View Javadoc

1   package joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA;
3   import java.util.Arrays;
4   import java.util.Collection;
5   import java.util.Collections;
6   import java.util.HashMap;
7   import java.util.HashSet;
8   import java.util.Iterator;
9   import java.util.LinkedList;
10  import java.util.Set;
11  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
12  import java.util.Vector;
13  import;
14  import;
15  import;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import joeq.Class.PrimordialClassLoader;
22  import joeq.Class.jq_Class;
23  import joeq.Class.jq_Method;
24  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PAResults;
25  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.PointerAnalysisResults;
26  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation;
27  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPA.ProgramLocation.QuadProgramLocation;
28  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.SSAProcInfo.Helper;
29  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.SSAProcInfo.Query;
30  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.SSAProcInfo.SSABindingAnnote;
31  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.SSAValue.ActualOut;
32  import joeq.Compiler.Analysis.IPSSA.Utils.SSAGraphPrinter;
33  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.BasicBlock;
34  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.BasicBlockVisitor;
35  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CallGraph;
36  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.CodeCache;
37  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.ControlFlowGraph;
38  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Operator;
39  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.Quad;
40  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.QuadIterator;
41  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.QuadVisitor;
42  import joeq.Compiler.Quad.RegisterFactory.Register;
43  import joeq.Main.HostedVM;
44  import joeq.Util.Templates.ListIterator;
45  import jwutil.collections.AppendIterator;
46  import jwutil.graphs.SCCTopSortedGraph;
47  import jwutil.graphs.SCComponent;
48  import jwutil.graphs.Traversals;
49  import jwutil.util.Assert;
51  /***
52   * This is where the main action pertaining to IPSSA construction happens. 
53   * A subclass is SSABuilder, which is responsible for intraprocedural IPSSA
54   * construction.
55   * 
56   * @author V.Benjamin Livshits
57   * @see IPSSABuilder.SSABuilder
58   * @version $Id: 2283 2005-05-28 11:14:47Z joewhaley $
59   * */
60  public class IPSSABuilder implements Runnable {
61      protected int                                  _verbosity;
62      private static HashMap                         _builderMap = new HashMap();
63      private PointerAnalysisResults              _ptr = null;
64      private IPSSABuilder.ApplicationLaunchingPad _appPad = null; 
65      private Collection                          _classes = null;
67      boolean PRINT_CFG         = !System.getProperty("ipssa.print_cfg", "no").equals("no");
68      boolean PRINT_SSA_GRAPH = !System.getProperty("ipssa.print_ssa", "no").equals("no");
69      boolean RUN_BUILDER     = !System.getProperty("ipssa.run_builder", "no").equals("no");
70      boolean RUN_APPS        = !System.getProperty("ipssa.run_apps", "no").equals("no");       
73      public IPSSABuilder(Collection classes, int verbosity){
74          //System.err.println("Creating " + this.getClass().toString());
75          CodeCache.AlwaysMap = true;
76          this._verbosity     = verbosity;
77          this._classes = classes;
78          // get pointer analysis results            
79          try {
80              String resdir = System.getProperty("pa.resultdir");
81              String[] args = null;
82              if(resdir != null) {
83                  args = new String[1];
84                  args[0] = resdir;
85                  System.out.println("Reading pointer analysis results from directory " + resdir);
86              }
87              _ptr = PAResults.loadResults(args, null);
88          } catch (IOException e) {
89              System.err.println("Caught an exception: " + e.toString());
90              e.printStackTrace();
91              System.exit(1);
92          }
93          if(RUN_APPS) {
94              _appPad = new IPSSABuilder.ApplicationLaunchingPad(this, true);
95          }
96      }
98      public PAResults getPAResults() {
99          return (PAResults)_ptr;
100     }
102     public CallGraph getCallGraph() {
103         return _ptr.getCallGraph();
104     }
106     /***
107      * Handle an SCC in the call graph. Nodes of the SCC are jq_Method's.
108      * */
109     protected void processSCC(SCComponent c) {
110         Set nodes = c.nodeSet();
111         for(Iterator iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
112             jq_Method method = (jq_Method);
113             if(skipMethod(method)) continue;
115             SSABuilder builder = new SSABuilder(method, _ptr, _verbosity);
116             Assert._assert(_builderMap.get(method ) == null);
117             _builderMap.put(method, builder);       
119             // do the first two stages now          
120   ;
121   ;
122         }
124         for(Iterator iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
125             jq_Method method = (jq_Method);
126             if(skipMethod((method))) continue;
128             SSABuilder builder = (SSABuilder)_builderMap.get(method);
129             Assert._assert(builder != null);
131   ;
132             //;
133         }        
134     }
136     /***
137      * Do the whole analysis.
138      * */
139     public void run() {
140         if(RUN_BUILDER){
141             if(_classes.size() == 1) {
142                 System.out.println("Analyzing one class...");    
143             }else if(_classes.size() > 1) {
144                 System.out.println("Analyzing these " + _classes.size() + " classes...");
145             }
147             Collection rootMethods = new LinkedList();
148             Iterator i = _classes.iterator();
149             while (i.hasNext()) {
150                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class);
151                 rootMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredStaticMethods()));
152             }
154             System.out.println("Using " + rootMethods.size() + " root(s)...");
156             CallGraph cg = this.getCallGraph();
157             for(Iterator iter = cg.getAllMethods().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
158                 jq_Method method = (jq_Method);
159                 if(skipMethod(method)) continue;
161                 System.err.println("Allowing \t" + method);
162             }
163             SCCTopSortedGraph sccGraph = SCCTopSortedGraph.topSort(SCComponent.buildSCC(rootMethods, /*new ReverseNavigator*/(cg.getNavigator())));
164             System.err.println("Found " + sccGraph.list().size() + " components");
166             // We want bottom-up order here...
167             //for (Iterator graphIter = sccGraph.getFirst().listTopSort().iterator(); graphIter.hasNext(); ) {
168             for(Iterator graphIter = Traversals.postOrder(sccGraph.getNavigator(), sccGraph.getFirst()).iterator(); graphIter.hasNext();){            
169                 SCComponent d = (SCComponent);
170                 //System.err.println("Processing SCC # " + d.getId() + " with nodes " + d.nodeSet().toString());
171                 this.processSCC(d);
172             }
173         }
175         if(RUN_APPS) {
176   ;
177         }        
178     }
180     /***
181      * A method filter.
182      * */
183     public boolean skipMethod(jq_Method method) {
184         jq_Class k = method.getDeclaringClass();
185         if(!_classes.contains(k)) {
186             // unknown, potentially library class -- skip it
187             if(_verbosity > 3) {
188                 System.err.println("Skipping " +  method);
189             }
190             return true;
191         }
192         return false;
193     }
195     /*** The return result may be NULL */
196     public static SSABuilder getBuilder(jq_Method m){
197         return (SSABuilder)_builderMap.get(m);
198     }
201     /***
202      * SSABuilder takes care of a single method.
203      * */
204     class SSABuilder {
205         protected int                      _verbosity;
206         protected jq_Method             _method;
207         protected ControlFlowGraph         _cfg;
208         protected SSAProcInfo.Query     _q;
209         private PointerAnalysisResults     _ptr;
210         SSABuilder(jq_Method method, PointerAnalysisResults ptr, int verbosity){
211             this._method     = method;
212             this._cfg         = CodeCache.getCode(_method);
213             this._verbosity = verbosity;
214             this._q         = null; 
215             this._ptr        = ptr;
216         }        
218         public ControlFlowGraph getCFG() { return _cfg; }
219         public SSAProcInfo.Query getQuery() { return _q; }
222         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
223         /****************************************** Auxilary routines ************************************/
224         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    
225         protected int addBinding(Quad quad, SSALocation loc, SSAValue value){
226             if(_ptr.hasAliases(_method, loc)){
227                 // add the binding to potential aliased locations
228                 int i = 0;
229                 for(Iterator iter = _ptr.getAliases(_method, loc).iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
230                     ContextSet.ContextLocationPair clPair = (ContextSet.ContextLocationPair);
232                     // process aliasedLocation
233                     i += addBinding(quad, clPair.getLocation(), value, clPair.getContext());                                    
234                 }
235                 return i;
236             }else{
237                 addBinding(quad, loc, value, null);
238                 return 1;
239             }                    
240         }
242         /***
243          * This is used by addBinding(Quad quad, SSALocation loc, SSAValue value) and
244          * should never be called directly.
245          * */
246         private int addBinding(Quad quad, SSALocation loc, SSAValue value, ContextSet context){
247             // initialize the location
248             if(quad != _q.getFirstQuad()){
249                 initializeLocation(loc);
250             }
252             SSABindingAnnote ba = (SSABindingAnnote)_q._bindingMap.get(quad);
253             if(ba == null){
254                 ba = new SSABindingAnnote();
255                 _q._bindingMap.put(quad, ba);
256             }
258             int result = 0;
259             if(context == null){
260                 ba.addBinding(loc, value, quad, _method);
261                 result++;
262                 if(quad != _q.getFirstQuad()){
263                     result += markIteratedDominanceFrontier(loc, quad);                    
264                 }
265             }else{
266                 SSADefinition tmpForValue = makeTemporary(value, quad, context);
267                 result++;
268                 SSADefinition lastDef = _q.getLastDefinitionFor(loc, quad, true);
270                 SSAValue.SigmaPhi sigma = new SSAValue.SigmaPhi(context, tmpForValue, lastDef);
271                 ba.addBinding(loc, sigma, quad, _method);
272                 result++;
273                 result += markIteratedDominanceFrontier(loc, quad);
274             }
276             return result;
277         }
279         /***
280          * This is used by addBinding(...) routines and should not be called directly.
281          * */
282         private int initializeLocation(SSALocation loc) {            
283             if(_q.getDefinitionFor(loc, _q.getFirstQuad()) == null){
284                 if(loc instanceof SSALocation.LocalLocation){
285                     // no previous value to speak of for the locals
286                     return addBinding(_q.getFirstQuad(), loc, null, null);
287                 }else{
288                     // the RHS is always a FormalIn
289                     return addBinding(_q.getFirstQuad(), loc, new SSAValue.FormalIn(), null);
290                 }
291             }else{
292                 return 0;
293             }                                
294         }
296         /***
297          * Creates new empty definitions at the dominance frontier of quad for 
298          * location loc.
299          */
300         private int markIteratedDominanceFrontier(SSALocation loc, Quad quad) {
301             if(loc instanceof SSALocation.Unique){
302                 // don't create Gamma nodes for unique locations
303                 return 0;
304             }
305             int result = 0;
306             HashSet set = new HashSet();
307             _q.getDominatorQuery().getIteratedDominanceFrontier(quad, set);
308             if(_verbosity > 2) System.err.println("There are " + set.size() + " element(s) on the frontier");
310             for(Iterator iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
311                 Quad dom = (Quad);
312                 Assert._assert(dom.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Special.NOP, "" +
313                     "Expected the quad on the dominance frontier to be a NOP, not a " + dom);
314                 if(_q.getDefinitionFor(loc, dom) == null){                
315                     SSAValue.Gamma gamma = new SSAValue.Gamma();
317                     // to be filled in later
318                     result += addBinding(dom, loc, gamma, null);
319                     if(_verbosity > 3) System.err.println("Created a gamma function for " + loc + " at " + dom);
320                 }else{
321                     // the gamma is already there, do nothing
322                 }
323             }
325             return result;        
326         }
328         /***
329          * Creates a temporary definition at quad with the RHS value in 
330          * the given context.
331          * */
332         private SSADefinition makeTemporary(SSAValue value, Quad quad, ContextSet context) {
333             // TODO We need to create a temporary definition at quad
334             SSALocation.Temporary temp = SSALocation.Temporary.FACTORY.get();
336             addBinding(quad, temp, value, context);
338             SSADefinition def = _q.getDefinitionFor(temp, quad);
339             Assert._assert(def != null);
341             return def; 
342         }
344         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
345         /********************************************* Stages ********************************************/
346         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
347         /***
348          * This functions runs one of the analysis stages for the given procedure. 
349          * */        
350         void run(int stage){
351             if(stage == 0) {
352                 // lift the merge points
353                 _cfg.visitBasicBlocks(new LiftMergesVisitor());
354                 // create the query now after the lifting has been done
355                 _q = SSAProcInfo.retrieveQuery(_method);                              
357                 if(_verbosity>2) System.out.println("Created query: " + _q.toString());
358                 if(_verbosity > 0){
359                     String name = _method.toString();
360                     if(name.length() > 40){
361                         name = name.substring(40);
362                     }else{
363                         name = repeat(" ", 40-name.length())+name;
364                     }
365                     System.out.println("============= Processing method " + name + " in IPSSABuilder =============");
366                 }
367                 return;
368             }
370             /*
371              * Stages of intraprocedural processing:
372              *     Stage 1     : Process all statements in turn and create slots for each modified location.
373              *  Invariant 1 : All necessary assignments are created by this point and all definitions are numbered.
374              *  
375              *     Stage 2     : Walk over and fill in all RHSs that don't require dereferencing.
376              *  Invariant 2 : All remaining RHSs that haven't been filled in require dereferencing.
377              * 
378              *  Stage 3     : Walk over and do all remaining pointer resolution.
379              *  Invariant 3 : All RHSs are filled in.
380              * */
381             if(stage == 1) {
382                 // 1.             
383                 Stage1Visitor vis1 = new Stage1Visitor(_method);  
384                 for (QuadIterator j=new QuadIterator(_cfg, true); j.hasNext(); ) {
385                     Quad quad = j.nextQuad();
386                     quad.accept(vis1);
387                 }            
388                 if(_verbosity > 2){
389                     System.err.println("Created a total of " + vis1.getBindingCount() + " bindings");
390                 }
391                 vis1 = null;
392             }
394 /*
395             //    2.
396             Stage2Visitor vis2 = new Stage2Visitor();
397             vis2.visitCFG(_cfg);
399             //    3.            
400             Stage3Visitor vis3 = new Stage3Visitor();  
401             vis3.visitCFG(_cfg);
402 */            
403             if(stage == 2) {
404                 Stage2Visitor vis2 = new Stage2Visitor(_method);  
405                 for (QuadIterator j=new QuadIterator(_cfg, true); j.hasNext(); ) {
406                     Quad quad = j.nextQuad();
407                     quad.accept(vis2);
408                 }
409             }
411             if(stage == 3) {                            
412                 /*** Now print the results */
413                 if(PRINT_CFG){
414                     // print the CFG annotated with SSA information
415                     _q.printDot();    
416                 }
418                 if(PRINT_SSA_GRAPH) {
419                     try {
420                         FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream("");
421                         PrintStream out = new PrintStream(file);
422                         SSAGraphPrinter.printAllToDot(out);
423                     } catch (Exception e) {
424                         e.printStackTrace();
425                         System.exit(2);
426                     }                
427                 }
428             }
429         }
431         /***
432          * This pass adds dummy NOP quads at the first quad of a basic block with more than one predecessors.
433          * That quad will later be used by gamma functions.
434          * */
435         private class LiftMergesVisitor implements BasicBlockVisitor {
436             public void visitBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb) {
437                 if(bb.getPredecessors().size() > 1) {
438                     // more than one predecessor -- add a padding NOP quad int he beginning of the block
439                     Quad padding = Operator.Special.create(0, Operator.Special.NOP.INSTANCE);
440                     int oldSize = bb.size();
441                     // TODO: what index should we really be using here?
442                     bb.addQuad(0, padding);
443                     Assert._assert(oldSize + 1 == bb.size());
444                 }
445             }
446         }
448         /*** 
449          * Stage 1     : Process all statements in turn and create slots for each modified location. 
450          * Invariant 1 : All necessary assignments are created by this point and all definitions are numbered.
451          * */
452         private class Stage1Visitor extends QuadVisitor.EmptyVisitor {
453             jq_Method _method;
454             SSAProcInfo.Helper _h;
455             SSAProcInfo.Query  _q;
456             private int        _bindings;
458             Stage1Visitor(jq_Method method){
459                 this._method   = method;
460                 this._h        = SSAProcInfo.retrieveHelper(_method);
461                 this._q        = SSAProcInfo.retrieveQuery(_method);
462                 this._bindings = 0;
463             }
465             int getBindingCount(){
466                 return _bindings;
467             }        
469             /***************************** Begin handlers ****************************/
470             /*** A get static field instruction. */
471             public void visitGetstatic(Quad quad) {
472                 processLoad(quad);
473             }
474             /*** A get instance field instruction. */
475             public void visitGetfield(Quad quad) {
476                 processLoad(quad);
477             }
478             private void processLoad(Quad quad) {
479                 markDestinations(quad);                
480             }            
481             /*** A put instance field instruction. */
482             public void visitPutfield(Quad quad) {
483                 processStore(quad);
484             }
485             /*** A put static field instruction. */
486             public void visitPutstatic(Quad quad) {
487                 processStore(quad);
488             }
489             /*** A register move instruction. */
490             public void visitMove(Quad quad) {
491                 markDestinations(quad);
492             }
493             /*** An array load instruction. */
494             public void visitALoad(Quad quad) {
495                 processLoad(quad);
496             }
497             /*** An array store instruction. */
498             public void visitAStore(Quad quad) {
499                 print(quad);
500             }
501             /*** An quadect allocation instruction. */
502             public void visitNew(Quad quad) {
503                 markDestinations(quad);
504             }
505             /*** An array allocation instruction. */
506             public void visitNewArray(Quad quad) {
507                 markDestinations(quad);
508             }
509             /*** A return from method instruction. */
510             public void visitReturn(Quad quad) {
511                 // TODO: make up a location for return?
512                 print(quad);
513             }
514             public void visitInvoke(Quad quad) {
515                 //printAlways(quad);
516                 processDefs(quad);    
517             }
518             /***************************** End of handlers ****************************/ 
520             private void markDestinations(Quad quad) {                
521                 Register reg = getOnlyDefinedRegister(quad); 
522                 Assert._assert(reg != null);
523                 SSALocation.LocalLocation loc = SSALocation.LocalLocation.FACTORY.createLocalLocation(reg);
525                 addBinding(quad, loc, null, null);
526             }
527             private void processStore(Quad quad) {
528                 processDefs(quad);
529             }
531             private void processDefs(Quad quad) {
532                 QuadProgramLocation pl = new QuadProgramLocation(_method, quad);
533                 Assert._assert(isCall(quad) || isStore(quad));
534                 Set mods = _ptr.mod(pl, _q.getDominatorQuery().getBasicBlock(quad));
536                 // create bindingins for all modified locations
537                 if(mods != null && mods.size() > 0){
538                     if(_verbosity > 2) System.out.print("Found " + mods.size() + " mods at " + pl.toString() + ": [ ");
539                     Iterator iter = mods.iterator();
540                     while(iter.hasNext()){
541                         SSALocation loc = (SSALocation);
542                         if(_verbosity > 2) System.out.print(loc.toString(_ptr.getPAResults()) + " ");
543                         if(isCall(quad)){
544                             _bindings += addBinding(quad, loc, new SSAValue.ActualOut(), null);
545                         }else
546                         if(isStore(quad)){
547                             _bindings += addBinding(quad, loc, null, null);
548                         }else{
549                             Assert._assert(false);
550                         }
551                     }
552                     if(_verbosity > 2) System.out.println("]\n");
553                 }
554             }
556             /*** Any quad */
557             public void visitQuad(Quad quad) {print(quad);}
559             protected void print(Quad quad, boolean force){
560                 if(!force) return;
561                 ProgramLocation loc = new QuadProgramLocation(_method, quad);
562                 String loc_str = null;
564                 try {
565                     loc_str = loc.getSourceFile() + ":" + loc.getLineNumber();
566                 }catch(Exception e){
567                     loc_str = "<unknown>";
568                 }
570                 System.out.println("Visited quad # " + quad.toString() + "\t\t\t at " + loc_str);
571             }
573             protected void printAlways(Quad quad){
574                 print(quad, true);
575             }
577             protected void print(Quad quad){
578                 print(quad, false);
579             }
581             protected void warn(String s){
582                 System.err.println(s);
583             }
584         }
586         /*** 
587          * Stage 2     : Walk over and fill in all RHSs that don't require dereferencing. 
588          * Invariant 2 : Update RHSs referring to heap objects to refer to the right locations.
589          * */
590         private class Stage2Visitor extends QuadVisitor.EmptyVisitor {
591             private jq_Method _method;
592             private Query     _q;
593             private Helper    _h;
595             Stage2Visitor(jq_Method method){
596                 this._method   = method;
597                 this._h        = SSAProcInfo.retrieveHelper(_method);
598                 this._q        = SSAProcInfo.retrieveQuery(_method);
599             }
601             /***************************** Begin handlers ****************************/
602             /*** A get static field instruction. */
603             public void visitGetstatic(Quad quad) {
604                 processLoad(quad);
605             }
606             /*** A get instance field instruction. */
607             public void visitGetfield(Quad quad) {
608                 processLoad(quad);
609             }
610             /*** A put instance field instruction. */
611             public void visitPutfield(Quad quad) {
612                 processStore(quad);
613             }
614             /*** A put static field instruction. */
615             public void visitPutstatic(Quad quad) {
616                 processStore(quad);
617             }
618             /*** A register move instruction. */
619             public void visitMove(Quad quad) {
620                 // there is only one binding at this quad
621                 Assert._assert(_q.getBindingCount(quad) == 1);
622                 SSABinding b = _q.getBindingIterator(quad).nextBinding();
623                 Assert._assert(b.getValue() == null);
624                 b.setValue(markUses(quad));
625             }
626             /*** An array load instruction. */
627             public void visitALoad(Quad quad) {
628                 processLoad(quad);
629             }
630             /*** An array store instruction. */
631             public void visitAStore(Quad quad) {
632                 processStore(quad);
633             }
634             /*** An quadect allocation instruction. */
635             public void visitNew(Quad quad) {
636                  // there is only one binding at this quad
637                  Assert._assert(_q.getBindingCount(quad) == 1);
638                  SSABinding b =  _q.getBindingIterator(quad).nextBinding();
639                  Assert._assert(b.getValue() == null);
640                  b.setValue(makeAlloc(quad));
641             }
642             /*** An array allocation instruction. */
643             public void visitNewArray(Quad quad) {
644                 // there is only one binding at this quad
645                  Assert._assert(_q.getBindingCount(quad) == 1);
646                  SSABinding b = _q.getBindingIterator(quad).nextBinding();
647                  Assert._assert(b.getValue() == null);
648                  b.setValue(makeAlloc(quad));
649             }
650             /*** A return from method instruction. */
651             public void visitReturn(Quad quad) {
652                 // TODO: make up a location for return?
653             }            
654             public void visitInvoke(Quad quad) {
655                 processCall(quad);                               
656             }
657             /***************************** End of handlers ****************************/ 
659             private void processStore(Quad quad) {
660                 // the destinations have been marked at this point
661                 // need to fill in the RHSs
662                 for(SSAIterator.BindingIterator iter = _q.getBindingIterator(quad); iter.hasNext();) {                      
663                     SSABinding b = iter.nextBinding();
664                     Assert._assert(b.getValue() == null);
665                     b.setValue(markUses(quad));
666                 }
667             }
669             /// Fill in all the gammas
670             /*** A special instruction. */
671             public void visitSpecial(Quad quad) {
672                 if(quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Special.NOP) {
673                     SSAIterator.BindingIterator bindingIter = _q.getBindingIterator(quad);
674                     while(bindingIter.hasNext()){
675                         SSABinding b = bindingIter.nextBinding();
676                         SSAValue value = b.getValue();
678                         if(value != null && value instanceof SSAValue.Gamma){
679                             SSAValue.Gamma gamma = (SSAValue.Gamma)value;
680                             fillInGamma(quad, gamma);
681                         }
682                     }
683                 }
684             }
686             /***
687              * Fill in the gamma function with reaching definitions
688              * */
689             private void fillInGamma(Quad quad, SSAValue.Gamma gamma) {
690                 SSALocation loc = gamma.getDestination().getLocation();                
692                 BasicBlock basicBlock = _q.getDominatorQuery().getBasicBlock(quad);
693                 Assert._assert(basicBlock != null);
694                 Assert._assert(basicBlock.size() > 0);
695                 Assert._assert(basicBlock.getQuad(0) == quad);
696                 ListIterator.BasicBlock predIter = basicBlock.getPredecessors().basicBlockIterator();
697                 while(predIter.hasNext()){
698                     BasicBlock predBlock = predIter.nextBasicBlock();
699                     Quad predQuad = predBlock.isEntry() ? _q.getFirstQuad() : predBlock.getLastQuad();
700                     SSADefinition predDef = _q.getLastDefinitionFor(loc, predQuad, false);
701                     gamma.add(predDef, null);
702                 }
703             }
705             /***
706              * This method fills in the RHS of loads.
707              * */
708             private void processLoad(Quad quad) {
709                 QuadProgramLocation pl = new QuadProgramLocation(_method, quad);
710                 Assert._assert(isLoad(quad));
711                 Set refs = _ptr.ref(pl, _q.getDominatorQuery().getBasicBlock(quad));
713                 SSAValue.OmegaPhi value = new SSAValue.OmegaPhi(); 
715                 // create bindingins for all modified locations
716                 if(refs != null && refs.size() > 0){
717                     if(_verbosity > 2) System.out.print("Found " + refs.size() + " refs at " + pl.toString() + ": [ ");
718                     Iterator iter = refs.iterator();
719                     while(iter.hasNext()){
720                         SSALocation loc = (SSALocation);
721                         if(_verbosity > 2) System.out.print(loc.toString(_ptr.getPAResults()) + " ");
722                         // figure out the reaching definition for loc
723                         initializeLocation(loc);
724                         SSADefinition def = _q.getLastDefinitionFor(loc, quad, true);
725                         Assert._assert(def != null);                        
726                         if(_verbosity > 1) System.out.println("Using " + def + " at " + quad);
727                         value.addUsedDefinition(def);
728                     }
729                     if(_verbosity > 2) System.out.println("]\n");
730                 }
732                 Assert._assert(_q.getBindingCount(quad) == 1, "Have " + _q.getBindingCount(quad) + " bindings at " + quad);
733                 SSABinding b = _q.getBindingIterator(quad).nextBinding();
734                 Assert._assert(b.getValue() == null);
735                 Assert._assert(b.getDestination().getLocation() instanceof SSALocation.LocalLocation);
736                 SSALocation.LocalLocation loc = (SSALocation.LocalLocation) b.getDestination().getLocation();
737                 Assert._assert(loc.getRegister() == getOnlyDefinedRegister(quad));
738                 b.setValue(value);
739             }
741             private void processCall(Quad quad) {
742                 Assert._assert(isCall(quad));
743                 QuadProgramLocation pl = new QuadProgramLocation(_method, quad);
744                 Set/*jq_Method*/ targets = _ptr.getCallTargets(pl);
745                 if(targets.size() == 0) {
746                     System.err.println("No targets of call " + quad);
747                     return;
748                 }
749                 /***
750                  * Fill in the existing rho values at this call site.
751                  * */
752                 for(SSAIterator.BindingIterator iter = _q.getBindingIterator(quad); iter.hasNext(); ) {
753                     SSABinding b  = iter.nextBinding();                    
754                     Assert._assert(b.getValue() instanceof SSAValue.ActualOut);
755                     SSAValue.ActualOut value = (ActualOut)b.getValue();
756                     SSALocation loc = b.getDestination().getLocation();                    
758                     //System.out.print(targets.size() + " targets of " + quad + ": "); 
759                     for(Iterator targetIter = targets.iterator(); targetIter.hasNext();) {
760                         jq_Method method = (jq_Method);
761                         //System.out.print(method.toString() + " ");
762                         SSABuilder calleeBuilder = getBuilder(method);
763                         if(calleeBuilder == null) {
764                             Assert._assert(false, "Method " + method + " hasn't been processed");
765                         }
766                         calleeBuilder.initializeLocation(loc);
767                         SSADefinition lastDef = calleeBuilder.getQuery().getLastDefinitionFor(loc, 
768                             calleeBuilder.getCFG().exit().getLastQuad(), false);
770                         value.add(lastDef, method);
771                     }
772                     //System.out.print("\n");                        
773                 }
775                 /***
776                  * Add this call site to FormalIn's at all the callees.
777                  * */               
778                 for(Iterator targetIter = targets.iterator(); targetIter.hasNext();) {
779                     jq_Method method = (jq_Method);
780                     if(skipMethod(method)) continue;
782                     SSABuilder calleeBuilder = getBuilder(method);
783                     if(calleeBuilder == null) {
784                         Assert._assert(false, "Method " + method + " hasn't been processed yet");
785                     }
787                     for(Iterator iter = calleeBuilder.getQuery().getBindingIterator(calleeBuilder.getQuery().getFirstQuad()); iter.hasNext();) {
788                         SSABinding b = (SSABinding);
789                         if(!(b.getValue() instanceof SSAValue.FormalIn)) continue;
791                         SSALocation loc = b.getDestination().getLocation();                        
793                         // got the iota function, fill it in
794                         SSAValue.FormalIn value = (SSAValue.FormalIn)b.getValue();
795                         if(!value.hasCallSite(quad)) {
796                             initializeLocation(loc);
797                             SSADefinition lastDef = _q.getLastDefinitionFor(loc, quad, true);
798                             Assert._assert(lastDef != null);  
799                             value.add(lastDef, quad);
800                         } else {
801                             Assert._assert(false, "Already added a definition for " + method + " to " + value + ". Recursion?");
802                         }        
803                     }
804                 }                
805             }
807             private SSAValue.Normal markUses(Quad quad) {
808                 SSAValue.UseCollection value = SSAValue.UseCollection.FACTORY.createUseCollection();
809                 ListIterator.RegisterOperand iter = quad.getUsedRegisters().registerOperandIterator();
810                 while(iter.hasNext()) {
811                     Register reg = iter.nextRegisterOperand().getRegister();
812                     SSALocation loc = SSALocation.LocalLocation.FACTORY.createLocalLocation(reg);
813                     initializeLocation(loc);
814                     SSADefinition  def =_q.getLastDefinitionFor(loc, quad, true);
815                     Assert._assert(def != null);
817                     value.addUsedDefinition(def);
818                 }
820                 return value;
821             }
823             private SSAValue makeAlloc(Quad quad) {
824                 return SSAValue.Alloc.FACTORY.createAlloc(quad);
825             }
826         }
827     } // End of SSABuilder
829     // ----------------------------- Auxilary procedures ----------------------------- // 
830     public static boolean isLoad(Quad quad) {
831         return 
832             (quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Getfield) ||
833             (quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Getstatic);
834     }
835     public static boolean isStore(Quad quad) {
836         return
837             (quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Putfield) ||
838             (quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Putstatic);
839     }
840     public static boolean isCall(Quad quad) {
841         return (quad.getOperator() instanceof Operator.Invoke);
842     }
843     private static String repeat(String string, int n) {
844         StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
845         for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) result.append(string);
847         return result.toString();
848     }
849     private static Register getOnlyDefinedRegister(Quad quad) {
850         joeq.Util.Templates.ListIterator.RegisterOperand iter = quad.getDefinedRegisters().registerOperandIterator();
851         if(!iter.hasNext()){
852             // no definition here
853             return null;
854         }
855         Register reg = iter.nextRegisterOperand().getRegister();
856         Assert._assert(!iter.hasNext(), "More than one defined register");
858         return reg;
859     }
860     private static Register getOnlyUsedRegister(Quad quad) {
861         joeq.Util.Templates.ListIterator.RegisterOperand iter = quad.getUsedRegisters().registerOperandIterator();
862         if(!iter.hasNext()){
863             // no definition here
864             return null;
865         }
866         Register reg = iter.nextRegisterOperand().getRegister();
867         Assert._assert(!iter.hasNext(), "More than one used register");
869         return reg;
870     }
872     /***
873      * This class allows to specify applications to be 
874      * run after IPSSA has been constructed.
875      * 
876      * @see IPSSABuilder.Application
877      * */
878     public static class ApplicationLaunchingPad implements Runnable {
879         LinkedList _applications;
880         boolean _verbosity;
881         private IPSSABuilder _builder;
883         public ApplicationLaunchingPad(IPSSABuilder builder, boolean verbosity){
884             _builder = builder;
885             _applications = new LinkedList();
886             _verbosity = verbosity;
888             readConfig();
889         }
890         public ApplicationLaunchingPad(IPSSABuilder builder, Application app, boolean verbosity){
891             this(builder, verbosity);
893             addApplication(app);
894         }
895         public ApplicationLaunchingPad(IPSSABuilder builder){
896             this(builder, false);
897         }
898         public void addApplication(Application app){
899             _applications.addLast(app);            
900         }
901         public IPSSABuilder getBuilder() {
902             return _builder;
903         }       
904         public void run() {
905             for(Iterator iter = _applications.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
906                 Application app = (Application);
908                 if(_verbosity){
909                     System.out.println("Running application " + app.getName());
910                 }
911       ;
912             }
913         }
914         /***
915             Read the configuration for applications.
916         */
917         private void readConfig(){
918             String filename = "app.config";
919             FileInputStream fi = null;
920             try {
921                 fi = new FileInputStream(filename);
922                 BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fi));
923                 String line = r.readLine();
924                 while(line != null){
925                     if(line.charAt(0) == '#') {
926                         line = r.readLine();
927                         continue;
928                     }
929                     Application app = Application.create(_builder, line);
930                     if(app != null){
931                         addApplication(app);
932                         app.setBuilder(this.getBuilder());
933                     }else{
934                         System.err.println("Skipped " + line);
935                     }
936                     line = r.readLine();                    
937                 }
938             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
939                 System.err.println("Couldn't read file " + filename);
940                 return;
941             } catch (Exception e) {
942                 e.printStackTrace();
943                 return;
944             } finally {
945                 if (fi != null) try { fi.close(); } catch (IOException _) { }
946             }
947         }
948     }
950     /***
951      * This is something we typically run afte the IPSSABuilder.
952      * @see IPSSABuilder
953      * @see IPSSABuilder.ApplicationLaunchingPad
954      * */
955     public abstract static class Application implements Runnable {
956         private String _name;
957         protected IPSSABuilder _builder;
959         public Application() {
960             this(null, null);
961         }        
962         public Application(IPSSABuilder builder, String name, String[] args){
963             parseParams(args);
964             _name = name;
965             _builder = builder;
966             //
967             initialize();
968         }
969         protected void initialize() {}
971         protected void setBuilder(IPSSABuilder builder) {            
972             _builder = builder;            
973         }
974         protected IPSSABuilder getBuilder() {
975              return _builder;
976         }
977         public static Application create(IPSSABuilder builder, String line) {
978             StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
979             String className = tokenizer.nextToken();
980             String appName  = tokenizer.nextToken();
982             Vector argv = new Vector(); 
983             while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
984                 argv.add(tokenizer.nextToken());
985             }
987             Application app = null;
989             Class c;
990             try {
991                 //className = Main.Driver.canonicalizeClassName(className);
992                 //System.err.println("'" + className + "'");
993                 c = Class.forName(className);
994                 try {
995                     app = (Application)c.newInstance();
996                 } catch (InstantiationException e1) {
997                     e1.printStackTrace();
998                     return null;
999                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) {
1000                     e1.printStackTrace();
1001                     return null;
1002                 }
1003             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
1004                 e.printStackTrace();
1005                 return null;
1006             }
1008             if(app == null) {
1009                 System.err.println("Can't create an instance of " + className);
1010                 return null;
1011             }
1013             app.setBuilder(builder);
1014             app.setName(appName);
1015             app.parseParams(argv.toArray());
1017             // now that the values are set, call initialize
1018             app.initialize();
1020             return app;
1021         }
1022         private void setName(String appName) {
1023             _name = appName;
1025         }
1026         public String getName() {
1027             return _name;
1028         }
1029         Application(String name, String args){
1030             _name = name;
1031             StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(args, " ");
1032             Vector argv = new Vector(); 
1033             while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
1034                 argv.add(tokenizer.nextToken());
1035             }
1036             parseParams((String[])argv.toArray());
1037         }        
1039         protected abstract void parseParams(String[] args);
1041         private void parseParams(Object[] objects) {
1042             String[] argv = new String[objects.length];
1043             for(int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
1044                 argv[i] = (String)objects[i];
1045             }             
1047             parseParams(argv);                         
1048         }       
1050         public abstract void run();
1051     }
1053     /***
1054      * This is an entry point for IPSSABuilder with a main(...) function.
1055      * */
1056     public static class Main {
1057         static boolean _verbose = false;
1059         public static void main(String[] args) {
1060             HostedVM.initialize();
1062             Iterator i = null; String memberName = null;
1063             for (int x=0; x<args.length; ++x) {
1064                 if (args[x].equals("-file")) {
1065                     try {
1066                         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[++x]));
1067                         LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
1068                         for (;;) {
1069                             String s = br.readLine();
1070                             if (s == null) break;
1071                             if (s.length() == 0) continue;
1072                             if (s.startsWith("%")) continue;
1073                             if (s.startsWith("#")) continue;
1074                             list.add(s);
1075                         }
1076                         i = new AppendIterator(list.iterator(), i);
1077                     }catch(IOException e) {
1078                         e.printStackTrace();
1079                         System.exit(2);
1080                     }
1082                 } else
1083                 if (args[x].endsWith("*")) {
1084                     i = new AppendIterator(PrimordialClassLoader.loader.listPackage(args[x].substring(0, args[x].length()-1)), i);
1085                 } else 
1086                 if(args[x].charAt(0) == '-'){
1087                     usage();
1088                     System.exit(2);                    
1089                 }else {
1090                     String classname = args[x];
1091                     i = new AppendIterator(Collections.singleton(classname).iterator(), i);
1092                 }
1093             } // end argument processing
1094             if (i == null) {
1095                 System.err.println("At least one class is requred for execution");
1096                 System.exit(2);
1097             }
1099             LinkedList classes = new LinkedList();
1100             while (i.hasNext()) {
1101                 String classname = (String);
1102                 if (classname.endsWith(".properties")) continue;
1103                 if (classname.endsWith(".class")) classname = classname.substring(0, classname.length()-6);
1104                 String classdesc = "L" + classname.replace('.', '/') + ";";
1105                 jq_Class c = (jq_Class)PrimordialClassLoader.loader.getOrCreateBSType(classdesc);
1106                 System.err.println("Preparing class [" + classdesc + "] ...");
1107                 c.prepare();
1108                 classes.add(c);
1109             }
1111             // done with preparation, run the builder
1112             IPSSABuilder builder = new IPSSABuilder(classes, 2);
1113   ;
1114         }
1116         private static void usage() {
1117             System.err.println("Usage: ");
1118             // TODO: specify usage...
1119         }
1120     }
1121 };