130         for (Iterator i = rootMethods.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3131             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
3133             // Add placeholder objects for each of the parameters of root methods.
3134             if (ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS > 0) {
3135                 addPlaceholdersForParams(m, ADD_ROOT_PLACEHOLDERS);
3136             }
3138             visitMethod(m);
3139         }
3141         // Add placeholder objects for public methods.
3142         if (PUBLIC_PLACEHOLDERS > 0) {
3143             Iterator i;
3144             if (cg != null) i = cg.getAllMethods().iterator();
3145             else i = rootMethods.iterator();
3146             while (i.hasNext()) {
3147                 jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
3148                 if (!m.isPublic()) continue;
3149                 addPlaceholdersForParams(m, PUBLIC_PLACEHOLDERS);
3150             }
3151         }
3153         // Calculate the relations for any other methods we know about.
3154         handleNewTargets();
3156         // For object-sensitivity, build up the context mapping.
3157         if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
3158             buildTypes();
3159             buildObjectSensitiveV1H1(ocg);
3160         }
3162         // Now that contexts are calculated, add the relations for all methods
3163         // to the global relation.
3164         addAllMethods();
3166         System.out.println("Time spent initializing: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)/1000.);
3169             Assert._assert(!SKIP_SOLVE);
3170             time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3171             iterate();
3172             System.out.println("Time spent solving: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)/1000.);
3173         } else {
3174             if (DUMP_INITIAL) {
3175                 buildTypes();
3176                 try {
3177                     long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
3178                     dumpBDDRelations();
3179                     System.out.println("Dump took "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time2)/1000.+"s");
3180                     if (DUMP_SSA) dumpSSA();
3181                 } catch (IOException x) {}
3182             }
3183             if (SKIP_SOLVE) return;
3184             time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3185             assumeKnownCallGraph();
3186             System.out.println("Time spent solving: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)/1000.);
3187         }
3189         if(FIX_NO_DEST){
3190             analyzeIE();
3191         }
3192         if(REFLECTION_STAT){
3193             saveReflectionStats();
3194         }
3195         if(FORNAME_STAT){
3196             saveForNameStats();
3197         }
3198         //initializeForNameMapEntries();
3200         printSizes();
3202         System.out.println("Writing call graph...");
3203         time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3204         dumpCallGraph();
3205         System.out.println("Time spent writing: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000.);
3207         if (DUMP_RESULTS) {
3208             System.out.println("Writing results...");
3209             time = System.currentTimeMillis();
3210             dumpResults(resultsFileName);
3211             System.out.println("Time spent writing: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)/1000.);
3212         }
3213     }
3215     void saveReflectionStats() throws IOException {
3216         PrintWriter w = null;
3217         try {
3218             out.println("Saving reflection statistics in " + REFLECTION_STAT_FILE);
3219             w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(REFLECTION_STAT_FILE));                
3220             BDD newInstanceCalls = IE.restrict(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(javaLangClass_newInstance)));   // I
3222             if(RESOLVE_REFLECTION){
3223                 w.println("Used " + (USE_CASTS_FOR_REFLECTION ? "casts" : "strings") + " for reflection resolution.");
3224             }else{
3225                 w.println("Reflection wasn't resolved.");
3226             }
3227             w.println("There are " + newInstanceCalls.satCount(Iset) + " calls to Class.newInstance");
3229             int pos = 1;
3230             for(Iterator iter = newInstanceCalls.iterator(Iset); iter.hasNext(); pos++){
3231                 BDD i = (BDD);
3232                 int i_i = i.scanVar(I).intValue();
3233                 ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation)Imap.get(i_i);
3235                 BDD callees = IE.relprod(i, Iset);
3236                 if(!callees.isZero()){
3237                     w.println("[" + pos + "]\t" + mc.toStringLong() + ": " + 
3238                         //(callees.satCount(Mset)==1 ? "UNRESOLVED":""));
3239                         (unresolvedCalls.contains(mc) ? "UNRESOLVED":""));
3240                     for(Iterator iter2 = callees.iterator(Mset); iter2.hasNext();){
3241                         BDD callee = (BDD);
3243                         int m_i = callee.scanVar(M).intValue();
3244                         jq_Method m = (jq_Method)Mmap.get(m_i);
3246                         w.println("\t" + m.toString());
3247                     }
3248                     w.println();
3249                 }
3250             }
3251         }finally{
3252             if(w != null) w.close();
3253         }
3254     }
3256     void saveForNameStats() throws IOException {
3257         PrintWriter w = null;
3258         try {
3259             out.println("Saving forName statistics in " + FORNAME_STAT_FILE);
3260             w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(FORNAME_STAT_FILE));                
3261             jq_Method forNameMethod = class_class.getDeclaredMethod("forName");
3262             BDD forNameCalls = IE.restrict(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(forNameMethod)));   // I
3264             if(RESOLVE_REFLECTION){
3265                 w.println("Used " + (USE_CASTS_FOR_REFLECTION ? "casts" : "strings") + " for reflection resolution.");
3266             }else{
3267                 w.println("Reflection wasn't resolved.");
3268             }
3269             w.println("There are " + forNameCalls.satCount(Iset) + " calls to Class.forName");
3271             int pos = 1;
3272             for(Iterator iter = forNameCalls.iterator(Iset); iter.hasNext(); pos++){
3273                 BDD i = (BDD);
3274                 int i_i = i.scanVar(I).intValue();
3275                 ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation)Imap.get(i_i);
3277                 BDD callees = IE.relprod(i, Iset);
3278                 if(!callees.isZero()){
3279                     w.println("[" + pos + "]\t" + mc.toStringLong() + ": " + 
3280                         (callees.satCount(Mset)==1 ? "UNRESOLVED":""));
3281                         //(unresolvedCalls.contains(mc) ? "UNRESOLVED":""));
3282                     for(Iterator iter2 = callees.iterator(Mset); iter2.hasNext();){
3283                         BDD callee = (BDD);
3285                         int m_i = callee.scanVar(M).intValue();
3286                         jq_Method m = (jq_Method)Mmap.get(m_i);
3288                         w.println("\t" + m.toString());
3289                     }
3290                     w.println();
3291                 }
3292             }
3293         }finally{
3294             if(w != null) w.close();
3295         }
3296     }
3298     Set provideStubsFor = new HashSet();
3299     /***
3300      * Initializes provideStubsFor.
3301      */
3302     private void initializeStubs() {
3303         {
3304             jq_Type c = jq_Class.parseType("java.sql.Connection");
3305             c.prepare();        
3306             provideStubsFor.add(c);
3307         }
3309         {
3310             jq_Type c = jq_Class.parseType("java.sql.Statement");
3311             c.prepare();
3312             provideStubsFor.add(c);
3313         }
3314     }
3315     static Collection readClassesFromFile(String fname) throws IOException {
3316         BufferedReader r = null;
3317         try {
3318             r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname));
3319             Collection rootMethods = new ArrayList();
3320             String s = null;
3321             while ((s = r.readLine()) != null) {
3322                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class) jq_Type.parseType(s);
3323                 c.prepare();
3324                 rootMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredStaticMethods()));
3325                 if (ADD_INSTANCE_METHODS)
3326                     rootMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredInstanceMethods()));
3327             }
3328             return rootMethods;
3329         } finally {
3330             if (r != null) r.close();
3331         }
3332     }
3334     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
3335         if (USE_JOEQ_CLASSLIBS) {
3336             System.setProperty("joeq.classlibinterface", "");
3337             joeq.ClassLib.ClassLibInterface.useJoeqClasslib(true);
3338         }
3339         HostedVM.initialize();
3340         CodeCache.AlwaysMap = true;
3342         Collection rootMethods = null;
3343         if (args[0].startsWith("@")) {
3344             rootMethods = readClassesFromFile(args[0].substring(1));
3345         } else {
3346             jq_Class c = (jq_Class) jq_Type.parseType(args[0]);
3347             c.prepare();
3349             rootMethods = Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredStaticMethods());
3350             if (ADD_INSTANCE_METHODS) {
3351                 jq_InstanceMethod[] ms = c.getDeclaredInstanceMethods();
3352                 rootMethods = new ArrayList(rootMethods);
3353                 rootMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(ms));
3354             }
3355         }
3357         if (args.length > 1) {
3358             for (Iterator i = rootMethods.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3359                 jq_Method sm = (jq_Method);
3360                 if (args[1].equals(sm.getName().toString())) {
3361                     rootMethods = Collections.singleton(sm);
3362                     break;
3363                 }
3364             }
3365         }
3367         PrimitivePA dis = new PrimitivePA();
3368 = null;
3369         if (dis.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || !dis.DISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH) {
3370    = loadCallGraph(rootMethods);
3371             if ( == null && dis.AUTODISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH) {
3372                 if (dis.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE || dis.OBJECT_SENSITIVE || dis.THREAD_SENSITIVE ||
3373                         dis.SKIP_SOLVE) {
3374                     System.out.println("Discovering call graph first...");
3375                     dis.CONTEXT_SENSITIVE = false;
3376                     dis.OBJECT_SENSITIVE = false;
3377                     dis.THREAD_SENSITIVE = false;
3378                     dis.CARTESIAN_PRODUCT = false;
3379                     dis.DISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH = true;
3380                     dis.CS_CALLGRAPH = false;
3381                     dis.DUMP_INITIAL = false;
3382                     dis.DUMP_RESULTS = false;
3383                     dis.SKIP_SOLVE = false;
3384                     dis.DUMP_FLY = false;
3385           "java",, rootMethods);
3386                     System.out.println("Finished discovering call graph.");
3387                     dis = new PrimitivePA();
3388                     initialCallgraphFileName = callgraphFileName;
3389            = loadCallGraph(rootMethods);
3390                     rootMethods =;
3391                 } else if (!dis.DISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH) {
3392                     System.out.println("Call graph doesn't exist yet, so turning on call graph discovery.");
3393                     dis.DISCOVER_CALL_GRAPH = true;
3394                 }
3395             } else if ( != null) {
3396                 rootMethods =;
3397             }
3398         }
3399, rootMethods);
3402             writePAResultsBatchFile("runparesults");
3403     }
3405     /***
3406      * write a file that when executed by shell runs PAResults in proper environment.
3407      */
3408     static void writePAResultsBatchFile(String batchfilename) throws IOException {
3409         PrintWriter w = null;
3410         try {
3411             w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(batchfilename));
3412             Properties p = System.getProperties();
3413             w.print(p.getProperty("java.home") + File.separatorChar + "bin" + File.separatorChar + "java");
3414             w.print(" -Xmx512M");
3415             w.print(" -classpath \"" + System.getProperty("java.class.path")+"\"");
3416             w.print(" -Djava.library.path=\"" + System.getProperty("java.library.path")+"\"");
3417             for (Iterator i = p.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3418                 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
3419                 String key = (String)e.getKey();
3420                 String val = (String)e.getValue();
3421                 if (key.startsWith("ms.") || key.startsWith("pa.")) {
3422                     w.print(" -D" + key + "=" + val);
3423                 }
3424             }
3425             w.println(" joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PAResults");
3426         } finally {
3427             if (w != null) w.close();
3428         }
3429     }
3431     public void printSizes() {
3432         System.out.println("V = "+Vmap.size()+", bits = "+
3433                            BigInteger.valueOf(Vmap.size()).bitLength());
3434         System.out.println("I = "+Imap.size()+", bits = "+
3435                            BigInteger.valueOf(Imap.size()).bitLength());
3436         System.out.println("H = "+Hmap.size()+", bits = "+
3437                            BigInteger.valueOf(Hmap.size()).bitLength());
3438         System.out.println("F = "+Fmap.size()+", bits = "+
3439                            BigInteger.valueOf(Fmap.size()).bitLength());
3440         System.out.println("T = "+Tmap.size()+", bits = "+
3441                            BigInteger.valueOf(Tmap.size()).bitLength());
3442         System.out.println("N = "+Nmap.size()+", bits = "+
3443                            BigInteger.valueOf(Nmap.size()).bitLength());
3444         System.out.println("M = "+Mmap.size()+", bits = "+
3445                            BigInteger.valueOf(Mmap.size()).bitLength());
3446     }
3448     ToString TS = new ToString();
3450     // XXX should we use an interface here for long location printing?
3451     public String longForm(Object o) {
3452         if (o == null || !LONG_LOCATIONS)
3453             return "";
3455         // Node is a ProgramLocation
3456         if (o instanceof ProgramLocation) {
3457             return " in "+((ProgramLocation)o).toStringLong();
3458         } else {
3459             try {
3460                 Class c = o.getClass();
3461                 try {
3462                     // Node has getLocation() 
3463                     Method m = c.getMethod("getLocation", new Class[] {});
3464                     ProgramLocation pl = (ProgramLocation)m.invoke(o, null);
3465                     if (pl == null)
3466                         throw new NoSuchMethodException();
3467                     return " in "+pl.toStringLong();
3468                 } catch (NoSuchMethodException _1) {
3469                     try {
3470                         // Node has at least a getMethod() 
3471                         Method m = c.getMethod("getMethod", new Class[] {});
3472                         return " " + m.invoke(o, null);
3473                     } catch (NoSuchMethodException _2) {
3474                         try {
3475                             // or getDefiningMethod() 
3476                             Method m = c.getMethod("getDefiningMethod", new Class[] {});
3477                             return " " + m.invoke(o, null);
3478                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException _3) {
3479                         }
3480                     }
3481                 }
3482             } catch (InvocationTargetException _) {
3483             } catch (IllegalAccessException _) { 
3484             }
3485         }
3486         return "";
3487     }
3489     String findInMap(IndexedMap map, int j) {
3490         String jp = "("+j+")";
3491         if (j < map.size() && j >= 0) {
3492             Object o = map.get(j);
3493             jp += o + longForm(o);
3494             return jp;
3495         } else {
3496             return jp+"<index not in map>";
3497         }
3498     }
3500     public class ToString extends BDD.BDDToString {
3501         public String elementName(int i, BigInteger j) {
3502             switch (i) {
3503                 case 0: // fallthrough
3504                 case 1: return findInMap(Vmap, j.intValue());
3505                 case 2: return findInMap(Imap, j.intValue());
3506                 case 3: return findInMap(Imap, j.intValue());// fallthrough
3507                 case 4: return findInMap(Hmap, j.intValue());
3508                 case 5: return j.toString();
3509                 case 6: return findInMap(Fmap, j.intValue());
3510                 case 7: // fallthrough
3511                 case 8: return findInMap(Tmap, j.intValue());
3512                 case 9: return findInMap(Nmap, j.intValue());
3513                 case 10: return findInMap(Mmap, j.intValue());
3514                 case 11: return findInMap(Mmap, j.intValue());
3515                 default: return "("+j+")"+"??";
3516             }
3517         }
3518         public String elementNames(int i, BigInteger j, BigInteger k) {
3519             // TODO: don't bother printing out long form of big sets.
3520             return super.elementNames(i, j, k);
3521         }
3522     }
3524     private void dumpCallGraphAsDot(CallGraph cg, String dotFileName) throws IOException {
3525         PathNumbering pn = countCallGraph(cg, null, false);
3526         dumpCallGraphAsDot(pn, cg, dotFileName);
3527     }
3528     private void dumpCallGraphAsDot(PathNumbering pn, CallGraph cg, String dotFileName) throws IOException {
3529         if (pn != null) {
3530             BufferedWriter dos = null;
3531             try {
3532                 dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dotFileName));
3533                 pn.dotGraph(dos, cg.getRoots(), cg.getCallSiteNavigator());
3534             } finally {
3535                 if (dos != null) dos.close();
3536             }
3537         }
3538     }
3540     public void dumpCallGraph() throws IOException {
3541         //CallGraph callgraph = CallGraph.makeCallGraph(roots, new PACallTargetMap());
3542         CallGraph callgraph = new CachedCallGraph(new PrimitivePACallGraph(this));
3543         //CallGraph callgraph = callGraph;
3544         BufferedWriter dos = null;
3545         try {
3546             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(callgraphFileName));
3547             LoadedCallGraph.write(callgraph, dos);
3548         } finally {
3549             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3550         }
3552     }
3554     public static List activeDomains(BDD r) {
3555         BDDVarSet s =;
3556         BDDDomain[] a = s.getDomains();
3558         List result = Arrays.asList(a);
3559         return result;
3560     }
3562     public static String getName(BDDDomain d) {
3563         String s = d.getName();
3564         if (s.equals("V1c")) return "VC0";
3565         if (s.equals("V2c")) return "VC1";
3566         if (s.endsWith("2")) return s.substring(0, s.length()-1)+"1";
3567         if (s.endsWith("1")) return s.substring(0, s.length()-1)+"0";
3568         return s+"0";
3569     }
3571     public static void bdd_save(String filename, BDD b) throws IOException {
3572         List ds = activeDomains(b);
3573         if (ds == null) {
3574             b.getFactory().save(filename, b);
3575         } else {
3576             bdd_save(filename, b, ds);
3577         }
3578     }
3580     public static void bdd_save(String filename, BDD b, List ds) throws IOException {
3581         BufferedWriter out = null;
3582         try {
3583             out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
3584             out.write('#');
3585             for (Iterator i = ds.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3586                 BDDDomain d = (BDDDomain);
3587                 out.write(' ');
3588                 out.write(getName(d));
3589                 out.write(':');
3590                 out.write(Integer.toString(d.varNum()));
3591             }
3592             out.write('\n');
3593             for (Iterator i = ds.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3594                 BDDDomain d = (BDDDomain);
3595                 out.write('#');
3596                 int[] vars = d.vars();
3597                 for (int j = 0; j < vars.length; ++j) {
3598                     out.write(' ');
3599                     out.write(Integer.toString(vars[j]));
3600                 }
3601                 out.write('\n');
3602             }
3603             b.getFactory().save(out, b);
3604         } finally {
3605             if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException _) { }
3606         }
3607     }
3609     public void dumpResults(String dumpfilename) throws IOException {
3611         System.out.println("A: "+(long) A.satCount(V1V2set)+" relations, "+A.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3612         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".A", A);
3613         System.out.println("vP: "+(long) vP.satCount(V1H1set)+" relations, "+vP.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3614         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".vP", vP);
3615         //BuildBDDIR.dumpTuples(bdd, dumpfilename+".vP.tuples", vP);
3616         System.out.println("S: "+(long) S.satCount(V1FV2set)+" relations, "+S.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3617         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".S", S);
3618         System.out.println("L: "+(long) L.satCount(V1FV2set)+" relations, "+L.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3619         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".L", L);
3620         System.out.println("vT: "+(long) vT.satCount(V1.set().union(T1set))+" relations, "+vT.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3621         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".vT", vT);
3622         System.out.println("hT: "+(long) hT.satCount(H1.set().union(T2set))+" relations, "+hT.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3623         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".hT", hT);
3624         System.out.println("aT: "+(long) aT.satCount(T1set.union(T2set))+" relations, "+aT.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3625         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".aT", aT);
3626         System.out.println("cha: "+(long) cha.satCount(T2Nset.union(Mset))+" relations, "+cha.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3627         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".cha", cha);
3628         System.out.println("actual: "+(long) actual.satCount(Iset.union(Zset).union(V2.set()))+" relations, "+actual.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3629         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".actual", actual);
3630         System.out.println("formal: "+(long) formal.satCount(MZset.union(V1.set()))+" relations, "+formal.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3631         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".formal", formal);
3632         System.out.println("Iret: "+(long) Iret.satCount(Iset.union(V1.set()))+" relations, "+Iret.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3633         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".Iret", Iret);
3634         System.out.println("Mret: "+(long) Mret.satCount(Mset.union(V2.set()))+" relations, "+Mret.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3635         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".Mret", Mret);
3636         System.out.println("Ithr: "+(long) Ithr.satCount(Iset.union(V1.set()))+" relations, "+Ithr.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3637         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".Ithr", Ithr);
3638         System.out.println("Mthr: "+(long) Mthr.satCount(Mset.union(V2.set()))+" relations, "+Mthr.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3639         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".Mthr", Mthr);
3640         System.out.println("mI: "+(long) mI.satCount(INset.union(Mset))+" relations, "+mI.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3641         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".mI", mI);
3642         System.out.println("mV: "+(long) mV.satCount(Mset.union(V1.set()))+" relations, "+mV.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3643         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".mV", mV);
3644         System.out.println("sync: "+(long) sync.satCount(V1.set())+" relations, "+sync.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3645         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".sync", sync);
3647         System.out.println("hP: "+(long) hP.satCount(H1FH2set)+" relations, "+hP.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3648         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".hP", hP);
3649         //BuildBDDIR.dumpTuples(bdd, dumpfilename+".hP.tuples", hP);
3650         System.out.println("IE: "+(long) IE.satCount(IMset)+" relations, "+IE.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3651         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".IE", IE);
3652         BuildBDDIR.dumpTuples(bdd, dumpfilename+".IE.tuples", IE);
3653         if (IEcs != null) {
3654             System.out.println("IEcs: "+(long) IEcs.satCount(IMset.union(V1cV2cset))+" relations, "+IEcs.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3655             bdd_save(dumpfilename+".IEcs", IEcs);
3656         }
3657         if (vPfilter != null) {
3658             System.out.println("vPfilter: "+(long) vPfilter.satCount(V1.set().union(H1.set()))+" relations, "+vPfilter.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3659             bdd_save(dumpfilename+".vPfilter", vPfilter);
3660         }
3661         if (hPfilter != null) {
3662             System.out.println("hPfilter: "+(long) hPfilter.satCount(H1.set().union(Fset).union(H1.set()))+" relations, "+hPfilter.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3663             bdd_save(dumpfilename+".hPfilter", hPfilter);
3664         }
3665         if (IEfilter != null) {
3666             System.out.println("IEfilter: "+IEfilter.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3667             bdd_save(dumpfilename+".IEfilter", IEfilter);
3668         }
3669         if (NNfilter != null) {
3670             System.out.println("NNfilter: "+NNfilter.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3671             bdd_save(dumpfilename+".NNfilter", NNfilter);
3672         }
3673         System.out.println("visited: "+(long) visited.satCount(Mset)+" relations, "+visited.nodeCount()+" nodes");
3674         bdd_save(dumpfilename+".visited", visited);
3676         BufferedWriter dos = null;
3677         try {
3678             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".config"));
3679             dumpConfig(dos);
3680         } finally {
3681             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3682         }
3684         System.out.print("Dumping maps...");
3685         dos = null;
3686         try {
3687             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Vmap"));
3688             Vmap.dump(dos);
3689         } finally {
3690             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3691         }
3692         dos = null;
3693         try {
3694             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Imap"));
3695             Imap.dump(dos);
3696         } finally {
3697             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3698         }
3699         dos = null;
3700         try {
3701             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Hmap"));
3702             Hmap.dump(dos);
3703         } finally {
3704             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3705         }
3706         dos = null;
3707         try {
3708             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Fmap"));
3709             Fmap.dump(dos);
3710         } finally {
3711             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3712         }
3713         dos = null;
3714         try {
3715             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Tmap"));
3716             Tmap.dump(dos);
3717         } finally {
3718             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3719         }
3720         dos = null;
3721         try {
3722             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Nmap"));
3723             Nmap.dump(dos);
3724         } finally {
3725             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3726         }
3727         dos = null;
3728         try {
3729             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpfilename+".Mmap"));
3730             Mmap.dump(dos);
3731         } finally {
3732             if (dos != null) dos.close();
3733         }
3734         System.out.println("done.");
3735     }
3737     public static PrimitivePA loadResults(String bddfactory, String loaddir, String loadfilename) throws IOException {
3738         PrimitivePA pa = new PrimitivePA();
3739         BufferedReader di = null;
3740         try {
3741             di = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(loaddir+loadfilename+".config"));
3742             pa.loadConfig(di);
3743         } finally {
3744             if (di != null) di.close();
3745         }
3746         System.out.print("Initializing...");
3747         pa.initializeBDD(bddfactory);
3748         System.out.println("done.");
3750         System.out.print("Loading results from "+loaddir+loadfilename+"...");
3751         if (loaddir.length() == 0) loaddir = "."+System.getProperty("file.separator");
3752         File dir = new File(loaddir);
3753         final String prefix = loadfilename + ".";
3754         File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
3755             public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
3756                 return name.startsWith(prefix);
3757             }
3758         });
3759         for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
3760             File f = files[i];
3761             if (f.isDirectory()) continue;
3762             String name = f.getName().substring(prefix.length());
3763             try {
3764                 Field field = PA.class.getDeclaredField(name);
3765                 if (field == null) continue;
3766                 if (field.getType() == net.sf.javabdd.BDD.class) {
3767                     System.out.print(name+": ");
3768                     BDD b = pa.bdd.load(f.getAbsolutePath());
3769                     System.out.print(b.nodeCount()+" nodes, ");
3770                     field.set(pa, b);
3771                 } else if (field.getType() == IndexMap.class) {
3772                     System.out.print(name+": ");
3773                     di = null;
3774                     try {
3775                         di = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
3776                         IndexMap m = IndexMap.load(name, di);
3777                         System.out.print(m.size()+" entries, ");
3778                         field.set(pa, m);
3779                     } finally {
3780                         if (di != null) di.close();
3781                     }
3782                 } else {
3783                     System.out.println();
3784                     System.out.println("Cannot load field: "+field);
3785                 }
3786             } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
3787             } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
3788                 Assert.UNREACHABLE();
3789             } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
3790                 Assert.UNREACHABLE();
3791             }
3792         }
3793         System.out.println("done.");
3795         // Set types for loaded BDDs.
3796         if (pa.A instanceof TypedBDD) {
3797             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3798             set.add(pa.V1); set.add(pa.V2);
3799             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V1c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V2c));
3800             ((TypedBDD) pa.A).setDomains(set);
3801         }
3802         if (pa.vP instanceof TypedBDD) {
3803             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3804             set.add(pa.V1); set.add(pa.H1);
3805             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V1c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.H1c));
3806             ((TypedBDD) pa.vP).setDomains(set);
3807         }
3808         if (pa.S instanceof TypedBDD) {
3809             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3810             set.add(pa.V1); set.add(pa.V2); set.add(pa.F);
3811             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V1c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V2c));
3812             ((TypedBDD) pa.S).setDomains(set);
3813         }
3814         if (pa.L instanceof TypedBDD) {
3815             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3816             set.add(pa.V1); set.add(pa.V2); set.add(pa.F);
3817             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V1c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V2c));
3818             ((TypedBDD) pa.L).setDomains(set);
3819         }
3820         if (pa.vT instanceof TypedBDD)
3821             ((TypedBDD) pa.vT).setDomains(pa.V1, pa.T1);
3822         if (pa.hT instanceof TypedBDD)
3823             ((TypedBDD) pa.hT).setDomains(pa.H1, pa.T2);
3824         if (pa.aT instanceof TypedBDD)
3825             ((TypedBDD) pa.aT).setDomains(pa.T1, pa.T2);
3826         if (pa.cha instanceof TypedBDD)
3827             ((TypedBDD) pa.cha).setDomains(pa.T2, pa.N, pa.M);
3828         if (pa.actual instanceof TypedBDD)
3829             ((TypedBDD) pa.actual).setDomains(pa.I, pa.Z, pa.V2);
3830         if (pa.formal instanceof TypedBDD)
3831             ((TypedBDD) pa.formal).setDomains(pa.M, pa.Z, pa.V1);
3832         if (pa.Iret instanceof TypedBDD)
3833             ((TypedBDD) pa.Iret).setDomains(pa.I, pa.V1);
3834         if (pa.Mret instanceof TypedBDD)
3835             ((TypedBDD) pa.Mret).setDomains(pa.M, pa.V2);
3836         if (pa.Ithr instanceof TypedBDD)
3837             ((TypedBDD) pa.Ithr).setDomains(pa.I, pa.V1);
3838         if (pa.Mthr instanceof TypedBDD)
3839             ((TypedBDD) pa.Mthr).setDomains(pa.M, pa.V2);
3840         if (pa.mI instanceof TypedBDD)
3841             ((TypedBDD) pa.mI).setDomains(pa.M, pa.I, pa.N);
3842         if (pa.mV instanceof TypedBDD)
3843             ((TypedBDD) pa.mV).setDomains(pa.M, pa.V1);
3844         if (pa.sync instanceof TypedBDD)
3845             ((TypedBDD) pa.sync).setDomains(pa.V1);
3846         if (pa.mSync instanceof TypedBDD)
3847             ((TypedBDD) pa.sync).setDomains(pa.M);
3849         if (pa.fT instanceof TypedBDD)
3850             ((TypedBDD) pa.fT).setDomains(pa.F, pa.T2);
3851         if (pa.fC instanceof TypedBDD)
3852             ((TypedBDD) pa.fC).setDomains(pa.F, pa.T2);
3854         if (pa.hP instanceof TypedBDD) {
3855             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3856             set.add(pa.H1); set.add(pa.H2); set.add(pa.F);
3857             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.H1c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.H2c));
3858             ((TypedBDD) pa.hP).setDomains(set);
3859         }
3860         if (pa.IE instanceof TypedBDD)
3861             ((TypedBDD) pa.IE).setDomains(pa.I, pa.M);
3862         if (pa.IEcs instanceof TypedBDD) {
3863             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3864             set.add(pa.I); set.add(pa.M);
3865             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V2c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V1c));
3866             ((TypedBDD) pa.IEcs).setDomains(set);
3867         }
3868         if (pa.vPfilter instanceof TypedBDD)
3869             ((TypedBDD) pa.vPfilter).setDomains(pa.V1, pa.H1);
3870         if (pa.hPfilter instanceof TypedBDD)
3871             ((TypedBDD) pa.hPfilter).setDomains(pa.H1, pa.F, pa.H2);
3872         if (pa.IEfilter instanceof TypedBDD) {
3873             Set set = TypedBDDFactory.makeSet();
3874             set.add(pa.I); set.add(pa.M);
3875             set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V2c)); set.addAll(Arrays.asList(pa.V1c));
3876             ((TypedBDD) pa.IEfilter).setDomains(set);
3877         }
3878         if (pa.NNfilter instanceof TypedBDD)
3879             ((TypedBDD) pa.NNfilter).setDomains(pa.H1);
3881         if (pa.visited instanceof TypedBDD)
3882             ((TypedBDD) pa.visited).setDomains(pa.M);
3884         return pa;
3885     }
3887     private void dumpConfig(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException {
3888         out.write("V="+V_BITS+"\n");
3889         out.write("I="+I_BITS+"\n");
3890         out.write("H="+H_BITS+"\n");
3891         out.write("Z="+Z_BITS+"\n");
3892         out.write("F="+F_BITS+"\n");
3893         out.write("T="+T_BITS+"\n");
3894         out.write("N="+N_BITS+"\n");
3895         out.write("M="+M_BITS+"\n");
3896         out.write("VC="+VC_BITS+"\n");
3897         out.write("HC="+HC_BITS+"\n");
3898         out.write("CS="+(CONTEXT_SENSITIVE?"yes":"no")+"\n");
3899         out.write("OS="+(OBJECT_SENSITIVE?"yes":"no")+"\n");
3900         out.write("TS="+(THREAD_SENSITIVE?"yes":"no")+"\n");
3901         out.write("CP="+(CARTESIAN_PRODUCT?"yes":"no")+"\n");
3902         out.write("Order="+varorder+"\n");
3903         out.write("Reverse="+reverseLocal+"\n");
3904     }
3906     private void loadConfig(BufferedReader in) throws IOException {
3907         for (;;) {
3908             String s = in.readLine();
3909             if (s == null) break;
3910             int index = s.indexOf('=');
3911             if (index == -1) index = s.length();
3912             String s1 = s.substring(0, index);
3913             String s2 = index < s.length() ? s.substring(index+1) : null;
3914             if (s1.equals("V")) {
3915                 V_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3916             } else if (s1.equals("I")) {
3917                 I_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3918             } else if (s1.equals("H")) {
3919                 H_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3920             } else if (s1.equals("Z")) {
3921                 Z_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3922             } else if (s1.equals("F")) {
3923                 F_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3924             } else if (s1.equals("T")) {
3925                 T_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3926             } else if (s1.equals("N")) {
3927                 N_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3928             } else if (s1.equals("M")) {
3929                 M_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3930             } else if (s1.equals("VC")) {
3931                 VC_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3932             } else if (s1.equals("HC")) {
3933                 HC_BITS = Integer.parseInt(s2);
3934             } else if (s1.equals("CS")) {
3935                 CONTEXT_SENSITIVE = s2.equals("yes");
3936             } else if (s1.equals("OS")) {
3937                 OBJECT_SENSITIVE = s2.equals("yes");
3938             } else if (s1.equals("TS")) {
3939                 THREAD_SENSITIVE = s2.equals("yes");
3940             } else if (s1.equals("CP")) {
3941                 CARTESIAN_PRODUCT = s2.equals("yes");
3942             } else if (s1.equals("Order")) {
3943                 varorder = s2;
3944             } else if (s1.equals("Reverse")) {
3945                 reverseLocal = s2.equals("true");
3946             } else {
3947                 System.err.println("Unknown config option "+s);
3948             }
3949         }
3950         if (VC_BITS > 1 || HC_BITS > 1) {
3951             MAX_VC_BITS = VC_BITS;
3952             MAX_HC_BITS = HC_BITS;
3953         }
3954     }
3956     public static class ThreadRootMap extends AbstractMap {
3957         Map map;
3958         ThreadRootMap(Map s) {
3959             map = s;
3960         }
3961         public Object get(Object o) {
3962             Set s = (Set) map.get(o);
3963             if (s == null) return new Integer(0);
3964             return new Integer(s.size()-1);
3965         }
3966         /* (non-Javadoc)
3967          * @see java.util.AbstractMap#entrySet()
3968          */
3969         public Set entrySet() {
3970             HashMap m = new HashMap();
3971             for (Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
3972                 Object o =;
3973                 m.put(o, get(o));
3974             }
3975             return m.entrySet();
3976         }
3977     }
3979     // Map between thread run() methods and the ConcreteTypeNodes of the corresponding threads.
3980     static Map thread_runs = new HashMap();
3981     IndexMap threadNumbers;
3983     public int getThreadRunIndex(jq_Method m, Node n) {
3984         if (!threadNumbers.contains(n)) {
3985             //Assert.UNREACHABLE("Method "+m+" Node "+n);
3986             return -1;
3987         }
3988         return threadNumbers.get(n);
3989     }
3991     public PathNumbering countCallGraph(CallGraph cg, ObjectCreationGraph ocg, boolean updateBits) {
3992         jq_Class jlt = PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThread();
3993         jlt.prepare();
3994         jq_Class jlr = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/Runnable;");
3995         jlr.prepare();
3996         Set fields = new HashSet();
3997         IndexMap classes = new IndexMap("classes");
3998         int vars = 0, heaps = 0, bcodes = 0, methods = 0, calls = 0;
3999         int threads = 0;
4000         for (Iterator i = cg.getAllMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4001             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
4002             if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Counting "+m);
4003             ++methods;
4004             jq_Class c = m.isStatic() ? null : m.getDeclaringClass();
4005             if (m.getBytecode() == null) {
4006                 jq_Type retType = m.getReturnType();
4007                 if (retType instanceof jq_Reference) {
4008                     boolean b = !classes.contains(retType);
4009                     classes.get(retType);
4010                     if (b)
4011                         ++heaps;
4012 //                    if (ocg != null) {
4013 //                        ocg.addEdge(null, (Node) null, (jq_Reference) retType);
4014 //                    }
4015                 }
4016                 continue;
4017             }
4018             bcodes += m.getBytecode().length;
4019             PrimitiveMethodSummary ms = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(m);
4020             for (Iterator j = ms.nodeIterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4021                 Node n = (Node);
4022                 ++vars;
4023                 if (n instanceof ConcreteTypeNode ||
4024                     n instanceof UnknownTypeNode ||
4025                     n instanceof ConcreteObjectNode) {
4026                     ++heaps;
4027                     jq_Type type = n.getDeclaredType(); 
4028                     if (type != null && type != jq_NullType.NULL_TYPE) {
4029                         type.prepare();
4030                         if (type.isSubtypeOf(jlt) ||
4031                             type.isSubtypeOf(jlr)) {
4032                             jq_Method rm = ((jq_Class)type).getVirtualMethod(run_method);
4033                             Set s = (Set) thread_runs.get(rm);
4034                             if (s == null) thread_runs.put(rm, s = new HashSet());
4035                             s.add(n);
4036                             ++threads;
4037                         }
4038 //                        if (ocg != null) {
4039 //                            ocg.addEdge(c, n, type);
4040 //                        }
4041                     }
4042                 }
4043                 fields.addAll(n.getAccessPathEdgeFields());
4044                 fields.addAll(n.getNonEscapingEdgeFields());
4045                 if (n instanceof GlobalNode) continue;
4046                 jq_Type r = (jq_Type) n.getDeclaredType();
4047                 classes.get(r);
4048             }
4049             calls += ms.getCalls().size()*8;
4050         }
4051         if (ADD_SUPERTYPES) {
4052             for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); ++i) {
4053                 jq_Type t1 = (jq_Type) classes.get(i);
4054                 if (t1 == null || t1 instanceof jq_NullType || !(t1 instanceof jq_Reference)) continue;
4055                 t1.prepare();
4056                 jq_Reference t0 = (jq_Reference) t1;
4057                 jq_Reference t2 = t0.getDirectPrimarySupertype();
4058                 if (t2 != null) {
4059                     t2.prepare();
4060                     classes.get(t2);
4061                 }
4062                 jq_Class[] c = t0.getInterfaces();
4063                 for (int j = 0; j < c.length; ++j) {
4064                     classes.get(c[j]);
4065                 }
4066             }
4067         }
4068         System.out.println();
4069         System.out.println("Methods="+methods+" Bytecodes="+bcodes+" Call sites="+calls);
4070         System.out.println("Vars="+vars+" Heaps="+heaps+" Classes="+classes.size()+" Fields="+fields.size());
4071         PathNumbering pn = null;
4072         if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
4073             if(BETTER_CONTEXT_NUMBERING){
4074                 Set sccs = SCComponent.buildSCC(cg);
4075                 SCCTopSortedGraph graph = SCCTopSortedGraph.topSort(sccs);
4077                 Selector selector = null; 
4078                 if(USE_STRING_METHOD_SELECTOR) {
4079                     System.err.println("Using a StringMethodSelector");
4080                     selector = new StringMethodSelector(graph);
4081                 } else {
4082                     System.err.println("Using a VarPathSelector");
4083                     selector = varPathSelector; 
4084                 }
4085                 System.err.println("Using GlobalPathNumbering");
4086                 pn = new GlobalPathNumbering(selector);
4087             } else {
4088                 pn = new SCCPathNumbering(varPathSelector);
4089             }
4090         } else {
4091             pn = null;
4092         }
4093         Map initialCounts = null; //new ThreadRootMap(thread_runs);
4094         BigInteger paths = null;
4095         if (pn != null) {
4096             paths = (BigInteger) pn.countPaths(cg.getRoots(), cg.getCallSiteNavigator(), initialCounts);
4097         }
4098         if (updateBits) {
4099             V_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(vars+256).bitLength();
4100             I_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(calls).bitLength();
4101             H_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(heaps).bitLength()+2;
4102             F_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(fields.size()+64).bitLength();
4103             T_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(classes.size()+64).bitLength();
4104             N_BITS = I_BITS;
4105             M_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(methods).bitLength() + 1;
4106             if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
4107                 System.out.println("Thread runs="+thread_runs);
4108                 VC_BITS = paths.bitLength();
4109                 if (VC_BITS > MAX_VC_BITS)
4110                     System.out.println("Trimming var context bits from "+VC_BITS);
4111                 VC_BITS = Math.min(MAX_VC_BITS, VC_BITS);
4112                 System.out.println("Paths="+paths+", Var context bits="+VC_BITS);
4113             } else if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) {
4114                 ++threads; // for main()
4115                 VC_BITS = HC_BITS = BigInteger.valueOf(threads).bitLength();
4116                 System.out.println("Threads="+threads+", context bits="+VC_BITS);
4117             }
4118             System.out.println(" V="+V_BITS+" I="+I_BITS+" H="+H_BITS+
4119                                " F="+F_BITS+" T="+T_BITS+" N="+N_BITS+
4120                                " M="+M_BITS+" VC="+VC_BITS);
4121         }
4122         if (DUMP_DOTGRAPH) {
4123             try {
4124                 dumpCallGraphAsDot(pn, cg, callgraphFileName + ".dot");
4125             } catch (IOException x) {
4126                 x.printStackTrace();
4127             }
4128         }
4130         return pn;
4131     }
4133     public final VarPathSelector varPathSelector = new VarPathSelector(MAX_VC_BITS);
4135     public static boolean THREADS_ONLY = false;
4136     public static class VarPathSelector implements Selector {
4138         int maxBits;
4140         VarPathSelector(int max_bits) {
4141             this.maxBits = max_bits;
4142         }
4144         /* (non-Javadoc)
4145          * @see jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector#isImportant(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.math.BigInteger)
4146          */
4147         public boolean isImportant(Object a, Object b, BigInteger num) {
4148             if (num.bitLength() > maxBits) return false;
4149             if (THREADS_ONLY) {
4150                 if (b instanceof ProgramLocation) return true;
4151                 jq_Method m = (jq_Method) a;
4152                 if (m.getNameAndDesc() == main_method) return true;
4153                 if (m.getNameAndDesc() == run_method) return true;
4154                 return false;
4155             }
4156             return true;
4157         }
4159         /* (non-Javadoc)
4160          * @see jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector#isImportant(jwutil.graphs.SCComponent, jwutil.graphs.SCComponent, java.math.BigInteger)
4161          */
4162         public boolean isImportant(SCComponent scc1, SCComponent scc2, BigInteger num) {
4163             if (num.bitLength() > maxBits) return false;
4164             if (THREADS_ONLY) {
4165                 Set s = scc2.nodeSet();
4166                 Iterator i = s.iterator();
4167                 Object o =;
4168                 if (i.hasNext()) return false;
4169                 jq_Method m = (jq_Method) scc1.nodes()[0];
4170                 return isImportant(m, o, num);
4171             }
4172             return true;
4173         }
4174     }
4176     public final HeapPathSelector heapPathSelector = new HeapPathSelector();
4178     static Set polyClasses;
4179     static void initPolyClasses() {
4180         if (polyClasses != null) return;
4181         polyClasses = new HashSet();
4182         File f = new File("polyclasses");
4183         if (f.exists()) {
4184             BufferedReader in = null;
4185             try {
4186                 in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
4187                 for (;;) {
4188                     String s = in.readLine();
4189                     if (s == null) break;
4190                     polyClasses.add(jq_Type.parseType(s));
4191                 }
4192             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
4193                 e.printStackTrace();
4194             } catch (IOException e) {
4195                 e.printStackTrace();
4196             } finally {
4197                 if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException _) {}
4198             }
4199         }
4200     }
4202     public static boolean MATCH_FACTORY = false;
4204     public class HeapPathSelector implements Selector {
4206         jq_Class collection_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/util/Collection;");
4207         jq_Class map_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/util/Map;");
4208         jq_Class throwable_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThrowable();
4209         HeapPathSelector() {
4210             initPolyClasses();
4211             collection_class.prepare();
4212             map_class.prepare();
4213             throwable_class.prepare();
4214         }
4216         /* (non-Javadoc)
4217          * @see jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector#isImportant(jwutil.graphs.SCComponent, jwutil.graphs.SCComponent, java.math.BigInteger)
4218          */
4219         public boolean isImportant(SCComponent scc1, SCComponent scc2, BigInteger num) {
4220             if (num.bitLength() > MAX_HC_BITS) return false;
4221             Set s = scc2.nodeSet();
4222             Iterator i = s.iterator();
4223             Object o =;
4224             if (i.hasNext()) return false;
4225             return isImportant(scc1, o, num);
4226         }
4228         /* (non-Javadoc)
4229          * @see jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector#isImportant(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.math.BigInteger)
4230          */
4231         public boolean isImportant(Object p, Object o, BigInteger num) {
4232             if (num.bitLength() > MAX_HC_BITS) return false;
4233             if (o instanceof ProgramLocation) return true;
4234             jq_Method m = (jq_Method) o;
4235             if (m.getNameAndDesc() == main_method) return true;
4236             if (m.getNameAndDesc() == run_method) return true;
4237             if (m.getBytecode() == null) return false;
4238             if (MATCH_FACTORY) {
4239                 if (!m.getReturnType().isReferenceType()) return false;
4240                 PrimitiveMethodSummary ms = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(CodeCache.getCode(m));
4241                 for (Iterator i = ms.getReturned().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4242                     Node n = (Node);
4243                     if (!(n instanceof ConcreteTypeNode)) {
4244                         //return false;
4245                     }
4246                     jq_Type type = n.getDeclaredType();
4247                     if (type == null) {
4248                         return false;
4249                     }
4250                     type.prepare();
4251                     if (!polyClasses.isEmpty() && !polyClasses.contains(type))
4252                         return false;
4253                     if (type.isSubtypeOf(throwable_class))
4254                         return false;
4255                     //if (!type.isSubtypeOf(collection_class) &&
4256                     //    !type.isSubtypeOf(map_class))
4257                     //    return false;
4258                 }
4259             }
4260             return true;
4261         }
4262     }
4264     public final ObjectPathSelector objectPathSelector = new ObjectPathSelector();
4266     public class ObjectPathSelector implements Selector {
4268         jq_Class throwable_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangThrowable();
4269         ObjectPathSelector() {
4270             throwable_class.prepare();
4271         }
4273         /* (non-Javadoc)
4274          * @see jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector#isImportant(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.math.BigInteger)
4275          */
4276         public boolean isImportant(Object p, Object o, BigInteger num) {
4277             if (o instanceof jq_Array) {
4278                 if (!((jq_Array) o).getElementType().isReferenceType()) {
4279                     if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("No object sensitivity for "+o+": PRIMITIVE ARRAY");
4280                     return false;
4281                 }
4282             } else if (o instanceof jq_Class) {
4283                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class) o;
4284                 if (c == PrimordialClassLoader.getJavaLangString()) {
4285                     if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("No object sensitivity for "+c+": STRING");
4286                     return false;
4287                 }
4288                 c.prepare();
4289                 if (c.isSubtypeOf(throwable_class)) {
4290                     if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("No object sensitivity for "+c+": THROWABLE");
4291                     return false;
4292                 }
4293                 boolean hasReferenceMember = false;
4294                 jq_InstanceField[] f = c.getInstanceFields();
4295                 for (int j = 0; j < f.length; ++j) {
4296                     if (f[j].getType().isReferenceType()) {
4297                         hasReferenceMember = true;
4298                         break;
4299                     }
4300                 }
4301                 if (!hasReferenceMember) {
4302                     if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("No object sensitivity for "+c+": NO REF FIELDS");
4303                     return false;
4304                 }
4305             }
4306             return true;
4307         }
4309         /* (non-Javadoc)
4310          * @see jwutil.graphs.PathNumbering.Selector#isImportant(jwutil.graphs.SCComponent, jwutil.graphs.SCComponent, java.math.BigInteger)
4311          */
4312         public boolean isImportant(SCComponent scc1, SCComponent scc2, BigInteger num) {
4313             Set s = scc2.nodeSet();
4314             Iterator i = s.iterator();
4315             Object o =;
4316             if (i.hasNext()) {
4317                 if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("No object sensitivity for "+s+": CYCLE");
4318                 return false;
4319             }
4320             return isImportant(scc1, o, num);
4321         }
4322     }
4324     public class StringMethodSelector implements Selector {
4325         SCComponent select;
4327         StringMethodSelector(SCCTopSortedGraph sccGraph){
4328    = getSelectSCC(sccGraph);
4329         }
4331         private SCComponent getSelectSCC(SCCTopSortedGraph sccGraph) {
4332             jq_Class string_buffer_class = (jq_Class) PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType("Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
4333             Assert._assert(string_buffer_class != null);
4334             string_buffer_class.prepare();
4335             jq_InstanceMethod string_buffer_append = null;
4336             jq_InstanceMethod[] methods = string_buffer_class.getDeclaredInstanceMethods();
4338             for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
4339                 jq_InstanceMethod m = methods[i];
4340                 if(m.getNameAndDesc().toString().equals("append (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;")) {
4341                     string_buffer_append = m;
4342                     break;
4343                 }else{
4344                      //System.err.println("Skipping " + m.getNameAndDesc().toString());
4345                 }
4346             }
4347             Assert._assert(string_buffer_append != null, "No append method found in " + string_buffer_class);
4349             // initialize the necessary SCC #
4350             SCComponent string_buffer_append_scc = null;
4351             for(SCComponent c = sccGraph.getFirst(); c.nextTopSort() != null; c = c.nextTopSort()) {
4352                 //System.err.println("Component " + c.toString());
4353                 if(c.contains(string_buffer_append)) {
4354                     string_buffer_append_scc = c;
4355                     break;
4356                 }
4357             }
4358             Assert._assert(string_buffer_append_scc != null, "Can't find method " + string_buffer_append + " in any SCC");
4359             if(TRACE_SELECTORS) System.err.println("SCC # " + string_buffer_append_scc + " contains " + string_buffer_append);
4361             return string_buffer_append_scc;
4362         }
4364         StringMethodSelector(SCComponent select){
4365    = select;
4366         }
4367         /***
4368          * Return true if the edge scc1->scc2 is important.
4369          */
4370         public boolean isImportant(SCComponent scc1, SCComponent scc2, BigInteger num) {
4371             Assert._assert(false);
4373             return false;
4374         }
4376         /***
4377          * Return true if the edge a->b is important.
4378          */
4379         public boolean isImportant(Object a, Object b, BigInteger num) {
4380             boolean result;
4381             //if (num.bitLength() > maxBits) return false;
4382             if (b instanceof ProgramLocation) {
4383                 result = true;
4384             } else {
4385                 jq_Method m = (jq_Method) b;               
4386                 result = select.contains(m);
4387             }
4388             if(TRACE_SELECTORS && result) System.err.println("isImportant(" + a + ", " + b + ") = " + result);
4390             return result;         
4391         }
4392     }
4394     public PathNumbering countHeapNumbering(CallGraph cg, boolean updateBits) {
4395         if (VerifyAssertions)
4396             Assert._assert(CONTEXT_SENSITIVE);
4397         PathNumbering pn;
4398         if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) pn = new RootPathNumbering();
4399         else pn = new SCCPathNumbering(heapPathSelector);
4400         Map initialCounts = null;//new ThreadRootMap(thread_runs);
4401         BigInteger paths = (BigInteger) pn.countPaths(cg.getRoots(), cg.getCallSiteNavigator(), initialCounts);
4402         System.out.println("Number of paths for heap context sensitivity: "+paths);
4403         if (updateBits) {
4404             HC_BITS = paths.bitLength();
4405             if (HC_BITS > MAX_HC_BITS)
4406                 System.out.println("Trimming heap context bits from "+HC_BITS);
4407             HC_BITS = Math.min(HC_BITS, MAX_HC_BITS);
4408             System.out.println("Heap context bits="+HC_BITS);
4409         }
4410         return pn;
4411     }
4413     void calculateIEfilter(CallGraph cg) {
4414         IEfilter =;
4415         IEcs =;
4416         for (Iterator i = cg.getAllCallSites().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4417             ProgramLocation mc = (ProgramLocation);
4418             mc = LoadedCallGraph.mapCall(mc);
4420             int I_i = Imap.get(mc);
4421             for (Iterator j = cg.getTargetMethods(mc).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4422                 jq_Method callee = (jq_Method);
4423                 int M_i = Mmap.get(callee);
4424                 BDD context;
4425                 if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
4426                     Pair p = new Pair(mc, callee);
4427                     Range r_edge = vCnumbering.getEdge(p);
4428                     Range r_caller = vCnumbering.getRange(mc.getMethod());
4429                     Assert._assert(r_edge != null, "No edge for " + p);
4430                     Assert._assert(r_caller != null, "No range for " + mc.getMethod());
4431                     context = buildContextMap(V2c[0],
4432                                               PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_caller.low),
4433                                               PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_caller.high),
4434                                               V1c[0],
4435                                               PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_edge.low),
4436                                               PathNumbering.toBigInt(r_edge.high));
4437                 } else {
4438                     if (USE_VCONTEXT) context = V1cdomain.and(V2cdomain);
4439                     else context =;
4440                 }
4441                 context.andWith(I.ithVar(I_i));
4442                 context.andWith(M.ithVar(M_i));
4443                 IEfilter.orWith(context);
4444             }
4445         }
4446     }
4448     BDDPairing V1ctoH1c;
4449     public BDD getV1H1Context(jq_Method m) {
4450         if (THREAD_SENSITIVE) {
4451             BDD b = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(m);
4452             if (b == null) System.out.println("Unknown method "+m);
4453             if (V1ctoH1c == null) V1ctoH1c = bdd.makePair(V1c[0], H1c[0]);
4454             BDD c = b.replace(V1ctoH1c);
4455             return c.andWith(;
4456         } else if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
4457             if (V1H1correspondence != null)
4458                 return (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(m);
4459             Range r1 = vCnumbering.getRange(m);
4460             BDD b = V1c[0].varRange(r1.low.longValue(), r1.high.longValue());
4461             if (USE_HCONTEXT)
4462                 b.andWith(H1c[0].ithVar(0));
4463             return b;
4464         } else if (OBJECT_SENSITIVE) {
4465             jq_Class c = m.isStatic() ? null : m.getDeclaringClass(); 
4466             BDD result = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(c);
4467             if (result == null) {
4468                 if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Note: "+c+" is not in object creation graph.");
4469                 //result = V1c.ithVar(0);
4470                 //result.andWith(H1c.ithVar(0));
4471                 return result;
4472             }
4473             return;
4474         } else if (CARTESIAN_PRODUCT && false) {
4475             // todo! heap context sensitivity for cartesian product.
4476             BDD context;
4477             if (USE_HCONTEXT) context = V1cdomain.and(H1cdomain);
4478             else context =;
4479             return context;
4480         } else {
4481             return null;
4482         }
4483     }
4485     public void buildThreadV1H1(Map threadNodes, CallGraph g) {
4486         out.println("Building thread map.");
4487         threadNumbers = new IndexMap("Thread");
4488         V1H1correspondence = new HashMap();
4489         Navigator nav = g.getMethodNavigator();
4490         threadNumbers.get("main"); // "main" context.
4491         for (Iterator i = g.getRoots().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4492             Object o =;
4493             if (threadNodes.containsKey(o)) continue;
4494             BDD b = V1c[0].ithVar(0);
4495             V1H1correspondence.put(o, b);
4496         }
4497         for (Iterator i = threadNodes.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4498             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
4499             Object o = e.getKey();
4500             BDD b;
4501             V1H1correspondence.put(o, b =;
4502             Collection s = (Collection) e.getValue();
4503             for (Iterator j = s.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4504                 Node n = (Node);
4505                 int k = threadNumbers.get(n);
4506                 if (TRACE) System.out.println("Thread "+k+": "+n);
4507                 b.orWith(V1c[0].ithVar(k));
4508             }
4509         }
4510         boolean change;
4511         do {
4512             change = false;
4513             for (Iterator i = Traversals.reversePostOrder(nav, g.getRoots()).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4514                 Object o =;
4515                 BDD b = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(o);
4516                 if (b == null) {
4517                     V1H1correspondence.put(o, b =;
4518                     Assert._assert(!threadNodes.containsKey(o));
4519                     change = true;
4520                 }
4521                 for (Iterator j2 = nav.prev(o).iterator(); j2.hasNext(); ) {
4522                     Object o2 =;
4523                     BDD b2 = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(o2);
4524                     if (b2 != null) {
4525                         BDD old =;
4526                         b.orWith(;
4527                         change |= !old.equals(b);
4528               ;
4529                     }
4530                 }
4531                 if (TRACE) out.println("Map for "+o+": "+b.toStringWithDomains());
4532             }
4533         } while (change);
4534         // Global threads have context 0.
4535         V1H1correspondence.put(null, V1c[0].ithVar(0));
4536     }
4538     public void buildObjectSensitiveV1H1(ObjectCreationGraph g) {
4539         if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Building object-sensitive V1H1");
4540         V1H1correspondence = new HashMap();
4541         rangeMap = new HashMap();
4542         rangeMap.put(null, new Range(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO));
4543         Navigator nav = g.getNavigator();
4544         for (Iterator i = Traversals.reversePostOrder(nav, g.getRoots()).iterator();
4545              i.hasNext(); ) {
4546             Object o =;
4547             if (o instanceof Node) {
4548                 if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Skipping "+o);
4549                 continue;
4550             }
4551             jq_Reference c1 = (jq_Reference) o;
4552             Range r1 = oCnumbering.getRange(c1);
4553             if (c1 instanceof jq_Class) {
4554                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class) c1;
4555                 while (c != null) {
4556                     Range r = (Range) rangeMap.get(c);
4557                     if (r == null || r.high.longValue() < r1.high.longValue()) {
4558                         rangeMap.put(c, r1);
4559                     }
4560                     c = c.getSuperclass();
4561                 }
4562             }
4563             if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println(c1+" Range "+r1);
4565             BDD b =;
4566             for (Iterator j =; j.hasNext(); ) {
4567                 Object p =;
4568                 Node node;
4569                 jq_Reference c2;
4570                 Range r2;
4571                 if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Edge "+c1+" -> "+p);
4572                 if (p instanceof jq_Reference) {
4573                     // unknown creation site.
4574                     node = null;
4575                     c2 = (jq_Reference) p;
4576                     r2 = oCnumbering.getEdge(c1, c2);
4577                 } else {
4578                     node = (Node) p;
4579                     Collection next =;
4580                     if (VerifyAssertions)
4581                         Assert._assert(next.size() == 1);
4582                     if (VerifyAssertions)
4583                         Assert._assert(r1.equals(oCnumbering.getEdge(c1, node)));
4584                     c2 = (jq_Reference) next.iterator().next();
4585                     r2 = oCnumbering.getEdge(node, c2);
4586                 }
4588                 int T_i = Tmap.get(c2);
4589                 // class c1 creates a c2 object
4590                 BDD T_bdd = T2.ithVar(T_i);
4591                 BDD heap;
4592                 if (node == null) {
4593                     // we don't know which creation site, so just use all sites that
4594                     // have the same type.
4595                     heap = hT.restrict(T_bdd);
4596                     if (VerifyAssertions)
4597                         Assert._assert(!heap.isZero(), c2.toString());
4598                 } else {
4599                     int H_i = Hmap.get(node);
4600                     heap = H1.ithVar(H_i);
4601                 }
4602       ;
4603                 if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println(c1+" creation site "+node+" "+c2+" Range: "+r2);
4604                 BDD cm;
4605                 cm = buildContextMap(V1c[0],
4606                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1.low),
4607                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1.high),
4608                                      H1c[0],
4609                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2.low),
4610                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2.high));
4611                 cm.andWith(heap);
4612                 b.orWith(cm);
4613             }
4614             if (TRACE_OBJECT) out.println("Registering V1H1 for "+c1);
4615             V1H1correspondence.put(c1, b);
4616         }
4617     }
4619     public void buildObjectSensitiveV1H1_(ObjectCreationGraph g) {
4620         V1H1correspondence = new HashMap();
4621         rangeMap = new HashMap();
4622         rangeMap.put(null, new Range(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO));
4623         Navigator nav = g.getNavigator();
4624         for (Iterator i = Traversals.reversePostOrder(nav, g.getRoots()).iterator();
4625              i.hasNext(); ) {
4626             jq_Reference c1 = (jq_Reference);
4627             Range r1 = oCnumbering.getRange(c1);
4628             if (c1 instanceof jq_Class) {
4629                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class) c1;
4630                 while (c != null) {
4631                     Range r = (Range) rangeMap.get(c);
4632                     if (r == null || r.high.longValue() < r1.high.longValue()) {
4633                         rangeMap.put(c, r1);
4634                     }
4635                     c = c.getSuperclass();
4636                 }
4637             }
4639             BDD b =;
4640             for (Iterator j =; j.hasNext(); ) {
4641                 jq_Reference c2 = (jq_Reference);
4642                 int T_i = Tmap.get(c2);
4643                 // class c1 creates a c2 object
4644                 BDD T_bdd = T2.ithVar(T_i);
4645                 BDD heap = hT.restrict(T_bdd);
4646       ;
4647                 Range r2 = oCnumbering.getEdge(c1, c2);
4648                 BDD cm;
4649                 cm = buildContextMap(V1c[0],
4650                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1.low),
4651                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1.high),
4652                                      H1c[0],
4653                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2.low),
4654                                      PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2.high));
4655                 cm.andWith(heap);
4656                 b.orWith(cm);
4657             }
4658             V1H1correspondence.put(c1, b);
4659         }
4660     }
4662     Map V1H1correspondence;
4664     public void buildVarHeapCorrespondence(CallGraph cg) {
4665         if (VerifyAssertions)
4666             Assert._assert(CONTEXT_SENSITIVE);
4667         BDDPairing V2cH2ctoV1cH1c = bdd.makePair();
4668         V2cH2ctoV1cH1c.set(V2c, V1c);
4669         V2cH2ctoV1cH1c.set(H2c, H1c);
4671         V1H1correspondence = new HashMap();
4672         for (Iterator i = cg.getAllMethods().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4673             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
4674             Range r1 = vCnumbering.getRange(m);
4675             Range r2 = hCnumbering.getRange(m);
4676             BDD relation;
4677             if (r1.equals(r2)) {
4678                 relation = V1c[0].buildAdd(H1c[0], BigInteger.valueOf(r1.high.longValue()).bitLength(), 0);
4679                 relation.andWith(V1c[0].varRange(r1.low.longValue(), r1.high.longValue()));
4680             } else {
4681                 long v_val = r1.high.longValue()+1;
4682                 long h_val = r2.high.longValue()+1;
4684                 if (h_val == 1L) {
4685                     relation = V1c[0].varRange(r1.low.longValue(), r1.high.longValue());
4686                     relation.andWith(H1c[0].ithVar(0));
4687                 } else {
4688                     int v_bits = BigInteger.valueOf(v_val).bitLength();
4689                     int h_bits = BigInteger.valueOf(h_val).bitLength();
4690                     // make it faster.
4691                     h_val = 1 << h_bits;
4693                     int[] v = new int[v_bits];
4694                     for (int j = 0; j < v_bits; ++j) {
4695                         v[j] = V1c[0].vars()[j];
4696                     }
4697                     BDDBitVector v_vec = bdd.buildVector(v);
4698                     BDDBitVector z = v_vec.divmod(h_val, false);
4700                     //int h_bits = BigInteger.valueOf(h_val).bitLength();
4701                     //int[] h = new int[h_bits];
4702                     //for (int j = 0; j < h_bits; ++j) {
4703                     //    h[j] = H1c.vars()[j];
4704                     //}
4705                     //BDDBitVector h_vec = bdd.buildVector(h);
4706                     BDDBitVector h_vec = bdd.buildVector(H1c[0]);
4708                     relation =;
4709                     int n;
4710                     for (n = 0; n < h_vec.size() || n < v_vec.size(); n++) {
4711                         BDD a = (n < v_vec.size()) ? z.getBit(n) :;
4712                         BDD b = (n < h_vec.size()) ? h_vec.getBit(n) :;
4713                         relation.andWith(a.biimp(b));
4714                     }
4715                     for ( ; n < V1c[0].varNum() || n < H1c[0].varNum(); n++) {
4716                         if (n < V1c[0].varNum())
4717                             relation.andWith(bdd.nithVar(V1c[0].vars()[n]));
4718                         if (n < H1c[0].varNum())
4719                             relation.andWith(bdd.nithVar(H1c[0].vars()[n]));
4720                     }
4721                     relation.andWith(V1c[0].varRange(r1.low.longValue(), r1.high.longValue()));
4722                     //System.out.println(v_val+" / "+h_val+" = "+relation.and(V1c.varRange(0, 100)).toStringWithDomains());
4723           ;;;
4724                 }
4725             }
4726             V1H1correspondence.put(m, relation);
4727         }
4728     }
4730     public void buildExactVarHeapCorrespondence(CallGraph cg) {
4731         if (VerifyAssertions)
4732             Assert._assert(CONTEXT_SENSITIVE);
4733         BDDPairing V2cH2ctoV1cH1c = bdd.makePair();
4734         V2cH2ctoV1cH1c.set(V2c, V1c);
4735         V2cH2ctoV1cH1c.set(H2c, H1c);
4736         BDDPairing V2ctoV1c = bdd.makePair();
4737         V2ctoV1c.set(V2c, V1c);
4738         BDDPairing H2ctoH1c = bdd.makePair();
4739         H2ctoH1c.set(H2c, H1c);
4741         V1H1correspondence = new HashMap();
4742         for (Iterator i = cg.getRoots().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4743             jq_Method root = (jq_Method);
4744             Range r1 = vCnumbering.getRange(root);
4745             Range r2 = hCnumbering.getRange(root);
4746             BDD relation;
4747             if (r1.equals(r2)) {
4748                 relation = V1c[0].buildAdd(H1c[0], BigInteger.valueOf(r1.high.longValue()).bitLength(), 0);
4749                 relation.andWith(V1c[0].varRange(r1.low.longValue(), r1.high.longValue()));
4750                 System.out.println("Root "+root+" numbering: "+relation.toStringWithDomains());
4751             } else {
4752                 System.out.println("Root numbering doesn't match: "+root);
4753                 // just intermix them all, because we don't know the mapping.
4754                 relation = V1c[0].varRange(r1.low.longValue(), r1.high.longValue());
4755                 relation.andWith(H1c[0].varRange(r2.low.longValue(), r2.high.longValue()));
4756             }
4757             V1H1correspondence.put(root, relation);
4758         }
4759         List rpo = Traversals.reversePostOrder(cg.getMethodNavigator(), cg.getRoots());
4760         for (Iterator i = rpo.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4761             jq_Method callee = (jq_Method);
4762             //Assert._assert(!V1H1correspondence.containsKey(callee));
4763             BDD calleeRelation;
4764             calleeRelation = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(callee);
4765             if (calleeRelation == null)
4766                 calleeRelation =;
4767             for (Iterator j = cg.getCallers(callee).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
4768                 ProgramLocation cs = (ProgramLocation);
4769                 jq_Method caller = cs.getMethod();
4770                 BDD callerRelation = (BDD) V1H1correspondence.get(caller);
4771                 if (callerRelation == null) continue;
4772                 Range r1_caller = vCnumbering.getRange(caller);
4773                 Range r1_edge = vCnumbering.getEdge(cs, callee);
4774                 Range r2_caller = hCnumbering.getRange(caller);
4775                 Range r2_edge = hCnumbering.getEdge(cs, callee);
4776                 BDD cm1;
4777                 BDD tmpRel;
4778                 boolean r1_same = r1_caller.equals(r1_edge);
4779                 boolean r2_same = r2_caller.equals(r2_edge);
4780                 if (!r1_same) {
4781                     cm1 = buildContextMap(V1c[0],
4782                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1_caller.low),
4783                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1_caller.high),
4784                                           V2c[0],
4785                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1_edge.low),
4786                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r1_edge.high));
4787                     tmpRel = callerRelation.relprod(cm1, V1cset);
4788           ;
4789                 } else {
4790                     tmpRel =;
4791                 }
4792                 BDD tmpRel2;
4793                 if (!r2_same) {
4794                     cm1 = buildContextMap(H1c[0],
4795                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2_caller.low),
4796                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2_caller.high),
4797                                           H2c[0],
4798                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2_edge.low),
4799                                           PathNumbering.toBigInt(r2_edge.high));
4800                     tmpRel2 = tmpRel.relprod(cm1, H1cset);
4801           ;
4802           ;
4803                 } else {
4804                     tmpRel2 = tmpRel;
4805                 }
4806                 if (!r1_same) {
4807                     if (!r2_same) {
4808                         tmpRel2.replaceWith(V2cH2ctoV1cH1c);
4809                     } else {
4810                         tmpRel2.replaceWith(V2ctoV1c);
4811                     }
4812                 } else if (!r2_same) {
4813                     tmpRel2.replaceWith(H2ctoH1c);
4814                 }
4815                 calleeRelation.orWith(tmpRel2);
4816             }
4817             V1H1correspondence.put(callee, calleeRelation);
4818         }
4819     }
4821     BDD mS;
4822     BDD mL;
4823     BDD mvP;
4824     BDD mIE;
4825     BDD visitedFly;
4826     void initFly() {
4827         mS =;
4828         mL =;
4829         mvP =;
4830         mIE =;
4831         visitedFly =;
4832         for (Iterator i = rootMethods.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4833             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
4834             int m_i = Mmap.get(m);
4835             visitedFly.orWith(M.ithVar(m_i));
4836         }
4838         for (Iterator i = newMethodSummaries.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4839             Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
4840             jq_Method m = (jq_Method) e.getKey();
4841             PrimitivePAMethodSummary s = (PrimitivePAMethodSummary) e.getValue();
4842             int m_i = Mmap.get(m);
4843             BDD b = M.ithVar(m_i);
4844             mS.orWith(b.and(s.S));
4845             mL.orWith(b.and(s.L));
4846             mvP.orWith(b.and(s.vP));
4847             mIE.orWith(b.and(s.IE));
4848   ;;
4849         }
4850     }
4852     BDD getRoots() {
4853         BDD b =;
4854         if (cg == null) {
4855             return b;
4856         }
4857         for (Iterator i = cg.getRoots().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4858             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
4859             b.orWith(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(m)));
4860         }
4861         return b;
4862     }
4864     void addToNmap(jq_Method m) {
4865         Assert._assert(!m.isStatic());
4866         Assert._assert(!m.isPrivate());
4867         Nmap.get(m);
4868         jq_Class c = m.getDeclaringClass().getSuperclass();
4869         if (c != null) {
4870             jq_Method m2 = c.getVirtualMethod(m.getNameAndDesc());
4871             if (m2 != null) addToNmap(m2);
4872         }
4873         jq_Class[] cs = m.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredInterfaces();
4874         for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; ++i) {
4875             jq_Class interf = cs[i];
4876             jq_Method m3 = interf.getVirtualMethod(m.getNameAndDesc());
4877             if (m3 != null) addToNmap(m3);
4878         }
4879     }
4881     public void dumpBDDRelations() throws IOException {
4883         if (FULL_CHA) {
4884             for (Iterator i = Mmap.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
4885                 Object o =;
4886                 if (o instanceof jq_Method) {
4887                     jq_Method m = (jq_Method) o;
4888                     if (m.isStatic() || m.isPrivate()) continue;
4889                     addToNmap(m);
4890                 }
4891             }
4892             buildTypes();
4893         }
4895         // difference in compatibility
4896         BDD S0 = S.exist(V1cV2cset);
4897         BDD L0 = L.exist(V1cV2cset);
4898         BDD IE0 = IE.exist(V1cV2cset);
4899         BDD vP0 = vP.exist(V1cH1cset);
4901         String dumpPath = System.getProperty("pa.dumppath", "");
4902         if (dumpPath.length() > 0) {
4903             File f = new File(dumpPath);
4904             if (!f.exists()) f.mkdirs();
4905             String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator", "/");
4906             if (!dumpPath.endsWith(sep))
4907                 dumpPath += sep;
4908         }
4909         System.out.println("Dumping to path "+dumpPath);
4911         BufferedWriter dos = null;
4912         try {
4913             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+"bddinfo"));
4914             for (int i = 0; i < bdd.numberOfDomains(); ++i) {
4915                 BDDDomain d = bdd.getDomain(i);
4916                 if (d == V1 || d == V2)
4917                     dos.write("V\n");
4918                 else if (d == H1 || d == H2)
4919                     dos.write("H\n");
4920                 else if (d == T1 || d == T2)
4921                     dos.write("T\n");
4922                 else if (d == F)
4923                     dos.write("F\n");
4924                 else if (d == I || d == I2)
4925                     dos.write("I\n");
4926                 else if (d == Z)
4927                     dos.write("Z\n");
4928                 else if (d == N)
4929                     dos.write("N\n");
4930                 else if (d == M || d == M2)
4931                     dos.write("M\n");
4932                 else if (Arrays.asList(V1c).contains(d)
4933                         || Arrays.asList(V2c).contains(d))
4934                     dos.write("VC\n");
4935                 else if (Arrays.asList(H1c).contains(d)
4936                         || Arrays.asList(H2c).contains(d))
4937                     dos.write("HC\n");
4938                 else if (DUMP_SSA) {
4939                     dos.write(bddIRBuilder.getDomainName(d)+"\n");
4940                 } else
4941                     dos.write(d.toString() + "\n");
4942             }
4943         } finally {
4944             if (dos != null) dos.close();
4945         }
4947         dos = null;
4948         try {
4949             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
4950             dos.write("V "+(1L<<V_BITS)+"\n");
4951             dos.write("H "+(1L<<H_BITS)+"\n");
4952             dos.write("T "+(1L<<T_BITS)+"\n");
4953             dos.write("F "+(1L<<F_BITS)+"\n");
4954             dos.write("I "+(1L<<I_BITS)+"\n");
4955             dos.write("Z "+(1L<<Z_BITS)+"\n");
4956             dos.write("N "+(1L<<N_BITS)+"\n");
4957             dos.write("M "+(1L<<M_BITS)+"\n");
4958             dos.write("VC "+(1L<<VC_BITS)+"\n");
4959             dos.write("HC "+(1L<<HC_BITS)+"\n");
4960             if (bddIRBuilder != null) bddIRBuilder.dumpFieldDomains(dos);
4961         } finally {
4962             if (dos != null) dos.close();
4963         }
4965         BDD mC =;
4966         for (Iterator i = visited.iterator(Mset); i.hasNext(); ) {
4967             BDD m = (BDD);
4968             int m_i = m.scanVar(M).intValue();
4969             jq_Method method = (jq_Method) Mmap.get(m_i);
4970             BDD c = getV1V2Context(method);
4971             if (c != null) {
4972                 BDD d = c.exist(V2cset);;
4973                 m.andWith(d);
4974             }
4975             mC.orWith(m);
4976         }
4978         bdd_save(dumpPath+"vP0.bdd", vP0);
4979         bdd_save(dumpPath+"hP0.bdd", hP);
4980         bdd_save(dumpPath+"L.bdd", L0);
4981         bdd_save(dumpPath+"S.bdd", S0);
4982         if (CONTEXT_SENSITIVE) {
4983             bdd_save(dumpPath+"cA.bdd", A, Arrays.asList(new BDDDomain[] { V1, V2, V1c[0], V2c[0] }));
4984         } else {
4985             bdd_save(dumpPath+"A.bdd", A);
4986         }
4987         bdd_save(dumpPath+"vT.bdd", vT);
4988         bdd_save(dumpPath+"hT.bdd", hT);
4989         bdd_save(dumpPath+"aT.bdd", aT);
4990         bdd_save(dumpPath+"cha.bdd", cha);
4991         bdd_save(dumpPath+"actual.bdd", actual);
4992         bdd_save(dumpPath+"formal.bdd", formal);
4993         bdd_save(dumpPath+"mV.bdd", mV);
4994         bdd_save(dumpPath+"mC.bdd", mC);
4995         bdd_save(dumpPath+"mI.bdd", mI);
4996         bdd_save(dumpPath+"Mret.bdd", Mret);
4997         bdd_save(dumpPath+"Mthr.bdd", Mthr);
4998         bdd_save(dumpPath+"Iret.bdd", Iret);
4999         bdd_save(dumpPath+"Ithr.bdd", Ithr);
5000         bdd_save(dumpPath+"IE0.bdd", IE0);
5001         bdd_save(dumpPath+"sync.bdd", sync);
5002         bdd_save(dumpPath+"mSync.bdd", mSync);
5003         if (threadRuns != null)
5004             bdd_save(dumpPath+"threadRuns.bdd", threadRuns);
5005         if (IEfilter != null)
5006             bdd_save(dumpPath+"IEfilter.bdd", IEfilter);
5007         bdd_save(dumpPath+"roots.bdd", getRoots());
5009         if (V1c.length > 0 && H1c.length > 0) {
5010             bdd_save(dumpPath+"eq.bdd", V1c[0].buildEquals(H1c[0]));
5011         }
5013         if (DUMP_FLY) {
5014             initFly();
5015             bdd_save(dumpPath+"visited.bdd", visitedFly);
5016             bdd_save(dumpPath+"mS.bdd", mS);
5017             bdd_save(dumpPath+"mL.bdd", mL);
5018             bdd_save(dumpPath+"mvP.bdd", mvP);
5019             bdd_save(dumpPath+"mIE.bdd", mIE);
5020         }
5022         dos = null;
5023         try {
5024             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5025             for (int j = 0; j < Vmap.size(); ++j) {
5026                 Node o = (Node)Vmap.get(j);
5027                 dos.write(": "+o+"\n");
5028             }
5029         } finally {
5030             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5031         }
5033         dos = null;
5034         try {
5035             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5036             //Hmap.dumpStrings(dos);
5037             for (int j = 0; j < Hmap.size(); ++j) {
5038                 Node o = (Node) Hmap.get(j);
5039                 dos.write(": "+o+"\n");
5040             }
5041         } finally {
5042             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5043         }
5045         dos = null;
5046         try {
5047             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5048             for (int j = 0; j < Tmap.size(); ++j) {
5049                 jq_Type o = (jq_Type) Tmap.get(j);
5050                 dos.write(NameMunger.mungeTypeName2(o)+"\n");
5051             }
5052         } finally {
5053             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5054         }
5056         dos = null;
5057         try {
5058             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5059             for (int j = 0; j < Fmap.size(); ++j) {
5060                 jq_Field o = (jq_Field) Fmap.get(j);
5061                 dos.write(NameMunger.mungeFieldName(o)+"\n");
5062             }
5063         } finally {
5064             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5065         }
5067         dos = null;
5068         try {
5069             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5070             //Imap.dumpStrings(dos);
5071             for (int j = 0; j < Imap.size(); ++j) {
5072                 ProgramLocation o = (ProgramLocation)Imap.get(j);
5073                 dos.write(o.hashCode()+": "+o+"\n");
5074             }
5075         } finally {
5076             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5077         }
5079         dos = null;
5080         try {
5081             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5082             for (int j = 0; j < Nmap.size(); ++j) {
5083                 jq_Method o = (jq_Method) Nmap.get(j);
5084                 dos.write(NameMunger.mungeMethodName(o)+"\n");
5085             }
5086         } finally {
5087             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5088         }
5090         dos = null;
5091         try {
5092             dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5093             for (int j = 0; j < Mmap.size(); ++j) {
5094                 Object o = Mmap.get(j);
5095                 if (o instanceof Dummy) {
5096                     dos.write(o.toString()+"\n");
5097                     continue;
5098                 }
5099                 jq_Method m = (jq_Method) o;
5100                 dos.write(NameMunger.mungeMethodName(m)+"\n");
5101             }
5102         } finally {
5103             if (dos != null) dos.close();
5104         }
5106         if(DUMP_UNMUNGED_NAMES) {
5107             dos = null;
5108             try {
5109                 dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5110                 for (int j = 0; j < Mmap.size(); ++j) {
5111                     Object o = Mmap.get(j);
5112                     if (o instanceof Dummy) {
5113                         dos.write(o.toString()+"\n");
5114                         continue;
5115                     }
5116                     jq_Method m = (jq_Method) o;
5117                     dos.write(NameMunger.getJavadocSignature(m) + "\n");
5118                 }
5119             } finally {
5120                 if (dos != null) dos.close();
5121             }
5122             dos = null;
5123             try {
5124                 dos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(dumpPath+""));
5125                 for (int j = 0; j < Nmap.size(); ++j) {
5126                     Object o = Nmap.get(j);
5127                     if (o instanceof Dummy) {
5128                         dos.write(o.toString()+"\n");
5129                         continue;
5130                     }
5131                     jq_Method m = (jq_Method) o;
5132                     dos.write(NameMunger.getJavadocSignature(m) + "\n");
5133                 }
5134             } finally {
5135                 if (dos != null) dos.close();
5136             }        
5137         }
5139     }
5141     class Dummy implements Textualizable {
5142         public void addEdge(String edge, Textualizable t) {
5143         }
5144         public void write(Textualizer t) throws IOException {
5145             t.writeString("(dummy object)");
5146         }
5147         public void writeEdges(Textualizer t) throws IOException {
5148         }
5149         public String toString() {
5150             return "DummyMethod";
5151         }
5152     }
5154     private void makeVRegbdd(CallGraph callgraph) {
5155         vReg =;
5156         BDDDomain reg = bddIRBuilder.getDestDomain();
5157         Collection s = new TreeSet(new Comparator() {
5158             public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
5159                 return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString());
5160             }
5161         });
5162         s.addAll(callgraph.getAllMethods());
5163         for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
5164             BDD b =;
5165             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
5166             if (m.getBytecode() == null)
5167                 continue;
5168             ControlFlowGraph cfg = joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache.getCode(m);
5169 //            System.out.println("method " + m + " has "
5170 //                    + cfg.getRegisterFactory().numberOfLocalRegisters()
5171 //                    + " registers");
5172             PrimitiveMethodSummary ms = PrimitiveMethodSummary.getSummary(m);
5173             //boolean printCfg = false;
5174             for (Iterator j = cfg.getRegisterFactory().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
5175                 Register r = (Register);
5176                 if (r == null) {
5177 //                    System.out.println("register " + j + " is null");
5178                     continue;
5179                 }
5180  //               System.out.println("register is "+j);
5181                 Collection nodes = ms.getRegisterAtLocation(cfg.exit(), null, r);
5182                 if (nodes == null)
5183                     continue;
5184                 for (Iterator ni = nodes.iterator(); ni.hasNext();) {
5185                     Node n = (Node);
5186                     b.orWith(reg.ithVar(bddIRBuilder.getRegisterID(r)).and(
5187                             V1.ithVar(Vmap.get(n))));
5188                 }
5189             }
5190             b.andWith(M.ithVar(Mmap.get(m)));
5191             vReg.orWith(b);
5192         }
5193     }
5194     private void makeIQuadbdd() {
5195         iQuad =;
5196         BDDDomain quad = bddIRBuilder.getQuadDomain();
5197         ProgramLocation pl;
5198         BDD b;
5199         for (int i = 0; i < Imap.size(); ++i) {
5200             pl = (ProgramLocation) Imap.get(i);
5201             ProgramLocation.BCProgramLocation bcpl = (ProgramLocation.BCProgramLocation) LoadedCallGraph
5202                     .mapCall(pl);
5203             int quadID = bddIRBuilder.quadIdFromInvokeBCLocation(bcpl);
5204             b = I.ithVar(i);
5205             b.andWith(quad.ithVar(quadID));
5206             iQuad.orWith(b);
5207         }
5208     }
5210     private void makeHQuadbdd() {
5211         Assert.UNREACHABLE();
5212         // this doesn't work--BuildBDDIR doesn't have all the allocation
5213         // sites in its allocMap.
5214         hQuad =;
5215         BDDDomain quad = bddIRBuilder.getQuadDomain();
5216         BDD b;
5217         for (int i = 0; i < Hmap.size(); ++i) {
5218             ProgramLocation pl = (ProgramLocation) Imap.get(i);
5219             ProgramLocation.BCProgramLocation bcpl = (ProgramLocation.BCProgramLocation) LoadedCallGraph
5220                     .mapCall(pl);
5221             int quadID = bddIRBuilder.quadIdFromAllocBCLocation(bcpl);
5222             b = I.ithVar(i);
5223             b.andWith(quad.ithVar(quadID));
5224             iQuad.orWith(b);
5225         }
5226     }
5228     private void makeFMemberbdd() {
5229         fMember =;
5230         BDDDomain member = bddIRBuilder.getMemberDomain();
5231         BDD b;
5232         for (int i = 0; i < Fmap.size(); ++i) {
5233             Object o = Fmap.get(i);
5234             if (o instanceof jq_Field) {
5235                 int memberID = bddIRBuilder.memberIdFromField((jq_Field)o);
5236                 if (memberID == 0) continue;
5237                 b = F.ithVar(i).and(member.ithVar(memberID));
5238                 fMember.orWith(b);
5239             }
5240         }
5241     }
5243     private void dumpSSA() throws IOException {
5244         Assert._assert(DUMP_SSA);
5245         String dumpPath = System.getProperty("pa.dumppath", "");
5246         jq_MethodVisitor mv = null;
5247         ControlFlowGraphVisitor cfgv = null;
5248         Assert._assert(bddIRBuilder != null);
5249         mv = new ControlFlowGraphVisitor.CodeCacheVisitor(bddIRBuilder,
5250                 true);
5251         //cv = new jq_MethodVisitor.DeclaredMethodVisitor(mv, methodNamesToProcess, false);
5252         Collection s = new TreeSet(new Comparator() {
5253             public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
5254                 return o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString());
5255             }
5256         });
5257         CallGraph callgraph = new CachedCallGraph(new PrimitivePACallGraph(this));
5258         if (callgraph.getAllMethods() == null) {
5259             System.out.println("call graph has no methods!");
5260         }
5261         s.addAll(callgraph.getAllMethods());
5262         for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
5263             jq_Method m = (jq_Method);
5264             try {
5265                 m.accept(mv);
5266             } catch (LinkageError le) {
5267                 System.err
5268                         .println("Linkage error occurred while executing pass on "
5269                                 + m + " : " + le);
5270                 le.printStackTrace(System.err);
5271             } catch (Exception x) {
5272                 System.err
5273                         .println("Runtime exception occurred while executing pass on "
5274                                 + m + " : " + x);
5275                 x.printStackTrace(System.err);
5276             }
5277         }
5278         System.err.println("Completed pass! " + bddIRBuilder);
5279         makeVRegbdd(callgraph);
5280         makeIQuadbdd();
5281         makeFMemberbdd();
5282         //makeHQuadbdd();
5283         BDDDomain reg = bddIRBuilder.getDestDomain();
5284         BDDDomain quad = bddIRBuilder.getQuadDomain();
5285         BDDDomain member = bddIRBuilder.getMemberDomain();
5286         System.out.println("vReg: "
5287                 + (long) vReg.satCount(V1.set().union(reg.set().union(M.set())))
5288                 + " relations, " + vReg.nodeCount() + " nodes");
5289         bdd_save(dumpPath + "/vReg.bdd", vReg);
5290         System.out.println("iQuad: "
5291                 + (long) iQuad.satCount(I.set().union(quad.set()))
5292                 + " relations, " + iQuad.nodeCount() + " nodes");
5293         bdd_save(dumpPath + "/iQuad.bdd", iQuad);
5294         System.out.println("fMember: "
5295                 + (long) fMember.satCount(F.set().union(member.set()))
5296                 + " relations, " + fMember.nodeCount() + " nodes");
5297         bdd_save(dumpPath + "/fMember.bdd", fMember);
5298         //System.out.println("hQuad: "+(long) sync.satCount(H1.set().union(quad.set()))+" relations, "+hQuad.nodeCount()+" nodes");
5299         //bdd_save(resultsFileName+".hQuad", sync);
5300     }    
5301 }